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Lion from the Atlas mountains, Algeria
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1902 to Montoire-sur-le-Loir, France
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blorbofightclub · 5 months
Adrian de Montoire (left) from @iri-lynx's OC VS Oli TheOrionSound from YouTube (right)
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Vote for the character you think would win in a no-holds-barred fight. You must pick one or the other. Propaganda is allowed; being a dick is not. May the best blorbo win!
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iinmortales · 1 year
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@timelovcd​ asked:  ❛  mark .   to  leave  marks  on  my  muse  [ bites :  neck 👀  ] .     ,     luis  +  roslyn ,
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      she had never thought to have this. to have him. to have noel. to have both of them. media was so good at glorifying the relationship between alpha and omega, leaving betas to wonder if they will ever find their match. she had found her alpha, her perfect match, and then spent countless nights worried that, once they had luis, the two of them would decide they had no need for a beta like roslyn. she spent every day being grateful that they did not think that way. 
      ‘ mmmm, my pretty omega, ‘ roslyn hummed, taking a moment to just enjoy the way luis was relaxed on their bed. she didn’t hesitate to join him. roslyn felt him purr as she straddled his hips, looming over him for just a moment before leaning down. well, how was she meant to resist when he looked so cute wearing a hoodie she knew belonged to their alpha? she moved aside the collar and gently pressed her nose to his scent gland, taking in his scent of sharp cinnamon. and then, because, well, there was only so long she could hold back her beta instincts when faced with her adorable omega, she bit down on that mark on his neck. her little beta fangs matched perfectly with the mating bite she’d placed there years ago.
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septowi · 3 months
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📍Spain, Cartagena and France, Montoir
wag puro trabaho, gumimik kadin tas paguwi mo rekta duty na 😭
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Auguste André Bauchant
1873 Château-Renault – Montoire-sur-le-Loir 1958
La visite
Oil on canvas. 1924
Karl and Faber
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3 janvier : nouveau gabarit
Bonne année ! C’est la rentrée ! Et quand j’arrive au club, mon nom ne figure pas sur la feuille de montoir... pire encore, quand je regarde les chevaux qui sont potentiellement disponibles pendant le créneau de mon cours, je ne vois pas beaucoup de noms qui m’inspirent, et j’ai un peu peur de me retrouver avec un Berlingo et autres poneys un peu trop speed pour moi. C’était sans compter sur K., qui, après de longues hésitations, m’a attribué la grande Nurielle.
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Je ne l’ai pas montée souvent mais je gardais de bons souvenirs d’elle, même si je me rappelais aussi qu’elle était un peu sensible au moment de seller. Au box, elle a été toute douce et toute gentille, mais effectivement, elle ne voulait pas que j’insiste trop fort pour brosser le ventre, et j’ai dû y aller très doucement pour seller/sangler. (La sangle est suffisamment longue pour me permettre de juste l’attacher des deux côtés en pouvant encore passer plus d’un poing, et ensuite je sangle par paliers, j’amène juste la sangle au contact de la peau, puis j’ajuste un tout petit peu plus).
Au montoir, j’ai dû insister un tout petit peu pour qu’elle fasse le pas qu’il fallait pour être juste au bon endroit. J’ai commencé ma détente, tranquillement. Comme ça me change de ma petite Blue Eyes et ses toutes petites jambes ! Et encore plus au trot, où même si c’est un tout petit trot, les foulées durent... tellement plus longtemps ! Mais par contre, quelle finesse. Même avec des rênes un peu flottantes, je pince le pouce un peu plus fort et hop, elle s’arrête. Et on repart. Tout est facile.
Bon, comme elle commence à prendre de l’âge, j’essaie vraiment de faire une belle détente pour qu’elle puisse vraiment s’échauffer et ne pas se faire mal.
C’est le grand jour et on va dérouler notre petite Club 3 GP ! Heureusement que j’ai révisé avant de venir. Comme il fait noir et qu’il y a du vent et de la pluie, C. nous dit qu’on a le droit de rester au trot si on ne veut pas galoper, histoire d’éviter le galop dans le coin maudit. Je me dis que je ferai peut-être l’impasse sur ce départ au galop, mais je ferai le suivant. Finalement, on a galopé. C’était facile.
