#mod weems
nevermorehqs · 2 years
Boa tarde, meus amores! O que acham de fazermos um ask game para agitar esse fim de semana? Vou reblogar alguns memes no blog @nvmrmemes e vocês podem sinalizar neste post, na dash ou no blog OOC se desejam participar. Caso queiram contribuir com algum post, por favor enviem no nosso chat para reblogarmos. Sintam-se livres para trocarem asks personalizadas também, contanto que tenham respeito.
O ask game irá durar até dia 10/01 às 23h00, mas também podem continuar interações nesse período se assim desejarem.
Beijos da mod e bom jogo!
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h-doodles · 1 year
BEHHH imagine Helene calling Larissa and Marilyn petnames in tagalog🤭 Mahal ko or sinta. And it’s one of the only ways that Helene can fluster them back. ALDJKSJDJ
But also YES UR SOOOO RIGHT skdbdkxndkdld actually here's more elaboratibg on that!!!!
Okay so by virtue Marilyn knows a bit of tagalog with her interactions with Rafael during those days she spent sneaking into the kitchens to make a pot of tea in the nights before she & Larissa got together and like. one night Rafael recieves a package and opens it there and sees it's an expensive (BUT PRACTICAL) gift from yours truly so he dials up Helene and goes
Raf: Helene Salazar, ano tong abubot na pinadala mo?
Helene: Tito naman,,, sabi mo kasi walang ano dyan ehhhh
and basically lol he reprimands her for spending so much money (ang mahal nito, sira ulo ka talagang bata ka! || this is expensive, you must be out of your mind, child! ) but is persuaded to keep it (yeah well it's just a thank you for helping me pass my finals po, and DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT, sagot naman ng credit card ni Daddy! || (...) DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT, dad's credit card paid for it!)
(Raf snorts bc he hates the man's guts but loves his only niece, so.)
ANYWAYS he ends the call but not before Helene's "Bye titoooooo, take care always & remember mahal kitaaaaaaa" (Bye uncleeeeee, take care always & remember I love youuuuuu) echoes loud enough for Mari to overhear
anyways she asks & Raf explains how our words have different meanings with different sounds so. hehe
meanwhile Larissa seeing Helene being a songerist <3 while she was finishing cleanup, serenading the empty kitchen lol
ok but also Helene serenading them when they're alone and like. WAUGH HHH HHHHHHHH
also Helene using Mutya for Larissa & Liyag for Marilyn!!!!!! bc Larissa IS a precious gem & Marilyn is a beloved darling!!!!!!
they're DEFINITLEY fucking flustered babe, they're so soft
ok but waug hhhhhhh Rissa & Mari calling Helene as Liwanag is dking so much damage to my brain rn HELP Akdbddndbsksks pls girl hold me the braincells are escaping!!!!!!!
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techstartro · 2 years
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skamofcolor · 5 years
i was wondering what your hopes are for shays season (assuming we get it)? ofc in relation to her being a lesbian but specially a black lesbian. do you think austin will do a good job of her season? and what would your dream american even be/look like? sorry if this is a lot but i’m just so desperate for my girls season hdhdhdj and id love to hear your thoughts.
Lol, this is a lot to talk about but I think I’m up for the challenge! 
FIRST and foremost, we WILL get Shay’s season, let us speak it into existence!!!!
Second... ugrtreyrtytrhrtu... I think Austin will only do Shay’s season with the kind of care and nuance it deserves if they hire lgbtq+ women of color, preferably Black lgbtq+ women, as the writers and most of the crew. That being said, do I think Austin will do a “bad” job with the crew they have? Not necessarily. My main concern is that they’ll think adapting Isak’s story (about a white, cis gay Norwegian boy) into Shay’s story (about a Black, cis lesbian Texan) is a simple matter of a copy and paste job. Yes, I think they did a decent job of adapting the OG into an U.S. context; I do like Austin and for the most part I think it’s fun to watch. My primary concern has been - as with all the Skams - how they treat their characters of color and those character’s ethnoracial and cultural background. I don’t think they’ve done a good job with that at all, and that’s where most of my critiques of Austin come from. My main concern with Shay is that they’ll try to do a “colorblind” adaptation and ignore how her being a Black woman cannot be separated from her being a lesbian. The fact that they cast a white girl as her (potential) Eskild makes me more anxious that they think that race isn’t that important when telling an lgbtq+ story. A Black lgbtq+ experience is nothing like a white one, and I’m worried that the writers (even if they’re lgbtq+) will be white and refuse to acknowledge or write in Shay’s ethnoracial identity in a meaningful way. Considering that her season will/could also be very closely tied to the Black church and mental illness in the Black community, I’m worried that instead of delving into these very specific communities, and the nuances that come with them, that they’ll ignore her Blackness altogether (like they did with Megan’s Latinidad). My concern is only heightened when thinking about how her best friends are two white dudes (tbh I don’t care that Tyler is Cuban and gay or that he might be white passing and not white). Shay needs Black girl friends and I doubt that’s going to happen between now and her season (though I am looking forward to her becoming friends with Zoya). 
