deltabrony7 · 7 years
MLP Season 7 Adventures: Two Deltas, Different Perspectives
*Human Delta looks at the “Dance Magic” music video on Lemon Zest’s smartphone and he finds it very amusing*
[Human Delta Brony] “I can’t believe you were in a music video with the Canterlot High Wondercolts.”
[Lemon Zest] “I know right. We came up with the greatest idea and dance moves together.”
[Sour Sweet] “So what are you up to this lately?”
[Human Delta Brony] “Well, let me just say that I have some.... magic inside of me.”
[Sugarcoat] “Are you sure, because at the friendship games, Twilight turned into this crazed monster bent on destroying this world. That is what Sunset Shimmer said.”
[Sunny Flare] “Hoping you’re not going to turn into the same thing since you said that you have some magic.”
[Human Delta Brony] “Oh, I’m not like her. Watch...”
*Human Delta Brony charges up his magical ability and shoots it up in the sky, causing it to explode into glitter*
[Human Delta Brony] “Soooo...”
[Sour Sweet] “That was amazing Delta... (LEAST YOU’RE NOT LIKE THE FORMER STUDENT)
[Human Delta Brony] “Oh Sour Sweet, I know you have a split personality. Kindness and Sarcasm.”
[Sunny Flare] “Hey, maybe we should hang out sometime.”
[Human Delta Brony] “Really? That sounds... hey... where is Indigo Zap?”
[Sugarcoat] “If you’re looking for her, she’s at detention.”
[Human Delta Brony] “Oh... that’s harsh.”
[Lemon Zest] “Don’t worry, she’ll get out in about 25 minutes.”
[Human Delta Brony] “That is a good sign Lemon Zest. Oh man... I gotta start  watching this again.”
*The Shadowbolts and Delta giggled as they began to walk again, meanwhile Delta Brony was at Canterlot at his balcony, using telepathic powers to get in contact with the Winx*
[Delta Brony] “Come on... come on... work...”
*Suddenly, his magic sparked on his horn as he connects with the Winx*
[Delta Brony] “GOT IT!!”
*Then it zooms out from Equestria and transitions to Alfea, where Bloom, Tecna, Musa, Flora, Stella are helping with the decorations*
[Bloom] “I’m glad that we thwarted the Trix and saved the day.”
[Tecna] “Took us long enough Bloom. Not to mention new fairy powers.”
[Faragonda] “Oh my fellow student, you never cease to surprise me.”
[Musa] “Ms. Faragonda, I’m glad that you are here, we are just putting decorations so Alfea can have a new look.”
[Faragonda] “Excellent. keep up the good work.”
*Then, Delta’s voice called upon Bloom*
(Delta Brony) “Psst... Bloom... are you there?”
[Bloom] “Whoa... I never heard that voice before. Is it Sky?”
(Delta Brony) “No silly. I’m using magic telepathy to get in contact with you and the other Winx.”
[Flora] “Is it something wrong Bloom?”
[Bloom] “Someone is talking in my head telepathically.”
[Tecna] “Telepathy, it’s very interesting.”
[Bloom] “So tell me strange one, what do you want from us?”
(Delta Brony) “Very good question... hold on just a second.”
*Then, Delta Brony uses his teleportation spell to get to Alfea and appears in front of the Winx*
[Bloom] “Whoa!! You scared us!!”
[Delta Brony] “Oh, I’m sorry.. it’s my multiverse transportation spell. It definitely works.”
[Stella] “Did a... unicorn just talk?”
[Flora] “Wasn’t expecting that, and this one is a stallion.”
[Delta Brony] “Allow me to introduce myself, I am Delta Brony, the pony prince of hope, and I am here to get some help from you girls.”
[Tecna] “What’s wrong little pony? Are you in a little trouble?”
[Delta Brony] “No Tecna. As you know I came from a land filled with cute ponies, and it’s called Equestria.”
[Bloom] “Equestria.. you mean... horses?”
[Delta Brony] “Absolutely.”
[Bloom] “Ah.. Equestrian. I do know that is has competition.”
[Delta Brony] “As I was saying... Equestria was very peaceful until my pony friends were confronted... by the Trix!!”
[Winx] (GASP)
[Stella] “But... that’s impossible. They were sent to the void.”
[Musa] “How could they ended up in your world that you came from?”
[Delta Brony] “I don’t know, but I do know that they discovered our magic there. If they take hold of it, they would conquer our world, and even worst... they could get revenge on all of you!!”
[Bloom] “We have to stop them immediately!!”
