#monalisa hot dress
newsdeets · 2 years
These Hot Pictures of Monalisa Can Make You Go Crazy: See Photos
These Hot Pictures of Monalisa Can Make You Go Crazy: See Photos
Monalisa is a TV and Bhojpuri actress who is renowned for her acting style. She receives media attention that day as a result of her stunning and elegant images. Currently, Monalisa has uploaded a photoshoot in which she appears to be quite attractive. These images of Monalisa are spreading like wildfire. Check out these fresh pictures of Monalisa. Monalisa in Traditional Dress Looks Monalisa is…
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winxsource · 2 years
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It’s a bit long, so interview under the cut, where @gossipqueen2000 tells us more about her, her writing process and Fenice!
I call Mo up on a Saturday evening, it’s 5 o’clock for me, 4 for her. 
"I went shopping today," she tells me, then promptly turns on the camera so I can see a bunch of shopping bags and sundresses, while she's sitting barefoot on the hardwood floor of her house. For the first ten minutes of our interview it is just us, cooing over the new clothing, the good discounts she got and how there's not a single good dress store near her, then, easy like that she tells me, "okay, hit me with the questions." 
That's Monalisa, known as gossipqueen2000 on AO3, for you. The loudest extrovert in the block, who carries the easiest conversations and switches topics in the same chaotic pace her brain works on. 
I ask her the question we got the most, by anons, @blue-aconite and @astrid-v alike, what's your writing process? 
She scoffs, "you know what my writing process is like, it's chaotic." And it is, in the best way possible. Mo continues, “I do go chronologically, but not always in complete sentences, because my brain works faster than my hands. More often than not dialogue comes first and I write it down before I forget and then I come back up and fill in the gaps. Normally I know the ending, or at least wherever I want the story to go… I would love to say I have an outline, but no I don’t often start out with one. I have one in my head and when I do get stuck, then I write it down, if for no other reason than just so my beta can get to know what’s happening!”
She laughs then, an inside joke because I’m her beta and yes, this is a recurring argument we have. Mo’s got a loud, explosive laugh, the type that makes you laugh in return even if you’re not in on the joke, even if you don’t know the subject at all. 
Still laughing, she tells me, “most people don’t want to admit it, but as writers, we usually don’t control the characters,” finally she’s serious, “we just become vessels for them. Often they just do whatever they want to do and you have to handle it.” 
I ask her if she’s a planner or pantser (question asked by @leadingrebel) and for a second we both scramble, thinking the second term means “painter”. She doesn’t think about it for a second, launching on her answer, “Oh, I’m a painter for sure. To me it’s way more about capturing the emotion of the scene, than getting down the details. I can always come back and add them, like a painter, after I have the whole thing down I can then pause and think oh, here I could add more shadows, more texture, but initially it is about capturing an emotion. Sometimes I find that if I write too much detail down outright, then I lose the will to write, because it’s like… What’s going to happen is on the paper, is it not? Why do I have to bother actually writing it now?”
I let her finish, then I say “It’s actually pantser, I just googled it. Not painter” and she lets out a gasp and laughs, exclaiming, “well I like my version better. It should be painter.” 
I agree, as I know any of her readers would. Her stories are impressionist paintings in words: beautiful from afar, yes, but upon closer inspection they’re a constant breaking of the rules, sentences that go on for too long and read like slam poetry instead of simple prose, an explosive use of adjectives and characters who feel so much, too much. When reading Gossipqueen2000’s works sunlight is not just white, it dances on the water with splashes of orange, red, blue and green. 
What’s the hardest scene you’ve written?
She lets out a morose sigh, “smut scenes! Wait, no, let me rephrase this — Smut scenes are technically difficult. It’s a hard balance to not make it sound like a cheap porno or an anatomy book. It has to be actually hot. So, for me, that’s the hardest to write, which is sad because I think all stories should have some sexy sprinkled in,” then she takes a deep breath before continuing, “now emotionally speaking, I think the fic I wrote for the last Holiday Exchange - Vendetta -, which had a torture scene in it, was the hardest to write. Because I think writing torture and making it physical and equally vulnerable is difficult, a lot of times I pick a perspective to write from and I try to make it hurt me. I have to believe what I’m writing and if it’s not hurting me, then I don’t think it’s going to hurt anyone.” 
