#mommy rhaenyra just makes me emotional okay
Rhaenyra overcoming her fear of motherhood and pregnancy was such a missed opportunity! Like, imagine Rhaenyra, in her early twenties, who has just given up the hope of having normal intercourse with her husband - like, his sexuality aside (and that’s one hell of an aside), their wedding must’ve been extremely traumatic for him. There’s no way in hell Leanor was able to have regular intercourse with her, and both of them must’ve absolutely HATED it. It’s perfectly plausible that they gave up trying to conceive normally pretty early on in their marriage. Instead, Rhaenyra has some good old trauma bonding after the wedding with Harwin Strong, and then, after interacting regularly with him for a few months, is just like. Fuck it. It might as well be him.
And it happens FAST. Like, in the books, Jace was born the SAME YEAR Rhaenyra married Laenor, but even in the show she seems to have conceived within a couple of years after the wedding. So Rhaenyra understandably freaks out! Her little adventure with Daemon might’ve allowed her to put aside her fears for a while, but it of course did nothing to actually address them! She probably considers the good old moon tea, but she knows that as an heir, she can’t afford to just not have children at all. One day, she would have to face the music and give birth, no matter how much it triggers her trauma from her mother’s death. So she seeks help. She can’t turn to Alicent, not after she vouched for fucking Criston. Laena is still unmarried at this point, though Rhaenyra has probably heard that Corlys has agreed to marry her off to Daemon. Her last resort are her friends, except she doesn’t seem to have any (I headcannon that she does hang out with the women at court, but none of those are especially close to her, more like people to gossip, drink dornish red with and impress by her massive fuck you dragon), and... Rhaenys.
Like, imagine mommy Rhaenys coming to the court on her large fuck you dragon the in the last stages of her pregnancy. Imagine her being all “oh, honey, did you sleep well? what about the morning sickness?”. And at first it’s just care for her unborn grandchild, but for Rhaenyra, it’s a brief moment of having her mother back. And she starts to turn to Rhaenys for political advice, realizing she is much smarter than her father... For just a couple of months, the two are absolute besties! Rhaenys suddenly has a second daughter! Rhaenyra finally confronts her fears of motherhood and with Rhaenys’ guidance learns to love the child she is about to give birth to! It’s so beautiful... Untill her kid is born. Untill Rhaenys starts to hear the rumors. Untill she realizes the child is an absolute fucking miracle considering it was conceived so quickly after the wedding, with a father who doesn’t even like women (and was around the time of conception still mourning his lover). She doesn’t want to reject Rhaenyra to her face, but after they attend Laena’s wedding together (and boy is that a Moment for Rhaenyra, to watch her childhood friend marry her first love she’s probably not entirely over), Rhaenys returns to Driftmark and politely rejects her requests to visit her at King’s Landing, and always has an excuse why they can’t visit her and Corlys at Driftmark just yet. And if Rhaenyra doesn’t know why at first, she catches up pretty quickly. It’s the last straw that finally breaks her and makes her withdraw into herself, mining drops of happiness wherever she can - in the friendship with her husband, in her secret relationship with Harwin, and in her father. And more importantly, her son. Because she has no mum. She now IS the mum. And she can’t let her child down.
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hansensunshine · 2 years
hiii i love your writing a lot <33 i wanted to ask if you could write smth for mommy!rhaenyra x little sister!reader? maybe something where the reader is upset bc of alicent scolding her for spending time with rhaenyra and the reader goes to rhaenyra and feels really small and cries and keeps calling her mommy and rhaenyra cuddles her and tells her that shes her baby, maybe with some soft smut at the end if u want to write that, tysm <33
aw, thank you so much! and this will be really heartwarming to write!! (i think this is my favourite i’ve ever written) 😭🤍
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pairings: mommy! rhaenyra targaryen x little sister! reader
synopsis: you are rhaenyra’s little sister, but being alicent’s daughter means that you and rhaenyra have to keep your relationship secret.
tw: mommy kink
summary: alicent finds out why you’ve not being spending enough time with her, it was because of rhaenyra. your mother is less than forgiving with her attitude towards you and you couldn’t help but break down feeling small. you ran to the only one who knows how to comfort you when you’re feeling this small, rhaenyra.
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“you’re meant to spend time with your family, y/n!” alicent spoke quite harshly towards you. “but she is family, mother.” you almost had tears in your eyes but you were able to hold them back. “i meant myself, and i’m sure your other siblings would love to spend time with your too, y/n.” she lets out a sigh before placing both of her hands on your shoulders. “we hardly spend anytime together anymore, it’s like rhaenyra is taking you away from me.” you sighed a little before responding back to her “she’s doing no such thing, mother. i just happen to be in her company more than perhaps you would like.”
she looks down at you, god you hated the way she looked at you sometimes, this being one of them. “i don’t want you to put her over me, i’m your mother. she’s not worth your time, she’s such a bad influence. i don’t want you seeing her anymore, do i make myself clear?” you looked back at her, tears almost falling down your cheeks. you couldn’t take it anymore but to run.
you ran out of the room almost completely sobbing, but you held it in for the most part, trying to focus your vision on getting around. you wanted to go to your own room but you needed comfort, that’s when you decided to run to rhaenyra’s room. as soon as you got there, you knocked the door frantically almost breaking down in front of her door before you hear her. “come in!” you immediately opened her door before accidentally slamming it shut before facing her, wiping away your tears.
she took one look at you before her emotions changed, she knew something was wrong. she stood up from where she was just sitting and went over to you and wrapped her arms tightly around you, you couldn’t help but just sob in her arms.
“alicent.. she— she..” you continued to cry, before rhaenyra pulled away from you and crouched to your height, wiping your tears. “shh, it’s okay, little one. don’t force yourself to speak in such a condition, calm down for me first, okay? my poor baby.” you just nodded trying to steady your breathing as she rubbed your arm for comfort. you tried speaking again before it just came out as a jumble of words, she knew you needed comfort, she knew you were becoming small and couldn’t help it. “it’s okay, mommy is here to take care of you.” you smiled a little in response, she knew how to take care of your every need and you couldn’t thank her enough for it.
you clung onto rhaenyra, wrapping yourself around her before she picks you up, letting your legs wrap around her waist. she gently soothes you as she rubs your back. “mother doesn’t like us together.. she thinks you’re a bad influence and— and she doesn’t want me to see you anymore, mommy..” your face said it all, you were heartbroken from your mothers words. rhaenyra kissed the side of your cheek “your mother has no power to do such a thing. i will not stop myself from seeing my baby, if she says anything again, i will make sure she sees otherwise, okay?” she gave you a small smile as you returned it, playing with the fabric of her dress. “i love you, mommy.” “and you know i love you too, little one.”
she started to carry you over to her bed before laying you down, you giggled a little once you realised she was getting on top of you. “mommy will make you feel good, if you’ll allow me too.” she placed a kiss onto your forehead before you nodded. “i love it when mommy makes me feel good..” she smiled at you. “i will make you forget all the bad thoughts, just focus on mommy.” you giggled in a soft tone with a smile growing across your face as she starts undressing you.
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