[Delta Brony] “But the problem is... how will you get to Equestria, if you don’t know the way?”
[Flora] “Yes, we don’t know nothing about this place, unless you show us what it looks like.”
[Delta Brony] “Sure!!”
*Delta uses his spell to show the map of Equestria*
[Delta Brony] “This is Equestria, a magical land of ponies, and we have the main ones that you will definitely love to see. Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack.”
[Bloom] (giggling) “Looks like you got some cute ponies there.”
[Delta Brony] “Yeah, but that’s not all, this world is ruled by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. But not for long... cause Darcy, Icy and Stormy might reach them, and use these artifacts called the Vacuum. If possible.”
[Bloom] “Those are the same ones that they used to take the Dragon Flame from me.”
[Delta Brony] “Yes. The question is... will you help us.”
[Bloom] “Don’t worry. We got your back. And I think we know what your world looks like.”
[Delta Brony] “Great!! Hope you see us in Equestria.” (teleports back)
[Bloom] “Alright girls, it’s time to go to Equestria!!”
To Be Continued....
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superbronysparkle97 · 8 years
Tumblr media
Welp finally got KH 2.8 and ready for the journey to KH 3. Also got RE 7 for some scares. And since I heard that KH 0.2 has some frame rate drops and goes to 30 fps on a regular ps4 I decided to say f*ck that and play my sweet Kingdom Hearts 3 Prologue in 60 fps by getting a ps4 Pro so there.
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thetacomcbell · 7 years
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MLP Season 5 Adventures: Warriors On Ponyland
Boombringer: Well, Here we Are
Giganknight: Where are We?
Boombringer: Ponyland. After Hours of Long Road, We Finally Made it. She Must be Here Somewhere
Giganknight: Now Let’s Find Megan At All Cost!
*15 Minutes Later*
Boombringer: Where is MEGAN!?
Giganknight: God. Damnit. We Have Been Searching for 15 Minutes and we Can’t Find Her!!
Boombringer: Wait a Second
*Boombringer Finds the Lost Page of Dark Joshua*
Boombringer: Hey Gigan, Look What i Found!
Giganknight: Is That Megan Williams?
Boombringer: No You Silly Ass. I Found a Lost Page of. Someone
Giganknight: ooh, Let me See!
Boombringer: This Page Saids the Following
*Boombringer Starts to Read*
Boombringer: Today...I Will Have to Help Princess Dark Matter in Order to Rule Equestria And These Stupid Ponies Will Have To Suffer From These Strong Cages. This is My Lucky Day To Destroy Joshua and His Friends. These Words Are For My Notification when The Time Is Come
Boombringer: Property of...Dark Joshua
Giganknight: Dark Joshua? Who in the Hell is this Guy?
Boombringer: I. Don’t. Know. But.
*Boombringer Rips the Page Quickly to 100 Pieces in 1 Second*
Boombringer: I Guess a Cursed Pony That is a Legend
Giganknight: Umm... i Don’t Think hes a Legend
Boombringer: Gigan...You Might Gonna Say that he’s Legend or Not But We Will Be Just Fine
Giganknight: O. K
Boombringer:Come on Let’s Go Find Her Again. We Will Forgget About this Page
To Be Continued...
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jitterbugjive · 9 years
It was awesome meeting you in BronyCon. Thanks for the awesome Alicorn thing for my badge. (I only call it thing because I don't know what they were called)
Badge ribbons. Thank http://nightguardmod.tumblr.com/ for letting us sell them at our table :)
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brainstormalex · 11 years
Heh downloaded it and saw it. It was awesome brainstorm and i see your going to do a part 5 nice but im wondering is that one going to be the last one or do you have another one up your sleeves...
Part 5 will be the last of the 'The Brony Community' series. That's not to say I won't be making videos about bronies or MLP, but I'd like to move on from that particular series. :) Glad you enjoyed Part 4.
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deltabrony7 · 7 years
MLP Season 7 Adventures (EqG): Magic Training for Human Delta
*At the park, Human Delta Brony does a little target practice with his new magic, and his abilities have improved ever since he was boosted by Midnight Sparkle in Camp Everfree*
[Human Delta Brony] “I wasn’t expecting this Joshua, my magic has increased pretty fast.”
[Human Joshua] “It seems that you are improving with your new magic. But I don’t understand... why aren’t you wearing your geode like Sunset Shimmer and the girls?”
