kisavatore · 1 year
Casual Modern Look Ver.:
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Bride Ver.:
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Day 7 of @maadsimming 31 days of simblreen cas challenge: Frankenstein
I couldn't decide between casual modern ver. or bride/"old looking" ver. so I decided to do both/post both!
cc credits: @aharris00britney | @pyxiidis | @northernsiberiawinds | @miikocc | @tamo-sim | @obscurus-sims | @yooniesim | @rustys-cc | @simbience | @pralinesims | @simandy | @arltos | @charonlee | @melonsloth | @teanmoon
cc used: body preset , eyes preset , nose preset, eye colors , nose bridge , mask , teeth , hair , overlay, stitches , skin tone, face kit, dimples , veins , eyebags, freckles, top , skirt , shoes, leg warmars, dress , fishnet tights, bouquet , mouth slider
poses credit: @starrysimsie | Willeekmer (TSR) | @helgatisha
poses used: Wedding Poses | Modeling Poses | Pose Pack N01
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papuaunik · 6 years
Noken, Wujud Perlindungan Anak Di Papua
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Menteri Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (Kemen PPPA), Yohana Yembise di Distrik Minyambou pegunungan Arfak, Papua Barat, Sabtu (23/2). Papuaunik-Noken, kerajinan rajut yang terbuat dari serat kulit kayu pohon Manduam, Nawa atau Anggrek hutan ini telah ditetapkan sebagai salah satu warisan budaya dunia Tak Benda oleh Unesco pada 4 Desember 2012 di Paris, Perancis juga menjadi simbol perdamaian bagi masyarakat Papua. "Noken menjadi simbol kehidupan yang baik, kesuburan, kedewasaan, serta bentuk cinta kasih mama Papua kepada anaknya," ujar Menteri Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (Kemen PPPA), Yohana Yembise melalui keterangan pers yang diterima papuaunik.com. Begitu pentingnya Noken dalam kehidupan masyarakat Papua, Kemen PPPA bersama dengan Persekutuan Gereja Kristen Alkitab Indonesia menyelenggarakan Pencanangan serta Penandatanganan Prasasti Mama Noken dan Noken Anak bagi Persekutuan Wanita (PW) Persekutuan Gereja Kristen Alkitab Indonesia dan anak usia dini suku Arfak di Distrik Minyambou pegunungan Arfak, Papua Barat pada Sabtu (23/2). "Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memelihara kearifan lokal budaya Papua serta meningkatkan strategi perlindungan perempuan dan anak dengan menghadirkan nilai nilai religius serta mampu memperkuat tali persaudaraan melalui kreatifitas Noken," kata Menteri Yohana.
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Menteri Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (Kemen PPPA), Yohana Yembise menemui para perempuan di Distrik Minyambou pegunungan Arfak, Papua Barat, Sabtu (23/2). Senada dengan Menteri Yohana, Gubernur Papua Barat, Dominggus Mandacan juga mengatakan pentingnya Noken bagi masyarakat Papua. "Dari lahir kita sudah digendong dengan Noken, sebagai perwujudan rasa cinta dan kasih sayang mama kepada kita. Di jaman modern saat ini walaupun keseharian kita pakai baju batik, tetap Noken selalu melingkar di badan kita," kata Dominggus. Dalam tradisi Papua, Noken sumber kehidupan terutama bagi mama Papua. Selain mencari nafkah serta membawa hasil-hasil pertanian seperti sayuran, umbi-umbian dan juga untuk membawa barang-barang dagangan ke pasar termasuk membawa kayu bakar, Noken digunakan sebagai alat gendong anak yang masih belum bisa berjalan. Sehingga, anak dapat selalu terjaga, terlindungi, dan terpantau langsung oleh mamanya. Noken juga mempunyai keunikan, salah satu nya dibawa dengan dicantolkan di kepala. Dalam rangkaian kegiatan di Manokwari dan Arfak, Menteri Yohana didampingi oleh Deputi Kesetaraan Gender, Agustina Erni dan Deputi Perlindungan Anak, Nahar memberikan bantuan kepada Departemen Wanita Majelis Umum Gereja Persekutuan Kristen Alkitab Indonesia (GPKAI) berupa oven kue, mesin jahit, kompor, wajan, blender serta alat-alat tulis, tempat makan, tempat minum dan handuk.