And what scenes are you really proud of writing?
“In Love, Lived and Lost there’s a scene between Riven and a flute player and I remember writing it and being really proud of  how the overall story flowed, — that whole story came out a lot better than I expected, it was the first time I wrote something so short, but that conveys such a long period of time and I was very proud of that —,  but specially of how that scene sounded, when read out loud.”
Then I ask her the question all writers hate and secretly love just the same, what’s your favorite work you’ve produced? 
The change in the mood is immediate, gone is the serious tone and she gasps dramatically. I can just see her clutching her chest, the theater kid that she is at heart, “AAH, don’t do this! This is like asking a mom what they’re favorite child is! Can I give the top 3?” 
“Number 1 is Loved, Lived and Lost and number 2 is Fenice; I’m very proud of both, but while Fenice has potential to reach number 1 when I finish it, for now it stays as second. Now the third one… I’m debating between Isn’t Bite Also Touch and Behind Closed Doors…” she takes a long pause and I know she’s got her AO3 open and is scrolling through her works, the same way I am, “but Isn’t Bite Also Touch has too many unpublished parts which are my favorite, so I’ll go with Behind Closed Doors. I’m very proud of this one.” 
Both Isn’t Bite Also Touch and Behind Closed Doors are smut fics, the ones she claimed are very difficult to write. I don’t point it out to her, instead I ask what’s the easiest thing to write and she snorts at my question, because for anyone who’s so much as opened her collection of works, it should jump to the eye. 
“Angst, duh. Pain. I love a good angst. I love a good hurt. Pain is a solid bed fellow and I’ve hooked up with it a couple of times. You can make it diverse, you can sprinkle variety, but pain is always amazing to write.” 
In a teasing manner, given the previous answer, I ask if she draws from real life experience.
“Oh my god, all the time. ALL THE TIME. So much of who I am seeps into it, but I do think this is true for all authors. Especially with a material like Fate, where the characters are in our age group,” then she pauses “or should be,” Mo says, a jab at the characters who supposedly are sixteen year old, but all look like college kids. We both scoff at this and she continues, “So much of who you are when you’re this close in age to a character – from the fashion sense, to the food they eat, etc — ends up inevitably leaking into the story.”
What do you do for a living? How and when did you choose your career path? — I ask this in a somewhat hesitant way, because I know Mo values her privacy and she too stops before answering. 
“I work in public service and I know it’s vague, but I want to keep it that way,” she says cautiously, “I always knew I wanted to be in public service. My entire family’s made of people who are in the public service and I grew up knowing that my job, whatever I chose it, would be something that could help others. I didn’t have a straight line of career and if you’re in your twenties, my one advice is take those small roads. There’s no shame in working retail, there’s no shame in working for others and we do what we have to do… Just keep your eyes in the big picture.” 
This answer is very reminiscent of how she writes, of the little rich channels and tangents that flourish in the midst of thousands and thousands words, all coming together in the end to form a beautiful larger picture. We leak into our writing, as Mo said and we leak into our interviews. 
We jump into the last segment of the interview, flash questions, but I already know she’s going to take me on a trip, because Mo’s never done anything “quick and done” in her life. 
Describe your writing in three words? (question asked by @lizzabet)
“Chaos, passion and… Vulnerability.” 
Do you have a somewhat bad habit that you don't want to give up? If so, why?
“I start WIPS all the time, even though I have no time. I don’t want to give it up, though, because ideas slip through our fingers sometimes and just because I don’t have time right now, doesn’t mean I won’t have time later. This translates in my real life too, I have a lot of goals and I like to know I’m having some movement in them, even if I don’t get to accomplish them now. The bad side of this is that sometimes having so many tabs open makes the actual accomplishments diminish in comparison and I have to remind myself when I finish a chapter that this is worth celebrating, even if I didn’t finish all the other 30 fics yet. YET!” 
Which unexplained thing in the world would you like to explain in one of your works one day? 
