alpacaparkaseok · 2 years
I decided to keep a running list of my thoughts as I read the last chapter, because I hate when I have soooooo many thoughts while reading and then when I reach the end and try to send a response, all that surfaces is “so good, I love this”. Not untrue, but seriously lacking.
As my notes (aka descent into madness) progressed, I wavered on whether I’d actually send them…out of embarrassment at the sheer insanity, unlike any I’ve unleashed over the course of this series (or any other fic). Also considered sending it anon lol. But now that I’ve reached the end (hah), I’ve decided I am absolutely sending it. This is me regifting the utterly bananas fruitcake that your writing reduced me to. You’re welcome. 😤 Good luck deciphering it 🥴 (see previous “you’re welcome” 😇). Please excuse the formatting and errors, I pasted it from the Notes app.
(But seriously B, thank you. I don’t know the specifics of the heart and brain and sweat your poured into this but I know it was a LOT and I’m grateful, as always.)
*sweet baby Jungkook being there for her - glad SOMEONE cared 😒😤
*Namjoon’s jab at JK 😂 “you’ve always struck me as the type to marry the first girl that gave you an ounce of attention, so there’s that I guess” 💀
*ah shit Namjoon is going on his own 🥴 hope he can handle it, after seeing Bitchtoria
*”just because I’m afraid doesn’t mean I can’t do this” oh kid 🥺😭
*eekkk I’m not liking this “walking into a trap” business 🥴🫣
*receptionist - I don’t trust her. I don’t trust anyone right now
*the flickering light - what if it’s not a light but a camera? 😬 I also don’t trust anything right now lol
*Sparky, you charmer you 😉😘
*no not sweet baby star candy with Yuckdiel ugh I can’t take this…thank god I’m not a nail-biter
*the tattoo 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 WHAT (also, clever working that in)
*is the trap really set though??? I’m so stressed rn
*nooooo why were you in a daze? What if you missed something? 😰
*guess that shower helped sober up mr. 307? 😬😵‍💫
*no I will NOT let her dangling outside his window “like his next meal” stress me out, I won’t I won’t I WONT-
*oh my god oh my god why is he at the window ah I can’t do this 😭😭😭
*why did I have the thought for a split second that he’s talking to Taehyung, like I need more craziness careening around in my head
*how does he not realize that she’s there, shouldn’t he be too observant for that? And to angle away from her - I think he knows she there 🫣😵‍💫🫥
*I’m gonna hurl.
*I know this is bad timing but that screaming is really gonna further send things to shit for us darling
*JUNGKOOK I wish I could give you the world, you wonderful person you. Geez am I just going to fawn over him this whole chapter??? This is more than I did the entire series lol
*sigh, of course the car is still there 😞 and this is why the screaming concerned me
*helLO chest 👁🫦👁
*that “crop tops” line and the visuals it produced served to wipe my brain of everything that just happened
*”just lurked”…hmmm can I trust that
*you know if I’m gonna suspect everyone does that mean I have to suspect JK too? 😢 no I can’t live like this, him and honey boo hitman are exempt
*ah the mention of coming up with a plausible story for the debriefing and hiding that she was anywhere near Yadiel made me think…did Yadiel already talk to Taehyung and blow her cover???
*thankfully wearing a sweatshirt now lmao
*YIKES yep let’s drop the questions about itchtoria-Bay, a bit touchy there 😬
*eekk he’s asking about the fall, don’t be suspicious don’t be suspicious-
*no don’t sit by her you TRAITOR
*this walk…ugh poor thing she’s probably so conflicted right now 😞 I on the other hand just want to tag his ass 😠
*okay that was confirmation right there…don’t cry girl, lemme at him 😠👊🏾 ugh
*god that hurts. “You have everyone, he’d replied. Everyone, but me.”
