#momma wammawink
cripple-punk-dad · 3 years
Centaurworld spoilers
Ok so I have a ton of questions about the world building in centaurworld. Where do the Minotaurs come from? Who is the nowhere king? How old are the centaurs? How long have the humans been at war? How long were the centaurs at war? Did humans and centaurs ever fight together? Who is the mysterious woman?
The earliest time we technically know about is shown by the Beartaur's mural and the murals in the castle overtaken by the Nowhere King at the end of the season. Here are some notes about that:
-WammaWinks is the last of warrior species of Llamataur right? This is shown by the mural on the Beartaur's wall and by all of his figures.
-Technically we don't know what they were wiped out by but it's assumed that it was the Minotaurs that are attacking Horse's world because she thought she was home when she got transported back in time in "What you need"
-We have a distinct lack of information about the war the humans are currently fighting, although we do know that the Minotaurs just appeared out of nowhere and started killing the humans off.
-we can assume the Minotaurs aren't indiginous to either world since they're called invaders or invading warriors. (Side note: Horse also claims to recognize the Nowhere King's theme song)
So we can assume that centaurs and humans fought the Minotaurs (?) . But for how long?
-Horse says in the first episode that she's known fighting her whole life. That's probably around 8-10 years.
-Rider is either a young adult or an older teenager around 18-22 years old. So it's safe to assume that the war with the humans has been going on for at least 30 years.
-It's unknown for certain if the humans and centaurs fought together or separately but based on the mural we can assume they fought together in ancient history, or at least during a time forgotten.
This brings me to the herd. We never get any sort of age for any of them, so we don't know how old they are. We do know that:
-Wammawinks was alive near the end(?) of the conflict, though she was a child. I'm assuming it was near the end because there's no mention of a war when they all meet up with Waterbaby and we learn that WammaWink was training to be a shaman.
-We also know that Glendale was alive during the war, as they mentions the war during the first episode. Considering the other's reactions to them saying that shows that all of the herd knows about the war too.
-The only time we see a wide variety of centaurs is actually in Centaur Valley, in the bubble made by WammaWink to protect her herd, and when we enter cattaur valley.
-There's honestly not a lot of centaurs populating the world, which leads me to the belief that the war killed a great many centaurs.
-However, no one in the herd seems to recognize what a horse is or what a human is except for WammaWink.
Where am I going with all this? Well, a huge theme in the show is hiding away from, repressing, and masking trauma and true feelings. This theme is repeated in almost every episode.
You may have noticed that I haven't really mentioned the mysterious woman or the nightmare king. They clearly have a history together and they, along with Waterbaby, seem to be the only ones who actually know the past of the worlds. The mysterious woman is the only human we see capable of performing magic, and she's clearly older, probably in her 50's.
The nightmare king is welcomed by the Minotaurs as if he was known to them, probably he was a former leader. Considering he formerly knew the woman, perhaps he was once a centaur or human that was consumed by dark magic?
I think a long, long time ago the centaurs and humans must have had a great war between the Minotaurs, and trapped them in the In-Between place. Time went on and both sides forgot about the war, but the key pieces and the temple remained. This is where things get a little iffy. Something happened that released the Minotaurs into centaurworld, where they were fought back once again. My guess is the mysterious woman was stuck in centaurworld or something and she went to make a deal with the nowhere king, and opened both sides of the portal. The Minotaurs fled through to the human world, but the woman realized her mistake and trapped the nowhere king in the In-Between before fleeing back to centaurworld. So now the humans had to deal with the Minotaurs and the centaurs remained trapped in forced bliss until horse was transported through.
There are still so many un-answered questions but this is my theory for now!