“What is an unexplained thing in the world? Like if we’re talking about real life mysteries like loch ness monster, folklore, etc. I’d like to have a crack at all of them, eventually.”
Which fate character do you consider to be the most realistic? 
“As a highschooler, none of them. If we think of them as college kids, I can't believe I’m gonna say this, but I think… Aisha, Musa and Sam. Sam because he’s so bland, he’s got no personality and I’m sorry, but if he just disappears I wouldn’t be mad. Musa because I think tuning yourself out is a very natural reaction to trauma and grief and I’ve even done this myself. I think she’s very realistic. Aisha because I’ve known people who were very type A and I like that they showed us one character who doesn't think checking out the weird noise in the night is a good idea and I think she’s very real in that regard.” 
What type of fan content do you make (Fics, gifsets, videos…)? 
“I only write, I don’t know how to draw or gif.”
Since when have you been making fan content? 
“I’ve been reading fanfics since I found out about the internet, far too early for some of the stuff I read. The first time I wrote fanfic I was 13 or 14 it was for another fandom, but I wasn’t involved WITH the fandom then, I just produced it and left it there.” 
How did you get involved with Fate?
“When I found Fate, I had very low expectations, which worked in my favor and got me hooked! I’ve been in this fandom since the start. “
What part of fandom are you most grateful for?
“I think the real friendships I made are the ones I’m most grateful for. I was never active in fandom, truly, until pandemic hit and I’m grateful for having it when the world was/is going insane.” 
Based only on likes and comments, how many people do you think read/see your work?
“Fifty people, but they’re the best fifty people.“
I have to pause at this and roll my eyes, because with Fenice sitting on 400 kudos and 10.348 hits, she must be really bad at math. Writers, sigh. 
Do you find reviews of your work useful?
“OMG yes, sometimes they’re the best motivators and they help you flesh out your stories. Especially before I had a beta, a lot of times I didn’t know exactly how my scenes were coming across and the comments really helped! Now, even though I do have a beta, I still think they’re very inspiring. It’s satisfying to see if the scenes I wanted to hit actually hit. They’re the best part of writing, hearing that people enjoyed your work!” 
“I also want to brag that I get the best comments. I love @leadingrebel​, she used to leave the best comments on Fenice, they made my day. I used to really get the best comments on that story!”
What type of content do you interact with more often in the Fate fandom? Do you have favorites or recommendations? 
“I love reading and I really recommend How the Night Changes by @skloomdumpster​ and A Man Plants a Tree in Whose Shade He May Never Sit by @septemberrie​, not just because I beta-read both of them. Tempting Fate by both @fitztragedy​ and @septemberrie​ was fantastic and that anonymous writer who did the rivusa series at the very beginning, their work was great!”
What are you working on at the moment? Can you give us a sneak peek?
“I’m still working on Fenice, but right now I'm also working on an unpublished story called Troy and I don’t think a sneak peek would make any sense. All I can tell is that it is a fantasy/historical AU, centered around my favorite ships rivusa and skloom. I’m not publishing until I have written everything, because the thing I learned the most while writing Fenice is that, especially with such long works, it really helps with the cohesiveness of it all to write the entire thing first, before publishing. You can always come back and add more, but it’s good to have the entire material done.”
We both stop, take our drinks and stretch. Now’s the time for the dreaded questions she’s known I’d get into from the start. 
Fenice, easily one of the most well spoken fics in the fandom and that is an epic in itself, as it is nearly a hundred thousand words, still unfinished. I start easy: 
Where did you get inspiration for Fenice?
There were several works that were coming up back to back when Fate just came out. Several that definitely inspired me: there was this writer who was anonymous and did the rivusa series, Breathe Again by @alphinias​ was one, Too Much Too Little by @fitztragedy​ and @skloomdumpster​/lilshitwayne was another and the one thing I noticed was that they explored the war times we suppose are gonna happen, but I wanted to explore the aftermath. I wanted to skip the war entirely and deal with its aftermath, but it also started as a need to see how these two people could come together and grow with each other, supporting one another. 
If you were to change something or rewrite, how would you do Fenice now?