*yeah that’s right I hope Hoseok unnerves you, you piece of-
*you know anytime Taehyung flinches now or shows the slightest sign of discomfort I will rejoice
*I wonder if he or his dad killed uncle 🫤 seems very reverse-Lion King-esque
*Jungkook? No please nothing shady 😰
*”Basketball shorts kissing the tips of his knees”…SAVE ME FROM MYSELF
*oh shit is this Yadiel, or Jungkook genuinely cracking…
*nooooo not steps going unnoticed…stop yelling you fools
*not a CROWD yikes. I was expecting one person maybe 🤦🏾‍♀️
*bahahaha okay Yoongi that was good, you can stay
*Christmas-themed?? What the hell 🤦🏾‍♀️😂
*”promises, promises” lmao if Hoseok didn’t have my heart and soul you’d be number one, Min Yoongi
*…was he acting though 😶
*ekkkk I forgot about that, Yoongi just might end you and I’d have to let him unfortunately because “but daddy I love him” 🧜🏻‍♀️😬😂
*ummm okay that’s one way to defuse his anger lmao even though that was in one of the sneak peeks it‘a still just as rewarding now
*”we’re not all moody“ sir I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE
*is he tempted to fill it up, or throw it? 😂
*OMG they are gonna give Hoseok a headache lol
*wait, a million times before? What- 👀
*LMAO if you don’t want the ropes, again I VOLUNTEER
*oh he’s being honest and vulnerable I can’t 😩
*oh SHIT the power moves I was not expecting those 😨😳
*the disappointments ☹️
*Nevermind hehe
*Ah why does this feel like we’ve come full circle 😟🥺
*Wait, for the first time? Well damn lol
*oh Jimin 🥺
*family 🥺🥺
*awww now I’m soft 🥺🥺🥺
*oh no darling 😢 let it out
*Madame Bianchi DAMN LET’S GOOOOOO
*ohhhh sharpened teeth, fitting imagery with the undead baby star candy folio on the horizon 😁
*hah her own twist on red, I love it
*oooooh it was a distraction…that makes me feel more sad for Jungkook somehow 🙁
*at various points I’ve wondered if Taehyung has set up surveillance around the house but I guess not because that would mean he suspects something and I think he’s too certain that his plan is working to work
*signal that’s hard to miss…why is my first thought fire hahahaha
*yessssss Sparky Boom Boom, the fire is coming 🙌🏾🔥😈
*i really want to know his story
*oohhhhhhhh, the yearning 😏 hmmm reminds me of a certain comment a little earlier about him rejecting her…is Sparky endgame????
*dark angel, indeed
*oh Jungkook 😔
*oh Hoseok…
*ah I forgot about Bitchtoria 😒
*PLEASE do what’s necessary
*wait you’ll follow her lead? Why does that feel foreboding…I’m concerned
*…wait, what??? Now I’m thinking of two potential outcomes here with Russo…EXPLAIN
*why do I feel like once Taehyung reaches the top it’s officially the end as we know it
*why do I feel like we need a Tae-OC montage…begone from my brain, traitor!!! 😣
*Jimin polished his car omg lmao
*dark me had a passing thought that Jimin is excited he’ll have the nicest car in the fam now 😂
*i don’t know why my brain just reminded me that one of them is endgame but please, Sparky or Hitman Honey Hoseok…baby star candy gets the honorable mention
*”Fiery Firebird” lmao if only I wasn’t already attached to “Sparky Boom Boom”
*wait Second String??? LMAO
*banter, yes please…soothe my anxious soul
*of course you would, Namjoon…must be exhilarating to not be dad in this universe 😂
*ooooooh explosives…now I’m thinking of the guy from the Atlantis movie lolololol
*the sun has set ☹️😣
*ooooooh Bitchtoria 😟 I didn’t think of that, good one Sparky. That’s why you’re mama…AND daddy at this point tbh 🥴🥵
*i was going to gasp at “double homicide” but then I remembered it’s a mafia fic and I’ve been screaming for blood this whole time 😂
*what if Joonie could have been her Jungkook 🥺
*oh okay same brain train, cool
*better calves lol
*hmm are we sure Yoongi shouldn’t be her Jungkook? That seemed very Yoongi lol
*oh Sparky I adore you 😍 backstory please author-nim 🙏🏾
*Jungkook 🥺 but for some reason that meme of the cowboy cat above the mountain yelling “yoooooooongi” comes to mind, WHY
*”nobody’s hands are clean in this” oh OC 🥺😢😭
*oh SHIT, Seokjin 😦😦😦 that’s not Sparky right there, that’s SEOKJIN 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
*holy shit indeed darling
*and back to Yuckdiel 😒
*document??? What document?????
