#mod finn is bad at writing but lookaT THE OTHER ONE
oh-god-theres-6 · 7 years
Please........ some Sweet Osomatsu scenarios..... he's a Good Boyo....... I'm tHORSTY
Well, this says scenarios. Not headcanons. What to do, what to do. I got it! Two short scenarios to temporarily quench your thOrst! Here ya go, a duo with both Mod Finn and Mod Riz! Enjoy!
Written by Mod Finn: 1,439 words; is trash; was thrown together with the sad hope it would make someone happy
If there was anything more unenjoyable than dealing with 5 brothers who hated your guts, it was dealing with your significant other hating your guts; or, that’s what Osomatsu was sure of. Since the night before, after a playful banter over text plummeted into a fiery argument he never saw coming, Oso had yet to receive a single response to the twenty-something messages he had sent to his silent pal. They began as amiable good mornings that morphed into poking and teasing at their previous attitude and finally contorted into thumbed paragraphs of apologies, his mind immediately drifting to the worst. The unsuccessful attempts at contact grew to be so unbearable that he forced himself to hop onto the nearest train to get to their home, desperate for some form of reconciliation with them.
Now, as he stood at the doorstep of their apartment, Osomatsu felt a guilty rope tied to his ribs pulling him back toward the steps as if convincing him everything would melt away like ice cream in the back seat of a car if he only went back home and waited it out. Thankfully, if that could be fairly suggested, the soles of his shoes felt particularly heavy where he stood, leaving him immobile. There was no escaping the consequences of what was to come. He only hoped that the encounter wouldn’t be as emotionally draining as he believed it would be. He gently rapped his knuckles on the door, scared to wake whatever beast may be hiding inside. Silence welcomed him to knock again, the rigid noise loud enough that he cringed away from his own hand. Again, he found nothing to greet him. A sigh cooled his lips and yet did nothing to rest his muscles, held tight under his iconic red sweatshirt. Another knock, this one formed by his forehead dropping against the door.
“Hey, uh, are you there?” he muttered to the concrete floor, calling the resident with the ghost of his confidence. A cough cleared his throat and he tried again at a regular volume, his timid, “You home?” ringing in the stairwell and bouncing back as mocking laughter at his feeble stance.
“I’m sorry,” he confessed, hands comfortably shifting in his sweatshirt’s pocket, “I didn’t think it would go that far, you know?”
His awkward chuckle made him shudder. This wasn’t going well.
“I get it if you’re mad at me, but it’s not fair to put a guy through this. Have a bit of sympathy! I’m trying here!” As determination and desperation danced the tango on his spine his voice gradually raised, his echo frustrating him further. He knocked again, palm slapping at the metal door. “I’ve tried to make it up and now you’ve got me coming all the way here, just to ignore me? That’s a little cruel, you know?”
The undeniable sound of footsteps on the other side of the door shook his heart and a short grin twitched his lips and he could no longer feel the words coming from his mouth. “I don’t know what I did or how it got to this but you know I wasn’t serious, right? You know I’m kinda dumb, right? You, haha, you’re the only person out there who can understand who I am. You’re really smart like that, to be able to see exactly what I’m saying and why I’m doing things and- goddammit, you should know I’m not good at this! I get it, I learned my lesson and now I’m sorry and I’m outside your door begging for forgiveness like those awful romance movies we watched last week! Please, open the door. Say something to me.”
The door’s knob clicked and suddenly, Oso saw the floor coming toward him at an oddly swift pace. The pain of carpet burn on his palms ripped him to the realization that he was now halfway inside the apartment of the one person he was unable to interact with for the past twelve hours. He kneeled, gaze coasting up the body standing before him in sweatpants and a graphic tee. At the sight of their confused features, his guilt recoiled violently and cluelessness made way to his train of thought, derailing the vehicle until he was sure it had crashed into his skull.
“What the hell?” they laughed, looking down at him with a quirked eyebrow. The telltale sign of music became aware to him as it cascaded through the house. How had he not noticed it before? The sound was almost deafening. It was almost surprising they had it this loud in the first place.