[Human Delta Brony] “That’s the problem. Midnight Sparkle granted me equestrian magic, but I became something much worse, and I was blamed by Gloriosa and Timber for what I have done. This time... I’m gonna do it right. I will take Sunset Shimmer’s advice and use the magic for good.”
[Human Joshua] “You’re words are true Delta. You think you’re going to join them?”
[Human Delta Brony] “I would if I didn’t transfer myself to Crystal Prep. I’m just going to be Sunset Shimmer’s supportive partner. If she decides to get into any trouble, including her friends, they will know that I will take the lead.”
[Human Joshua] “Awesome. By the way... they are washing someone’s car.”
[Human Delta Brony] “Ah, there they are. I can assume that they are throwing a fundraiser, that’s what Gloriosa and Timber told me that the girls are trying to raise money for the repairs of the Camp.”
[Human Joshua] “Interesting. Looks like these girls are very special with those pendants.”
[Human Delta Brony] “If only I gained those ears, and wings. But the thing is... how does it work?”
[Human Joshua] “Guess you are going to have to find out for yourself.”
To Be Continued...
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deltabrony7 · 7 years
MLP Season 7 Adventures: Delta Talks About The Trix
*After a battle against the first member... Darcy, Pinkie asks a question about her*
[Pinkie Pie] “Twilight, is there a reason why she tried to attack us?”
[Twilight Sparkle] “I don’t know. But she’s not from the outskirts of Equestria. Maybe Princess Celestia would know.”
*Suddenly, Delta arrives*
[Delta Brony] “Hey Twilight, sup Pinkie.”
[Twilight Sparkle] “Delta, you cam just in time. We was talking about this mysterious villain who goes by the name... Darcy.”
[Delta Brony] “Darcy... that’s an odd name... what does she look like?”
[Twilight Sparkle] “Brown hair, with s purple suit.”
[Delta Brony] “Wait a sec.... Darcy... OF COURSE!! Twi... you may not know her,, but she does have a lot of dark magic in her arsenal.”
[Pinkie Pie] “You mean... you know her?”
[Delta Brony] “Exactly... to your castle Twilight.”
*At Twilight’s Castle, the Mane 7 and Delta gathered at the throne room for a meeting*
[Applejack] “After a long night on being a judge for the fashion contest, I think it went pretty well.”
[Rarity] “Although there were a few slip ups, but the solution is resolved.”
[Delta Brony] “So Rarity... who won?”
[Rarity] “Well, Applejack declared the ponies as winners.”
[Delta Brony] “Interesting.”
[Starlight Glimmer] “So Delta, why are we here?”
[Delta Brony] “Oh... sorry Starlight... ahem. As you know, Princess Twilight and Pinkie were in Ponyville until they were confronted by a powerful witch.”
[Fluttershy] “Oh my... witches.. the casts sorts of dark spells on ponies.”
[Delta Brony] “Not just any witch Fluttershy.”
*Delta Brony uses magic to create a hologram of the Trix.*
[Delta Brony] “This evil trio of witches descended from the Ancestral Witches. They are powerful than ever before.”
[Rainbow Dash] “What kind of magic do these girls have?”
[Delta Brony] “I was about to describe each one Rainbow. Darcy, the one you fought Twilight. She has the power to hypnotize her enemies, and use dark rings. Stormy, you better watch out for her because she can unleash her powerful lightning bolts and tornadoes. And Icy, their leader, she will freeze you into a block of ice if you are not cautious.”
[Twilight Sparkle] “I can assume that they are here to steal equestrian magic.”
[Delta Brony] “Somehow, they came here and discovered our magical abilities.”
[Twilight Sparkle] “That’s how Darcy encountered us.”
[Starlight Glimmer] “Seems that those three are a threat based on your information.”
[Delta Brony] “Yes. Also, they will try to suck out your magic by using these crystals... The Vacuum. Long ago... they used it on a fairy that possessed the most powerful magic of all.... The Dragon Flame.”
[Applejack] “Dragon Flame?”
[Delta Brony] “Though... you may not know the one who wield it.”
*Delta creates another hologram, but showing a fairy named Bloom.*
[Delta Brony] “This is Bloom, she was given the Dragon Flame by her sister Daphne, princess of Domino. It’s the most powerful source that Bloom has.”
[Twilight Sparkle] “I think you mentioned about fairies... and I think it the one that you are showing us.”
[Delta Brony] “Oh she’s not the only one... she has friends of her own.... The Winx Club. Tecna, Musa, Flora, Stella, and Aisha. They’ve been through lots of fairy evolutions and fought evil for many years.”
