#mmfc drillman
rosebud64 · 11 months
Day 4 of the mmfc art challenge by @lucamisu Drill Man!
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violetsakuras9 · 10 months
hello megman fully charged fandom.
today ive come with a proposition of a lifetime, lets make drill mans folks divorce!- wait wrong one, lets make drill mans mother! I hc that she is the reason her son loves music as to her playing music as her favorite hobby and classical lady, hoping to let her son be something different like her but also have a good relationship with his father, a busy bee making clothes and stuff and has her own boutique! She Still cares for her son for everything that happened and wanted her and him to talk more but not without interruptions. I have a reason also as to why drillman accepted his fathers offer because his mom gave him a good thought to try it out just in case the music thing didnt work out and if he needed to do both he can, good mom! But after her husband sold the family business and let their sons dreams shatter she was heartbroken and kept her distance away from drill man senior, drill man still keeps in touch with his mother and still visits her shop and try to help around, usually goes well at the very least and still wants to try to hold what bonds she has.
Overall 10/10 mom, would call for a shoulder to cry on
She also has blue on her orb speaky thingy?.... look senior has yellow and drillman got green CMON THERES GOTTA BE COLOR REASONING!!
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lady-lmc · 7 months
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pyjamaart · 2 months
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I never needed such help / This is my SOS
(Content warning: self harm) (If you don't have a problem with that, huge Drillman essay under the read more lol)
When I said that I wanted to draw Drillman some more, this really wasn't what I had in mind.
This week, I've been shopping for music on various second hand sites, which made me realize I don't physically own one of my all time favorite albums: "Squaring The Circle" by Sneaker Pimps. I had to change that immediately. (As well as buying like 15 other CDs and vinyls, lol.) As I was listening to it once again, I realized just how much the song "SOS" reminded me of Drillman and his struggles.
If you don't want to look it up, here are some of the lyrics:
"I look much smaller seen from inside out/Far too small to see myself/Down on reflection, cast in hate and in doubt/Flawed and flaws I add myself"
"Oh mirror mirror hanging on the wall/Please just show me someone else/My hopes were low and I got so much so less/Nothing left to save myself"
Listen, this dude got some major problems with his self esteem. He feels like an embarrassment because he was forced into a life he never wanted by his father. Now he seeks revenge on the company that bought his families business, along with him and apparently his bodily autonomy. Think about that for a minute. How fucked would it be if your parents wanted you to be a doctor, but a requirement for that would be to have your hand surgically removed and replaced with a scalpel. That's the exact situation Drillman found himself in.
Now a lot of people probably think "Well why doesn't he just ask Dr. Light to give him a new pair of hands then, if he's this miserable?" This is where we get to one of Drillmans biggest problems: the refusal to ask for help in any way. And even after the finale of the season, why would he go to the Lights for help in the first place? Wasn't it Aki who thought the best way to help him through his problems was hypnotism? And in the process embarrassing him in front of the whole city, ruining the last bit of reputation he may have had? (For real though, that episode is so hard for me to watch. I just feel so so bad for him, since I really struggle with social anxiety myself.)
As the guys from the Youtube channel "The D-Pad" (who reviewed all of the MMFC episodes) fittingly commented: "This would be like fucking Vietnam for him." And they were right. Obviously, Drillman is horrified that Aki would humiliate him like this and lashes out, solidifying his opinion that asking for help is a bad idea.
In that episode, there's this one moment that really stuck with me. At around the 8 minute mark, while Drillman is having a breakdown over the terrible "music" Aki made him perform, there's this one shot where he takes a moment to look at the drills that replaced his hands in frustration. The camera perspective makes it seem as if we are experiencing this brief scene through his eyes. It's actually quite upsetting. (A link to the moment I'm talking about: youtu.be/OC_jdhoeTrE?si=ZPzAXu…)
This is also a perfect moment for me to gush over the voice acting for this scene. Andrew McNee did such a fantastic job of conveying Drillmans distress and anger through his voice. That reminds me, giving him a British accent was honestly such a good decision.
The reason he doesn't talk at all throughout most of his first appearance is probably because the writers wanted to surprise their audience a little. As in, you see this big, imposing construction robot and think "Oh man, what a brute. He probably has a pretty deep voice." And then he actually starts to speak and it's this sophisticated, well-articulated British voice instead. Quite the whiplash.
To get back to the original topic, I'm honestly still upset that they didn't give Drillman a redemption arc at the end of the show. This probably would have happened in season 2, as Mega Man even says at some point "I know deep down your inner bits are good", proving to me that the writers definitely had something in mind regarding Drillmans character arc.
And now that all of that is out of the way, we can finally get into headcanon territory.
