foxxesmateforlife · 9 years
@nickiminaj @mileycyrus (at MMVA's)
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thisisfreak · 9 years
You guys are annoying about the issue of Miley and Nicki You are annoyed by the MMVA in general.
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deepfeels · 9 years
So much truth being spoken tonight
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one-delicious-vinyl · 9 years
Kanye West took 6 years to apologize and 10 years to finish his speech.
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thiccjinki · 9 years
I'm Dissapoited taylor always slays her style now idk what that is :/
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iluvlola · 9 years
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Mississauga rapper John River has made an exceptional addition to the throng of summer anthems being dropped this year with the visuals to “Get Down” off his impending mixtape The Storm.
In this video John takes us on a celebration, and he definitely has a lot to celebrate in the year 2015. The release of “Hope City II” not only skyrocketed his fan base, but it also nabbed him a nomination for Best Rap Video at this year’s Much Music Video Awards.
In the midst of filming River sat with ILUVLOLA to not only discuss the video, but his MMVAs nomination, moving to the states and The Storm.
Tell me a little bit about Get Down.
I think it’s a really good song. I think it’s going to be new for some people in regards to what they expect from John River. It’s been three years since I put out my last project, I think I’ve developed a lot and found myself. I recorded “Hope City II” about a year and a half ago and I just happened to put it out in January, but I’ve evolved a lot since then. [“Get Down”] is just a different side of John River, that’s just as good. People should enjoy it!
All your videos up to now have been shot in Mississauga, what’s the importance of doing this?
I think for me it’s just really important to show that this is where I’m from and this is where the people I know are from. I know the business and the industry resides in Toronto, but I want to be as real as possible. I think people say they’re from Toronto because they don’t feel like Mississauga’s hood enough, but fuck that shit I’m from here people know I’m from here and I think they respect that. I like people knowing that we fucking exist. I exist.
How did you feel when you first heard “Hope City II” was nominated for Much Music’s Best Rap Video of the year? 
I shouldn’t even say this, but I thought I was going to cry. I was very happy, I was very shocked. Was “Hope City II” a great song and a great video? Yes. Was I very happy with it? Yes, but I’m 20 and still very new to rap. In my head I’m thinking MMVAs, JUNOS, Grammys that’s 2-3 years away so when you do get the nomination you feel overwhelmed.
People are really pulling for me and I was really happy. I want to win I don’t know if I will, but even if I don’t it’s just like…I don’t know man you go from like eight people coming out to a video shoot to two years later with seven hundred people congratulating me on a video nomination.
 Some parts of your life are just like, wow you’ve come a long way. When a hundred people show up to a video for you? Like who the fuck am I? I just want everyone to know that I very much appreciate it and I don’t take it for granted because a year and a half ago I didn’t have that.
So a year and a half ago you never even imagined you’d be where you are now, where do you hope to be a year or two from now?
Man hopefully I’m not working at McDonalds. [laughs]
It looks like I’m going to be moving out to the states pretty soon, that’s where the market is. Eventually the bird’s got to leave the nest. Canada’s phenomenal and I’m very grateful for it, but you have to remember sometimes that you may be the biggest fish in the pond but there’s a whole sea out there. Sometimes artists in Canada are happy with the success they have in Canada and they get complacent, but you got to remember what you want.
I want to be the biggest rapper in the world, you don’t do anything to be the 37th best. The only way that’s going to happen is if you compete with the best of the best. You’re either going to swim or you’re going to drown and if I’m not good enough then I need to get better. I don’t want to shelter myself and I’m hopeful.
You have a mixtape coming up when is that dropping and how does it differ from The Calm? 
Yes it’s called The Storm and it should be coming out before the end of the summer actually. For my first mixtape I said it’s amazing, it’s going to change my life and then it came out and everyone was like ‘Oh that was good’. [But] I think I could have the mixtape of the year, but I also think that one day I’m going to marry Alicia Keys [laughs].
It should be great, it’s very me and I think I found myself. My music got better and more original as I got more original. The Calm was still great and I still love it, but when you get to be this age you are who you are and its either good enough or it’s not. I want to find out. The Storm sounds very much like a young black kid who grew up in the suburbs of Mississauga who gives a fuck about what’s happening in the world. I’m not going to be Nelson Mandela tomorrow and I’m not going to be a trap nigga either, I’m somewhere in the middle and I think that’s where the mixtape is.
What do you expect to come out of releasing The Storm? 
Ah, this sounds like a label meeting [laughs]. If I were being completely honest I want to go on tour in the United States, I’d probably open for somebody. I love Canada, but you got to go to the states, eat, and then you can come back in my opinion. After it drops I want a hundred thousand people to hear it and have the opportunity for it to be the mixtape of the year. I’ve met with a few labels and it’s hard oh my god. I think I’m looking for something that’s a lot different than other artists, for me I’m happy with the music. And hopefully people will be like “Oh my God John River you’re the greatest rapper in the world” and I’d be like “Man I told you!” [laughs]. That’s the dream.
Twitter/Instagram: @JohnRiverFTC
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lovetamara345 · 9 years
(vía https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgM0z4qt_Qo)
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thiccjinki · 9 years
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loverly-awkward-ed · 9 years
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edsheeransource · 9 years
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littlelightsy · 9 years
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shelbimeaux · 9 years
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this should also be the warning before you start looking at posts on tumblr.
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iwillkeepyouwarm · 9 years
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littlelightsy · 9 years
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