heimwee2456 · 5 years
6 months in a nutshell
6 months in a nutshell
Hi there, it’s me again!
It feels so good to be able to write again and feel happy about it! I missed it so much. Plus this new personal computer is pure writer’s heaven, my last one was…well, not good for blogger’s purposes. Anyway, before describing all the places I visited and all the things I did in previous months, I decided to do a little recap since there’s been a lot of things. I think…
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heimwee2456 · 5 years
I’m back! An explanation.
I’m back! An explanation.
Hello there, I’m back! It’s been a long time since I published my last article and honestly, this break was much needed. I wasn’t feeling very well since…well, honestly since last September, but this March it was just too much for me to handle and I didn’t want to spread any negativity on this platform, so I decided to step out instead and take a little break. Simultaneously I’ve also stopped…
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heimwee2456 · 5 years
Brno in 8 hours
Hello everyone!
Brno, the second largest and most inhabited city in Czech Republic – our current destination. Now let me tell you a little bit about our Saturday, the day, when me and my brother toured the entire Brno.
First of all, last Saturday was the day of grand opening of summer season on Brněnská přehrada(Brno Reservoir). Since we were staying in a flat there, we began our tour with this.…
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heimwee2456 · 5 years
Last day in Snina, Slovakia
Last day in Snina, Slovakia
Hello everyone!
Honestly, there’s nothing more boring than starting the last day of Erasmus+ project meeting with workshops. Or at least I thought so.
You may have already guessed, that I’m not really into biology or chemistry. However, these two workshops that we had were quite interesting, since they were less scientific than those on Monday. In chemistry we could learn more about pH of…
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heimwee2456 · 5 years
Spring in Košice, Slovakia
Hello everyone!
I’m back here with another fresh article about the third day of the Erasmus+ project meeting in Snina, Slovakia. Now we’re moving a little bit more to the West, to the second largest and most inhabited city of Slovakia, Košice.
First of all (since education is on the first place), the workshops. We visited University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik, its scientific faculty to be more…
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heimwee2456 · 5 years
Andy Warhol & Easter eggs
Hello everyone!
I apologize for infrequent blogging, but this week was more busy than I expected it to be. Currently I’m on my way to Brno, Czech Republic, and it’s gonna take about 6 hours, so I decided to spend this time gathering stuff from previous week. I’m listening to sweet tunes of Swedish House Mafia performance in Madison Square Garden from 2011, if you got nothing to listen to, I…
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heimwee2456 · 5 years
First day in Snina, Slovakia & NP Poloniny experience
First day in Snina, Slovakia & NP Poloniny experience
Hello everyone!
Today is the first day of the last project meeting of this year’s Erasmus+ programme, taking place in the easternmost town in Slovakia, Snina – my hometown. I’m hosting a Cypriot girl here and I’m really thrilled, way more than before Thessaloniki where I was being hosted! This Slovak region is quite interesting, we’ve got a lot to offer here, I’m looking forward to show her…
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heimwee2456 · 5 years
Rhine Falls & Meersburg
Rhine Falls & Meersburg
Hello everyone!
It’s the last day of week number one and we are about to “conquer” two new countries today. First we’re in plan to visit Rhine Falls in Schaffhausen in Switzerland and then move further to Meersburg in Germany. And last but not least, chill by the Bodensee for a little bit. It’s gonna be an exciting day today since I’ve never been to any of those places unlike those we visited…
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heimwee2456 · 5 years
EP experience in Strasbourg
Good morning everyone!
I’m travelling to Switzerland right now, so I decided to dedicate this time to talk about yesterday since roads are quite bumpy and I’d definitely feel nauseous the second I opened the book. Journey is long, music is good (Hook N Sling ft. Karin Park – Tokyo By Night – Axwell Remix), so without further ado, let’s begin!
We had to wake up at 6am because we were supposed to…
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heimwee2456 · 5 years
Rainy day in Brussels & Luxembourg
Good morning everyone, it’s currently almost 9am and it’s pouring down outside. We stayed in an Ibis Budget hotel in southern Brussels and now we’re heading to the city centre. As for the breakfast, I enjoyed the Dutch one million times more, here we didn’t even get any vegetables! While in the Netherlands we got to choose also from some purely Dutch specialties. Nevermind, at least I had…
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heimwee2456 · 5 years
Zaanse Schans & Brugges
Zaanse Schans & Brugges
Hello everyone!
Our journey continues! Currently we’re on our way to Brussels, so I decided to use this time to write another article….if you thought I’d say “to learn Swedish”…nah, you’re wrong, after past two days I cannot concentrate on something particular in the evening. Without further ado, let’s get started!
So in the morning, shortly after waking up and packing all of our stuff back, we…
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heimwee2456 · 5 years
Keukenhof & Amsterdam - I’m the guide!
Keukenhof & Amsterdam – I’m the guide!
Hello everyone!
Today is the first day of April of my most favourite year yet, and subsequently also one of the best days of my life, as I discovered later. Why was it so good? Because I’m finally back in the Netherlands and it’s sunny outside (note for my future one: just take me to NL and plan sunny weather, I’ll be happier than ever)!
After only 4 hours of really bad sleep, I woke up in this…
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heimwee2456 · 5 years
Past tense - my Swedish progress!
Past tense – my Swedish progress!
God kväll!
Hello everyone and welcome back here on my blog! It’s been quite a lot time since I published something. It was a tough week and I’n really sorry about that. Anyway! Tomorrow I intend to start writing a travel diary again, April is gonna be so thrilling, I’ll be doing something very interesting every single day! Currently I’m travelling to the Netherlands, the first stop is gonna be…
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heimwee2456 · 5 years
Störst, äldst, högst och längst i Sverige
Det är mig igen med den nya artikeln. Annan artikel över Sverige, förstås! Idag jag ska berätta över några fakta.
Sveriges största stad heter Stockholm. Stockholms äldsta del heter Gamla Stan.
Sveriges högsta berg heter Kebnekaise.
Sveriges längsta flod heter Dalälven.
Sveriges största sjö heter Vänern.
Sveriges största landskap heter Lappland.
Sveriges största ö heter Gotland.
Sveriges mest…
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heimwee2456 · 5 years
Den vackraste staden i Norden
Hej kompisar!
Stockholm är en av världens vackraste huvudstäder och Sveriges kulturella, ekonomiska och politiska centrum. Här har 45% av alla svenska företag sitt säte. I själva staden bor mer än 800 000 människor. Storstockholm, som betyder Stockholm med alla sina förorter, har sammanlagt 1,3 miljoner invånare. Det mest intressanta med Stockholm är det vackra läget på 14 öar mellan sjön Mälaren…
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heimwee2456 · 6 years
Housing in Sweden
God dag!
Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog, the only place where I can express myself freely! This time, as a part of my self-learning process, I’m going to be talking about housing: first in general, then specifically in Sweden.
Do you feel like you’ve already seen something like that yesterday?
My answer is: yes and no.
Theoretically, it is going to be about the same thing, but…
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heimwee2456 · 6 years
Housing & furnishing - my Swedish progress!
Housing & furnishing – my Swedish progress!
God dag!
This past lesson about housing and furniture was so much fun! And finally, it was a lesson where I could make use of all the words and grammar clauses I’ve learnt in previous lessons, and that made me really happy. Plus I finally got to understood why are there so many forms of adjectives and how to use them properly myself. So without further ado, let’s get started with my progress!
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