*okay B is for Bianchi in my head now. Maybe I’ll call you Bianca. Definitely Badass 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 this world you’ve built 😩
*no what is happening right now
*not that fucking quote, I knew it was bad but I’m gonna be sick
*get him please darling I’m begging you
*yes GET HIM
*”tonight, the rain gutters will flow with blood” really shouldn’t bring me as much joy as it does
*is Yoongi about to show her the traitor’s body because if so that’s much more mercy than he deserves
*nope, worse 😞😑
*B. I’m screaming internally. See below. Part of me figured it out eventually but still. MOTKSBDHDGDKDFJFH
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Not only is this probably THEE longest ask I’ve probably ever received, it’s also my fav kind of ask 😭 thank you for letting me essentially read along with you!
A lot of work definitely went into this series (and this finale especially) but it was ever so worth it. You guys put in just as much work as me I swear 😤
Also all the things B will stand for now 😂😂 that had me in stitches
Thank you for joining me for this ride! Heaven knows you’ve been along for a lot of series, and it doesn’t go unnoticed 💕 your thoughts were hilarious and paranoid and very much appreciated!
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Hahahaha yes, you know me…😉 Fan club activate, bring on the Hitman Agenda! Because Hobi never misses pew pew what have I gotten myself into
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Oooh shots have been fired!! Pew pew
Ok but honestly that freaking GIF IS ALL THE EVIDENCE I NEED SIGN ME UP 😂
Also I’m actually sooo excited for more hobi in this series!! He’s been kinda quiet up to this point.
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Okay but seriously the layers 😵‍💫 I feel like I’m in the labyrinth. Or dealing with a hydra. But a reasonably friendly one? Eh You answer one question but three more pop up 😫 I’m starting to sympathize with Sparky Boom Boom. Although let’s be honest, I’ve low key been Team Squeaky Hinge ever since he appeared 😁 please don’t tell hitman honey bun
These backstories are digging them deeper and deeper…who will climb out 😬😳😰
Agh you're so sweet! This was such a great description haha
That's it, we're officially renaming Team Seokjin to Team Squeaky Hinge! @miksancheese please take note! 😂😂
oh and your secret is safe with me
Oof. "who will climb out" literally gave me chills!! I guess we'll just have to seeee
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
This is me after that chapter 😫 hahaha I’m either really brilliant or terribly stupid 🙃
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I see you’ve become wicked in your married age lol
(CONGRATS by the way!!!!!!! Wishing you much happiness ☺️)
hahaha best picture ever
thank you!!! you're so sweet! 💜
ah and yes, the wickedness has definitely increased.
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Ahem ahem 🎤
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That is all
Actually no it’s not - fellow hyung trash WE RIDE AT DAWN
That did hurt though. Never thought I would be betrayed by pie charts…and such beautiful ones at that 🥲 lololol
hyung-line trash clan needs to unite and stage a coup
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Okay last thought, sooorrrrrrry…this one won’t let me rest
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I think Yoongi is the mole 😬😶 when he was talking to Namjoon and Hoseok something just felt wrong, off. Also, the constant “we- I mean they”s didn’t help. AND he’s the one who planted the idea of Alexandra being the turncoat.