“W-What do you mean, ‘what the hell?’” he stammered, unable to stand as the situation perched on his shoulder like a parrot. A grossly large, unidentifiable parrot. He caught sight of a half-eaten twinkie in the hand of his partner and he somehow pushed his confused and horrified expression even further.
“I mean, what the hell was all this about? What in the world do you have to be sorry for?” Their laughter, so sweet and comforting, carefully freed his ribcage of the painful guilt that held him captive and a true grin stretched across his face. His phone was retrieved and the old conversation was picked out to show off, his hand held high above him.
“This whole thing! Don’t you remember! You’ve been ignoring me all day and I had no choice!” His thumb scrolled through the messages he sent through the duration of the afternoon and suddenly his partner’s face flashed with understanding.
“Oh my god, that? I didn’t think it was that serious! It was just a little debate! Every couple does that, Oso. You’re such a dork.” Their hand rested on his head, rustling his hair until he kindly slapped it off, pulling himself to stand once more on their doorstep.
“And you ignored me because…?”
“I have a research paper due tomorrow and I wanted to take today to work on it! I told you about this before we went to bed!” they explained and once again he stared at them, puzzled. They rolled their eyes, snatching his phone and scrolling to the end of their argument. In a rather long message, he saw that they not only politely brushed off the argument, but they explained the exact situation at hand. When he thought about it hard enough, he did remember passing out soon after the conversation from the amount of energy the argument sapped from his body. It was likely he conked out before he even got the message. Embarrassed, he rubbed his nose with a finger, a nervous laugh shaking his chest. He looked to the ground stuffing his hands back into his hoodie.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, leaning into the doorframe, his ankles crossing. A kiss on his cheek almost sent him reeling and a hand pulled him inside before he could notice what was happening.
“Well, you’re already here and I was getting lonely.” A new feeling sparked in his mind and Oso grabbed at their waist, tugging them to face him. He smirked, eyes relaxed in a not-at-all-subtle manner.
“Lonely? I can help-” A hand smacked his forehead playfully and the other chuckled as they dragged him off to their room. He barely reached the doorknob to shut the door behind them.
“Haha, look at you, assuming that I’m going to let you interrupt my work so easily just because you almost broke down at my doorstep,” they taunted, letting him go to hop on their paper-covered bed, pulling their laptop in front of their crossed legs. They patted the mattress behind them, “You’re sitting here and watching me finish this because I am certain you don’t have enough cash to get back home.”
“I mean…” He searched for a retort, only to shrug and plop himself down behind his significant other, his legs wrapping around their waist as he spotted them typing over their shoulder. A dastardly sinful idea came to his mind and he nuzzled into their hair. This was bound to take a while, and there was a good amount of neck that this specific t-shirt didn’t cover. He wasn’t going to stay here waiting around, no, no, no. He was now making sure he got some quality time of his own after all his efforts. Escape was no longer an option as he readied himself for the first hickey of the night.
and here’s the second!
Written by Mod Riz: 1,194 words; beautiful masterpiece; destined to make people happy
“Aww come on it’ll be fun,” the night air pricked at the bare legs of the two now standing outside the ‘DO NOT ENTER’ sign taped to the chain linked fence surrounding the pool. With a bright gleaming smile, Oso sent another look to the other standing beside him, elbow hitting against their side when they gave an annoyed pout in return.
Sneaking into a pool really wasn’t their thing, in fact, this whole night wasn’t their thing. Yet they had let themselves be dragged willing along by the puppy dog eyes of the eldest brother. “It’s not that I don’t think it’ll be fun it’s that I-“ a hand shot over moving lips before the rest of the sentence could come out, Oso’s other hand now swishing back and forth carelessly while the other person growled behind the hand.
“Boring~” he cooed out, yawning for effect,” why don’t you just calm down and live a little for a change, like me,” a thumb jabbed in his direction, left eye closing in a playful wink before his hand parted from the others face and went to grab the fence instead,” besides, even if you don’t go, I’m going, gotta check this off my bucket list now or never.” With that and a small chuckle he began his climb up the chain link fence, pushing up onto the top of the bars with a triumphant smile piercing through the dark.
