officialrtg · 2 years
The Golden Empire: Part II
City #8, Planet 2, 3:28 PM.
Rain showered down onto the city streets below as the umbrella-wielding civilians walked through the wet city, half walking alone or as part of groups.
In the news station, a tall white-skinned male with a tone body type, dressed in a fine pressed black suit with black shoes, read the latest news of the war of gold and their number of losses against his, showing everyone that the golden empire was all talk.
#1,781,986 ran his fingers through his short purple beard and faded hair with twists at the crown of his head.
Shutting the newspaper, putting it down on the desk as he walked out of the shop and into the wet city outside.
He walked in the area not covered by roofing, going into the wet cityscape as he got out his umbrella while continuing to his destination. Hearing the roaring engines of sports cars as they thundered down the open airways.
He looked past that to see the buildings that eclipsed the airway and the vehicles. It was apartment block seventy-seven thousand, out of one billion to be built and have LED lights installed, lights emitting pink and purple lights into the darkening city.
He walked towards the small black taximeter, pressing the nearest taxi option, with his requested taxi hovering down to his location almost immediately.
Getting in, the taxi doors close as it hovers above the ground and into the sky, beginning its journey to City 12.
He looked out the window while shaking his umbrella and closing it, watching the buildings and lights flicker past him as he entered the dry lakes that separated the cities. The way it stopped so suddenly was almost like drawing a line in the sand, telling someone where to stop.
He continued watching the rain in the backseat until they exited the rainstorm into the uninterrupted sun.
The dry lake ends after ten minutes as a single house flickered by, then another and another.
The taxi entered the city, home of the fleet of TBOPs. They looked enormous when the landing site was two thousand miles down as the taxi descended to the road below.
After landing, he gets out of the taxi, checking if he had left anything, but he didn't. The taxi closes its doors, taking off into the never-ending blue sky. He walked into his apartment block and made a left to the elevators.
He waited patiently for the auto elevator to arrive.
PNK Sorority house
In the massive bedroom of the house, the sorority president of PNK, Mary Davis slowly opened her eyes.
She turned in her bed to look at the time on her bedside table and saw the time read eight o'clock in the morning, her eyes turned pure red as she realized that class started in thirty minutes.
"Shit, Shit, Shit!" she shouted as she got dressed in a hurry and got ready to start the day.
She then bolted down the steps and into the kitchen, not noticing that her ladies were gone. She was getting her breakfast ready before the house phone rang, she picked it up without bothering to think who it was.
"Mary, listen to me right now," the chilling but deep voice of Worthington II speaks on the other end.
"Oh, Mr Worthington,"
"Don't leave your house at all for the next few hours,"
He covers the phone to think over the words he would tell her. He decided to tell her a watered-down truth, so as to not make her more frightened about the reality of the situation.
"A human adult is on university grounds,"
"Could you say that again," she asks.
"A human adult is on the university grounds,"
She hangs up the phone to silently think, weeping to think that this human had contaminated her friends, she then picks up the phone and contacts Johnny again.
He answers the phone and she asks, with sadness present in her voice, if he saw any of her friends when he saw this human.
"Shirley saw them walking to the cafeteria, but I-" he tells her before the phone cuts out.
Both of them try to call each other again, but the lines within the university were dead.
Worthington Manor
The house phone rings are overheard from upstairs as Johnny Worthington I slowly got out of bed and walked down the steps to the kitchen area.
"Hello?" he answers with the best impression of an awake voice.
He listened intently as his son on the other end, talk about how there were humans in the monster world, but the voice on the other end sounded degraded.
"Son, I can't understand what you are trying to say, the audio is bad,"
His son then tells him to write everything down on a notepad, he repeats everything he had told at a slower rate which allows his father to write everything down.
He is then asked to turn on the tv to see if the news had reported anything out of the ordinary.
He turns the TV on and sees the news reporting about something that had landed a few yards from Monsters University.
Then someone yells in the newsroom that they have lost contact with the university president.
He lets go of the phone as he sees the situation unfolding before him, he tries to keep his mouth shut with the newsroom keeps getting flooded with updates every minute.
"Dad? Dad!!"
"Ladies and gentle monsters, as much as I wished this was science fiction, It's not. Viewers at home. We are witnessing an invasion from outer space," says the elderly news anchor.
#1,781,986 apartment
The bedroom was silent except for the quiet snores of its inhabitant before the telephone went off, waking the shirtless male in surprise and causing him to fall off his bed.
He groans as he crawls back into his bed and then over to the phone on the side, he reaches for the phone a few times before getting it and picking it up.
"Hello?" he asks, wiping his eyes.
"Is this 1,781,986?" asks #1
#1,781,986 jolts awake.