You might have seen this image while browsing the tags and asked yourself, "Why is this Mega Man Fully Charged artwork littered with content warnings?" And well, now that you're here and reading this, you probably know why. I can't say I've ever made myself sick with a drawing before. That's a first for me.
My headcanon is, that after the finale of the show, Drillman is just utterly lost. Lord Obsidian, who sought him out specifically because he knew of Drillmans problems and offered him a place to stay and a way to get revenge on the people he thought responsible for his predicament, turned out to be a horribly racist human who was just using him to achieve his own devious goals. After getting his ass kicked by the Lights, the same people who had not only humiliated him in front of the whole city, but who had also left him stuck to his abusive father for an entire day (I bet that ride to the police station was horrible for all the people involved, most of all the police bots who had to hear the Drillmen yell at each other the whole time), Sgt. Night is detained by the police. We don't actually see what happens after that, because that's where the show ends.
I'd like to think that the Lights actually try to talk to the robot masters once everything is over, telling them all the horrible things their so-called "leader" has said and done. And most importantly, what he thinks of robots: That they're nothing but tools to him. That once they had gotten him his Mega key, he would have wiped their minds and turned them into mindless machines.  
I'm guessing none of the robot masters would take these news well, but most of all Drillman. I think that after he ran away from Skyraisers Inc. and fought Mega Man for the first time, he was really relieved to have some place to stay and a new goal, maybe even a robot to look up to. That being Lord Obsidian of course. Who knows what lies he told Drillman and the others? Kinda sad that we never really got to see what the robot masters who stayed with Lord Obsidian did the entire day. When they weren't causing havoc in the city, that is.
None of them seemed really friendly with each other in the finale, now that I think about it. I guess "Obsidians robot sanctuary" wasn't really a great place to stay at after all. But still better than being homeless, like that one maniac living in the forest all by himself. Speaking of Woodman, in my AU, he and Drillman already knew each other at this point. This also reminds me of something I forgot to mention in my last post. While I'd love to see them interact in any way, because they're both my favorite characters, I don't ship them in any way whatsoever. I'd also like to think that Woodman and Drillmans father were schoolmates back in the day, maybe even friends? (I'm still holding onto those 30 years).
Anyway, after all the former robot comrades part ways, now without a leader, what was Drillman supposed to do? Once again betrayed by a trusted figure, feeling useless and without purpose, still with these stupid drills mounted to his body... Still too ashamed to ask for help. After all that has happened in the past few hours he begins spiraling, which ultimately leads him to make a very unfortunate decision. Trying to get at least some of the freedom in his life back, he attempts to get rid of the drills making up his body on his own, using the same tools that have haunted him all this time to finally rid himself of this burden.
He regrets this just seconds after, when he's left with an unresponsive limb, metal and wires exposed and oil splattered all over his orange plating. All he can do is stare at the stained drill in front of him in horror.
"I never needed such help/This is my SOS"
Jesus Christ that got dark. Sorry. I mentioned in my last post that Drillman possibly has really bad body dysmorphia, which I'm also trying to convey here. Don't worry, he really gets his hands back after this. Maybe the Lights find him after that and the good Doctor offers to fix him up. By which I mean not only his arm. Because apparently, Dr. Light also doubles as robot psychologist. I just really need Drillman to get his happy ending. He really really deserves it after everything he had to go trough over the course of the show. 
I also need him to have a DJing redemption, besides the normal redemption. I've seen people headcanon that he exclusively likes classical music, but I personally don't believe that. He'd be the kind of music nerd who would say stuff like "I listen to everything" and then you look at his playlists and he actually listens to everything. Maybe not experimental noise rock, though. I can just imagine Aki and Suna helping him put on an actual show, this time without any hypnotizing bullshit, as a way for Aki to apologize for the dread he's caused Drillman during that incident. Drillman would be highly suspicious at first, but actually goes along with it in the end. Maybe they'd also take Fireman along, who Dr. Light also blessed with a brand new pair of hands. The punchline at the end would be that Drillman would have so much anxiety about embarrassing himself again, that he forgets to make an actual set list for the gig. In the end, he exclusively plays Lady Gaga songs, which no one complains about.
Alright then, enough yapping from me. I've really been writing this essay since 8pm. And now it's 2am. My god. I just have a lot of feelings about Drillman.
But now I really gotta go to bed. Stay safe peeps. I hope you actually read the content warnings. Jenny out.
