#monarch butterfly chrysalis
bigfatbreak · 7 months
I'm sitting very politely and asking if it would be possible to see Adrien akumatised by Viceroy. Even if you don't want to, letting you know I'm insane about all your AUs (and your art in general, alien behaviour Shadow was so cool), you do such amazing work and I am completely normal about it
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(Caspases' concept art beloooow)
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onenicebugperday · 8 months
@eddieironmaiden submitted: Along with the black swallowtails this year, my wife had a few other friends...
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Ohhhh yes I love them all! Especially the crinkly newly-emerged one at the bottom of the last photo. Scrunkled....
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getting-butterflies · 6 months
need to shake the Monarch by the shoulders and ask why he didn't call the Cocoon "the Chrysalis"
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wishingstarinajar · 10 months
Is Monarch made of butterflies? Why do they always fly around or out of him? Is it more of a metaphor?
No, he isn't xD
Concept-wise, Monarch and his brother Emperor are themed after butterflies and moths, like the monarch butterfly and the emperor moth. They've had a fascination/liking towards these pretty little bugs since their creation.
"Inner Monarch" (aka the uncorrupted version of himself that's still fighting back) never allowed the corruption to wipe away his fondness for butterflies but it did twist into, well, collecting many specimens by sticking them on fancy corkboards for display. To have something frail, innocent, and beautiful be trapped forever, even in death. But, at least he has a greenhouse filled with live monarch butterflies to appease "Inner Monarch"... This is one of the reasons why he is surrounded by them in some of the recent drawings I've doodled.
During our last doodle session that resulted in the "booty appreciation" comics, Chee and I did muse about Monarch being able to (involuntarily) summon butterflies whenever he manages to get flustered or feel good feels, and that we have "Inner Monarch" to thank for that. Buuuut I'm still deciding whether this will be a thing or not so it isn't anything "canon" to Monarch's design as of yet.
As for his brother... After the Entity's corruption (the black goop and negativity that corrupted Nightmare/Emperor) shifted from Emperor to Monarch, the small fracture that still resides within Emperor at times speaks to him in the shape of a moth.
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oxytocxins · 1 year
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monarch season
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I love painting butterflies but I feel like we forget to give the larval and pupal forms enough credit. With big changes on the horizon, this monarchbutterfly chrysalis feels additionally allegorical
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The monarch that my granddaughter and I watched as it became a chrysalis than a butterfly!!
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deejayphoto · 9 months
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To Monarch
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thesingingbullfrog · 9 months
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A fresh start
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crazycaterpillarlady · 10 months
To all of my new followers! Congratulations 🎊 you have arrived at the perfect moment! Two new monarch butterflies will eclose tomorrow morning!
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I am on an overnight shift and will probably miss their eclosure, so I suggest looking back at earlier posts from this summer. I believe I even have a video!
I will check the weather tomorrow to figure out when the best time to release will be!
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Here are all of the chrysalis safely hung out of the way of any caterpillar.
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
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@shinyhappygoth submitted: First instar? 👀
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A lovely chrysalis and some busy friends!
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A few friends in need of ID! All but the last one were encountered in Connecticut; the last was in Maryland.
I'd say second instar on the monarch! Hello to all the bees :) First fellow is a ladybug pupa, probably an Asian lady beetle. The second is an Oriental beetle, and the last is a red-headed bush cricket :)
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julesofnature · 2 years
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“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”  ~Roald Dahl
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wishingstarinajar · 10 months
How did Monarch meet Cross? Or-.. uh Knight? And what did he think of him in the past, early in their relationship compared to now?
Let's call him Knight *nodnods*.
As far as @stankychee (Knight's creator) and I have discussed, Monarch was drawn to a specific AU because of the depressing aura it emitted. Within the AU, Monarch found a castle and though it seemed abandoned at first, its halls and walls were filled with a sense of loss, loneliness, and sadness. Most of that atmosphere was induced by Knight, who was the sole survivor of something tragic (details still forthcoming) and lived a very lonely and listless life in that empty castle.
While it was basically "love at first sight" for Knight, Monarch was only interested in the castle and what Knight could offer, like protection and servitude. There were no romantic feelings whatsoever. However, "Inner Monarch" (the uncorrupted version of Monarch that's still present somewhere deep inside that goop) was quick to take a shine to Knight and so, aside from the fight between good and evil inside of Monarch, there is now also a battle for affection.
At the current, their relationship wobbles between "business" and "blooming" but it is an unrequited love story for the time being, with both Knight and "Inner Monarch" pining for the other while the corruptive Entity within Monarch wants nothing to do with it.
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lifewithchronicpain · 2 years
Monarch Chrysalis
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First image is when I found it this past Monday. It's been 6 days and it's still there. I feel like the wings look more defined now.
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spiralshells · 2 years
My first monarch is out and bopping all her siblings with her new wings I'm so proud
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rogueartistjyn · 8 months
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Found this hanging from the underside of the roof a little over a week ago. It just started changing color today! We are days away from a new Monarch Butterfly! So excited! You can see its wing through the Chrysalis now!
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