#monsta x promotps
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♡ Choose a starter :)
♡ These are mine,, I can’t believe I actually came up with some SFW prompts…
♡ You can request more than one prompt at a time!
Trigger Warnings~~
1.“You’re not doing it again?  You promised you wouldn’t do it anymore.”
2.“I’m sorry…I-I…I just don’t love you anymore.”
3.“The world taught me to hate myself…and for a while, with you, I was learning to love myself…then you up and left and I realized I’m more fucked up than I thought.”
4.“You love me? How do you say you love someone and then leave them?”
5. “-are those scars?”
6.“Why do you always flinch when I go to touch you?”
7.“Are you okay? Did he touch you again?”
8.“Someone give me an Oscar or something….I’ve been pretending to be fine for the last three years…”
9.“I say I’m okay…but I’m not, I don’t think I’ll ever really be okay again.”
10.“You’re drinking again…”
11.“You’re disgusting! Leave, I never want to see you again.”
12.“I loved you. Loved, being the key word there.”
13.“Am I okay? Yeah, I’m fine…just…just a little tired.”
14.“I’m scared one day you’ll look in the mirror and notice how amazing you are and how way out of my league you are and you’ll leave me.”
15.“Wake up…Please wake up!”
16.“No! Don’t go, when you leave all the bad memories come flooding back.”
17.“I really thought you could save me….ha the joke was on me.”
18.“Squeeze my hand…no, no, no, stay with me, squeeze my hand.”
19.“I let you in, I shared my deepest secrets with you, told you everything you wanted to know, I trusted you and you, you went and told them everything!”
20.“Wait! I didn’t mean that, please come back.”
21.“I know you love me…I don’t know why, but I know you do and I can’t keep lying…I don’t love you, I don’t and I’m telling you this because keeping up this lie is only hurting you more.”
22.“I saw you….with her/him,”
23.“I’m here because I’ve been denying that I need help for awhile now and I’ve only gotten worse,”
24.“I’m tired of hiding, okay? I love you and I want the world to know.”
25.“Are you ashamed of me? Of course, you are…I’m fat and ugly and no one likes me…I’d be ashamed of me too.”
26.“I-I, I think I love you, I mean you make me feel funny inside and every time I hear your voice I smile, every time you giggle I feel my heart skip a beat…I just want to be around you all the time…is that weird?”
27.“You look really cute in that sweater, oh wait, is that my sweater? You look really cute in my sweater.”
28.“I’m not going to lie I live for the way you have to stand on your tip-toes to kiss me.”
29.“I missed you too! Oh, oh don’t cry…here, here, I got you.”
30.“Repeat after me: I am beautiful/handsome, I am strong, I am worthy, now I don’t just want you to repeat it, I want you to believe it.”
31.“Why didn’t you just tell me? I’ve liked you for the longest time…you have no idea.”
32.“I-I’m sorry, it’s just when you’re talking about something you’re super passionate about you get this big smile on your face, and the area around your eyes crinkle and you start to jump in your seat a little…sorry, it’s just something I noticed…go on.”
33.“You took care of me when I was sick…so would you quit your blubbering and tell me which soup you want?”
34.“It’s ten after seven, we’re late anyway, let’s just stay here and cuddle…please?”
35.“You know they call us tall and small right? Like ordering a coffee or something…”
36.“Honestly? I think it fits!”
37.“It’s three in the morning…you can go to sleep now…”
38.“Are you still mad at me? Come on you can’t still be mad at me! I’ll make your favorite food….run you a hot nice bath…oh, I know what’ll get you…I’ll give you a booty massage!”
39.“Food won’t fix everything…but-but it’s a start.”
40.“I’m sorry I ate your cookie, yes, I know you are on your period…Y/N, please just unlock the door!”
41.“Not to offend you or anything but I’ve had the hugest crush on you for the last two years and I’ve been trying to tell you for the last year…are you ever going to notice?”
42.“I was given one wish and I wished for you to love me…”
43.“Oh my god you are so greasy!”
44.“Dude, she’s got you so whipped! Have you ever noticed when she starts to talk you completely zone out, and get this goofy smile on your face?”
45.“Hold on, can you hold this?”
46.“Dude, this is your hand.”
47.“I went to go put on grab one of my sweaters from my closet and noticed they were all gone…Y/N…why did you steal all my sweaters?”
48.“Please don’t make me give them back! They smell like you and sometimes at night when you don’t stay with me, I need them, please don’t take them!”
49.“Hi, nice to see you again, two weeks ago you fake kissed me to make your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend jealous in our local coffee shop and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about how soft your lips were since.”
50. “I don’t want to hurt you, I would never hurt someone as beautiful as you…”
51. “I want to kick your little ass, my stomach’s so swollen, I can’t even reach my toes!”