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void-proxima · 2 months
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One of the more heartbreaking episodes of this show was released on April 28, 2019: "This is Not A Drill", featuring Drill Man (...and his absolutely abysmal excuse for a father). To commemorate it, I drew him over the weekend (and touched up the shading today). As always, the poor guy is not having a good time.
no background version under the cut:
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crop-pop · 8 months
Aki Light: Robot Rescuer - My BRFF Aki by UngratefulWolf on AO3 is a pretty good mmfc fanfic even if it's one chapter long. Here a little scene redraw
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Version without text cause I spend a good chunk of time drawing this just to be blocked by text:
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sergeantsarga · 9 days
Why do I imagine waveman as raily from outside in 2 for some reason-
Don’t know who Raily is or what Outside In is but what do you think he saw?
(I was NOT gonna animate his hand going to his side or remove the background, I’m too fucking lazy for allat 💀🙏🏻 (Sergeant Night))
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lucamisu · 1 year
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[Please ask before reposting/crediting]
Seventh line of robots
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yourmangogirl · 1 year
MMFC robot masters in my AU real names, age and personalities when they're were humans:
(warning: angst)
Experiment 01, AKA Fire Man - Fred Reed
He was a normal 40 y.o. human man who worked a firefighter in Silicon City. He was considered the best firefighter in the city. He had a daughter who he loved the most, but she died in a fire incident.
Experiment 03, AKA Drill Man - Dustin Bailey
He was a 45 y.o. human man who worked a miner in Silicon City. But he was very interested in music, but his work did never give him time for it.
Experiment 04, AKA Hypno Woman - Mary Gweneth
She was a normal 40 y.o. human woman who worked a psychologist guidance counselor at Aki's school. She was always ready to help everyone solving their problems. Even thought she was always feel herself overwhelmed by that...
Experiment 05, AKA Wave Man - Winslow Brooks
He was a 45 y.o. human man who was obsessed with interest in maritime affairs, cute things, and the most, alligators(he loved animals very much). He had a sensitive and gentle heart..
Experiment 07, AKA Ice Man - Isaac White
He was just a 14 y.o. human boy who was studying at Aki's school. He was very cheerful and pure-hearted guy. And also naive and too trustful...
Experiment 08, AKA Blasto Woman - Becca Taylor
She was a 41 y.o. human woman who worked a tour guide at the museum in Silicon City. She was a soul woman with a good sense of humor. Also she was Mary's(Hypno Woman's) best friend.
Experiment 10, AKA Air Man - Archie Miller
He was a 35 y.o. human man, a little bit arrogant. He had a great passion for flying, dreamed of becoming the greatest helicopter pilot.
Experiment 11, AKA Chemistry Man - Cameron Hall
He was a 40 y.o. man who worked a chemistry teacher at Aki's school. He had a difficult times working a teacher as kids did not listen to him during classes. But he was never give up. Until one awful day...
Experiment 14, AKA Guts Man - Greg Baker
This man was a 44 y.o. man who worked a main head chef in a cooking TV show. His show was popular all over Silicon City until it was overshadowed by another cooking show..
Experiment 16, AKA Elec Man - Elmer Price
He was a restless 30 y.o. human man with a big sense of humor, he worked as an electrician, but all the employees considered him somehow useless and annoying, which of course made him feel sad..
Experiment 18, AKA Wood Man - Woody Perry
Was a normal 35 y.o. man, a big lover of plants. He was absolutely a pure-hearted man. He even wanted to grow a tree, but due to an accident, nothing came of it..
Experiment 24, AKA Cut Man - Chauncey Wright
Oh, he was just a 15 y.o. human boy who was a perfectionist, lover of growing a plants. Was a student at Aki's school. He also was very emotional and sensitive to insulting
Experiment 36 (last experiment), AKA Chaotique - Charlotte Hayes
Charlotte(Chaotique) was a little silent, calm and very shy 14 y.o. girl that was also a student at Aki's school. She was practically inconspicuous, almost no one didn't pay attention to her. Except one girl at Aki's class with glasses and dramatical nature, but a good heart. Too bad these two hadn't spend last time together in happiness...
Alright, that's all! Hope you understood everything here, that's was, so to say, a short description of MMFC robot masters when they're were humans.
Who was your favorite? Waiting for your opinions(and questions, if you have)!
Have a good day or night!!💖💙😸
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୨⎯ Hey, come here⎯୧
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ Reblog if it's true ࿐ྂ
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littengamer909 · 1 year
which broadway/musical theater songs would the mmfc robot masters sing their hearts out to
Elecman: The Whole Being Dead Thing - Beetlejuice oh you know he would go absolutely FERAL on this beat. "hi!! i'll be ur guide!!! i'll be ur g-u-i-d-e to the other side!!!!" he would adore it
Waveman: Sincerely Me - Dear Evan Hansen he would get Fireman to duet with him (queers /aff)
Fireman: Noel's Lament - Ride The Cyclone i know its weird but PLEASE he would LOVE this one. he would fucking BELT that high note
Hypnowoman: Candy Store - Heathers "As a therapist I cannot be condoning any of the actions taken in this song. However, it is, as the kids say, a fucking banger." - her, probably
Airman: Get Down - SIX ohhh yes. ohhhh yesyesyes. he channels Anna of Cleves energy so perfectly
Drillman: The Room Where It Happens - Hamilton he will not shut up about Lin's songwriting genius after he's done, and he would SO belt the last note
Blastowoman: Our Lips Are Sealed - Head Over Heels does the song count if its from a jukebox musical? i say yes. she is the biggest head over heels fan you will ever meet and you can fight me on this
Iceman: I'm Alive - Next To Normal Again, this is a 'just trust me' one, but he would adore this song.