Le gros truc à améliorer pour nous, c’était l’impulsion et le mouvement en avant. On était toujours un peu en sous-régime et Nurielle faisait finalement le minimum syndical, il faudrait que j’ose en demander plus. Le pas allongé était franchement pas spectaculaire. À améliorer aussi, mes tournants à 90° pour aller faire un doubler par exemple, j’ai tendance à le faire un peu trop tard et tourner à l’extérieur, et il faut plusieurs foulées pour se remettre bien droit. Donc pour la prochaine fois, on anticipe mieux les tournants, et on pense à tourner plus avec les jambes qu’avec les mains (j’ai essayé de mettre ça en pratique après mon passage, c’est vrai que ça marche bien en fait... pourquoi on ne nous a pas appris ça dès le début ?...)
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zehub · 7 months
Éolien : General Electric va quasiment diviser par deux ses effectifs dans une de ses usines, en Loire-Atlantique
Les effectifs de l'usine de Montoir-de-Bretagne, près de Saint-Nazaire, vont passer de 939 à 489 personnes. Seuls les prestataires, sous-traitants et intérimaires qui y travaillent vont être concernés par cette réduction d'effectifs.
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aurevoirmonty · 7 months
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Au sein des milieux nationalistes, certains voient en Vladimir Poutine le sauveur de l’Europe, tandis que d’autres le considèrent comme le plus dangereux ennemi de l’Occident. Dans cet article, Vincent Reynouard explique pourquoi il considère cette querelle inutile.
Le lectorat de Rivarol se déchire à propos de Vladimir Poutine. À mon avis, ces disputes sont inutiles. J’en connais bien peu quant au président russe, à son régime et à la situation en Russie, mais j’en suis sûr: si rien ne change, ni Poutine ni personne ne sauvera l’Europe. Ma conviction se fonde sur les leçons de l’Histoire que j’ai étudiée.
Le salut de l’Europe offert aux Français sur un plateau d’argent
À partir de 1940, suite à l’entretien de Montoire, des Français et des Allemands pressentirent qu’une victoire militaire du Reich avec la collaboration de la France permettrait de sauver le Vieux Continent en construisant une Europe nouvelle.
Le 29 mars 1941, dans une étude très développée intitulée: « Construire avec l’Allemagne la nouvelle Europe », le Dr Karl Heinz Gerstner, de l’Institut allemand, expliqua:
Organiser la production européenne d’après un grand plan, la faire travailler le plus rationnellement pour les besoins des peuples européens, telle est la grande tâche des années à venir. Ce plan de production s’étendra à tous les domaines, aussi bien à celui de l’industrie qu’à celui de l’agriculture, qu’aux domaines de l’énergie et des transports. Les préparatifs sont, malgré la guerre, en plein essor. Les délégations économiques allemandes se rendent à Paris pour entrer en pourparlers avec leurs collègues français des différentes branches de l’industrie et y discuter leurs intérêts communs. La presse nous informe tous les jours de ces pourparlers et de leurs résultats positifs. Des pourparlers semblables ont lieu avec les pays balkaniques, l’Italie et l’Espagne. Plus tôt la guerre finira, plus vite la réalisation de ces plans se fera1.
Dans son message du 11 juin 1941 aux Français, l’amiral Darlan déclara:
La troisième tâche du Gouvernement est de préparer l’avenir de la France dans la nouvelle Europe […] La nouvelle Europe ne vivra pas sans la France, placée au rang que son passé, sa civilisation et sa culture lui donnent le droit d’occuper dans la hiérarchie européenne. Français, ayez le courage de dominer votre défaite. Soyez assurés que l’avenir du pays est intimement lié à celui de l’Europe. Si, pour vous engager dans la voie où le Maréchal et son gouvernement vous invitent à les suivre, il vous faut vaincre des illusions et consentir des sacrifices, puisez votre force dans la certitude que cette voie est, pour notre Patrie, la voie unique du salut2.
