shaunashands-blog · 6 years
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Come join me on TikTok today!
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shaunashands-blog · 6 years
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When you decide you wanna take a lot of selfies. Remember this face! This is me and I decided I wanted to take cute selfies. But I thought it would be better to show off my silly side. This was epic! 😂😂😂
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shaunashands-blog · 6 years
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That serious look on my face. It’s all like shit up and let me take this picture. This is a serious matter right here. Lol 😂 nah this picture just turned out pretty good.
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shaunashands-blog · 6 years
Things I come up with...
Part 1
Ohh Monday, I could never forget you cause
You are the very first day of the week.
Part 2
If I could freeze time. What would I do ?
Umm... Give me a few years I have not thought that far ahead yet. Give me a few years and I still won’t have an answer.
Part 3
If you could pick any job in the world and get the job. What would you pick ?
Next question!
Part 4
I did not come to work to be insulted.
I’m came to work to do my job and make money. Nobody got time for your stupid crap.
Funny thoughts
By Shauna Shands
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shaunashands-blog · 6 years
What is Life?
It’s like a long living journey and
Long journal in my mind
Write a book about your life
It Will be the story of your life
There are so many hard things you run into.
Only some of them you’re able to get through.
Some people will stay some people will go.
Sometimes people don’t even know who
stays and who goes.
You are the only one that can change your paths and make the hard decisions that you will come across.
Weather you wanna climb up that big long mountain is up to you.
Climb that mountain and you will feel like you have made a victory.
When only it’s just the beginning of a new start.
Be proud of who you are today.
What you do today can change your path tomorrow.
Make new memories new friends
In the end you will find the one
You will be happy
nice home
nice family
Then you can finally say I did it
It was a success.
Set your mind
Set some goals
Achieve those goals
Live your life enjoyed it
Make Friends
Live, laugh, love and carry on
No matter what path you chose your never alone. Some one out there is going through the same thing.
Just gotta find away to make some friends.
No matter what happens you are who you are.
This is only the start of your beginning are you ready ?
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shaunashands-blog · 6 years
Ever feel like you are living a pointless life?
Cause you have a job and your working hard for a living making money paying bills.
You are not married you don’t have anybody in your life but your family.
You only have like three people that will text you. But they are on and off Facebook for other reasons. So basically all day you have nobody to talk to while you are at work. The only people you talk to are the people you work with.
By the end of the day you come home and clean house then go set on the porch and cry all afternoon cause you have nothing better to do with you life. But set there and cry and be disappointed in your self.
That’s my life! Everyday I have nothing to do but go to work and come home.
I feel like I have nobody I’m so lonely that I feel like this is not enough for me. I am constantly feeling like a worthless pice of crap.
I got to work for 8 hours a day and I clean at a college.
I come home and clean the house.
If is nice outside I will set outside and enjoy the nice weather. Sometimes setting outside helps me think. So, things that happened in the past when I was going to school. All of these thoughts and memories flush through my brain. So all of the pain comes back and hits me directly in the face. So, I start sobbing in pain cause I can’t stop thinking about how I work my ass off and feel like I don’t do anything and I don’t feel like i am good enough. I work my self to the point I feel super exhausted and when I get home I don’t wanna do anything. But I do I dragging my ass home and I clean it would make me so happy if I were to get more appreciated and more help when I need help.
Better yet I wanna get out on my own
Live my life the way I want too
But honestly I wanna give up on my dreams
Because life is not fear and you can’t always get what you want
But when I set outside and think and cry I think about all of that stuff.
I know I am stronger then that I can by pass it all cause I’ve done all of it in the past.
But it feels like fighting all this is getting more and more difficult.
It’s like my life is swinging out of control and I don’t know how to hold on much longer.
I don’t need a rope made out of string. I need a rope made out of metal.
The stronger I am the better!
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shaunashands-blog · 6 years
Behide the eyes!
Behide every beautiful girl there’s either love or someone suffering from so much pain. That they are crying day in and day out. Depression whipping over making them feel constantly all alone. Feeling empty and like they don’t deserve to be here. Feeling like there is nothing here on this earth for them. Feeling lost and like they don’t deserve someone. The pain is strong and you know sure what to do. But the only thing you can do is cry and cry.
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shaunashands-blog · 6 years
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This world is full of people.
Beautiful people.
Everybody has some kind of talent.
A lot of people have beautiful smiles.
Let those beautiful smile make people’s days
Smile and let that smile shine bright.
Let all be thankful for everything that we have gotten.
Let us all be thankful for our wonderful families.
Let’s put the people in our heart that don’t have families and are fighting.
I wish everyone the best of luck with all of there struggles and the best of luck with all the things they are going through.