[Twilight Sparkle] “Very interesting, we can have those six on our side to defeat the Trix.”
[Delta Brony] “You kidding... that will take weeks for them to come to Equestria.”
[Starlight Glimmer] “You can use your telepathy spell to get in contact with the fairies.”
[Delta Brony] “I don’t mind doing that Starlight, but that is a good suggestion.”
[Rainbow Dash] “You know... these fairies can definitely help us defeat those evil witches.”
[Fluttershy] “We would love to see them in person Delta.”
[Delta Brony] “Great!! I’ll try to reach the Winx ASAP. Heading back to Canterlot.”
*Delta flies and heads back to Canterlot.”
[Rainbow Dash] “I’m gonna head back to Cloudsdale.”
[Fluttershy] “Me too.”
*The pegasi goes back to Cloudsdale*
[Pinkie Pie] “I better check on Maud.”
[Rarity] “And I am going to the boutique to meet my winners of the contest.”
[Applejack] “Me too.”
*The rest of the ponies leave the castle, and Starlight and Twilight are the only one left.”
[Starlight Glimmer] “Well, I guess I better start practicing some spells.”
[Twilight Sparkle} “Star..... light......”
[Starlight Glimmer] “Huh? What is is Twilight?”
*Starlight Glimmer felt something on her flank and her cutie mark flashes. She never thought that this would happen for the very first time. This will be Starlight Glimmer’s FIRST time solving a friendship problem, but what can it be?*
To Be Continued....
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deltabrony7 · 7 years
MLP Season 7 Adventures: Human Delta’s New Magic and Chat with Starlight Glimmer and The Ponies
*In Camp Everfree, Human Delta is done picking up the trash, and Gloriosa and Timber thanked him for that*
[Gloriosa Daidy] “You did a wonderful job on helping us.”
[Timber Spruce] “Never could have done it without you.”
[Human Delta] “Phew. That was a hard job, but I got it done just in time.”
[Gloriosa Daisy] “Oh, the campers are heading back to Canterlot High.”
[Human Delta] “Hmm... guess they are done having fun at the camp. Oh... um... sorry for what I did. I was obsessed with equestrian magic, and I took things literally.”
*Sunset and Twilight and the others were on the bus talking about Human Delta*
[Sunset Shimmer} “Well, I guess he is learning his lesson after all.”
[Human Twilight] “I’m pretty sure that he can redeem himself.”
[Gloriosa Daisy] “Apology accepted Delta. But please don’t become crazy with all the magic that you used on us.”
[Human Delta] “Likewise... (gasp)
*Suddenly, Human Delta look at his hand and sees a powerful light on it.*
[Human Delta] “This... can’t be!! I wasn’t expecting this.”
[Timber Spruce] “Me neither... I never seen something like this from you.”
[Human Delta] “Hahahaha!! This is amazing!! Sparkling stars that is surrounding my hand. Gloriosa, I must go asap.”
[Gloriosa Daisy] “You may be dismissed. Come again soon.”
*Human Delta walks and head back to town and tests out his new magic.*
[Human Delta] “How is this even possible?!! There is no way I can still have magic like this.”
*Human Delta channels his power and throws it at a tree, and the magic explods on impact, and sparkling glitter scatters around*
[Human Delta] “This is amazing!! I have some magic!! Oh my goodness, wait until Joshua sees this.”
[Human Joshua] “I’m right here.”
[Human Delta] “Josh!! Never thought you came to see me again.”
[Human Joshua] “I see that you are excited and was mentioning about magic.”
[Human Delta] “You never gonna believe what you are about to see.”
*Human Delta charges up his magic on his hand and showing it to Human Joshua*
[Human Joshua] “No WAY!! This is... rad!! Delta, don’t tell me you have magic from Midnight Sparkle.”
[Human Delta] “That was the past. This time... I have good magic. Sparkling glitter and light appears on my hand everytime I channel myself. It’s like casting a spell.”
[Human Joshua] “Wow!! Can you do a little research on yourself?”
[Human Delta] “Although, I need your help on this one.”
[Human Joshua] “Don’t worry, as Gloriosa would say... I got this.”
*Meanwhile at Twilight’s Castle, Delta Brony talked to Starlight Glimmer about the events he been through*
{Delta Brony] “So I fought an evil pony named Twivine Sparkle, she had the magic from Twilight, Luna, Celstaia, and Cadance. I am the only unicorn who defeated her and returned the magic to the princesses.”
[Starlight Glimmer] “Wow!! I can’t believe that you were very heroic.”
