eunsonia · 3 months
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shit i just remembered how much I like red to the extent that im down bad for 3 versions of him
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westaysilly · 9 months
family gatherings are horrible i need to bury myself on dirt where i feel truly comfortable
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juanitasupreme · 9 months
I need this job!
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flovverworks · 1 year
sanrio haLLOWEEN???please tell me im reading the notice wrong. its not saying collab gacha with all of them. right. right...........................not right before anni.......
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tu-es-gegg · 1 year
i think the even worse /lh thing is that my sister is obsessed with sasuke uchiha, I have to draw french sasuke on the qsmp and she going to CoMMENT on it
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sm-baby · 3 months
the clone thing is so interesting and i enjoy all the characters but it is still so incredibly funny to me that for humanities daughter they just straight up walked up to like, actual god and were all like "hey can we have some of your dna for this thing we're doing" and he was just "yeah sure dude go ham"
Hes like " youre asking mmmmEEEE?" Its like a dad excited that his kid called him first LMAO XNWKRKKW
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gaymurdersalad · 8 months
Hey Jack! I think Dave is.. looking for you. You should probably check on him-
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>Looking for me?
>The bastard practically wanted me dead on Monday when I refused his little kid-killing scheme. Straight up left the restaurant and didn’t show his face again, he was so mad.
>Why in the hell would he suddenly be looking for me?
>Even if he was, I wouldn’t know the first place to fucking—
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>Mmmmyyy body lies overrr the ocean, my boooody lies over the seaaaaa—
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>I’mmm no gooood at astraaaaal projectionnnn, so brrriiiing back my bodddyyyyy to meeeee!
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>Oh, holy fuck, I’vvvve nevvvver felt ssssooooooo… Un-Coporeal. Wuwuuuuugghh, what issss… Within it me is outside o’ me… And whaasss inside of mmmmeeeee is SOOOOOOOO much LSD.
>Hooooow’d I even ennnndup here? What the hell did you get yourself int’, you big clown? I’m not surrrre, I just woke up out hereeee, again… What would Henry think? Who cares! He hates mmmmeeee!! He pushed me aside he did, he did! How’d he do that, then? He says “Get ouuuuutta here, you purple menace you, and leave me the hell alone for as long as your pitiful life stays clinging to this wretched Earth!” Why’d he say such a thing? I duunnoooooo! Was it something you did? You’re always getting yourself into trouble, you. Please leaaaave me alone, leave me to rot here, you… Yew… Schtewpid bastard, you caaaan’t stop bothering me, both you AND him…
>I’ve never done nothing to warrant this! I’m yer friend, Davey! Yer nothin’ but some bassard keepin’ me angry, you rotten fuck you, I wish you’d both fuck off hand ‘n hand and go… Go stuff yourselves in a waterlogged springlock suit, fuck you!
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>A VISSSSITOR. Who— Who arrives?!
>… Dave?
>Sportsy! Old Jack! Whateerrr yoooouuu doin’ here?! You smell different. Yer wearin’ that coat!
>… Jesus Christ, dude. I’ve never seen you this bad.
>Aannnnnd I’ve never seen yew so good lookin’, handsome.
>Alright… Let’s… Let’s get you up, it’s freezing out here, man.
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>Ohhhh, yer sooooo warm, Sportsy… I juuuusssss wanna crawl inside yer skinnn and wear ya as a jacket… Heh! Jack-et!
>… Thank… You…? I’m going to ignore you for a bit, is that alright dude?
>Yew can do whateeeeeever yew want, cowboy, I juss love ya soooo much…
>We’re gonna go back to my place, okay buddy? Get you under some covers and make sure you don’t accidentally… Hurt yourself. Let you sit the rest of this out someplace comfortable.
>Yer… Yer takin’ care of me, baby?
>Only ‘cause I know you won’t remember it.
>Yer… Yer sucha nice boy, sucha sweet sweet tangerine, you…
>Y’know, I wus… I’ve been… feeling preeeety rancid lately, Sportsy. Henry… Kicked me to the curb again, said I don’t wantcha here, and I wus… wanted… spend time with ya, Sportsy, like old times, I wanted t’… I missed… yew. ‘Nd yer dumb stupid clementine face, that schtewpid beard— If… If Henry don’t want me, then I know… I wus always thinking, I thought— Sportsy’s there! There’ll alllllways be Sportsy! B— Because there ain’t Sportsy, it’s just me, and just me makes me wanna die. I don’t wanna die. I don’t wanna die when yer holdin’ me.