Third, my dream American!Even would be a dark skinned Black, Muslim girl! I’m not sure if I want her style/presentation to be more hood femme or if she’s a stud, but either way she’s stylish af. She’s a dancer, probably trained in contemporary but also very much into hip hop. She can’t live without music, and her favorit genres are Afrobeat, dancehall, soca, trap, and hip hop. She loves the history and nuance of hip hop and how it can be really socially conscious but also just likes music that she can twerk to. She doesn’t feed into that respectability politics B.S. She’s also a photographer, and she’s been saving up for a really nice camera and possibly film, but for now she has a digital camera and/or shoots everything on her phone. She’s very much rooted in her community, and I see her living in a multi-generational household that is very loud but very loving; I’d adore it if we got to see more of her family than we usually do with the Evens. She has a big sister / older cousin who’s also lgbtq+ and teases her a lot but in a cute way and it’s obvious they’re very close. She and Zoya know each other because she’s best friends with American!Elias, and she and the American!Balloon Squad are all still super close. They hate that she experienced Trauma at her/their old school and had to redo senior year, but they’re all still best friends and they have her back no matter what. I would love for her to have a mixture of really dark and really goofy humor, like sometimes Shay can’t tell if she’s joking, but then other times she literally tells Dad Jokes and they’re so bad. She’s pretty devout in her faith but doesn’t necessarily pray five times a day or even everyday which used to make her mom sigh in resignation, but she’s consistently at the mosque on Fridays and goes to the local lgbtq+ Muslim community events so her mom doesn’t complain too much. She also goes to therapy once a week and tell her therapist all about Shay. The therapist is a nice enough liberal white lady who sometimes misses the mark pretty widely but American!Even makes due with what she has. American!Even is also very mischievous and loves to explore, her Instagram is full of all the photographs she takes as she goes around her neighborhood and Austin. Some of her photography idols are Joseph Rodriguez, Gordan Parks, and Carrie Mae Weems. Her sister/cousin teases her for almost getting caught trespassing cause that’s “white people shit,” but in a loving way, though her whole family has warned her about being careful as a young Black woman. She’s very open on a surface level and is friendly with most everyone, and it takes a lot of dedication and care to get her to open up on a deeper level. This... is already getting too long so I’ll stop with my headcanons here, LMAO.
I think that answered everything? grgtergteyhtyrt Overall... I just want Shay’s season to be fun and loving. I know the “Isak” season deals with a lot of heavy issues, but overall I just want to see two Black girls fall in love. And not make it feel like doing so has to be this huge hardship or struggle, you know? And I really want Black lgbtq+ women or other women of color in the writing room to make sure that this happens. I’m sure you can tell, lol, but I want Shay to have a Black ass season, not a season that ignores her race or acts like any love story she has is going to be the same as a white wlw indie flick. 
- mod Jennifer 
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nevermorehqs · 2 years
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Queridos, batemos a meta de personagens (se contar os sem blog ainda, estouramos!) para a abertura, amanhã vou decidir que dia será e também atualizo a página de ocupados, que ficou faltando.
Spoiler: a abertura provavelmente será sexta ou segunda porque estarei ocupada demais no fim de semana, e já decidimos que o OOC será no Tumblr. Se quiserem podem opinar sobre a data aqui nas replies.
Vocês superaram muito minhas expectativas com a criatividade e qualidade das fichas e também com a recepção do RPG na tag, muito obrigada por tudo! ❤
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nevermorehqs · 2 years
Players queridos, vocês gostariam de mais um tempo de interações casuais ou podemos lançar um plot drop sábado (07)? Se preferirem uma folga, adiamos em uma semana o cronograma.
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nevermorehqs · 2 years
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O chat da central foi bloqueado por conta dos envios de link do blog OOC. Enquanto o suporte do Tumblr não nos desbloquear, por favor, entrem em contato conosco por aqui.