[Delta Brony] “That’s before she used Tirek’s power to transform into a hybrid. Then me, the Mane 6, and the princesses defeated her again and we managed to reform her during the time Omega Brony was here.”
[Starlight Glimmer] “Omega?”
[Delta Brony] “Very long story Glim Glam.”
[Twilight Sparkle] “Starlight, you also distracted Princess Dark Matter and we was able to defeat her as well.”
[Starlight Glimmer] “Isn’t that the girl who took your cutie mark, and transformed into a powerful being and was planning to take over Equestria?”
[Twilight Sparkle] “That’s right. She used the negative power of our cutie marks, but thanks to its positive power, we regain our cutie marks back.”
[Rainbow Dash] “Yeah. We couldn’t have done it without Megan.”
[Starlight Glimmer] “Wow. Seems that you ponies have some special tasks.”
[Delta Brony] “The Mane 6 will do anything to spread the magic of friendship in Equestria. And you will do the same if you keep this up.”
[Starlight Glimmer] “Well, I still have some friendship lessons that I need to learn from Twilight.”
[Twilight Sparkle] “So Delta, are you learning some new spells?”
[Delta Brony] “Nothing new, but I did learn how to do this.”
*Delta Brony channels her magical ability to create a golden shield.*
[Delta Brony] “The shield spell, the one that you and Starlight has.”
[Twilight Sparkle] “Very nice Delta.”
[Delta Brony] “Thanks. I’m starting to get the hang of it. Especially when I am an alicorn. Well then... I guess I better meet Pinkie Pie to get some desserts.”
[Twilight Sparkle] “Alright. See you later.”
*Delta Brony leaves the castle looking excited.”
[Delta Brony] “Hahaha!! I live for a good friendship between me, and the Mane 6, or... 7 because of Starlight. Silly me.”
*Suddenly, Darcy was hiding in the bushes, looking at Delta with a smug.”
[Darcy] “Well now, I see that a pony is trotting in the town. and he is mentioning about the others. It’s time for me to dig in.”
*While Delta Brony is walking, he meets the Cutie Mark Crusaders*
[Apple Bloom] “You met Rainbow Dash’s parents?!! That is amazing!!”
[Sweetie Belle] “Never thought you went to Cloudsdale Scootaloo.”
[Scootaloo] “Trust me, I squealed whan I saw them.”
[Delta Brony] “Crusaders!! You seem to be excited.”
[Apple Bloom] “How’s it going Delta Brony?”
[Delta Brony] “It’s going pretty well, just left the castle a few minutes ago.”
[Scootaloo] “You never gonna believe what I just met.”
[Delta Brony] Babs Seed?”
[Scootaloo] “No silly. This!!”
*Scootaloo shows a picture of Rainbow Dash’s Parents, Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles. Delta becomes shocked.*
[Delta Brony] “EGADD!! Is that.... Rainbow Dash’s parents?!!”
[Scootaloo] “Yes!! I was so enthusiastic when I first saw them!! I was doing a school report during that time.”
*Delta Brony becomes speechless in a few seconds and starts to shout RD’s name.*
To Be Continued...
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deltabrony7 · 7 years
MLP Season 7 Adventures: A Bag of Trix
*Somewhere... far from Ponyville. Three mysterious strangers walked north from the ponies’ hometown. One person has a purple suit with brown hair, another wearing a red suit with dark blue hair, and the third one is wearing a blue suit with a light blue ponytail. Each have a smug face as they look at Ponyville, which they don’t know of. The call themselves...*
The Trix ~The Trio of Witches and The Winx Club’s Arch Nemesis~
*Darcy, the witch of darkness, Stormy, the witch of the storms, and Icy, their leader, and the witch of the ice.*
[Darcy] “Never thought we got transported to this strange place after we got defeated by those fairies.”
[Stormy] “We had so much power before it happened.”
[Icy] “Don’t be hasty sisters, we might get the chance to exact revenge by destroying the Winx. And this time... it is personal. But first... we need to find some magic.”
[Darcy] “But does this place have magic Icy?”
[Icy] “Guess we need to find out for ourselves.”
*The Trix go to Ponyville and see if they can find some magic, but the ponies watch as they are walking right past them.*
[Stormy] “It seems that this town is filled with horses, and I don’t know why they are looking at us like that.”
*Suddenly Trixie comes by and sees the Trix*
[Trixie] “Huh? Didn’t realize that we have strange creatures in Ponyville. You there!! The Great and Powerful Trixie demands that you state your names and why are you here.”