>I’m… It’s pretty fuckin’ radical… that yew still care. Still the… same rotten orange I knew and loved.
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>… I…
>I still care. It’s okay.
>It is?
>It’s okay.
>… Let’s… Get you home. Try and relax, we’re only a block away from my car. You can sleep when we’re on the road.
>Gnnaaaaarly… Road trip with Old Sport!
>Yeah, man, sure. Gnarly.
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succubusjuice · 2 months
I'm so sorry you got deleted friend but I'm glad you are still here!!!!
Can't get rid of mmmmeeee!!! >:3 just dnt delete me again coz my creativeness is bad and I cannot think of new names well soooo 😪😪😪😪
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kanachaka · 2 months
Birds of a feather makes me cry EVERY TIME I listen to it THIS GOD FORBIDDEN SONG HAUNTS MMMMEEEE
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chalterdh22 · 1 year
Chapter 15: Are we there Yet?
I kept to myself for the next hour, up front in the co-pilot chair, and Din and Grogu sat in the back. I don’t know how I was feeling about all this.  I suddenly felt almost like an intruder, like I invaded their space when I shouldn’t have.  Regardless, I just sat there looking at the stars zooming by.  It really was peaceful, and quiet.  I heard footsteps come up and Din put the kid in his little chair to see us and he sat down.  He turned his chair towards me, leaned in and said in his heavy, breathy voice, “I believe you would protect the kid.  It’s hard for me to trust people, especially ones I’ve only known a few weeks.  I wanted to say thanks because you have been a big help.  It’s also nice to have another adult on board.”
I looked over slowly at him.  “Thanks.  That means a lot to hear you say that.”  A smirk then appeared on my face because I couldn’t hold a serious face to save my life.  “Plus, I know how bored you get on these looooooooong trips.  Grogu tells me they take forever!”  I giggled.  “Are we there yet?”  I imitated a small child bugging his parents.
He chuckled!  I legit heard a chuckle!  I almost couldn’t contain my excitement.  I whirled around to see Grogu, and he heard it too!  I gave him a quick wink.  Grogu gasped and laughed.  His arms were waving in his pod.  I reached over to get him out to hold in my lap.  Din still faced me but wasn’t leaning in anymore.
“I don’t like him back there by himself.”  Cuddling him, nuzzling him on the neck making him squeal.  Laughing I put him on my lap and leaned back.  Grogu turned to Din with his big eyes, not blinking.
“What do you want, you little womprat?”  he asked petting his head.
“He’s not a pet, Din!  Geesh.”  I laughed. He chuckled again.  “Glad you seem to be in a lighter mood.”
“Yeah,” he leaned back in his chair, still facing us.  He put his arms on his head, resting them there.  “It is nice to just relax a bit.”  Grogu jumped out of my arms.  I watched him, thinking he might run off, but he waddled behind Mando’s chair where he couldn’t see him.  “Where’s he going?” he asked, starting to turn his chair around.  I grabbed the side of it to stop him. 
“I see him.  He’s sitting behind you playing with a ball of lint or something.”
“Ok,” he said.  He seemed satisfied with that.  I didn’t even have to look at Grogu now to know what was going on.  I started to squirm a little, feeling a slight tickly sensation radiating off him, but not strong enough for me to laugh.  Even so, he wasn’t aiming it at me. So, I just sat there, grinning, but trying hard not to make it too obvious.  As I said before, I can’t hold a straight face.  Din was sitting back up but was looking like he sat on something.  He kept shifting back and forth slightly, his arms now straight down his sides.
I closed my eyes, and tried to sense what he was feeling.  Yup, the kid was working his powers on him.  Lightly at first, just small brush strokes to his side.  I was thinking, this man hasn’t had human contact in however long, so I doubt he even knows what’s happening to him!  I started to hear Mando make throat clearing noise, that started to get lower and longer.  “Whaaattt is going onnnn?”  he softly mumbled, stammering a bit, trying to keep his laugh at bay.  And then he just stopped and sat very still.
“You, ok?”  He still wasn’t moving, like he was waiting for something to happen, but nothing was.
“Yes, I just….” his voice trailed off.  He cleared his throat again.  “Nothing.”  I looked at Grogu, like you better get going, but he beat me to it.  Din started grabbing at his side and hip again frantically.  “Dooo, do I haaaaaave something on mmmmeeee?”  He barely got out the question.
“Um, no.”  I said but I couldn’t even look at him.  He didn’t notice.  He started ripping off his pelvic cover and his breast plate.  Oh, this is great I thought, barely containing myself.  “What are you doing?”  I asked sweetly.
