jchrisvaughn-blog · 6 years
3 Things That Always Keep You From Success
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3 Things That Always Keep You From Success
Well there are more than 3... but these 3 are deadly! And I also prove that if you aren't willing to write you goals everyday, then you are guilty of the Number 1 reason! And I don't even advertise that I give you an extra comment that unless you define that - you are NEVER successful! I also mention a book - Think Learn Succeed by Dr. Caroline Leaf (this is an affiliate link) I can't say enough about it and want to encourage you to get it. It's available on Kindle, Paperback, & Hardback Hope you enjoy it and remember! Go for it!
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Be sure to go to http://getlifeunstuck.com to sign up for updates. Read the full article
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jchrisvaughn-blog · 6 years
3 Things That Always Keep You From Success
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3 Things That Always Keep You From Success
Well there are more than 3... but these 3 are deadly! And I also prove that if you aren't willing to write you goals everyday, then you are guilty of the Number 1 reason! And I don't even advertise that I give you an extra comment that unless you define that - you are NEVER successful! I also mention a book - Think Learn Succeed by Dr. Caroline Leaf (this is an affiliate link) I can't say enough about it and want to encourage you to get it. It's available on Kindle, Paperback, & Hardback Hope you enjoy it and remember! Go for it!
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Be sure to go to http://getlifeunstuck.com to sign up for updates. Read the full article
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jchrisvaughn-blog · 6 years
3 Things That Always Keep You From Success
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3 Things That Always Keep You From Success
Well there are more than 3... but these 3 are deadly! And I also prove that if you aren't willing to write you goals everyday, then you are guilty of the Number 1 reason! And I don't even advertise that I give you an extra comment that unless you define that - you are NEVER successful! I also mention a book - Think Learn Succeed by Dr. Caroline Leaf (this is an affiliate link) I can't say enough about it and want to encourage you to get it. It's available on Kindle, Paperback, & Hardback Hope you enjoy it and remember! Go for it!
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Be sure to go to http://getlifeunstuck.com to sign up for updates. Read the full article
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jchrisvaughn-blog · 6 years
4 Actions (Convictions) To Overcome a Tragic Setback
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4 Actions (Convictions) To Overcome a Tragic Setback
We all have setbacks, and every setback is tragic to some extent. It's why some people often ask, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Well, that I can answer, but won't today. Today I want to share with you a tragic setback that took place for me and my family 7 years ago this week... And the Action, or better yet the Convictions, that brought us through it, and I believe to a better place! This podcast is a little raw, but thankfully I don't cry... But this week is a week for me to remember that 'All things are possible', and that God is good! Hope you enjoy it! Got for it,
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Be sure to go to http://getlifeunstuck.com to sign up for updates. Read the full article
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jchrisvaughn-blog · 6 years
Copy of To Be or To Do... That Is The Question? (dup)
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4 Actions (Convictions) To Overcome a Tragic Setback
We all have setbacks, and every setback is tragic to some extent. It's why some people often ask, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Well, that I can answer, but won't today. Today I want to share with you a tragic setback that took place for me and my family 7 years ago this week... And the Action, or better yet the Convictions, that brought us through it, and I believe to a better place! This podcast is a little raw, but thankfully I don't cry... But this week is a week for me to remember that 'All things are possible', and that God is good! Hope you enjoy it! Got for it,
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Be sure to go to http://getlifeunstuck.com to sign up for updates. Read the full article
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jchrisvaughn-blog · 6 years
Copy of To Be or To Do... That Is The Question? (dup)
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4 Actions (Convictions) To Overcome a Tragic Setback
We all have setbacks, and every setback is tragic to some extent. It's why some people often ask, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Well, that I can answer, but won't today. Today I want to share with you a tragic setback that took place for me and my family 7 years ago this week... And the Action, or better yet the Convictions, that brought us through it, and I believe to a better place! This podcast is a little raw, but thankfully I don't cry... But this week is a week for me to remember that 'All things are possible', and that God is good! Hope you enjoy it! Got for it,
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Be sure to go to http://getlifeunstuck.com to sign up for updates. Read the full article
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jchrisvaughn-blog · 6 years
Copy of To Be or To Do... That Is The Question? (dup)
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4 Actions (Convictions) To Overcome a Tragic Setback
We all have setbacks, and everyone is tragic to some extent. It's why some people often ask, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Well, that I can answer, but won't today. Today I want to share with you a tragic setback that took place for me and my family 7 years ago this week... And the Action, or better yet the Convictions, that brought us through it, and I believe to a better place! This podcast is a little raw, but thankfully I don't cry... But this week is a week for me to remember that 'All things are possible', and that God is good! Hope you enjoy it! Got for it,
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Be sure to go to http://getlifeunstuck.com to sign up for updates. Read the full article
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jchrisvaughn-blog · 6 years
To Be or To Do... That Is The Question?