[Icy] “Whoa?!! You can talk?!!”
[Trixie] “Well, yes. Ponies can definitely talk indeed.”
[Icy] “Hmmm if that’s the case. Allow me to introduce myself.... I am Icy.”
[Darcy] “I am Darcy.”
[Stormy] “And I am Stormy”
[Icy] “We are the Trix. Descendants of the Ancestral Witches, and we are here to gather some magic.”
[Trixie] “Did you say... witches?!!”
[Icy] “Exactly. We have dark magic that we use on the fairies.”
[Stormy] “But we want something more, and we was about to ask you that does this place have any magic.”
[Trixie] “Uuuh... yes. Equestria does have magic here, and since you are witches, you’re not trying to.... put a spell on me... are you?”
[Darcy] “Hahahaha!! Don’t be so sure. We’ll have you know that we do cast a spell on our victim.”
[Trixie] “Something tells me that you are up to something.”
[Icy] “Sisters look...!!”
*The Trix sees Twilight Sparkle performing her show and tell in front of the ponies by using magic*
[Darcy] “Well, I’ve heard that unicorns like this one use magic all the time.”
[Icy] “That’s right Darcy, and I think we founded some magic here. Well... Trixie... I think we’ll do our job from here.” (Evil Laugh)
[Trixie] “Oh no!! She’s going after Twilight and her friends!!”
[Stormy] “So... when will we attack?”
[Icy] “Leave this to Darcy. She’ll surprise them.”
[Darcy] “This is going to be good.”
To Be Continued...
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deltabrony7 · 7 years
MLP Season 7 Adventures: Prologue
*Our story begins with Delta Brony, Joshua, and Ken Vargas, watching at the ponies are getting ready to throw a celebration to Starlight Glimmer*
[Delta Brony] “Ah, it’s great to see the ponies preparing themselves for a party.”
[Joshua] “Delta, I can sense something from Starlight Glimmer.”
[Delta Brony] “What’s going on?”
[Joshua] “You see, she might have to make friend on her own. This could be much more advanced than the friendship lessons Twilight taught her.”
[Delta Brony] “I hope you’re right about this one Josh. She has done everything she can to learn the true meaning of friendship. All the things she been through, like she saved her friends, foiled Chrysalis’ plan, reformed the changelings.”
[Joshua] “That part you said, that was the bravest thing she has ever done.”
[Delta Brony] “No pony has ever pulled it off except her.”
[Ken Vargas] “Hey, you did told me about Twivine joined with the princesses to defeat Lady Tirek. Now didn’t you?”
[Delta Brony] “Yes. After all, Twivine created her by mistake, because she had a pinch of Tirek’s power.”
[Joshua] “Lucky for the princess of plunderseeds, that there was good in her.”
[Delta Brony] “I’m glad that I kept my magic, and so is Starlight Glimmer. You see, Twilight and the Mane 6 were the only ones that have Rainbow Power, and Starlight doesn’t. Those six represent the elements of harmony, and I was there to see it, but I was Omega Brony back then, before he became a separate being.”
[Joshua] “So Twivine requested the ponies to transfer the magic into her so she can buy Equestria some time?”
[Delta Brony] “Yes.”
[Joshua] “Interesting. Maybe she can join our side.”
[Delta Brony] “She is already on our side, but as a supporting ally.”
[Joshua] “Oh... awesome!!”
[Delta Brony] “Well enough about that. Let’s rock and roll!!
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deltabrony7 · 7 years
MLP Season 6 Adventures: Epilogue
*At Camp Everfree, The Humane 7 saw Human Delta Brony, Gloriosa Daisy, and Timber Spruce*
[Sunset Shimmer] “Gloriosa, Timber.”
[Gloriosa Daisy] “Girls, you’re just in time.”
[Timber Spruce] “We was gonna make Delta to community service for what he has done.”
[Human Delta Brony] “Sunset!! Twilight... and the others!! I assume that you defeated my subjects and saved Eqeustria.”
[Human Twilight] “We didn’t defeat Midnight Sparkle. Gaea Everfree did.”
[Human Delta] “WHAT?!! What happened?!!”
[Sunset Shimmer] “Gaea Everfree betrayed her, and made her perish in her brambles. She has transformed into a powerful nature spirit. Thus, Gaea Everfree was our true enemy.”
[Human Twilight] “I decided to fight her with everything I got, but someone helped me defeat her once and for all, and that is Midnight Sparkle.”