Woodman: Into The Woods - Into The Woods is this for the joke? yes. it is canon? also yes. he fucking loves this show he is a sondheim man
Chaotique: The Ballad of Sara Berry - 35MM: A Musical Exhibition she ADORES the story, plus it helps her get her bloodlust out!
Namagem/Daini: No Way - SIX he claims to hate everything theater related. drillman caught him humming this one and never let him live it down
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askthealternateakis · 3 years
Does any of you have a relative with no knowledge of using the Internet ?
Stellan: “I feel like this ask needs to be provided a bit of clarification before we answer this, so allow me to explain. Many of you may think that this is a foolish question, since we robots are related to the internet and the AIs produced on it were some of the very first stepping stones needed to evolve robotkind to its current state, but the truth is not all of them neccesarily know how to use it. You see, when a robot is first built, it’s usually given some basic knowledge like how to walk and talk as well as things they must know in order to properly do the job they were built for if they were built for that purpose. However, they will not be programmed with knowledge of things that are not deemed essential to know for them to perform their job, which is why you can see robots attending Silicon Central: they wish to learn more than what they were originally programmed with. So since Fire Man, Drill Man, and Wave Man were built for construction, mining, and cleaning purposes respectively, they require some assistance to be able to properly operate devices that run internet services and use said services. I hope that answers your question.”
Ember: “We could’ve just told them that ourselves, you know.”
Stellan: “Yes, but I wanted to provide them with information on how our world operates to help better clarify why things are the way that they are.”
Ember: “Stellan, nobody wants to hear you ramble for hours about how every single little thing works and why.”
Stellan: “Well, I’ve heard some outsiders complain about our lack of explanation regarding our lack of information on why certain things happen in our world and how, so I just wanted to try and clear things up.”
Ember: (rolls eyes) “Whatever floats your boat, I guess.”
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doomstonee · 4 years
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I found my drawing of when I tried to draw Drill Man in January
And some fireman x waveman art from June
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pyjamaart · 10 months
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Just some nature enthusiasts hanging out...
Woodman and Cutman for days 20 and 21 of @lucamisus MMFC Drawing Challenge! B)
I really really wish the different robot masters could have hung out. There could have been so many different and interesting scenarios instead of the usual Aki focused single robot master only episodes we got. Maybe we would have gotten that in season 2…….. I can think of so many great interactions just from the top of my head…..
Like this. Woodman and Cutman bonding over plants and nature. We saw in the episode with the corpse flower that Woodman takes proper plant care very seriously, even attacking Aki over it. So maybe Cutman could get some tips for his bonsai from him.
Another interaction I could see is Airman and Blastowoman. They can both fly, so maybe Airman could challenge her to some kind of air race. He thinks he has the advantage in every way and is so annoying about it that Blastowoman enlists the help of Megaman to help her win the race. Shenanigans ensue.
Then we could have Fireman and Drillman bonding over the fact that theyre both construction bots without proper hands. Maybe they could even ask Dr. Light to build them at least one functioning hand each, which finally gets them to think about their futures and what theyd like to do outside of construction work.
One last scenario I can think of is Iceman and Waveman, who fight each other over a local lake. Iceman has plans for an ice hockey tournament while Waveman wanted to have a chill beach day with his alligator (who he and Fireman found again after a long while of searching). Each of them rallies a bunch of townsfolk for their cause and Megaman has to find a compromise so both parties are satisfied.
Thats all I can think of right now, but I'm sure there are many many more great stories to tell with these characters.
Uuuurgh every day I think about the possibilities of that second season………
And now for something completely different, I found a freaking gold mine on the Megaman wiki. Apparently, there were quite a few videos made to promote the little figurines they made of the Fully Charged characters. So if you want extra "lore" for the characters I guess… go watch those.
"I'm very good at DIY I'll let you know!" -Drillman
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scribshade · 5 years
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Fully Charged Gijinkas!
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crop-pop · 11 months
@lucamisu mmfc drawing challenge day 4 - Drillman!
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