Também aproveito para apresentar a nova assistente da central, Fester! Ela irá me ajudar daqui para frente, podem usar os pronomes ela/dela para nós duas.
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nevermorehqs · 2 years
(não precisa responder) só queria dizer pra não desanimarem com os unfs, o rp é incrivel e sou apaixonade nesse universo e acredito que não só eu, obrigada por proporcionarem tudo isso <3
Vou responder para aproveitar e tranquilizar os players e interessados também! Muito obrigada, xuxu, recebemos várias mensagens na inbox e no chat com mensagens parecidas e ficamos muito felizes em saber que temos jogadores engajados e satisfeitos na comunidade! Tivemos uma grande leva de unfollows, mas ainda temos mais de 60 personagens ativos e movimento diário na dash. Essa época costuma ser complicada para a tag por conta de tantos players viajando e aproveitando o verão, vamos continuar firmes e fortes enquanto ainda houverem pessoas interessadas em jogar!
Continuamos de portas abertas para todos que desejarem ingressar na comunidade ou voltar depois de um unfollow!
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nevermorehqs · 2 years
oi mods e players, podem me ajudar votando?? qual desses trago pro rp: cody christian, alex saxon, julio peña, emre bey ou wolfgang novogratz
Eu voto no Julio Peña, e vocês?
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nevermorehqs · 2 years
Hoje nossa comunidade faz aniversário de um mês e, como prometido, fiz uma atualização das regras de limite de personagem! A nova regra diz:
"Cada jogador pode manter até 3 personagens ao mesmo tempo inicialmente. Após 1 mês de atividade no RPG e com pelo menos 50 posts em cada blog, é permitido aplicar para um 4º personagem."
Quem desejar enviar uma ficha será avaliado para verificarmos se o player atende os requerimentos!
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nevermorehqs · 2 years
Aos players: Sabemos que algumas coisas fogem ao nosso controle, mas por favor, evitem fazer personagens no impulso! Dá trabalho pra gente organizar e desenvolver conexões pra depois um pessoal sumir ou aparecer e não se interessar em ajudar a comunidade a evoluir, como a gente sabe que dá trabalho pra central editar, postar follow, unfollow, enfim, organizar também. O rp é ótimo, super divertido, só essas coisinhas desanimam um pouco (e tá fora do controle da moderação, no caso) :/
Obrigada pela observação, anjo! Estive pensando nisso, uma vez que alguns players levaram unfollow em 2 ou 3 personagens ao mesmo tempo... Não vou abaixar o limite inicial de personagens, mas deixo como recomendação da moderação evitar entrar já com mais de um personagem. Podem começar com um, avaliar como se sentem na comunidade, se estão conseguindo manter o jogo, e depois considerar criar outros. Façam um test drive do RPG antes de mergulharem de cabeça, entendem? Mas, claro, cada caso é um caso e não vamos proibir ninguém de chegar com 2 ou 3 fichas de uma vez.
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nevermorehqs · 2 years
Sejam bem vindes a Nevermore! Estamos oficialmente abertos para matrículas e aplicações de emprego, sintam-se à vontade para conhecer o instituto e tirar dúvidas!
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PS: tive um imprevisto e não estarei em casa a tempo da abertura, mas responderei tudo que possível pelo mobile e às 19h chego para atualizar reservas.
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nevermorehqs · 2 years
tem chances de estender o evento?
É possível sim, o que vocês acham? Pode ser que assim aproveitem melhor por conta do fim de ano.
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nevermorehqs · 2 years
oiii alguém tem wc?
Até agora não enviaram nenhuma, mas esse é o momento de vocês, players!
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nevermorehqs · 2 years
oi mods, vai ser liberado hoje? como vai funcionar?
+ "que horas é a abertura?"
Hoje começam as interações sim, estou dependendo de fatores externos então não vou cravar uma hora exata, mas deve acontecer por volta de 19-20h. A abertura vai ser com um evento, se quiserem se adiantar com edits (nada obrigatório), no convite foram dadas as seguintes instruções: traje fino, em cores frias e, preferencialmente, escuras.
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nevermorehqs · 2 years
Mod, você pensa em abrir outras extracurriculares? Ou deixar aberto para os players abrirem? Seria interessante ter um clube de astronomia, ou RPG de mesa também!
Vou deixar isso como uma mini task para quem quiser então, convença 3 personagens em IC, na dash, a se juntarem ao seu clube e eu acrescento à lista! Pode dizer que são requisitos da reitoria para abrir um clube novo.
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