To all of you
You are strong 💪🏻
You can do this
I believe in all of you
You got this
The stronger the better
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shaunashands-blog · 6 years
Never give up on life. We all run into a tough time and we think that ending our lives will solve everything. Honestly ending your life is not the answer. Living your life and finding your way out of the darkness into the life. Is better then staying in the dark and letting it get to you. You are all strong 💪🏻 stay strong everyone.
Shauna Shands
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shaunashands-blog · 6 years
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Bringing that sass back! I edited the other two they actually turned out super cool 😎
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shaunashands-blog · 6 years
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Snap chat fun time. Playing with snap chat cause all of the filters are fun.
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shaunashands-blog · 6 years
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Miss sassy!
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shaunashands-blog · 6 years
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I’m not the best looking person out there. But I hated my body for the longest time. Honestly I half to say I come accept my body for the way it is. There are some things I could improve on I can do some exercises and some stretches and some yoga but I’m not gonna go all out just to make other people like me. I’m not doing it I don’t care if you like me love me hate me. But I wanna live my life I don’t wanna be stuff on just one simple small things like my body. I wanna live my life and enjoy it weather. I’m an ugly troll fat legend chicken.
My last summer was great I got my stomach and two tattoos before that summer. I wanted to have a nice looking body at the time. I was jogging and everything and now I’m doing nothing but working.
I am no super model I want to be a model but I don’t have the right height or right body for that.
I’ve learn to accept what I look like. I am proud to be me.
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shaunashands-blog · 6 years
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When I actually use my brain.... must read and and understand.
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shaunashands-blog · 6 years
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I turn my back! To those who have used me for money. To those who have used me as a friend. To those who have used me to get anything they ever wanted. You crossed me once your not gonna get to cross me again.
I don’t play stupid little games with grow people. Learn to grow up with your age or just keep acting like a 5 year old your not gonna get anywhere in life with a shitty attitude towards people. That’s not how life works but if that’s how you wanna live you life then so be it. Just don’t be in my life if your gonna do what you do.
I’m not gonna put up with childish games and a adult that don’t wanna grow up I’m not gonna baby sit you.
Some people can be so disrespectful and they need to learn. Sometimes just simply talking to them is not gonna fix the problem. Sometimes people will still keep doing what they are doing.
That’s when you tell them you have had enough your turn your back. Tell them they have a week to straighten up or you kick them to the curb.
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shaunashands-blog · 6 years
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Damn it shauna could you get anymore colorful ?
You blend in with your own blankets.
Next thing you know all your gonna see is just a giant flooting head on your bed.
Look at that creepy smile it’s like you wanna see what’s under my bed. No! I don’t wanna know what’s under that bed.
You slowly go towards the bed cause your curious you slowly go down and slowly look up underneath the bed and all you see is a cat. You scream cause the cats scared you but your like psp that was nothing. But then again you did get scared. 😂 story of my life by the way this was meant to be a joke and to be funny. Call it a corney joke is you want.
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shaunashands-blog · 6 years
If you feel like you wanna get out and do something get out and do it, but make sure you have money for it. Things come with a price and some times those prices can get expensive.
You really want something or someone go get it and go get them. Things are not just gonna come to you. You want something so bad then you should get up and work for those things. Stuff is not just gonna appear out of thin air and flop into your hands. That’s not how life works life sucks sometimes. You can’t always get all of the things you want. But there are things that you can work you way towards to achieve those things.
You want money
Get a job
You want a car save your money
You wanna date somebody tell them to there face you like them cause when your out of school you gonna wish you got that chance with that person cause you don’t know if they like you or not cause some people just won’t tell you to your face.
But if they don’t like you then move on
Life goes on the earth is still gonna be moving no matter what.
Time flys when your having fun so make the best of your life. We all make mistakes and we all regret somethings and we learn from our mistakes.
You can have anything out of life if you just put your mind and your hard working effort into those things you can achieve your goals.
But before you go out and try to do those things set you a goal. Make you a list of things to do and do those things and check them off through out the week.
Step by step you will get closer and closer to achieving your goals.
You are You!
Everybody gets one chance at living
So, it’s up to you on how you wanna live your life and who you want in your life.
Surround yourself with good people positive people and things are gonna go somethly. Get a job save money be a good person. Stay strong stay positive never doubt your self you can do anything.
No matter what anybody else says to you. They have a life too and they are living how they choose too.
Some people are meant to stay in your life and some people are just gonna cross your path. But don’t try to get in between somebody else that alread has someone. Don’t guild trip people move on. No matter what happens you can find better.
You can find better friends some one who treats you better. Everybody deserves to have somebody to love and someone that treats you good and makes you happy.
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