jadeseadragon · 1 year
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In this 1835 print, Life of Nichiren: A Vision of Prayer on the Waves, Utagawa Kuniyoshi depicts a scene from Nichiren’s biography where the sacred daimoku appears at sea. | The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Henry L. Phillips Collection
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💌 💐 The Love Letter, c. 1770 -Jean-Honoré Fragonard (1732 - 1806).
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valyrra · 1 month
Ok Google can I romance the fisherman robot in Palia
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uyuforu · 15 days
Hey UYU. Just wanted to know which tarot deck do you find to be the most beautiful and why?
Some of my favorite Tarots I have:
𝜗𝜚 Botticelli Tarot (really like the design, also I love the golden traits on the cards, find it very pretty)
𝜗𝜚 The Wandering Star Tarot (very colorful and unique)
𝜗𝜚 Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot (really beautiful, saw it often on YouTube, also has golden traits! But cards can be a bit big if you have small hands like mine)
𝜗𝜚 Klimt Tarot (I love Klimt, also found this Tarot in MMOA in NYC)
𝜗𝜚 Radiant Wilds Tarot (saw it on YouTube and found it very original and pretty!)
Some Tarots in my wishlist:
𝜗𝜚 The Transparent Tarot (so unique, and very cool! though it can be very hard for people who don't have much experience with Tarot. I only recommend it if you have been familiar with Tarot for a while!)
𝜗𝜚 Prism Oracle (an Oracle, not a Tarot. But very cute)
𝜗𝜚 Star Spinner Tarot (found it once in a shop, never bought it but I think it's very beautiful)
𝜗𝜚 The Pink Tarot (cute and I like pink lol)
𝜗𝜚 Chou Chou Tarot (so cute!!!!)
𝜗𝜚 Mini Moonlight Crystal Tarot (cuuuute)
𝜗𝜚 Luna's My Melody Tarot (yeah cute again, can you see I like cute stuff?)
Hope you found some inspirations ^^
- uyu
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mmoa, smooth operator [x]
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obengwoha · 1 month
Kosɛ, kosɛ; Asɔnsuaso ba Kwaa Gyebi nenam Gyamase
Amakye Dede kaa asɛm wɔ ne dwom bi mu. Na asɛm no mu ɛyɛ duru. Ɛna ɛwɔ nkyerɛaseɛ beberee. Na me nsoso mayi asɛm a, mede ayɛ Anansesɛm a, mereba abɛto akyerɛ wo.
Ebi a, asɛm no bɛfa wo ho; kafra. Na sɛ ɛmfa wo ho nso a, asɛm biara nni hɔ a, ɛkyiri afutuo. Wobɛ tumi ama wo nua bi abɛtie bi.
Ɔkaa sɛ: “Kosɛ, koseɛ, Asɔnsuaso ba Kwaa Gyebi nenam Gyamase”. Asɛm wei, ɛmu ɛyɛ duru. Ɛne sɛ, mmerɛ bi na Asɔnsuaso woo ne ba Kwaa Gyebi. Na abrabɔ mu bɛyɛɛ den. Na Asɔnsuaso hwɛ dinn sɛ, ɛkɔm bɛde ɔne ne ba deɛ; ɛneɛ dabi. Ɔbɛtu bata akɔ pɛ aduane. Ɛsan sɛ, anoma antu (ankɔ) a, ɔbua da.
Na na Kwaa Gyebi yɛ akwadaa mono a, ne ho nnya mfifiriɛ mpo. Nti Asɔnsuaso kraa ne ba yi sɛ: “Kwaa Gyebi, ɛnyɛ sɛ anka mɛgya wo hɔ akɔ. Nanso, mankɔ a, yɛbɛ bua ada; yɛ mmienu bɛwu. Enti meretu bata makɔ pɛ aduane aba. Ebi a, mentumi mma nnɛ, efiri sɛ, baabi a, merekɔ no kwan ware. Na sɛ mantumi amma bio mpo a, Nyankopɔn nhwɛ wo so.” Asɔnsuaso ne ne ba yi nyinaa suueɛ. Ɛna ɔne no dii nkra.