“One of the headcanons for Fenice was that Riven was kinda stuck, he was in no man’s land. He was with Beatrix and Rosalind, but he had also helped the heroes. At the time my understanding of Riven wasn’t so great and now, after writing more and reading more, if I was to rewrite it I’d make Riven a lot more loud in terms of pushing back against the ‘adults’. He wouldn’t be as quiet as I made him, in terms of how he deals with Saul, but I also think his quietness has a purpose in Fenice.”
“Once you flash down these characters, I can see that Sky is the Prince Charming archetype, who will sacrifice himself to save everyone if given the option. It’s a line he’s willing to cross and we know it from the start.”
“Riven’s character has always been the Pirate archetype: he’s the rebel and antihero who doesn’t respect authority, but he has rules and morals too, except it’s his own code. It’s not that he likes chaos and wants the world to burn, but that he’ll do it if it benefits him and helps those whom he loves. I think now if I was to rewrite Fenice, Riven would start more vengeful, which he didn’t really get to do. I’d make him more angry at his situation, than sad.”
 And finally, When are we getting the final chapter of Fenice? 
“I feel so bad whenever someone asks me about this! Not because I don’t love Fenice, but because it is so close to the end – I think we only have two chapters more —, but I’m nothing if not a slave to my muse. My absolute aim is that this will be finished before season 2 is released. I also want to say that I never thought I’d get such loyal readers. I never thought the story was that unique and it’s beyond humbling to see people actually care and continue to want to read it.”
We both breathe out as this is the last big question and I ask her if there’s anything she wants to tell but that I haven’t asked?  
“Writing is my therapy.” 
I remember one last question @septemberrie​ sent, in gif format, a simple “How dare you?” regarding all the tears she’s made us cry, all the cliffhangers she’s left us on. 
Mo takes a pause, then I can hear her shrug and can see her easy smile as she answers “when one has such great friends, such as all of you, how can one possibly not dare?”
-- Interview written by @skloomdumpster | Jo
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ayeshintheclouds · 4 years
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What a strange middle space I exist in. It’s like the time between Christmas and New Year. When everything’s done, but technically it’s not. When the year is so practically over that you act as if it already is. But it’s not. High school is over. Except it’s not. 
We still have assignments sometimes. An occasional Zoom call. But that’s not what high school is to me. I have an obsession with lasts. In so many aspects of life. I remember a specific time, the week before my eleventh birthday. Every single night before bed that week, I’d think to myself, “it’s my last Tuesday 10” “my last Friday 10” it was stupid. But I did that with everything. When we moved. My last time using this shower. My last night in my room. My last time opening this closet door. I never stopped that. And I had built up so many lasts in my head for high school. It was such a crazy time of my life, the most I’d ever changed as a person, the most experience I’d gotten in the real world. I’m attached to that building, its people, the walls, the books. I was so prepared to live through each and every one of those lasts.
My last time using the disgusting school restrooms with roaches. My last time sleeping on the giant comfy library sofas. My last time walking in to gov with an orange and sticking its cutie sticker on the back of the seat in front of me. My last time listening to music in class and then jolting up when uh oh stinky starts playing on max volume cuz zahra hijacked my airpods. My last time walking to euro with the same song playing in both our ears as we walk off in different directions, sighing when the Bluetooth connection cuts off cuz you’re too far. As far as you can get in one building. What we wouldn’t give to be in the same building right now. My last time quickly clicking out of my Papa’s freezeria tab and zoning back into a lecture about scandalous prince Henry and his million wives. My last time filling out forensics notes made by our sweet teacher who draws cute lil heart bulletins for each of the 19 ways a man’s blood can drain out of his body. My last time rushing to lunch before the giant pizza line or the crowds around the restroom mosh pits cuz some rapper died. My last time cuddling up in a giant blanket with my friends on the floor of our freezing cold English room to watch A Quiet Place or Marriage Story or The Good Place. Our last time making a steaming cup of hot chocolate using our teachers coffee machine to read a picture of Dorian grey. My last time sneaking my friend into library free period and then getting caught. She made my friend go out but we keep talking, through the glass. We write words on our notebook paper and show each other. We play charades. We FaceTime and text despite being a foot apart but there’s glass separating us. My last time sneaking up to the abandoned second floor of the library where all the lonely dead books live, where it feels like an airplane when it rains. You can hear the rain pattering above you and the lights go out and u feel like ur in a giant haunted library all alone. But then ms b yells for you to come down and change the water filters or take out todays orbeez and youre back in reality. My last time jolting awake to the sound of the awful trumpet bell and rushing to the bus. Saving a seat for zahra and cringing at boys’ conversations behind us as they compare weewee sizes and rate girls. Recording a bus vlog together and sharing headphones to watch funny videos. My last time walking home with Renelle and MonaLisa, stopping every few feet so they can film tiktoks. Arriving at the crossroad between our houses and saying “See you tomorrow,” before heading home. Every day. Every day we said those exact words like a tradition, even on Fridays by accident and then we’d giggle and say “oh I mean Monday” and I thought to myself that the last month of school I’d record us saying that everyday to make a graduation memory compilation.
