neko-chan-13 · 2 months
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Did I ever post this?
Water bottles are scary you guys :(
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thisheademptyyeet · 1 year
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It found you.
Perhaps I got silly and decided to draw @neko-chan-13 's Monoster and Six in my sketchbook.
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lovelylonelymoonlight · 2 months
Got a yeast infection and swear on my life nothing will turn you into a femcel faster wtf you mean one of the causes is “having a vagina” what do you mean we have more information about erectile dysfunction even tho it effects a way smaller percentage of the population actually maybe we should kill all men I changed my mind
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stormclouds-chainmail · 3 months
These Torygraph headlines had me in stitches. The UK just voted in a centrist party in a landslide and the right wing media are shitting bricks. At least one of these articles talks about Keir Starmer's left wing Stormtroopers and a left wing monostate. I'm now wondering if one or both were satire... Nope. Reliably informed they weren't satire.
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[ID: a screenshot of the website of the UK newspaper The Telegraph. It shows two headlines by Allister Heath with a photo of him looking like he's squinting in the sun.
The UK is about to enter a nightmare much darker than anyone yet realises
Armageddon is upon us, and Britain will never be the same again
End ID]
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I keep seeing takes like this all over Twitter and that's really not a place I want to get into discourse, but I'm posting here because I'm just absolutely maddened by how untrue it is.
It's such incredible wishful thinking because that would have been a much better episode, it might have been the one they were trying to make, but it very much is not the one they made. There was no algorithm! The closest thing to an influencer we saw was Ricky September! It wasn't racist because of the echo chamber, it was racist because some off screen company back on the home world decided to create a little racially "pure" "utopia" colony up on the moon and feed them their own Fine Time creed. It wasn't their bubble keeping the insulated to just people like them, it was a custom designed colony! (And I'm also baffled at how people are assuming this means the whole Home World was a fascist monostate too?? There's nothing to suggest that? We literally only see a tiny colony of self selected rich kids whose families opted in to what seems to be a private corporate endeavour? The only thing we know they have in common with the Home World is that the AI turned on them all.)
The episode, as they actually made it, is all about "those damn kids on their damn phones". Calling someone up rather than walking over to them. Being unable to walk without directions. Panicking and being lost when battery dies. Even the thing about charging up at work felt like it was supposed to be some sort of dig.
It would be nice to think they made a thoughtful episode about the insidious spread of white supremacy, but it's ridiculous to pretend that's what they did instead of just another caricature pointing and laughing at people using technology.
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stevebattle · 11 months
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Spock’s Brain (1990) by IS Robotics (iRobot), Somerville, MA. This hard-wired analogue brain is designed to emulate the brain of an insect, modelling how the insect gait transforms seamlessly from a slow, statically stable walk to a faster dynamic running motion. It controls the gait of a simulated hexapedal robot, represented by on-board LEDs for each leg. The legs maintain synchrony with signals flowing both longitudinally and laterally. Each leg has an identical circuit; the XR-2207 is a voltage controlled oscillator for timing, the 74123 is a dual retriggerable monostable multivibrator producing a square wave output to actuate the leg, and the smaller 8 pin TL082C is a dual op-amp.
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commodorez · 1 year
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This computer is being a real pain in the ass right now.
If it's not one thing, it's another.
Keyboard wasn't working at all for a bit, and now it's working sometimes.
RESET line wouldn't work from the keyboard with the 74123 monostable in there to make it a clean pulse, so I had to bypass it -- pissed about that.
GFX toggle was not working at all, needed a pull-down resistor to fix that.
DEL line continues to interfere with the GFX signal, meaning if you press one, you toggle the graphics layer.
Just upgraded the CPU board to include a second 1702A ROM which is old enough to require -9V and 5V, but no ground signal? Fuckin. PMOS.
Now the additional ROM means the -9V rail is overtaxed by like... 3 things, and my bench supply for testing was like "nah, I won't push more current to keep the voltage within tolerance" so that's now I have to figure out a new way to deliver power for testing.