Asɔnsuaso kɔɔ akyiri yie. Ɛsan sɛ, na ɔpɛ asi. Na ne ti yɛɛ yie. Ɔkɔ nyaa aduane yi bi. Na ɔrena no, adeɛ bɛsaa no wɔ kwan mu. Ɔnhunu baabiara. Enti sɛ wanhwɛ yie, ɔde ne tiri bɛkɔ akɔ pem dua bi mu ama ne kɔn mu abu. Enti ɛbɛyɛ deɛ a, ɔbɛpɛ dua bi nkom ada. Na sɛ ɛyɛ Nyame pɛ a, anɔpa tutuutu watoa n’akwantuo so.
Ɔkɔ tweree dua bi nkon mu. Ɔtweree dua bi nkon mu, na saa anadwo no, ahum kɛseɛ bi tuuiɛ, ɛma mframa bɔɔeɛ, ɛma nnua bubuui.
Na Asɔnsuaso tiri anyɛ yie ɛma dua bi panyɛ ɛbɛfɛɛ ne nan. Na ɛyɛ awerɛhosɛm. Asɔnsuaso suueɛ, teaa mu, pɛɛ mmoa. Nanso na mframa ne ahum a atu no nti, obiara mpo ante.
Na mmom ɔyɛɛ n’adwene sɛ, sɛ ɔbɛyɛ a ɔbɛgaye aduane no mu paa ara deɛ, ɛneɛ aduane no ɛmmɔ n’ano na ɔnwu.
Ɛkɔ duruu sɛ, ɛwuo ara na ɔbɛwu, ɛsan sɛ, na ɔnya ɔgyefoɔ. Na mmom ɔka kyerɛɛ neho sɛ: "Awurade, mede me ba Kwaa Gyebi hyɛ wo nsa. Na mmom aduane a, ɛbɔ m’ano yi deɛ, mennyae nto ɛfam. Na menim sɛ ɛda bi, Kwaa Gyebi bɛnya nkwa. Na ɔbɛ sɔre. Na ɔbɛba abɛhunu sɛ aduane yi bɔ m'ano. Mpo sɛ ɔbɛhunu sɛ me nkranpan na aka a, ɔbɛhunu sɛ meyɛɛ deɛ mɛtumi nyinaa. Me nsa na anso m'akyi." Ɛna Asɔnsuaso wuuiɛ.
Na saa anadwo no, na ɔwɔ bi ayɛ n'adwene sɛ, ɔbɛkɔ akɔkye Kwaa Gyebi ɛne ne maame ɛwɔ ne buo mu ɛde akɔma ne mma. Na Kwaa Gyebi nkoara na aka no ɛbuo no mu.Na nsuo no boo no. Na werɛ aho, ɛresu refrɛ ne maame. Na adwene bi baa ne tiri mu sɛ, ɔbɛtena ɛbuo no mu awu deɛ, ɛneɛ ɔbɛpere atɔ ɛfam. Na ɛyɛ bi a, ɔbɛnya aduane bi atasetase.
Anoma yi pereɛ ara; Kwaa Gyebi pereɛ ara na ɔte tɔɔ ewira yi ase. Ɔnenam ewira yi ase awerɛho-awerɛho.
Na nsuo retɔ. Ɛna susaa nso atwa ne ho ahyia. Na ɔhunuu sɛ, ɔwɔ bi name wɔnom buo no ho a, ɔrebɛpɛ wɔnom amene wɔnom, ɔne ne maame.
Ɔse: "a! Ɛneɛ sɛ wantɔ fam a, anka ɔwɔ yi de no bɛyɛ ha name." Enti ɔhunuu sɛ, dabi, susaa yi a ɛrekɔ yi deɛ, "mempre nkɔ tɔ mu, na baabi ara ɔbɛgyae ne ato no deɛ, asaase biara nkyiri funu. Mewu tɔ ɛhɔ a, mɛkɔ akɔhyia me maame".
Ɛna ɔpereɛ ara na ɔkɔtɔɔ susaa yi mu. Ɛna susaa yi de no name ɛwura yi mu kakra kakra, ɛna ɛkɔ gyaee no too baabi. Na ɛnam nsuo a ɛtɔɔ anadwo no, anoma bi perebuo te tɔɔ ɛfam, a ne mma nso egu mu.
Kwaa Gyebi yɛɛ sɛ, sɛ deɛ ne mma yi ho nni nwii no deɛ, ɔno nso bɛkɔ akɔfra wɔnom mu. Na sɛ nnomaa yi maame ba, wabɛhwɛ wɔnom nyinaa afra. Enti ɔperee ara kɔhyɛɛ ebuo yi mu bi.
