#mochiponadventures: story time
mochiponadventures · 8 months
Juliana was busy helping her mother in the garden when she heard someone approaching. It was Kieran. He carried a small box in his hands and gave Juliana a big smile.
"Hey Juli, i brought you some cookies made by my sis. Believe it or not, she fell in love with that home ed class at your school and is now full on trying out everything they learn there" This amused Juliana quite a lot, seeing as Carmine didn´t really looked like she would engage in such things at all...
"Thank you, i really appreciate it!" She got up from her position and walked over to Kieran, hugging him. "So i take that you two enjoy Naranja Academy so far?"
The boy nodded, still smiling.
"Yeah, it´s really nice here and the teachers are certainly different from those at Blueberry Academy" Less strict and way more more lenient, Kieran mused, chuckling. "Let me put these cookies inside the house before the sun melts them. It´s quite hot today. Do you want something to drink?" Juliana asked, taking the box from her friend, carrying it inside. "Yes please!" He replied, looking around the lot he was standing on. The garden really was beautiful and certainly ripe with all kinds of fruits and vegetables.
Just as he wanted to follow Juliana inside, he saw Ogerpon swiping the patio with a broom, looking all but not pleased. When his friend came back, he gently nudged the girl, pointing towards the sweeping pokemon. "What´s up with Ogi? She looks really angry, did something happen?"
At that, Juliana sighed, giving Keiran his drink.
"It´s a punishment, she did something very bad and is now living through the consequences of it. Right Ogi?" She turned towards the young Pokemon, raising a brow. There was only an indignified huff as answer as she continued to sweep the ground.
"What did she do?" Kieran asked.
"Well, she sneaked up in the attic, got her Iron Cudgel, which by the way she is forbidden from using outside of battles, and decided to hit Momo on top of his head with it..."
Ogi only rolled with her eyes.
"Don´t give me that eyeroll, young lady! We don´t hit in this house and you know that!"
"POOOOOOOOOOON PON!" Ogi replied dramatically, it was amazing how close it sounded to a child, whining. Kieran chuckled, shaking his head. "Poor Momo, i bet that must have hurt!"
"He cried for hours afterwards. I even had to take him to the Pokemon Center! And you know how he likes going there..." Momo had a severe phobia of hospital settings and thus, every visit to the Pokemon Center or it´s sick bay, made the little Pokemon flew into a giant panic attack. "Don´t even get me started when its time for his shots...you don´t wanna see him there..."
Kieran nodded at that, feeling sorry for the little Peach.
"You know, Ogi and Momo are pretty much like Carmine and me when it comes to sibling quabbles. She used to hit me too when i was too annoying for her taste. Of course never so bad that i had to go to the hospital, but still." The memories of these events were still fresh inside his head, albeit it had been years by now that they happened.
"Speaking of Momo, where is he? Terapagos wanted to go play with him as soon he heard me talking about going to visit you!"
"Oh i laid him down for a nap. The heat is making him kind of drowsy and i don´t want him to get a sunburn or heatstroke either. He is in my room." Keiran mused at that for a moment, it was really hot he had to admit. No wonder even Pokemon got bothered by it.
"That´s a shame, but of course his health goes first. I hope he feels better after that nap." He took a sip from his lemonade by now and relished at the taste. "This is really good. Perfect for a hot summer day!" Juliana nodded eagerly. "Yeah, my mom makes the best lemonade around here. Nemona, Arven and Penny can testify to that!" She laughed, pulling Kieran over to her, nuzzling his cheek.
"That said, I am done with gardening for now, why don´t you come inside and we can watch a couple movies? We have an air conditioner too, so it´s nice and cool inside." Before going inside though, she called over Ogi, allowing her a break as well.
"You can take a break as well, Ogi. Take a glass of the lemonade and go inside, okay? I don´t want you to get overheated either...you can continue later!"
Ogerpon was first relieved to finally being able to stop sweeping but got hit by the word "break", which meant that she had to continue later on, which did not sit right with her at all. Pouting she listened to Juliana and went inside with a huff, throwing the broom on the ground, probably to make a point.
"She still has a long way to go..." Juliana sighed, taking Kierans hand, pulling him inside. "Then again, i can´t really blame her. She never had someone to tell her what is right and what is wrong..."
"I think you´re doing a pretty good job as her trainer so far, so don´t worry about it!" They kissed each other and went inside together, hand in hand.
Inside the house there was a commotion going on already, Momo seemingly had woken from his slumber and was now darting through the house, visibly full of energy. From what Juliana could see, he had cookie crumbs around his cheeks which only could mean one thing...he must have gotten in the cookies Kieran had brought and Momo now effectively had a bona fide sugar rush.
"I think someone gourged themselves on your sisters cookies, Kieran..." Juliana chuckled, watching her youngest charge zooming around the house, giggling like crazy. Ogi followed him, visibly annoyed but also with cookie crumbs around her mouth.
"Now that Momo´s awake, i can let out Terapagos as well, that´s what he wanted anyway!" Kieran exclaimed, calling out his friend from inside his ball. "Alright Tera, go have fun with Momo!"