My last time going to high school. Or school at all. Unless you count college as school, which I guess it is. But still. It’ll never be the same. We’re opening one chapter before finishing the last. We haven’t fully left high school but technically we’re in college. We haven’t fully started college cuz we’re technically still in high school. It’s over. My last day of school was something I barely remember. My friend had memorized a thousand digits of pi for extra credit and we watched her perform it in front of her class. I’m trying so hard to go back and count the lasts. But I didn’t savor it. I wish I’d known it’d be my last. It’s taught me at least to savor everything. Anything can be a last moment. Life can change at the drop of a hat.
We missed our university orientation. It was gonna be the most amazing two days of our lives. Our first ever slumber party. We’d be roommates in a dorm room and we’d do the candlelight traditions and the songs and everything. They gave us an online one now. Staff people speaking us through green screens and a bunch of twenty minute videos. Zoom calls. Surveys. Emails. All our real life experiences replaced by the stupid internet that I hate so much but it’s all I’ve got.
Who knows if we’ll have a graduation, a prom? If we’ll ever get to walk across that stage or wear that dress or even see each other in person again. Sometimes my friends come by, on their bikes or with their parents. We talk through my second floor window or on the porch six feet apart. When they leave it feels like they never came at all because it was so surreal. It doesn’t feel the same. Nothing feels the same. It feels empty and hollow and lonely and like reality is fake. Time passes as a blob now. Someone says it’s Friday and I want to scream. What does that supposed to mean? Is that supposed to hold any meaning to me anymore? Friday meant no school tomorrow. There’s no school today or tomorrow or the day after or ever.
I know I shouldn’t complain. I have life in my arms and legs and color in my cheeks and my body can breathe without machinery that costs thousands to make. The height of my pain is boredom and I’m sure there’s thousands, millions, who would kill to have a problem as first world as mine. So I have no right to complain. But I will. Because although others’ pain is greater than mine, pain is pain, and I want so badly to get it off my chest without hurting the feelings of people actually suffering. And I’m well aware that anyone reading this might think me a spoiled brat. I guess I am. But high school’s over. Except it’s not
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journalistcafe · 4 years
Hot ब्लैक ड्रेस पहन बोली मोनालिसा, सब मुझे घूर कर देख रहे...
Hot ब्लैक ड्रेस पहन बोली मोनालिसा, सब मुझे घूर कर देख रहे…
भोजपुरी की हॉट और मोस्ट डिमांडिंग एक्ट्रेस मोनालिसा बाकी स्टार्स की तरह लॉकडाउन में घर पर ही समय बिता रही हैं। इस दौरान वो अपनी फोटो और वीडियो से अपने फैंस को एंटरटेन कर रही हैं।
यहां देखें वीडियो-
हाल ही में मोनालिसा ने एक टिक-टॉक वीडियो अपने इंस्टाग्राम पर शेयर किया है। इस वीडियो में वह 2001 में आई बॉलीवुड फिल्म कभी खुशी-कभी गम के एक सीन को कॉपी करती नजर आ रही है।
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manas86 · 3 years
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clevercase · 4 years
Monalisa ups the hotness quotient in this little black dress — view pics
Monalisa ups the hotness quotient in this little black dress — view pics
Monalisa has shared pics of her in a black dress. Taking a break from her Indian avatar for her current show, she is looking stunning. Source link
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currenttrending1 · 5 years
Karishma Tanna, Monalisa & Other TV Divas Who Set Internet On Fire With HOT Bathtub Photoshoots!