[Human Delta] “Impossible!! There is no way Midnight Sparkle became an ally!!”
[Human Twilight] “She was a ghost because she was dead all because of Gaea Everfree.”
[Human Delta] “I can’t believe my plans went up in smoke. What have I done?!”
[Sunset Shimmer] “You’ve done a horrible thing Delta. By putting Princess Twilight in danger because of Midnight Sparkle and Gaea Everfree. You shouldn’t obtain magic to use for evil. It happened to me, and Twilight. But we changed because we was able to use magic for good. You can do the same too Delta. But you have to control it. Just like my friends.”
[Human Delta] “Is it possible?”
[Sunset Shimmer] “Yes. You can redeem yourself, if you try.”
[Gloriosa Daisy] “I think she’s right, although, you still have some conditions to take care of.”
[Human Delta] “You know Sunset... I’ll do it!!”
*The Humane 7 cheered on as Human Delta took Sunset’s advice.*
[Rainbow Dash] “Hey, we better pack up, cause we are about to leave Camp Everfree.”
[Sunset Shimmer] “See you later Human Delta.”
[Human Delta] “See ya Sunset!! So... when will I start?”
[Timber Spruce] “You may start by picking up all the trash around the woods.”
[Human Delta] “Oh... do I have to?”
*At Ponyville*
[Pinkie Pie] “We saw the whole thing, that dome with all the brambles.. I mean... you were IN there!!”
[Twilight Sparkle] “I know.. someone had to help defeat those evil villains that try to take over Equestria.”
[Rainbow Dash] “Besides, we saw you with Sunset Shimmer and... that other Twilight.”
[Applejack] “Isn’t that the same Twilight you saw in the other world?”
[Twilight Sparkle] “Yes Applejack, I was weird to see the other me.”
*Suddenly, Delta Brony came back from his trip to PonyLand*
[Delta Brony] “I’m back!!”
[Mane 7] “DELTA!!”
[Delta Brony] “Yes... it’s me!!”
[Fluttershy] “So um... how was your trip to see Megan?”
[Delta Brony] “You never gonna believe this. Me and Megan talked about Equestria a lot, and she also said that she loves all of you. Trust me, she’s a nice human girl.”
[Rarity] “I have to say that you had a wonderful time there.”
[Starlight Glimmer] “I’m glad that you came back safely.”
[Delta Brony] “Thanks Starlight, and I am glad that you are improving with your friendship skills. Maybe Thorax, the new changeling king and his lovely bugs should visit sometime.”
[Starlight Glimmer] “Really?!!”
[Twilight Sparkle] “Delta is right. And Celestia did mentioned that ponies and changelings could get a long soon.”
[Delta Brony] “Well, I guess I better head back to Canterlot.”
[Applejack] “Ok. If you need us, we’ll be at the Castle for the celebration, surely the others are gonna come pretty soon.”
*At the Canterlot Apartments*
[Joshua] “Hey!! You’re back!!”
[Delta Brony] “And just in time... somethings about to happen at Twilight’s Castle.”
[Joshua] “Is it a celebration?”
[Delta Brony] “Wow... you are very psychic.”
*At Pony Land, Megan Williams talked about Equestria*
[Megan Williams] “Delta has provided me more information about Equestria. Guess I won’t be needing the Rainbow of Light anymore. Twilight, I have a dark magical artifact that you are about to witness once I come back.
*Megan opens the drawer, which reveals a powerful source that G1 Tirek used.*
[Megan Williams] “The Rainbow of Darkness.” (evil laughter)
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deltabrony7 · 8 years
MLP Post Season 6 Adventures: The Return of Everfree
*The Humane 5 were at Camp Everfree looking at the stars at night as they are talking to each other*
[Pinkie Pie] “So, now that we got our new powers, we can totally do anything we want.”
[Rainbow Dash] “Pinkie, don’t be hasty, I think we should use our powers if someone needs help.”
[Rarity] “Oh darling, these new powers are gorgeous. I can make some shiny bracelets as well.”
*Meanwhile, Human Delta Brony, Midnight Sparkle, and Gaea Everfree were looking at the Humane 5, waiting for the perfect time to confront them.*
[Human Delta] “Well, it seems that the girls are having a little conversation about their new magic. How divine.”
[Midnight Sparkle] “We should tie them up like we did to Gloriosa and Timber. Right Gaea Everfree? Gaea?”
[Gaea Everfree] “Absolutely Midnight Sparkle. As I use the magic to make them withstand the essence of nature.”
[Midnight Sparkle] “Um... what?”