52. “I am not letting you name my kid after a character in a video game!”
53.“I’m sorry did you just say twins?”
54.“Babe…babe wake up…yes, I know it’s two in the morning but I hungry and I go really go for some taco bell right about now…could you maybe go get me some? Thanks, you’re the best.”
55.“You’re awfully mood…oh my god, I’m sorry, please don’t kill me.”
56.“I’m waddling around on my swollen feet, carrying your child, and you want me to apologize to you because I’m ‘moody’?”
57. “You don’t understand if she doesn’t get those pickles she will kill me, and then she’ll kill you, so my best advice is to stop your fussing and hand over the pickles.”
58. “Come on, can the baby be a junior?”
59.“  What do you think it is? I think it’s a boy….god, I want it to be a boy.”
60.“You’ve been throwing up all morning, are you going to be okay?”
61. “It’s morning sickness you jackass…”
62.“I’ve noticed you’ve put on a few pounds and I’m only saying something because I found a pregnancy test in the bathroom trashcan…anything you want to tell me?”
63.“I don’t think the baby is going to like your dad jokes no matter how many you whisper against my stomach.”
64.“I took a pregnancy test and it was positive…but don’t worry! It’s not yours.”
65.“Yes, I’m crying. Do you want to know why? I dropped my strawberry sundae and I just got it!”
66.“You’re pregnant that’s the only explanation for the morning sickness, the weird cravings and the mood swings you’re having.”
67.“This is so embarrassing, I think I just peed myself a little from laughing so hard.”
68.“I had such a smooth pregnancy and now it’s here, I’m going into labor and I wish I never let you stick your penis inside of me, you little shit.”
69.“Y-you’re squeezing kind of hard…I-I think you just broke my hand.”
70.“I’m sorry I’m being so mean, it’s just the baby was kicking all night and I was tossing and turning, I’m honestly so exhausted.”
71.“This is awkward but I’m pregnant and one of you three is the father…”
72.“I’ve been through three name books and I think I finally found one I like…how about…”
73.“For the last time, I am not naming my baby, mini- (idol of choice)! Why? First of all, because it’s a girl! Second of all because if it were a boy, (another idol of choice) is a much better name.”
74.“Oh don’t you walk away from me, it takes two to make a baby.”
75.“You stupid little shit! I told you to wear a condom, a couple seconds, it would’ve taken nothing but a couple of fucking seconds to put on a damn condom and now I have to tell my parents that their good girl daughter is pregnant.”
76.“I wish you would stop running, I really don’t like to chase my food.”
77.“Would you stop screaming?”
78.“Fangs, blood, veins under the eyes any of this ringing any bells?”
79.“You’re sticking that knife in all the wrong places.”
80.“Oh-oh my god your eyes…they’re black.”
81.“So are the legends true? Do girl werewolves get sideburns too?”
82.“We’ve been dating for a year now and I think I want you to turn me…”
83.“It’s not all sunshine and rainbows…sometimes the hunters become the hunted.”
84.“Not going to lie, you’d make a beautiful siren…wouldn’t even have to use your voice…your looks would be enough.”
85.“That is not okay! Would you please stop making yourself look like me?”
86.“ I’m not hurting anyone, most of the people I eat are jackasses…they all have it coming.”
87.“You have a tail, a fucking tail!”
88.“That’s not fair, you can’t use your compulsion to get me to do what you want!”
89.“Don’t witches worship the devil?”
90.“I’m sorry did I hear you right? You said you’re the daughter of who? The Greek Goddess, Aphrodite?”
91.“I’m really trying to not freak out…but I invited you over to my pool party and your legs just turned into a tail…a tail with scales…oh my god, you’re a mermaid.”
92.“Why…thank you, I also think these shorts make my ass look nice…oh yeah…I can read minds.”
93.“Dude for the last time, if I’m not picking up my phone, I’m busy…stop fucking summoning me before I block you.”
94.“Yeah… I have wings and if I need to I can shrink in size, yeah I’m a fairy, yeah like Tinkerbell…no, do not call me cute! I am not cute.”
95.“I’m sorry, I do love you but you’re not human anymore…you’re not my Y/N or (Idol of choice), not anymore.”
96.“I hate to tell you this but your best friend is a ghost.”
97.“I make people fall in love, my little bow, and my little arrow, we are quite the pair.”
98.“I can turn it on and off, I usually keep it off, when I was twelve I touched my best friend and she dropped dead on site…an eye-opening experience.”
99.“Don’t worry, I’m not here to hurt you…I’m your guardian angel.”
100.“Y-you, want to stroke my wings? I-I don’t think, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
If you come up with any other categories let me know!
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