Karishma Tanna, Monalisa & Other TV Divas Who Set Internet On Fire With HOT Bathtub Photoshoots!
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Karishma Tanna
Naagin 3 actress Karishma Tanna looked stunning in a sheer detail black gown, which had one shoulder. The gown was thigh-high slit. Sharing the picture the actress wrote, “Hmmmmmmm… can’t think of a caption.. help please ?! 🤪”
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Anita Hassanandani
Yet another Naagin 3 actress Anita Hassanandani posed in the bathtub. The actress slayed it in the similar sheer black dress as…
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imagesgirlscom · 6 years
Monalisa's Latest Picture in Black Dungaree And Bold Red Lips Will Wipe-off Your Monday Blues
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Monalisa's Latest Picture in Black Dungaree And Bold Red Lips Will Wipe-off Your Monday Blues - Bhojpuri Sizzler And Nazar Fame Monalisa Looks Smoking Hot in Black Dungaree And Bold Red Lips in Her Latest Picture Bhojpuri actress Monalisa aka Antara Biswas is one of the most-sought divas of the industry and telly world. She likes engaging with her fans and keeps them updated about her on set and offset activities. Earlier today, she took to Instagram to share her picture and it is hotness personified. Dressed in a black dungaree and grey tee, she has teamed up her look with bold red lipstick and a wide smile. The picture will make you get over your Monday blues. Feeding to the fans curiosity, who wait on edge to know the latest from her life on set and off it, Monalisa has never disappointed her fans. Check out her latest picture here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BulAaTVgOUV/?utm_source=ig_embed Earlier, she has also wished her fans on the day of Mahashivratri. She took to social media to share her video from the sets of her supernatural show Nazar. Dressed in a green salwar-suit, she was seen showing Lord Shiva’s idol with other traditional decorations. Sharing the post, she wrote, “Har Har Mahadev …. #happy #mahashivratri #godblessus.” (sic) https://www.instagram.com/p/BukjGaZAmrC/?utm_source=ig_embed Recently, she has shared her picture donning cut-sleeves rust coloured choodidaar-suit with a plunging neckline and if this was not enough to raise the temperature, the actress teamed the look with a set of golden bangles and similar colour pair of earrings. Her minimalistic makeup with a luscious dab of red lip-colour and matching bindi, along with her curly hair blowing softly in the breeze added to the smokey look. https://www.instagram.com/p/BuiIPehgElz/?utm_source=ig_embed On the work front, Nazar is performing well on the TRP charts as well and the audience cannot stop praising the actor for her performance. From climbing buildings to performing high-octane action sequences, she is doing everything to get into the skin of her character. Apart from Monalisa, the show also features Harsh Rajput, Niyati Fatnani, Smita Bansal and Sreejita De among others. Monalisa's Latest Picture in Black Dungaree And Bold Red Lips Will Wipe-off Your Monday Blues Read the full article
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filmyrushweb · 4 years
Popular telly celebrity Monalisa got fame there and was into Bhojpuri films. She has successfully moved with ‘Nazaar’ at 2018 to tv and can be currently rocking it. She posted a photo of hers.
New Delhi: Popular telly celebrity Monalisa gained fame there and was into Bhojpuri films. She has successfully moved with ‘Nazaar’ at 2018 to tv and can be currently rocking it. She posted a photo of hers. read also: Bipasha Basu Shares A Workout Picture During Corona virus, See Video
Photo: instagram
Photo: instagram
Photo: instagram
Photo: instagram
The radiant smile in the film of mona is currently winning hearts.