The young Pokemon did not wasted a minute and quickly got a hold of both Momo and Ogi.
"You think they let us watch our movies in peace?" Kieran asked, looking at Juliana with an amused look. "We can try, let´s go before there is yet another incident caused by this trio in the back"
And with that, both Juliana and Kieran sat down and enjoyed a couple hours together, with the joyful and livid background noises of playing Pokemon.
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mochiponadventures · 8 months
Concept for a short story I had in mind:
Okidogi is ordered by Juliana to babysit Momo while she and her mom are out to buy groceries with Ogi because she desperately wanted to come too.
Now alone in the house Okidogi starts to understand why humans enjoy living like this. Dogi falls asleep on the couch later though while watching Momo(Dogi is normally not allowed on the couch because Julianas mother has a real aversion against dog hair flying around. But hey, no one is home right now and he is literally the boss™️, so fudge it!)
*cue image of Okidogi doing that little hind leg thingy on the couch dogs do when they are scratched or are dreaming*
Momo being the precocious little daredevil he is *cough cough* of course got bored playing with his wooden train set Juliana had bought him and started to wander off.
Hilarity ensues when Dogi wakes up seeing that his charge and former boss has vanished in thin air 😂
Thoughts anyone?
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mochiponadventures · 8 months
Carmine´s surprise Visit
Carmine was visiting Juliana, Ogi and Momo today. It was shortly after dinner time when the girl appeared in front of her friends house. Juliana was coming out and was pleasantly surprised to see Carmine there. Inviting her in, Ogi and Momo came to greet her.
Both looked positively happy, albeit Momo looked a little stuffed and visibly more drowsy than usual. "Hi Carmine, what´s up? Want something to drink?"
"Yeah, i would like that. Thank you." A short pause was followed by a snickering sound. "Sooo how are Ogi and Momo doing lately? My brother told me quite a lot about his Terapagos and your little peach here causing all kinds of mischief at daycare!"
"Momo is fine, just a little stuffed from dinner tonight. Ogi too, but as you can see, she is still as energetic as usual!" Juliana answered, stroking Ogi´s head while giving Momo a small kiss on the forehead. The small pokemon visibly relished this and cuddled up to his caretaker happily, nuzzling Juliana. Carmine smiled at that and came closer to them.
"You know, that little runt is quite cute all things considered!" She used one of her fingers to poke one of Momo´s round cheeks. Momo giggled at that and turned towards Carmine, floating over to her, happily bouncing up and down.
"Why don´t you take a seat while i get you some cold lemonade?" Juliana offered Carmine a seat which she took gladly, carrying Momo with her while doing so. He sat on the girls lap, looking up to her, smiling. "Aww just look at you all bouncy and happy, want to play horsey with your auntie? I know Kiki loved that when he was really small..." Momo looked up at the other with a questioning look before letting out a small cry of surprise as Carmine started to bounce him on her lap, up and down and quite fast.
Juliana´s eyes grew in size while watching, knowing Momos body language very well by now. "Uhh Carmine, i wouldn´t do that...you know...Momo just ate quite a lot and he usually has a very sensitive tummy..."
"Nonsense, look at the little ruggamuffin, he´s enjoying himself! Arent you, little one?" Momo´s expression changed from his usual purple hue to a more greenish one as his eyebrows furrowed. Ogi looked at the spectacle and grinned, knowing exactly what would happen any minute by now.
"Pon Pon!!" She exclaimed, tittering like she had heard the worlds most funniest joke. Just as Juliana wanted to get Momo, it happened. It all didn´t even take a minute as Carmine´s face changed from hilarity to utter terror. Because of all the bouncing, Momo´s digestive tract decided to go topsy turvy on him, emptying his stomach right into Carmine´s lap.
"EHHHHHHHHH????" Ogi was on the floor laughing by now, rolling around, cackling like crazy. Juliana took a now whining Momo in her arms, taking a clothe to wipe the poor pokemons face. "I told you not to do that...i am so sorry...here let me get you a couple wet wipes..." She hurried over to the kitchen area, searching for something to remove the stains on Carmine´s lap, all the while trying to calm Momo down who felt no longer happy, but icky and gross.
"Don´t get me wrong, Momo usually loves playing Horsey, just not after dinner..." Juliana explained, helping Carmine to clean herself up. Her face still showed a kind of shocked expression mixed with disgust. "I guess next time i am listening to you when it comes to this...gross...ugh"
"Ogi, stop laughing and help me! Go fetch your Gran Gran, will you?"
Ogi got up, saluting while still giggling, scuttling off and about to find Juliana´s mother. "You won´t hold that against me, right?" Juliana asked carefully, trying to look apologetic. "Of course not...just remind me next time not doing that with Momo right after he ate, okay?"
"Will do" With that, after everything had been cleaned up, the group still had a nice evening without any further mishaps and even Momo got happy again, bouncing around between Juliana and Carmine, already forgotten the incident from before.
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