#mmm idk the tags for the phandom
gascansposts · 6 months
Hello Danny phantom phandom. These are my interpretation of the characters I’ve been introduced to by reading fanfic, and how I tend to think of them when I see/read their names
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Anyways the interpretations of someone who’s never seen the og work
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jorzuela · 4 years
Check-in tags
Thank you @writingpostmidnight for tagging me 😘
1. How has your day been?
Mmm pretty good! I read a little phanfic in the morning, had lunch, dyed my hair because my roots were a mess and then hooped in the shower. I managed to make it to therapy only 3 minutes late (yes, i was late to online therapy) and i managed to sneak some beta work in there somewhere.
2. What’s the last thing that made you smile?
Talking about my internet friends in therapy, about meeting some of them and seeing some of them again, and the future. Also telling my therapist about all the fun i had writing these past few days and how much my friends made me smile.
3. What’s keeping you entertained these days?
Well I'm writing some fics I need to deliver and having a lot of fun with them and also planning my next bigs fics as well as thinking what to write for the im-PROMPT-u phandom creator challenge. I'm thinking of winging a ficlet a day as a challenge to myself but if some days i can't I will go with a moodboard or something quicker. I'm also running that event and the @oldschoolpbb, and the sign ups for the @phandomreversebang winter edition are upon us so in a few weeks I will be able to say I'm running 3 parallel events. (all of them with different posting times ofc).
4. If you’re in some kind of quarantine/self-isolation what do you hope to achieve in this time? 
I have been in quarantine since march and we will continue all year as it seems. I have already achieved a lot. I am looking forward to writing that 50k fic for the ospbb, hopefully making some time to rewrite the one unfinished fic I've had on hiatus for 2 years and write my 2 other fics that I've wanted to write for almost 3 years now.
I wanted to start exercising buuut idk. Imma fye my hair pink tho, so new goal.
5. Post selfie, if you’re comfortable doing so
6. Lastly, tag some ppl: 
@thatphannieperson @sarcasm-addiction @phaniella @schnaf @thoughtathought @themwhiskers @icequeenjules26 @natigail @americanphancakes
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