She’s a strong networking existence with 3 million followers on Instagram. Monalisa is observed in the fiction series ‘Nazar two’. Monalisa knows how to maintain her websites fam smiling and joyful. read also: Priyanka Chopra Share a homemade hair Scalp at social media, watch video.
The celebrities are currently making certain to inspire visitors to keep distancing and to remain inside. Read also: Kiara Advani shared the childhood video, Must Watch
The novel coronavirus that was mortal has claimed tens of thousands of lives. And also to suppress the circumstance, the government has called for expansion.
Bhojpuri Bomb And Nazar Actor Monalisa in a polka-dotted dress strikes a smiling pose! Popular telly celebrity Monalisa got fame there and was into Bhojpuri films. She has successfully moved with 'Nazaar' at 2018 to tv and can be currently rocking it.
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mehanstarknews · 4 years
Red hot Monalisa in a polka-dotted dress strikes a smiling pose!
Popular telly actress Monalisa was once into Bhojpuri movies and earned fame from the movies there. However, she has now successfully moved to television with ‘Nazaar’ in 2018 and is rocking it. She recently posted a picture of hers in a red polka-dotted dress.
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Essay代写:Mona Lisa
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Mona Lisa,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了《蒙娜丽莎》。众所周知,《蒙娜丽莎》是意大利文艺复兴时期著名画家列奥纳多·达·芬奇所创作的肖像画,它成功地塑造了一个城市的资产阶级妇女在资本主义统治下的形象。画作完成后,端庄美丽的蒙娜丽莎神秘的微笑甩了无数人。“蒙娜丽莎的微笑”之后的意思是迷人的微笑或神秘的微笑。不同的人在不同的时间看到这幅画,对这幅画的感觉似乎也不同。有时她的微笑让人觉得温柔,有时严肃,有时略带忧伤,有时甚至是嘲笑。
It is well-known that the painting Mona Lisa is a famous piece in the world. Mona Lisa is the portraiture of Leonardo da Vinci, a famous Italian Renaissance artist. The hero's real identity is controversial, there are many versions. One of the more popular versions was the protagonist of the painting, Mona Lisa, up-and-coming Joioton's young wife, who painted for four years. There are various articles about this good painting. In fact, the scientists and some artists have already done some relative researches about Mona Lisa. There are also some discussions about this painting. It is admired by so many people. Joseph Harriss’s article “Seeking Mona Lisa” is a famous piece about the painting and the influence of the painting in the world. This paper aims to analyze a new discovery about the Mona Lisa. The essay will demonstrate how this new discovery affects the celebrity status of Mona Lisa.
Mona Lisa's smile (also known as Jorda Kangda) is a prestigious portrayal of masterpieces, commensurate with Leonardo's another famous painting, The Last Supper. It succeeded in shaping the image of a city's bourgeois woman in the ascendant of capitalism. Is the highest Renaissance Italian artist Da Vinci's highest artistic achievement. At that time, Mona Lisa's son just died, she has been in sorrow, depressed. To make the hostess happy, Leonardo da Vinci invited musicians and comedians in the painting, trying to make Mona Lisa happy. After the painting was completed, the mysterious smile on the dignified and beautiful Mona Lisa dumped countless people (Miner, 2009). After the "Mona Lisa smile" means a charming smile or mysterious smile. Different viewers or people at different times see the painting, the feeling of the painting seems different. Sometimes her smile make people feel soft, gentle, sometimes serious, sometimes slightly sad, sometimes even ridiculed.
The researches about this painting and Mona Lisa are various. There is a new discovery about the painting. The modern X-rays demonstrates that the oil layer of the painting reached more than twenty layers and with almost any brushstroke. It conformed that da Vinci repeatedly revised and portrayed the portrait. The discovery also shows that all of the traces of the painting were carefully wiped flat(Monalisa, 2013). It can be seen from this discovery that da Vinci wanted to pursue his best efforts. He used a long time to modify and decorate the painting. The popularity of this painting has the close connection with great efforts.