"Hello, sir," he says in a good enough awake voice.
"I have a job for you," he says.
"What is it?" he asks as he sits down on the bed.
"The remains of the golden empire are on this new planet that we're still researching. We want you to see what it is and take out the empire in the process." He reports
"Ok, Mr. 1," #1,781,986 confirms.
"Bring someone with you because it's suicide if you don't," he adds on, #1,781,986 pauses, remembering one of his friends who had a personal hatred for the golden empire.
"You go find your buddy," he says.
"Ok, sir," says #1,781,986 as he hangs up the phone, he puts on his black business shirt and he fixes the waist of his jeans while smoothing down the creases.
He goes into his wardrobe and gets out a black blazer and tie, he puts them on and walks to his suit, the TTK Mk VIII.
It opens up, and he steps inside. The armour closes around his body except for his head, he walks to the desk where he had put his helmet, he grabs it and puts it on.
Hardscrabble Manor, 7:09 PM
"It has been confirmed to the Monstropolis horn that these outer space aliens called the golden empire want our planet in return for the hostages. This offer has been denied," Says the newscaster.
As the family of three sat down at the dinner table, the parents were concerned like all old monsters were because they believed that the golden empire could be anywhere or anybody but their daughter, a dragon-crossed centipede wearing all black winter attire as she ate her dinner, showing a facade of being unconcerned about the situation.
In the back of her mind, she was concerned if this was going to last long as those human hostage situations.
She was to start Uni in late August. She wanted to show what she had learned from privately studying for the last two years to show her father that she was ready to be a scarer which her father scoffed at.
After finishing her dinner, she went upstairs to read more on scaring while her parents continued to watch the news.
She went by old photos of the Hardscrabble lineage going from her great-great-grandfather, stopping to look at a photo of her as a little child and her parents. She was happy alongside with her mother while her father tried his best to hide his discomfort.
She was too young to understand what was happening, when she was playing with other kids or sleeping. Her father and mother hated each other, and her father hated her as she was the wrong child.
She only learned when she was sixteen about why the marriage happened in the first place, both families' desire to create the scariest monster in history.
Switching on the light to her room as she entered it, she pulled up her specially designed chair and perched at her study desk with a book about the science of scaring vol. IV on the desk, going to where she left off, on page two hundred and twenty-three.
Hours go by as she reads on expert knowledge of scaring while taking notes simultaneously, she was shuffling up the papers into a neat pile before going to bed before she received a knock on the door.
"Come in," she says. The door opens to her mother, Josie Hardscrabble.
"There you are," her mother responds as she shuts the bedroom door.
"What do you want?" Abigail asks.
"We've got an elite thing tomorrow. You have to come with us," Josie tells her daughter as she towers over her. Abigail sighs with anger as she hates hearing that she has attended something that didn't mean anything to her just yet.
"Do I have to?" she asks, disappointed.
"It's only two hours. I know you find it boring. I find it boring as well," Josie tells her, looking down in disappointment as she had to go to the meeting regardless if victoria's branch of friends planned anything last minute. Josie sees her daughter's disdain.
"You might meet someone," she adds.
Abigail hears that. A sad expression on her face emerged as her mother was talking about how she could meet someone she would be interested in.
Most of the elite were older than her by decades or centuries and she wasn't interested in any dating as she found it a waste of time.
"Mum, mostly everyone I have met besides Victoria and her group of friends, have been forced to stay away because of my relation to him, it comes to a point when you have to stop socializing with others," she says to Josie about her father.
"Abbi, don't let him stop you. You think that males act like your father. They don't. My high school boy-" Josie replied before being cut off by her daughter.
"friend treated you like the world, and you would have married him if your parents hadn't forced you to marry dad," she says
"Doesn't mean that you could find someone like you," her mother tells her.
"Goodnight," she says before planting a small kiss on her daughter's forehead and leaving the room.
The Next Day, 8:00 AM, Waternoose II office
"It has been decided that not responding to demands laid out by this leader will be our preferred message. We do not answer like dogs for our new extraterrestrial enemies. As we speak, hundreds of thousands of national guards are heading towards our alma mater to bring our students out."
"Students, if you are hopefully listening. We'll get you out of there," Henry Waternoose explains to the citizens of Monstropolis.
"Thanks for being smart for once," Charlie says to the TV projecting a live broadcast of Waternoose in his office.
"Sir, I got more photos," said the photographer out of breath as he ran from Monsters University to the office, avoiding getting beaten by other monsters who suspected he was one of those things in disguise as the police had already caught one of them in a supermarket, trying to pass off as an old monster.
He hands them over to Charlie.