His stand-still counterpart watched, eyebrows raising in a perplexed motion,” you know you could have,”
“Shut up, I made it and you didn’t so-“
“I mean yeah but you could have-“
“Whatever, at least I’m not being a pussy about it~”
“Oso you’re sitting on an unlocked door,” and with a delicate push of their hand, the chain-linked door swung open. This simplistic action caused a domino effect of it shaking before the one on top wobbled, wiggled, then eventually fell off backward with a quiet thud in the grass on the other side.” See?” A distant grumble of pain was all they got in return, a sound that jolted up a laugh in their system before they went to go check on the boy now laying on his back with his lips pulled up in a pout.
“You wanted me to fall, didn’t you?” His accusation was paired with a scowl, playful in manner.
In return his loving friend smiled and said simply,” yeah, yeah I did,” a cheerful little laugh following shortly as they turned to look at the empty pool, iridescent lights glowing in the crystal blue water.
It looked like a scene from a movie, the colors so vibrant and clean that it was almost unreal, and with the black sky illustrating it to be the main point of view… this trashy city pool was turned into an oceanic specter. Even the thin layer of grass around the sides of the concrete pool danced in the blue light, waltzing with the breeze in their spotlights.
With lost eyes wandering the previously defiant other stepped closer to the pool’s edge slowly, hands pushing in their pockets as the light pulled them into the dance, body swaying slowly to the winds lead as it lead them closer to the waters soft call.
Yet, the melodic song was broken when they jumped up, scared by the soft laugh brushing beside their ear,” told you it’d be fun,” no louder than a whisper, Oso spoke slowly, his chin resting casually against the other’s shoulder as he peered at their shifted reflection in the water,” yet, this isn’t what I planned for it to be like at all…” he seemed almost disappointed, his head prying away from their shoulder so he could bend down and look closer at the water. A smirk fell across his lips after a few moments, a finger rubbing under his nose in a slow motion to cure a seemingly never-ending itch that was there,” no no, I thought of this all different.”
This is when the one he was with began to grow concerned and confused, their eyebrows knitting together as they took a step back on the pavement,” what are you planning Oso?” Before another step could be taken and safety could be reached the eldest brothers hand was wrapped around their wrist, pulling them flush against him while the other arm secured their body to his by the waist.
Breath was lost for the moment, irritated and embarrassed red painting the other’s cheeks.” What do you think you’re-“ his face drew closer to theirs, eyes lowering in a soft lidded state while his arm hugged tighter. A heavy swallow replaced the last word, their own hands clinging to the heavy fabric of his sweatshirt.
The wind danced around them again, it’s soft song calling for them to follow, but Oso stood his ground, the smile now sweet against his lips,” hey, do you want to know a secret?” His breath pushed against their ear, a shiver shooting down their spine in a quick motion. A nod was all he could get out of them, the rest of their body frozen in place. So, at that Oso continued slyly,” it’s really a wonderful feeling,” he pulled them around, spinning them delicately in the blue light,” of just how,” his hand let go of their wrist, picking up their chin softly. Mere inches away from them he smiled, the lovely grip on the other’s waist seeming to grow even tighter while their distance shortened. When he was close enough that their breaths mix his hand slipped around to join the first on their waist, lips grazing their ear again as he spoke a few last words,” fucking cold the water is.”
The sudden burst of ice hit the poor persons back like a bullet, a scream and a laugh preceded the inevitable cold hug of the beautiful, horrid water. The warm embrace was lost in the depths, desperate gasps for air following through when both were finally allowed to resurface. With careful, shaking hands, the one who had followed Oso here began to push hair away from their eyes, angry in color as they looked towards the dying Osomatsu, who was holding his stomach and trying to stay above water with his laughter.
The annoyed young adult flicked the water from their face, anger heating their cold body as they began to stalk towards the laughing cause of this icy crime,” you little, awful sh-“
The words never did leave their mouth after that, cut off by the force of, not a hand, but Oso’s own mouth pressed to theirs for a quick second. It held for only a moment, but when Oso pulled away he shared a wink,” shit, right? Awful shit?” A hand raked through his hair, the other rubbing his nose while a smirk popped right back on his lips,” yeah I guess so, but you had to admit, that was pretty fun right?”
It was fun until he had to save a person who almost drowned from the shell shock of a first kiss happening in the freezing waters of a city pool.
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