Na anoma no baaeɛ no, ɔbɛtamm ɛbuo yi de sɛnn dua foforɔ so, a ɔrehwɛ wɔnom. Enti ɛkɔbaa sɛ, mmerɛ rekɔ no ara no, nnomaa yi ho hyɛɛ aseɛ sɛ, ɛrefu. Ɛna anoma maame yi bɛhunuu sɛ: "dabi, anoma foforɔ bi abɛfra me mma yi". Wɔnom ntakara no ɛnsɛ. Na ɛkyerɛ sɛ, Kwaa Gyebi ɛyɛ ɔhɔhoɔ ɛwɔ ne mma mu. Enti ɔyii Kwaa Gyebi ɛna ɔtoo no tweneeɛ.
Kwaa Gyebi, saa mmerɛ na wahyɛ aseɛ refu ntakara. Na ɛnsoso, na ɔnnuruu sɛ ɔtu. Kwaa Gyebi hunuu sɛ, deɛ aduru no, ɔnoara apere antu a, ɔbɛwu. Enti ɔhyɛɛ aseɛ sɛ ɔnoara ankasa retu. Ne mpɔn mu nyɛ den, nanso ɔbɛyɛ deɛ ɔbɛ tumi biara sɛ ɛbɛyɛ a, ɛkɔm nku no.
Ɔpereeɛ ara; Kwaa Gyebi de nkakra-nkakra. Nyame adom, Kwaa Gyebi anwu. Ɔbɛ nyiniiɛ. Na da koro, ɔnam ara na ɔkɔ sii dua bi so. Ɛna ɔhunuu sɛ, nkranpan bi kura aduane bi mu. Ne yam hyee no. Ɔtwe bɛn nkranpan no na ɔhunuu sɛ: “a! Me maame Asɔnsuaso nnie”. Anoma yi suui ɛna ɔse: “a! Me yam nti na me maame abɛwu aka dua yi mu yi”.
Ɔsuuiɛ, ɛna ɔkɔ hweteree ɛfam baabi, ɛna ɔyii ne maame nkranpan kɔ guu mu, na ɔkataa so. Ɛna ɔkaa sɛ: “Mama woyɛɛ sɛ deɛ wobɛ tumi ayɛ sɛ wode aduane bɛbrɛ me. Nanso mmerɛ ne nkrabea, ɛwɔ Nyame hɔ, woantumi. Na mmom aduane yi a asɛe yi, mɛdi ahyɛ wo din animoɔnyam. Ɛsan sɛ, me nti na wobɛ wuuiɛ. Ɛna Asɔnsuaso gyee aduane yi, ɛba ɔdiiɛ. Ɛna ɔkataa ne maame so.
Wonim? Deɛ Onyame bɛyɛ biara yɛ. Yɛn mu beberee wɔ hɔ a, deɛ yɛfiri be abusua a, yɛfiri mu, awofoɔ bi a wɔwoo yɛn no, wɔnom pereeɛ ara sɛ anka wɔn nsa bɛso y'akyi. Na ɛnsoso, wɔn ahoɔden antumi. Yɛn mu beberee wɔnom anka wɔbɛ dware y'kyiri no, yɛ ammɛto wɔn. Enti anoma foforɔ bi na ɔhwɛɛ yɛn. Nanso obi bɛyɛ wo yie a, na ɛnte sɛ wo maame.
Na ɛnsoso, Nyame nim neɛ nti a, ɔyɛ ne biribi ara. Sɛ Asɔnsuaso ne ne ba amfiri buo no mu, anka ɔwɔ no bɛwee wɔnom nyinaa. Ɔyi biribi firi hɔ, na ɔde biribi ahyɛ anan mu.
Ebi a na wo nsa anso w'akyiri adwareɛ. Na ensoso woapere ara sɛ, woanyɛ no saa, ɛnyɛ yie. Enti woara apere na sɛ ɛnɛ, woaduru mpɛnpɛnsoɔ bi a, da Nyame ase. Deɛ ɛbɛsi biara yɛ. Amma no saa, anka ɛnyɛ.