“There, er, er’s some some ome, ome thing on me e e eeeee!”  And there it was.  He started to chuckle.
“There’s nothing on you Din!”  I turned to him now.  I’ll be able to act my way through this I thought.  I pretended to look around him, glancing at the kid, who was perfectly still.  “What’s your problem?”
“I feeeeeel, ah, hahhhhhaaaha, I don’t knooooow!  Sto ah op iiiittt!  Heehelp me!”  Then the dam burst.  “Ahhhhhh, hahahaha, aghhhh!”  It was a mixture of moaning and laughter, deep and raspy.  He really didn’t know what being tickled was, or didn’t remember from his childhood, or was just in complete denial.  Either way, I stood up and hovered over him as he was curled up in a little ball in his chair.  The tinny voice was making a big belly laugh sound, I swear the whole galaxy could hear.  How to take down a Mandalorian, written by Suri Patho!
“I don’t know what you want me to do Din!”  I was yelling over his laughing.  “You seemed to be tickled by something!”
“Noooo, noooo!  Tickling is is sssss for kihids!!!!”  Oh, what fun!  I glanced at Grogu to stop, and he did immediately.  Mando was still in a ball breathing like he just sprinted a mile. 
“What happened?  Are you ok?”
“No, I’m no no not ok.  Something was touching me, and it felt weird!”  He was still breathing so heavily, leaning back in his chair with his covers still on the ground.  Well, now’s the time, I guess.  I looked at the kid who was waddling back to me.  He looked up and I gave him a wink.
Still standing above his stretched-out body that sounded like he was dying, I was praying to the Maker that he had his eyes closed.  I reached and grabbed his sides and started tickling his ribs with both hands.  “Heeeey, whaaat are you dododiiiiing?”  He flailed in the chair, not knowing what to do, still gassed from before.  I kept digging and then moved to his hips and he about flew out of the chair.  He immediately grabbed my wrists and stopped me.  Still breathing heavy, his neck area bright red, “What are you, yo you doing?”
I was laughing now at the point.  “I was tickling you!”  I ripped my wrists from him. 
He stared at me.  “You what?”  That’s what I thought.  Clueless.  I’m still giggling. 
“Tickling you!”  He just stared, still breathing hard, but no words came out.  “Never mind.  The point is we got you to laugh!”  Shoot!  I really didn’t mean to say that!
“We?”  He shot a look at the kid, next to my leg.  “What do you mean, we?”
“Just, nothing.  We just wanted to see you laugh is all.”  He sighed, finally having full control of his breathing and body again. 
“You did get me to laugh.”  He looked down at Grogu, who was sweetly looking at him making funny little sounds.  For now, score one for the kid and me.  I picked Grogu up and put him back in his seat.  I strapped him in. 
Din walked to the back refresher and shut the door.  I looked back at the kid who was smiling.  “Well done, little one!”
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merlwybs-wife · 1 year
i need people to brainstorm & bounce ideas off of, specifically in regards to what you think sidurgu & rielle did post-DRK quests.  help mmmmeeee :c 
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kmp78 · 1 year
Moi Moi K, did you also tried to get a concert ticket for Taylor Swift next year ?
Mooooi 👋
Noooo I'm not into her music or tour... 😂
She's not even coming to Hki and I certainly am not about to travel abroad for her. 👎
But guess who IS coming here?! COLDPLAY! FINALLY! FOR THE 1ST TIME EVER! 🥳
And guess who by an actual miracle managed to get a ticket?! Mmmmeeee!!! 🥳
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I could not even believe it! And I got it so easy! Like 2 mins in the online queue and bang I got it! 🤯🎫
Meanwhile the news said there were 200k people cramming to get online at the same time and obvs couldn't so there was a huge mess and outcry over the ticket debacle... 🫣
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plussheep · 11 months
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babyboigremlin · 2 years
It's mmmmeeee
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shipkidhell · 11 months
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woooooo star intro post
hiii helllo its mmmmeeee my name is star . i am that little gay demon piece of shit hello yes you may recognize me from tiktok (determinedchara) and if you like my content or ocs there . stick around theyll either get children or special guest appearances maybe proballu /j (definately the cowboy and the rat at least ....) iiiii will use the tags #starisgay #stardrewsomething and #staranswersyourgarbageasks kisskiss my only boundary is like .. dont ask m anything weird weird or too personal.. just b civil idk love yyyyou
haha well i invaded YOUR post. - 12/11
Will star notice ?? - 12/11
obvi and it didn’t take me a month -12/11
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