I've had to rewire multiple sections of it to enable different kinds of EPROMs to work, because of course none of this crap is straight forward. The documentation for how to implement it isn't all that complete either.
Computers used to be really hard to maintain, and I'm really getting a taste for that here.
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daemonhxckergrrl · 1 year
how do I use a 555 timer?
there's some fantastic videos from Ben Eater on this from his 8-bit breadboard computer series - they cover astable, monostable and bistable circuits using a 555 timer.
astable timer
monostable timer
bistable timer
i would recommend watching all 3 (and if you enjoy his style of videos, to check out that entire series and maybe the 6502 computer series he's still doing
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solidwater05 · 8 months
I'm watching a video about a nuclear reactor in Minecraft and I understand the nuclear part better than the redstone part. What the fuck is a monostable circuit.
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tezzbot · 1 year
Saying stuff like "Which should be as simple as just a Falling Edge Monostable," is why I love a Mumbo Jumbo redstone video Where Am I And What Is Going On I Am Having A Great Time VFNDBF
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dharmafox · 2 years
Merch alert!
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my god!
To study any concept, we must first look at the etymology of the word .My mother used to say, that etymology is one of the most noble streams of academia. The earliest written form of the Germanic word God comes from the 6th-century Christian Codex Argenteus. The English word itself is derived from the Proto-Germanic ǥuđan. The reconstructed Proto-Indo-European form ǵhu-tó-m was likely based on the root ǵhau(ə)-, which meant either "to call" or "to invoke". Hence, we know that god was an entity that people began to have faith in in times of need and called for Him when faced forms of events uncontrollable by humans like floods or famine. I often think about this invocation. I think about this invocation when I catch myself scoffing at my father's complete faith, often when I pick up a new book and say "God, this better be good." To look at the concept of God, we must look at the different ideas of God, the different names they use, and the various values they assign to Him. we must look at various religions. In a country like mine, India, there is no shortage of religious diversity. Being Hindu, I grew up in a majorly Hindu community myself. However ,I was exposed to many Parsis that insisted on me tasting their dhansak, as well as Muslims that groaned when I opened my tiffin in the day during Ramadan. I didn't know many Christian people, except a very sweet old lady we called Marie Aunty, back in Dadar, whose swing I used to sit on and gossip with my cousins. My point is that, religious harmony always persisted, no matter what, at least where I grew up. What interests me about God the most, the the thought process behind formulating such an entity, such an omnipresent divinity. The absolute trust that a community begins to have in an entity, to serve them peace in prosperity, even the faith they have in ire of him, in times of severity.
Though the word Monotheism means the belief in one god, no more no less, it does have Roman (Christian) roots. Some popular monotheistic religions are Christianity, one of the oldest i.e Judaism and Islam. The Quran states, that in Islam, God (Allāh) is all-powerful and all-knowing, the Creator, Sustainer, Ordainer and Judge of the universe. God in Islam is strictly singular (tawhid) unique (wahid) and inherently One (ahad), all-merciful and omnipotent. Monosteic religions are generally a lot more defined as to the living of every day, and the rules behind minute processes. The holy bible is a widely controversial document, with various versions written by authors of different influences. So, it is hard to gauge exactly which version is accurate in view of the central idea of said religion. Abortion , in one version, is ethical in certain circumstances, whereas in the others, is an irreversible sin. Hinduism is a renowned religion that believes in multiple gods. The fundamental of Hinduism is the belief in the creator, (Brahma) the preserver (Vishnu) and finally, the destroyer.(Mahadeva, or Shiva). The Vedic texts are also the core of Hinduism, which show us the way of living life, the way in which various rituals are to be carried out, and the way to behave around people. An alluring description of the arts is also given in these ancient texts.