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To Be or To Do… That Is The Question? There is an old joke that I remember when I saw first when I was 16. Socrates said, "To Be is to Do" Plato said, "To Do is to Be" Sinatra said "Do Be Do Be Do" It still makes me laugh. Today I discuss whether the doing is more important than what you BE... And while they both work together, one is more important than the other. I'll go into detail, and it may not be what you think. Be sure to go to http://getlifeunstuck.com to sign up for updates. See you next week, and go for it!
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jchrisvaughn-blog · 6 years
5 Surefire Tactics on How to Destroy Distractions
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5 Surefire Tactics on How to Destroy Distractions Do you ever feel like you are one of the dogs in the movie “UP”, and every where you turn you hear the word ‘squirrel’? Does your phone, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn,… whatever social media name you want to put in there seems to keep you from staying focused and on track? Well if you, you are just like EVERYONE ELSE! And just like everyone else, you can get a handle on how to destroy distractions! Today is a fun podcast! You’ll want to listen to the full episode but just to give you a quick run down are the 5 Surefire Tactics on How to Destroy Distractions: Eliminate Distractions – that’s pretty self explanatory, but you must become RUTHLESS with the biggest distractions in your life. It’s easier to alter your environment, that it is to change who you are.Highlight the Important Things – this is especially valuable when it comes to goals and vision for you life, but make the most important things you want to focus on, be bolder and brighter than anything else around.Time your focus – use a watch, stopwatch, cell phone… or you microwave for that matter, but set a specific time for a specific task and work until the ding. Writers call them sprints and they are used for one reason… THIS WORKS!Plan your work – take 20 to 30 minutes every day to plan your work, plan your play, plan some margins to be distracted. Distractions won’t seem like such an issue when you feel you have a definite plan ahead of you.Love some White Noise – I don’t mean music… at least not for me, unless it’s classical or soundtracks from a movie. Cause if it has words in it I’ll be singing in no time, and no one wants that I’ve been told. Get an app for background noise to feel the silence. In fact many people work better in Coffee Shops for just this reason. And lastly don’t buy into the excuse, “Well I’m just ADD, or ADHD…” You may have something to work through, but don’t use an excuse because you aren’t diligent! So there you go! 5 Surefire tactics to help you on how to destroy the distractions in your life! Be sure to go to http://getlifeunstuck.com to sign up for updates. See you next week, and go for it!
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jchrisvaughn-blog · 6 years
It's 100 Times Rarer Than Gold, and 1000 Times More Valuable!
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It's 100 Times Rarer Than Gold, and 1000 Times More Valuable! That's a bold statement! It's something that I work to get and keep everyday of my life, and I can see people almost at every turn wasting it! And no it's not time! But I'm not going to tell you here what it is... Listen to the Podcast and have a great week! Hope you enjoy this week's podcast! AND if you will, please go to Apple's iTunes and leave a glowing 5 start review (or whatever you feel appropriate)... it will help us more than you can know! Go For It!
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jchrisvaughn-blog · 6 years
How To Get Your Life Unstuck NOW with This Simple System
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How To Get Your Life Unstuck NOW with This Simple System Realizing your life needs to go in another direction is the first step! Deciding WHERE you want your life to go, is the next... But making sure you stay on COURSE to your expected destination may well be just as important as knowing WHERE you want to go! There are so many money pits out there that you can throw money into... but I'll never do that! I want to give you some tool to help you Get Your Life Unstuck... and the Simple System I use to stay on track. Take notes and if you don't use this basic system... FIND SOMETHING THAT WILL KEEP YOU ON TRACK! Below are some of the tools I use, and that I speak about: Moleskin Hard Cover Notebook 5" x 8.25" This is my preference... They're durable, and the pages and what you write last! AmazonBasics Classic Ruled Notebook (same size) Basically the same and about $2.00 cheaper, but I prefer the Moleskin Mead Composition Notebooks College Ruled I've used these for years and they work fine... I don't think the paper lasts as long but really... you get 3 books for $6.00 - can't get much simpler and cheaper than this! Jinhao Executive Fountain Pen I'm only adding it here because I mention it... and if you like fountain pens it doesn't come any better or INEXPENSIVE... $9.00! and here is the link I suggest (only because I know may get asked...) Montblanc Ink Mystery Black It seems expensive at $21.00 dollars a bottle but it isn't. The bottle has a built-in ink well so it's not as messy, and the bottle will last you at least a year unless you are handwriting 'War and Peace" All of the above links are affiliate links, so if you click them and purchase I'll make a commission, but that doesn't affect the price in any way. I've used this basic system for several years... and the catchy term now is Bullet Journals. Some are so much more complex, but if you want to watch a video describing a basic Bullet Journal here's a Youtube Video: How To Bullet Journal Hope you enjoy this week's podcast! Go For It!
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