As much as it pains me that’s what my gut is telling me. I’m hoping it’s wrong, or maybe he’s going to triple-cross or something 🤞🏾wouldn’t be the first time I’m a clown for him 🙃
Brava, B 😏😉
haha no worries! also the gif you used is perfect for this haha
ooooh Yoongi as the mole you say??? I'm gonna have to go back and reread that scene you're talking about to see if I can pick up what you're throwing down.
I will say this: I wrote an entire explanation in this ask for the "we/they" thing you brought up, but then I deleted it because I decided that it'd be better to let you guys speculate than explain everything haha. So do with that information what you will
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Also I literally just inserted this gif because we were talking about Yoongi and this gif is so stupid attractive it hurts
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Tae is considering going fluffy face (which I wholeheartedly support) it always starts this way doesn’t it 🥲
But then I saw an edit and the first thing I thought was “the Italian!” 😮😳😰
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The break that keeps on breaking 🙃
Dudeeee I hope he does. He better post a pic of it if he does, I wanna see 😂
Hahahah I can’t even explain how happy it makes me that htss is just invading your life like that sksksk
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Okay, maybe it’s because his date is fresh in my mind but I think Yoongi’s date is my favorite. The entire hyung line scrambles my brain, and when it comes to Yoongi it’s the laid-back, quiet confidence that gets me. He may not say much but when he does you absolutely listen because you know he means it. The man’s lyrics, good lord 😩 And he’s so observant. Which is why now I think he wrote the note 👀 if anyone would secretly be in love with someone before anyone else catches on, it would be him. Or Hobi. Or Taehyung. LOL based on what I remember from Spooked and the first chapter here
And the BANTER. I can’t tell you how much I wish I could have a convo with him. Banter is everything to me. I seriously judge a person based on if they can keep up with me and respond to my nonsense. 😆
This date was everything. Car ride listening to something they love...also takes the pressure of a conversation off because they have something to focus on and talk about. The BEACH. That’s enough on its own. And the “light show” as I’m calling it...night sky? Stars? Dude you own me now. No returns. 😍 The memory he shared...gaaaaah. Once again, Yoongi with those words.
I absolutely have to go back and read the other dates again because Yoongi, Hobi, and Taehyung pretty much own it for me at this point lol
I was so anxious about her decision before I read this date but it was so sweet, comforting, and amazing that I’m at peace now 🥰 at least for a day or so haha
*gasps loudly* REALLY??! Man, yeah, Yoongi is giving Hobi and Tae a run for their money! 😆
hmmm there’s definitely a lot of speculation about whether it was him that wrote the note, which is a solid idea...I’m excited to reveal that part!
Oof, yes. The banter is seriously the most satisfying part of relationships, fictional or real. 
Hahaha no returns? Alright, guess we’re stuck together for a while, then. lol enjoy rereading the other dates!! all of them are so special to me, I am so happy with how they turned out. 
I was the most nervous about writing this date because it’s the last one and by this point everyone has their favorites and theories, so I wanted to do Yoongi justice! I’m happy to hear that it was calming. That was the hope. 🥰🥰
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
DID CHAPTER 10.5 MEAN NOTHING TO YOU PEOPLE 😭 #justice4teamsparkyboomboom
RIP team Namjoon as well (anyone out there??? I just wanna talk)…but in fairness he did basically beg not to be chosen 🤧
the hashtag lol, @moderndaychihiro would be proud
Yeah, Jin was doing so well but something happened and Jiminie pulled ahead! His charm from chapter one was just too much to overcome, apparently.
lol and team Namjoon has tanked haha
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
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Thanks @moon-write for the tag!
These are my top 4 fav songs right now. I’m kinda all over the place with moods at the moment, but these just about cover them all. 🧐
What are your top 4 songs right now? @moderndaychihiro @dreamcatcherjiah @preciouschimine
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