My family has not been very intensely religious at all. My maternal grandmother, however, is a staunch believer. Reciting chants after a bath, housing a devghar, reading the Gita, are all practices she follows. She tried teaching me as well, but I remember only little words here and there now. I hum along to her tune. My mother ,however is a working woman and all this is simply too time consuming for her. She does believe in God . She asked me one day, ‘’ Neetika, every living thing requires energy. It is passed from one organ of an ecosystem to another. It has to have a source. Where do you think energy comes from?’’ to which I replied, ”The sun, obviously. Where else would it come from?” After intense back an forth about where the sun recieves energy from, the debate met quite an unsatisfactory end. To be quite honest, winning an argument with my mother was fun. I didn't necessarily agree with any of the statements I made, but maybe that was the reason I won. I had such an objective view of the things I said, so the entire concept of god truly came to me as a bigger picture. I think that is what people fail to understand about this whole conversation. The argument isn't about whether God exists or not, that is a moot point. The entire point of God is faith. As long as someone has faith, god is real, exactly like Schrodingers cat. That would mean, that for me, who doesn't quite know where I stand on such discourse, god exists in a third state, one that is not limited to time or space. Ah well, God in general is not limited to time or space ,is He? He is if I want Him to be. Only then, though.
Out of all the mind-numbingly boring subjects I had in school, English was one. However, one poem, rather a line from a poem in particular, truly made me think. In the poem, the poet wished he was an animal, for their simpler ways. He says this through a line, “They (animals) do not make me sick discussing their duty to God.” Sometimes, people forget that God is omnipresent. He does not need our help. We need his. Yes, we have a duty to Him, which is being the absolute picture of morality, at least according to our different religions. I see too many people on the internet going on missionary trips. If you don't know what they are, basically, rich, white, Christians go to poor countries like Africa, which have a shortage of the most basic necessities, not because of shortage of natural resources, but because of dictatorship, appointed by the land of the free and home of the medically uninsured, as well as corruption in every other office, and tell them to convert to Christianity to find god. Quite morbid when you think about it. Why should they bend to God's will? What has God ever done for them? Their children must drink water, before a priest blesses it and calls it Holy. God will not quench their thirst. One requires a certain privilege to believe in God. The privilege of having a good enough life to say god gave it to them. To say God blessed them with all they have, and if others simply convert, prosperity will enter their homes. For me, god is in every little thing. God is in every little flower that blooms in the springtime. God is in the thriller book I read perched on my balcony while listening to the rain, occasionally a little droplet falling on my skin. God is in my childhood scars, in my grandmother's home, in my guitar I play horribly for my friends.in the lipgloss my best friend lends me. God is my belief that things do get better. God is my belief that I am worthy of being comfortable in my own skin. God is my mother's womb, in my beginning and in my coffin I will lie in, in my end . God is everywhere but that little box the cat lies dead in.
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8svx · 5 months
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medicinemane · 6 months
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Figured out how to make it truly seamless... why have slime pull the rail when I can have the opposite wall push the rail?
Got the opposite wall on a falling edge monostable circuit (ie only triggers when it loses power, not when it gets it) so that when the pulse extender dies it real quick pushes the rail and the block below it with the wall from the opposite side, then pulls them back in
Pretty obvious once I started thinking about it, and frankly so much cleaner
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platinumsstore · 8 months
The 555 Timer
The 555 Timer
The 8-legged IC (Integrated Circuit) is the one of the most commonly used integrated circuits and this due to its ability to provide oscillations and time delays in a circuit when configured properly as we will see in the operation mode sector of the 555 timer, the 555 timer was first developed in the 1971 by Hans Camenzind, the 555 timer gets it name from the three 5K ohms( 5 kiloohm) connected in series in the IC(integrated circuit) block diagram as I will discuss the internal blocks below.
The pins of the 555 timer.
The Ground (GND) this where the negative (-tve) power pin is connected.
The trigger this is usually an input pin and is connected directly to the negative (-tve) of the second comparators we will see in the next sector.
The output this where the out is connected and tapped from e.g. output devices like LEDs can be connected.
The reset pin when this pin is set to high it resets the flip-flop ( the 555 timer ) to its initial state.
The control voltage pin this is connected to the negative of the first comparator and is used to control the voltage in the 555 timer.