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Menteri Yohana didampingi oleh Deputi Kesetaraan Gender, Agustina Erni dan Deputi Perlindungan Anak, Nahar memberikan bantuan kepada Departemen Wanita Majelis Umum Gereja Persekutuan Kristen Alkitab Indonesia (GPKAI) Sehari sebelumnya, pemberian bantuan juga dilakukan Menteri Yohana kepada Persekutuan Wanita Jemaat Gereja Kristen Injili (GKI) Thomas Warmare yang di selenggarakan di Halaman Gereja Thomas, Distrik Warmare serta Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) Eitej Ah Mahteyi di Kabupaten Manokwari. Menteri Yohana berpesan, sesuai dengan Konvensi Hak Anak (KHA), sebagai penerus masa depan bangsa seharusnya hak-hak anak diperhatikan dan dilindungi. Anak harus kuat dan sehat, perempuan dan anak harus menjadi perhatian bersama. "Berdayakan perempuan dengan potensi yang ada, mandiri, saling bekerjasama dalam membina rumah tangga dan yang paling utama jangan ada lagi kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan anak," kata Menteri Yohana. (Ms) Read the full article
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supahbeefcakes · 11 years
last call for touhorse commissions
Aficionados of small oriental equines, listen up. This weekend is your last chance to get an order in for touhorse commissions. Come Monday, I will no longer accept new inquiries. These will be the end of touhorse and the finale of my pony phase...after this, I will be retiring the "Modern-Warmare" alias and abandoning the associated dA account. If you're interested on getting in on my pony swan song, check the commission info here!
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warmare-customs · 11 years
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Touhorse - Shoobedoo+Shinmyoumaru by Modern-Warmare woomp woomp, the commission train chugs on. check out my latest dA journal for more info!
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supahbeefcakes · 11 years
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Touhorse+OC: Lupine Lunacy by Modern-Warmare
the commissions are underway! Check out this journal if you are interested in one of your own!
this piece stars an OC chilling with Kagerou and her wolfy self. they always end up being Diamond Dogs...
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supahbeefcakes · 11 years
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Touhorse - Mystic Mare by ~Modern-Warmare
touhorse drawing commissions are back online! check my journal for more info! (hint: it's the same info as ever!)
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warmare-customs · 11 years
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a few of my favorites.
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warmare-customs · 11 years
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Modern-Warmare's custom pony commissions are over. Thank you all for your support.
When I made my first-ever batch of custom ponies for my friends in spring '11, I was suffering anxiety and depression in school for multiple reasons, and having a little craft project like that was a form of comfort. I had the thought to post them to my dA "pony dump account", where I stored the very few drawings I did as a drawfriend for /co/ in the early days, and was surprised at the positive reception. I got into the scene and networked with fellow custom pony makers on the /merch/ board (then called "/toy/") of a fledgling FiM board called ponychan. My struggles at school had been entirely forgotten.
That fall, when I began offering custom ponies for commission, my demons came back in full-force. Having been unchecked through the summer, I struggled through school for another 3 months, until I decided to just pull myself out for a year to straighten out and get back on track. I had an encouraging response when I posted my proposed guidelines for commissions, and custom ponies turned out to be a fun (and lucrative!) way to pass my now-tons of free time during my leave of absence. I had no idea how far it was going to take off.
It's still unreal to me how things went from there. Custom merch had always been the most niche area of the fandom, yet within that niche I became Known. It still amazes me the following I had, the number of people who praised my customs or sought my crafting advice or even paid actual money for pieces of their own. And such a chill, enjoyable crowd too; the main highways of the brony fandom were too intense for an old mare like myself, and I'm amazed and grateful that the crowd that I attracted was so much more courteous and understanding than those in other pockets of the fandom. Commissions were quite a bit of work and I took hiatuses at times, but I kept a good clip until my last batch in summer 2012. I sincerely apologize to every interested customer for whom I did not have a chance to make your custom.
After a year of "rehabilitation", I returned to my university in fall 2012. I had left the future of my custom-making on uncertain terms, and gave ambiguous answers when asked if I'd be reopening. I spent a year hemming and hawwing over whether or not I would be willing and able to resume making custom ponies; first I said I might be able to knock out a couple over thanksgiving break, then thought about christmas vacation, and then maybe second semester if I had done well enough in the first. None of these came to be. It was clear that once I plunged back into "real life" again, my academic, social and personal obligations precluded me from continuing the custom business.