Nyame nkyekyere obiara a, wahwere ne maame werɛ. Na yɛn a, yɛ anso tuo, nanso yɛ peteeɛ tuuɛ, Nyame adom, yɛ anwu na yɛ te ase no, yɛ ntwa yɛ ani nkɔhwɛ yɛ akyi. Na anka wɔn bɛtumi a, anka wɔnom yɛɛe. Na wɔnom antumi nti, na wɔnom gyaa yɛn agyaegyae mu.
Nyame nhyira awofoɔ biara. Wo ne Nyame nyɛ adwuma.
Ɔbɛnem 20, 2024
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eternal3d2d · 2 months
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khemicaltv · 6 months
Mmoa! Mcbrown's divørće isn't ur bušiness,think about ur future: Vim Lad...
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jadeseadragon · 4 months
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Agnes F. Northrop for Tiffany Studios, "Garden Landscape" (1912), three-part window for Linden Hall, leaded Favrile glass, 124 × 246 inches (all images courtesy the Metropolitan Museum of Art)
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Salomé (1870).
Oil on Canvas.
160 cm (63 in) x 101 cm (40 in).
Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Henri Regnault (Full name: Alexandre Georges Henri Regnault) 31 October 1843 Paris, France 🇫🇷 - 19 January 1871 Rueil-Malmaison, France 🇫🇷 during the 2nd Battle of Buzenval.
Salomé is a 19th-century painting by French artist Henri Regnault. Done in oil on canvas, the work depicts the biblical character Salome. The work debuted in the Paris salon of 1870, several months before Regnault was killed in the Franco-Prussian War. The work is currently in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Which in turn inspired this (photoshopped? or repainted?) portrait of Nadja of Antipaxos (Natasia Demetriou) as Salomé from "What We Do In The Shadows."
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brian-betsy · 10 months
EYE NEWSFLASH: iamproperty acquires SDL Auctions portfolio of estate agency partners
EYE NEWSFLASH: iamproperty acquires SDL Auctions’ portfolio of estate agency partners https://propertyindustryeye.com/eye-newsflash-iamproperty-acquires-sdl-auctions-portfolio-of-estate-agency-partners/ iamproperty has acquired SDL Auctions’ portfolio of Estate Agency Partners who use the SDL online Modern Method of Auction (MMoA) service. Brian Betsy
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edulearnweb · 1 year
Lanto Azasime, Ghana's best artist using discarded materials releases a masterpiece
Lanto Azasime, Ghana’s best artist using discarded materials releases a masterpiece
Art is a mindset, a skill, and a science that needs to be appreciated, and Lanto Azasime Ghana’s budding artist using discarded materials has released another masterpiece called “Boa Me Na Me Mmoa Wo”  which translated into Help Let Me Help You in English. The new intriguing masterpiece is part of the “Adeɛ a Ɛbɛyɛ Yie Nsɛi Da” (Who will work will never get spoilt) collection stands for…
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ghcountdown-1234 · 2 years
OJ - Onipa Hia Mmoa
OJ – Onipa Hia Mmoa
OJ – Onipa Hia Mmoa ”Ye Mboa Nipa wo Mmere a, Otease” Audio Mp3 Download. Helping hands never luck, giving a helping hand to a neighbor in their times on earth is more important than going for their funeral to cry in tears. Minister OJ, talented Ghanain worshiper, and songwriter blesses us with this amazing single he called ”Nipa hia Mmoa”, a free Mp3 Download. Onipa Hia Mmoa by OJ is a piece of…
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Top 10 Cửa hàng bán dụng cụ thể thao uy tín nhất tại TP.HCM - TopBrands
Top 10 Cửa hàng bán dụng cụ thể thao uy tín nhất tại TP.HCM – TopBrands
1. Cửa hàng dụng cụ thể dục thể thao Quận 5 Cửa hàng dụng cụ thể dục thể thao Quận 5 là địa điểm chuyên kinh doanh các loại dụng cụ thể thao từ nhiều hãng nổi tiếng trên thế giới, được khách hàng ưa chuộng như Adidas, Nike, Lining, Victor, Mmoa, Yonex, Kawasaki, Lacoste, Wilson… Đến đây, khách hàng sẽ có nhiều lựa chọn với đa dạng mẫu mã, hầu hết những dụng cụ mà khách hàng cần đều có đầy đủ kiểu…
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mmoa, cult of personalititties [x]
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