The threshold pin this is connected directly to the positive of the first comparator and when its set to high the comparator is on.
The discharge / pin 7 this is connected to the discharge transistor in the 555 timer used to discharge out current to the ground.
The power (VCC) this is the positive terminal of the 555-timer used to drive the 555 timer circuit inputting between 5 to 15 volts of power.
The block Diagram.
The 555 timers have gotten mainly three stages, and this is the voltage divider, the comparators and the flip-flop blocks. And all these are interconnected to process the input signal and make output at pin 3 in either and ON state or OFF state as we going to see below.
The voltage Divider.
This block consists of three identical 5K Resistor connected in series dividing the input voltage from VCC (power pin) to GND (ground) and calculated so that the tap between the first and second Resistor outputs [2/3] of the input voltage (VCC) and the tap between the second and third outputs [1/3] of the input voltage (VCC).
The comparator.
This block has two comparators with the first comparator (positive terminal) connected to the threshold pin the negative connected to the voltage divider at the [2/3] tap and when the voltage of the threshold pin drops below [1/2] the output of the comparator goes to HIGH state and the output OUTPUT also goes to HIGH. And this continues as long as the TRIGGER voltage is kept LOW which is connected to the negative of the second comparator.
The flip-flop.
The output of the two comparators is connected to the inputs of the flip-flop R and S pins where the R input is connected to the output of the first comparator and the S connected to the output of the second comparator, the flip-flop operates in such a way that when the output of the first computer is HIGH and second one is LOW it outputs low which is then change at the output stage as HIGH which is connected also to the discharge transistor making the output pin HIGH and vise verses. The 555 timer also has an output stage that finally makes the output pin (pin 3) HIGH or LOW accordingly.
The 555 timer configurations (operating Mode).
The 555 timer can be set in three common modes (configurations) depending on the circuits purpose these are the astable (free-running), monostable (one-shot) and bistable mode (latch) these being applicable in light flashers, touch switches and switch debouching respectively and all the configurations depends on the voltages applied to the Trigger, Threshold and Control Voltage Pins as we are going to see below.
The Astable mode of the 555 timer.
The Schematics of the Astable mode of the 555 timer is straight forward where the two resistor R1 and R2 are connected in series with a capacitor that is then ground this forms a voltage divider between R1 and R2 from which the discharge pin (pin 7) is connected giving the discharging path for the capacitor and the thresholds pins and trigger pins is shorted to keep both the pins HIGH and this cycle repeats whenever the capacitor voltage drops to [1/3] of the applied voltage. The Astable mode of the 555 timer finds use in PWM (pulse width modulation) and works as an oscillator circuit giving a continuous square wave at the output pin.
The monostable mode of the 555 timer.
In the schematic diagram the resister R is connected in series with a capacitor C between the VCC and the GND, this CR circuit created provides the pulse duration (time) which is the time the capacitor takes to charge, in the monostable configuration of the 555 timer a pulse is produced at the output whenever the trigger voltage drops below [1/3] VCC in this mode the 555 timer finds use as a delay switch and a touch switch.
The Bistable mode of the 555 timer.
In this configuration the 555 timer threshold and trigger pins are both connected to the halved voltage gotten from the voltage divided by the two identical high resistors R1 and R2, the input signal is then feed through the a capacitor into the 555 timer with the control voltage capacitor at the pin 5 for the 555 timer which then trigger a clean pulse output at the output pin (pin 3) of the 555 timer.
Inconclusion the 555 timer is a widely used integrated circuit finding its use is most circuit board like the inverter circuits on television circuits, radio circuits etc. and it has help to accomplish a lot of electric projects so as an engineering student you have to really understand the works of the 555 timer because you will interface it a lot, so if you have learnt anything and still want to know about any other component and electric related projects let me know in the comments.
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express-technology · 9 months
TE Connectivity Relays Distributors You can also order the most common monostable relays from the TE Connectivity relays distributor with a neutral coil system. When power goes through the coil circuit, the relay switches to an energized state. When the power is turned off, the relay switches to an energized position.
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