The photos had been taken through gaps in the gates of the university. They showed absolutely nothing except for the build-up of snow and the big looming gates of Monsters University.
"Hmm, some are crap. We can make it seem that these things don't like clearing snow making them appear as lazy, but this one," says charlie says as he pulls the photo of the looming gates of Monsters University closed out of the pile.
"I like this one,"
Word Count-2083
I hope you have enjoyed the second part of this ongoing story
I apologise beforehand if some things don't make sense but this is what happens when Grammarly throws a hissy-fit during editing.
-Mr. RTG
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adrianawhitlock · 4 days
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In Sickness and in Health
People I be honest I watched MU two times and I saw one thing lol! Knight flirting with Hardscrabble and my speculation is…
The two was married and it didn't go the way both wanted and are divorced.. Who knows! X))
The original reason he likes her.
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adrianawhitlock · 27 days
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Monsters University - Back to School!
Did you ever wondered what happened after Mike and Sulley left the University?? Meet the Doctor/Professor! Avalon Fearheart!
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June'13 en We Heart It. http://weheartit.com/entry/68244112
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adrianawhitlock · 1 month
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Monsters University - Back to School!
Did you ever wondered what happened after Mike and Sulley left the University?? First Member of the Gang! Jeanette Tuskmon!
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wazyalzarouni · 11 years
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MONSTERS UNIVERSITY (3D) Genre: Director:Dan Scanlon / Cast:Aubrey Plaza, Steve Buscemi, John Goodman Release / Date:20/06/2013 / NEW RELEASE / Run time:110 minutesRating: SUMMARY A look at the relationship between Mike and Sulley during their days at Monsters University -- when they weren't necessarily the best of friends. #MONSTERS_UNIVERSITY #3d #MONSTERSUNIVERSITY #dubai #cinema
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adrianawhitlock · 1 month
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Forbidden Affection
Juliett really loves him but what about the professor? Dose he feel the same or he feels horrible probably too old who knows... We let the lovers handle it!
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adrianawhitlock · 2 months
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Forbidden Affection
What about a party for all the scarers who pass the final exams? and yet the end of something so bittersweet... what about is the plot?? simple her birthday is in the same day as the final exams so when midnight comes she turns older but whats the point... Someone burned out the fire what was inside of her
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adrianawhitlock · 2 months
Forbidden Affection - Juliett Reference
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adrianawhitlock · 2 months
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Forbidden Affection - Juliett in 3D style preview
I think her name will be "Juliett Le Crier" (Crier is french witch means scream) shes from Roaris (Paris).
A lot of monster boys can't resist her beauty and what about the professors...Lot of girls will pick on her since shes too small being in such class and not only that! the boys will mock her too!...thanks to her maturity and her good temperament she learned to ignore it. now you wonder "where is Knight?" The answear is simple. He will be mocked and picked by students too but his not the professor you know from MU or Monsters at work. In this story "He's the teacher you don't wanna meet ya!"
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adrianawhitlock · 2 months
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Forbidden Affection - Professor Knight concept
I`m sorry for not posting regularly ; ^; but mr. Inspiration left me :c BUT!! I was inspired cx by my BFF she said to make him younger!
I was like "Girl if we make him younger it will lose the spark".So I did kinda changed him in younger way? I guess I made him little lighter and more orange hue! then I added an waist coat,his glasses changed to black atc.
This event would happen 6 years before Mike and Sully.I just love age difference romance^^ Scaring student Juliett Le Crier’s life changes forever when she meets her idol,Myron D. Knight… What awaits ahead for this couple??
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adrianawhitlock · 2 months
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Forbidden Affection
Guysss you do realize I'm still alive right? I have not died I'm very much alive lol.The point where I like relationships between professor and student hit my mind hard! and so I did this! I must say there is nothing about Knight like I wanted to know or as I would know? I watched the movies all of them and now even the series its good! yeah it's great I like it and I saw quiet some things witch I didn't liked but come on its good! this couple is about pain and love they are so cute. I love romance and who knows maybe the professor in the end found the luck and love forever more!^^ The professor really desserves somebody by the side hes so nice and funny! :(( I know there are always questions like What about the age?? shes an student hes an professor what would the university say?? atc but to be honest I don't think that I will you know think about it so hard?? … since even in the series/movies is nothing so mehh… and I will not jump into it deeper! On a brighter note, I'm gonna be nice and let you guys view what I've been working on with friend of mine! ~ c: I've had some time to start redesigning and drawing. and here she is "Juliett Screamson" I made her cute but don't piss her off she bites! Juliett is a mix of Monster and Poodle,I can tell you this is before Monsters University with Mike and Sully maybe 10 years back in the timeline? who knows! Ehmmm...
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