[Human Delta] “It seems that you and Gaea Everfree have some differences.”
[Midnight Sparkle] “Well, in my opinion yes. I created portals, and she creates thorns.”
[Human Delta] “No need to discuss, it is time to attack.”
[Applejack] “Sooner or later, we’ll be heading back to Canterlot High.”
[Human Delta] “Or are you?”
[Fluttershy] “Oh... Delta Brony. It’s you.”
[Human Delta] “Oh... am I the only one you see here?”
*Midnight Sparkle appears*
[Midnight Sparkle] “Long time no see girls.”
[Humane 5] (Gasp) “TWILIGHT!!”
[Midnight Sparkle] “Not even close, I am now separate from Twilight Sparkle, and now I shall have my revenge!!”
[Gaea Everfree] “You mean WE shall have our revenge.”
{Humane 5] “GAEA EVERFREE!!”
[Gaea Everfree] “I am so glad to see you girls. Delta Brony is helping us get to Equestria, and you will not stop us!!”
[Rainbow Dash] “What is the meaning of this Delta?!!”
[Human Delta] “Let me just say that they are my unique clones. I studied biology at Crystal Prep a few weeks ago. You girls should have saw it coming.”
[Applejack] “So you used Twilight and Gloriosa’s DNA to create the evil demons that the become?!!”
[Human Delta] “Yes!! And I will prove to you that Gaea Everfree and Midnight Sparkle can be queens of this world called Equestria.”
[Pinkie Pie] “Not a chance!!”
*Gaea Everfree summons the thorns around them*
[Rainbow Dash] “Let us out of here!!”
[Human Delta] “Great work Gaea Everfree.”
[Gaea Everfree] “After all Delta... I GOT THIIIIIIIIS!!”
[Midnight Sparkle] “I can’t believe she made it look easy!!”
[Human Delta] “Yes indeed. Due to Gloriosa’s intellect. Now... to find Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle!!”
To Be Continued....
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deltabrony7 · 8 years
Victory For The Princess
The five alicorns unleash their final attack and Lady Tirek has been defeated. All the ponies get their magic back, including the Mane 5. Princess Twilight and the other alicorns thank Twivine for helping them stop Lady Tirek and save Equestria. Twivine says a happy farewell to the ponies for now.
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deltabrony7 · 8 years
A Short Epilogue with Twilight, Twivine and Moondancer
Even Moondancer got her magic back, and she sees Twilight and Twivine.
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superbronysparkle97 · 7 years
Hi been awhile huh... Just came by to say I'm done.
With the few people who actually care about this blog or whatever I say thank you for everything but from here on out I'm done with MLP, the fandom and Tumblr in general. The show changed and frankly it's not for the better. There are some episode that are good but the thing that's going on with starlight isn't. Starlight was created to be not only twilight's replacement but also a Mary Sue and frankly that's just dumb and I'm over it. I will watch the movie as my last outing with MLP before saying goodbye to it forever. Now the fandom has a different story and that is that it's disappearing slowly but surely. All my favorite content creators either just moved on or don't post anything at all and that's just disheartening to see so I'm just going to go before it all completely ends. I'm still going to keep my name SuperBronySparkle97 as a constant reminder of where I began and remember all the good the show and fandom has taught me(that and it's going to be a Bitch to change). And now Tumblr... what can I say it's Tumblr. A lot of things have changed her too. But not going to go into detail to not "Trigger" some idiot on here. But if anything I'm glad I started here in order for me to move on to different places. I will talk about someone in particular here though. Delta Brony. I thank you for having me join your storyline it's something I won't forget. But theirs a catch you I thought our characters were partner just as I thought you and I were but in the end I was just a side character with nothing to do with the plot at all and that's not what I wanted in fact I wanted to talk to you about this very thing back in BronyCon 2015 but never got the chance to. If anything all I asked for was a theme for my OC that would let people know we were working on this together and I wouldn't care anymore about my character not being important in your overarching story but in the end it doesn't matter anymore. I was done with this storyline as soon as I left BronyCon 2015. Now this place isn't going to be erased but I'm not coming back here and the Joshua The Element of Harmony's storyline will be rebuilt and remade somewhere else and do it like how I wanted to do it but it'll be a while before I find the motivation I had long ago again. You can still keep using Joshua in your storyline Delta since it'll just be a part of my Joshua's Multiverse. With all that being said the last thing I'm going to do is watch the MLP Movie then move on from the show and the Brony Community. Thanks for everything and goodbye.
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