canisalbus · 5 months
Curious about your tags on the dog vocalizations post! Since dogs don’t sweat and panting is a natural but somewhat embarrassing behavior, would you say that items like hand fans are particularly popular to help cool down? Maybe especially in hotter areas or in certain social circles where it would be particularly embarrassing or even hard to hold an important conversation if the heat is making someone pant too much?
I thought about this earlier and I believe so! I'm under the impression that hand fans were fashionable in 16th-17th century Europe so it's not even something I have to add just for the dogs.
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numbaoneflaya · 4 days
Make a poll of your favourite female characters (no limits - as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most! Tagged by ezraaaaa🦅. Tagging @spaceandbones @claymour @asistole @mochi129 @darkspawntaxcollectors
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mochi-building · 2 years
Hello, and welcome!
You can call me Mochi, my main blog is @mochi129 and I’m currently creating an original world, primarily for use in Dnd campaigns. The intention of this blog is to…
Collect worldbuilding prompts and other inspiration
Blog random thoughts and ideas
And share artwork and world details!
I’m not expecting people to have much interest and am primarily using this as a way to organize my thoughts, but I would also be more than happy to answer asks and chat with other people!
If anyone is interested, here are a few additional details!
The original and primary intention of this world is to be used in DND campaigns, and while I’m willing to bend the rules in some places, the core mechanics will be based on DND
That being said, the history of my world, creation myths, pantheon, etc will only be loosely tied with DND canon, if at all
I’m a big fan of Critical Role, and there will likely be aspects of my world that are similar to or inspired by Exandria. I will also be utilizing some of the magic items and subclasses that Matthew Mercer has created
This pinned post will be edited over time as necessary to add links and other information!
Have a good time, I hope y’all are interested! 😊
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numbaoneflaya · 1 year
7 comfort films + 7 tags !
tagged by @devilbrakers (The Lump)<333
Evil Dead 2
Army of Darkness
What we do in the shadows
The Descent
The Hot Chick
American Werewolf in London
Tagging @darkspawntaxcollectors @nedsseveredhead @mochi129 @waluigisgaybf @thedreadpiratematt @dethmetalclown @salander-san and whomever wanna do it
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