Bruno Morten, an expert at the French Museum Research and Rehabilitation Center, said scientists at the National Research Council of Canada found that the colors of the clothes worn by the painters There is a layer of transparent tulle, Mona Lisa wore pregnant women dress, head wearing a boundless hat. As these details are covered in the original, so the naked eye can not be found. Based on these new findings, the experts further concluded that the woman who sat in front of Leonardo da Vinci 500 years ago had just given birth to her second child (Miller, 2012). The identification tool used by Canadian scientists, the X-ray analyzer, came to the Louvre in Paris to scan both sides of the Mona Lisa for high definition 3D image data (Monalisa, 2013). It is reported that the clarity of the scanned image can be detailed to 10 microns, equivalent to human hair diameter 1/10. Using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, scientists studied seven Leonardo da Vinci works, including the Mona Lisa. This test method does not require the extraction of pigments from the painting, which can decompose the layer of paint on the face of Mona Lisa, which has the advantage of not damaging the work. According to the different materials, researchers divide it into 9 faces. They found that Leonardo da Vinci chose Mona Lisa for the finest pigments and additives and added a nearly transparent light color to the finished color, which was only about 1 to 2 microns thick, and all Pigment coatings do not add up to more than 40 microns in thickness. Scientists think it is using these know-how that the paintings have a dim effect and at the same time make the characters more three-dimensional. Form the X-ray technology, people can easily find that the discovery helps people get the real appearance of the character in the painting.
The discovery has influenced the celebrity status a lot. At first, the discovery rises people’s suppositions about Mona Lisa. People may want to know who Mona Lisa is and who is the prototype of character at the beginning of the painting. These suppositions make the celebrity status become more mysterious. In fact, different people may have different feeling when looing at the painting. For example, the painting is very hot in Japan. Many Japanese think the smile of the Mona Lisa is very gentle and peaceful. They even change the hair, the eyes and some other things into what they like. However, the painting in French gets the different meaning. Many people find the sadness of the smile and even the indignation of the smile. This discover make people look more things behind the painting. There are still a lot of argument about the identity and the meaning of the smile. Secondly, As long as you see the painting, no matter how far away you can feel the smile. Smile is not only reflected in the cocked mouth, but throughout the face of every part of the skin, or even every corner of the screen, so that the viewer while enjoying the Mona Lisa, the heart filled with a smile. To some extent, the discover make people value the painting. It has increased the degree of the celebrity status in the world. The Mona Lisa is destined to remain permanently in the Louvre. In the legend of the prototype of "Mona Lisa", some people say that the painting was a courtesan in the city of Florence at the time, while others said that the painting was a self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci's own version of the woman. A U.S. professor named Wiener Newland claims he has discovered the real secret behind the Mona Lisa smile (Schwartz, 1988). The smile on the face of Mona Lisa is always because the owner of the painting was pregnant when she was a Leonardo da Vinci model and was born when the mother was about to give birth to her new life Mysterious smile. Leonardo da Vinci "Mona Lisa" original painting on the Louvre in Paris. But for centuries, collectors claim that they have more than 60 "Mona Lisa" paintings. With the examination of the X-ray, the celebrity status will be not so dim. People will find more adequate information from the result of the X-ray.
In conclusion, the painting Mona Lisa is discussed from past to present. There are many different opinions about the piece. Indeed, there are a lot of arguments about the celebrity status of the character in the painting. The new discovery is reasonable because it is based on the scientific technology. This discover makes the celebrity status of Mona Lisa become clear. In the future, there must be more technology and hints to prove the real celebrity status of Mona Lisa. The painting is worth researching and analyzing.
Miller-Jones, E. R., Lisa, M., Vinci, L. D., Gioconda, L., Giocondo, L. D., & Lisa, S. A. M., et al. (2012). The Portrait of Mona Lisa. FastBook Publishing.
Miner, L. F .(2009). Portrait of a lady while no masterpiece, 'mona lisa smile' offers an engaging tale of women's roles in the '50s.
Schwartz, L. F. (1988). The Mona Lisa identification: evidence from a computer analysis. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Monalisa, Y. (2013). Pengaruh variasi suhu annealing terhadap struktur dan ukuran butir silika dari abu tongkol jagung menggunakan, x-ray diffractometer. Pillar of Physics.
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