#money is made up to make it seem like perfectly shareable resources are scarce
shaanks · 5 months
so in order to live you have to have money. in order to get money you have to be paid by working for a wage. in order to work you have to find a place that's hiring, make it through the application process, get the job, and then keep it. the job you get is allowed to do everything they can to pay you as little as possible and will play chicken with labor laws to treat you as poorly as possible until you quit or give them a reason to fire you. you have to either work several of these miserable jobs or weird long hours at one of them in order to afford even basic things.
in this, somehow, the employers that mistreat and attempt not to pay you are the righteous pillars of society, and you, the person being mistreated by a system built to exploit and disenfranchise you, are the bad lazy one for being "poor."
and somehow the people responsible for this are not like dead with their heads on sticks or in baskets or anything. they're just like having smoothies somewhere. tell me why.
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