But it's not enough to say I just didn't have the time. I didn't have the drive either. I wanted to commit myself to my life and my future again, a desire that I had consciously thrown out when I started making ponies in the first place. With less free time, I wanted to reward and enrich myself and spend time with projects and friends, not stay inside and rehair my 4th Doctor Whooves. As sad as it is, custom pony-making became mutually exclusive to personal satisfaction. And the brony scene changed too. All my compatriots of the olden days had left the fandom. The fan-plush market came into its own and became the main mode of profit for crafters of custom pony goods. Blind bags became the preferred official merchandise over the standard, brushable-haired figures, and Hasbro began offering merch of long-sought-after characters from the show, rendering a lot of my services obsolete. The already modestly-sized market for custom figure commissions became a sliver of what it was a year ago when I started.
I told myself since last fall that this summer was my last chance, now or never. If I didn't feel like I could sustain the custom pony-making business this summer, then I was done forever. But thanks to this last catastrophic spring semester, the decision became easy. Pony-making was a stasis and I couldn't afford to lose any more momentum. I signed up for a summer term and prepared to give my customs business a final farewell. And here we are today, on the Thursday night before finals, as I type out my final farewell to the custom-making community.
Thank you all so much for your support. Thank you for your praise and your critiques. Thank you everybody who ever asked me for custom-making advice, anyone who plugged my work or showed me your own. Thank you to each and every customer for putting your faith in me and for being the most courteous and grateful group of commissioners I have ever seen. Thank you to the old guard of /toy/ and /merch/, the pony people who have long left, and those who have remained in my life as precious friends. It has been a weird but mostly wonderful experience. I'm as sad to see it end as I am convinced that this is the time to end it.
I will still be puttering around doing the touhorse thing at the time being; as I depart from Equestria I remain stuck in Gensokyo, and I don't see that changing at least in the nearest future. I'm grateful for my little niche there and the people who have stuck around in it. But to all of you fine people who gathered around my custom pony creations over the past 2 years, a fond, final farewell.
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warmare-customs · 11 years
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Alriiiight. Last batch went swimmingly, now let's open up a new one. Now taking orders for Touhorse commissions! As an end of the school year treat I'm offering discounts across the board. The sale prices are $8 per single character,$6 per additional character, and $45 for a full-game-cast spread like the PoDD one up there. I am also relaxing my content guidelines, to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. If that is something of interest, note me and we can discuss.
Paypal only, you can reach me here or dA. Looking forward to Touhorse batch 3!
  (edit: wow k this post fucked up and only had the reimu+goat picture, it was supposed to be a photoset. Added in the most recent commissioned pieces.)
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supahbeefcakes · 11 years
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read a book by *Modern-Warmare
two spotty ponies for Touhorse Tfsaturday. we got a rad raccoondog and Kosuzu "My-Mom-Sews-My-Name-Into-All-My-Clothes" Motoori! (note me about commissions~!) 
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supahbeefcakes · 11 years
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Modern-Warmare presents
My last outstanding Touhorse commission is now complete, and I am open for commissions again!
The new prices: Base price: $9 for a single Touhorse character (inked, colored and shaded. no additional fee for "designing' a new touhorse character.) Each additional character in the scene: $7 Whatever you want them doing in the scene, let me know! Simple backgrounds are complimentary, more detailed settings subject to additional cost. Game Cast Spreads: $50 (for a drawing like the one with the PoDD cast, with every character from a single game)
  If you're interested, send me a note, here or on dA! If you don't have an account on either of these sites, send me an anon ask here on tumblr with your email address and we can communicate through email. I accept paypal only, no exceptions.
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supahbeefcakes · 11 years
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Ponetasmagoria of Dim. Dream by *Modern-Warmare
just in time for touhorse tuesday!
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ponyfication · 12 years
Not Cirno this time, instead a little crossover scene!
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warmare-customs · 12 years
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wow good job Trixie
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warmare-customs · 12 years
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The Veterinarian Pony from Secret of My Excess, commissioned by DarkAngelLilith. A fun and unusual choice for a "background pony" custom. I'm sure the fandom has some delightfully prosaic name for her, but for me, she's Vet Pony. I'm getting better at dat hairstylin and dat cutiemarks.
Made from a Pinkie Pie, sculpted parts done in Apoxie Sculpt, painted with Apple Barrell acrylics and rehaired with Water Nixie and Virgin Snow Dollyhair.
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ponyfication · 13 years
Turns out Touhou Project ponies have their own ponyfication group. Who knew?
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