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loo0fy · 3 years
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AHHH wammawink 🥺- Just some doodles
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pxmun · 3 years
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Horse looked at the baby centaur in utter confusion. What was this little guy doing here? Did the mystery woman place the little centaur in the basket? If so, why? And why give him to Horse? These questions buzzed in Horse’s head like a swarm of angry beetaurs. Around her though Horse failed to notice the others surrounding her and the baby. The room was soon filled with sounds of awes and cooing as the herd fawned over the baby. “Well, this is certainly an unexpected surprise. Out of everything that woman could’ve gave you, an elktaur fawn is the most unusual.” Wammawink commented as she tickled the little centaur’s belly. This caused him to burst out into a fit of giggles. “Did, did you just say elktaur”? Horse stuttered. “Yup, you can tell by the hooves, their more parallel while a deer and bucktaur’s are more heart shaped. Yes they are, yes they are more parallel shaped.” Wammawink cooed to the elktaur fawn. Meanwhile Horse was experiencing a flashback to her time exploring the Nowhere King’s backstory. “Calm down Horse, just because the Nowhere King was an Elktaur before the split and just because this little guy has the same freckles and fur coat doesn’t mean that he’s the same Elktaur.” Horse thought. However, the more Horse thought about it the harder it was becoming to deny the truth, especially do to the fact of who had dropped him off. “Hey, Horse are you okay”? Rider asked. Horse was snapped out of her stupor. Not wanting to cause worry she tried to muster up a convincing smile. “I’m fine, perfectly fine, no worries here”! Horse nervously chuckled. From the look on Rider’s face Horse could see she didn’t believe her. “Hey, Rider, Wammawink, can I talk to you two in private”? Horse asked. But before Horse was able to escort the two to a separate room, singing began to break out. “Oh, life is a miracle but life’s a little strange. There will come a day when your life will change.” Zulius sang. “You get a baby in a basket, and he becomes your new ward.” Ched sang. “But that’s the joy of having....” Wammawink joined in. “Baby on board”! The Herd chorused. “Guys, now’s not the time.” Horse tried to interrupt. “Maybe baby, maybe baby, motherhood’s a miracle! Baby on board. Maybe baby, you, have a baby on..... Board. Board. Board! The Herd finished. “Mo, mo, mo..... Motherhood”? Horse stammered. “Yup! The storktaur brought you your very own lil bundle of joy, it even has your name on it, so as of today you are...” Durpleton took a deep breath in. “Momma Horse”! Durpleton sang. “But, but I can’t be a mother”! Horse panicked. “C’mon Horse, you’d be great! If your nervous I’d be more than willing to help you out and give you some parenting tips.” Durpleton offered. “Me too! I can help you with parenting also”! Wammawink cut in. Horse felt her blood come to a boil. “But I can’t be a mother to the Nowhere King”! Horse shouted. Her words echoing. Everyone’s mouths dropped to the floor, minus Rider’s, whose mouth managed to drop to an impressive length for a human. “Wha, wha, what”? Rider asked dumbfounded.
Horse let out a sigh. “That is what I wanted to talk to you and Wammawink about. When I was in the Nowhere King’s backstory, I discovered that he once used to be a centaur, an elktaur. He helped keep the Rift operating normally but through an error he discovered he could use the key to “split apart”.” Horse explained. “Why would any centaur want to do that”? Wammawink asked. “The humans in that backstory seemed very “indifferent” towards the centaurs. I think this caused elktaur to not accept himself as a centaur.” Horse added. “So, this whole war was started because that centaur had self- esteem issues”?! Rider replied furiously. “No, no, no. The war started because one half refused to merge back when the other realized that splitting up was a bad idea.” Horse defended. “Horse, that still doesn’t justify what he did”! Rider said upsettably. “I know, I know, but looking at it now, maybe this is the best thing for him. Rider this herd was able to help me change for the better. Maybe we could do the same for him.” Horse replied. Rider looked over at the Elktaur fawn, who was currently playing with Splendib’s tail. “If it was coming from anyone else, I wouldn’t be agreeing to this, but Horse, I trust you, I know you’ll try your hardest to make that Elktaur’s life better.” Rider admitted. Horse hugged Rider. “Thank you, Rider. I promise I’m not going to let you or this little elktaur fawn down.” Horse said gratefully. Zulius then cut in. “Hey, if you’re really going to do this, then can we call this little guy something else besides elktaur? Like I’m sorry, but elktaur is just so bland.” Zulius said. Horse trotted over and scooped up the little elktaur. The fawntaur snuggled himself into Horse’s mane. “I think Brian sounds like a nice name.” Horse replied.
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Hello!! I wanted to start off by saying I love your art style, you make the Centaurworld characters look so adorable!! 🥺💖 Also, since you're taking art suggestions/opinion asks, I would like to suggest some Stripes on Stripes, aka the power couple™, and ask about some of your headcanons for them, please c:
Asjdjdtdhdc thank you!! I hope this pleases you, because I got a lot of happy chemicals from it haha
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They spontaneously break up and get back together. Their last breakup wasn't even because of the Be Best Competition like the rest of the herd assumes, Splendib just stole Zuli's lip gloss
That breakup only would have lasted a few days if Zulius hadn't jumped on Wammawink's helicopter after he stormed off (yes, his ex stealing his lip gloss was his backstory all along)
They watch reality TV together and shout at people when they do dumb stuff
They both rly like cuddles
Zulius uses Splendib as a pillow. He's super comfy
You know when cats want your attention and they just kinda climb on you? I don't have a cat but they do that right? Anyway Splendib does that
Zulius will be reading one of Momma Wamma's Mansplash magazines and Splendib just. climbs on his lap. Sometimes he purrs and it's the most adorable thing ever
I may have overdone it a bit, but I can't help it! I love these two with all my heart and soul
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dagnytheartist · 3 years
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Centaur-chairs are cursed.  This was inspired by that scene where Glendale cried about how Wammawink forced her to help make those merman magazines "or I wouldn't get any more gigglecakes!" XD Bad momma! But honestly I can't picture a mom not having a bad day that looks like this.  Wammawink isn't homophobic (well, not intentionally), she's just a bit confused.  This was originally going to be a standalone, but it gave me ideas for a few more comics, so I'm calling this Workwamma AU. Wammawink adopted Glendale a few years ago and now Glendale's a teenager. Wammawink starts fostering a couple more characters in the next comic, so stay tuned!
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