Fin novembre 1941, s’exprimant à Bruxelles, un Allemand ardent défense de la réconciliation des peuples, le professeur Grimm, expliqua:
Hitler construira un nouvel ordre européen, cette nouvelle Europe continentale qui s’opposera à la ploutocratie anglaise et au bolchevisme, basés tous deux sur la juiverie internationale. L’Angleterre et le bolchevisme sont définitivement exclus. Tous les pays et tous les peuples occuperont la place qui leur revient dans la nouvelle Europe, ils seront les membres de la grande famille européenne3.
Je pourrais multiplier les citations de ce genre et les initiatives qui les accompagnaient. Oui, vraiment, en marge de la guerre, une nouvelle Europe naissait, dans laquelle primerait le Bien commun.
Une alternative au communisme et au libéralisme
Pour ces apôtres de la nouvelle Europe, bolchevisme et libéralisme anglo-saxon représentaient deux dangers mortels. Il n’y avait donc pas à prendre parti pour l’un contre l’autre. En mai 1941, un organe profasciste rappela que depuis des lustres:
La civilisation européenne, quoique millénaire, était en grand danger. Elle était menacée dans ses bases par l’invasion de l’américanisme. Elle était suffoquée, au point de vue politique et économique, par l’hégémonie anglaise. La France, entre temps, avait perdu sensiblement sa puissance organique de résistance. L’américanisme avait déjà commencé à rendre barbare le goût des Européens, à démolir les traditions, à déformer la femme, à faire écrouler l’édifice de la famille, à insinuer l’esprit judaïque (esprit critique et antinational) dans la presse, à empoisonner les sources musicales de l’Europe, à modifier les sources poétiques, à brutaliser la littérature et avait pénétré en profondeur, grâce au cinéma, dans l’esprit et dans la mentalité des jeunes générations. L’architecture, l’amour, la science, sous prétexte de modernisme, étaient en train de s’américaniser, c’est-à-dire de cesser d’être européens. Le travail de jour en jour se transformait dangereusement dans une espèce de taylorisme […] Tous les essais européens pour échapper à cette américanisation se brisaient contre la volonté brutale d’hégémonie de l’Angleterre qui trouvait dans la décadence de l’Europe sa sécurité militaire, une source perpétuelle et abondante d’intérêts financiers et une facile primauté politique. Le continent était donc frappé dans ses bases. Le visage de l’Europe avait commencé à se modifier, la vieillesse incurable de l’Europe était devenue l’un des lieux communs de l’américanisme. L’Angleterre, à travers l’organisation de ses dominions, s’était détachée historiquement de la vie de l’Europe et était devenue le centre de l’Empire qui n’était plus européen et qui était substantiellement antieuropéen4.
S’y ajoutaient les avertissements très clairs donnés au peuple. En matière de démographie par exemple, depuis longtemps, la France se dépeuplait. Début juin 1942, un quotidien prévint que si le phénomène se poursuivait:
Les places manquantes, les vides creusés ainsi dans la population française seraient obligatoirement comblés par des immigrants et la France […] se dénationaliserait. C’est d’ailleurs bien en partie ce qui a commencé à se produire dans les années qui ont précédé la guerre5.
L’apathie d’un peuple hédoniste
Mais ces avertissements furent impuissants à réveiller les masses. Fin novembre 1942, un commentateur se désola:
La France reste amorphe. Rares sont les hommes qui lui parlent le langage viril propre à la réveiller […] Les révolutionnaires décidés reçoivent peu d’encouragements, bien heureux quand ils ne sont pas découragés6.
Pourquoi cette apathie? Parce que dans son immense majorité, le peuple était resté fidèle à ses convictions d’avant-guerre. Aussi refusait-il cette Révolution nationale prônée par le maréchal Pétain. Dès novembre 1940, un simple Français lança: « Oui, on est dégoûté d’être Français. On est dégoûté du peuple amorphe. On est dégoûté du climat réactionnaire7. »
Le 25 juillet 1942, un maréchaliste nota:
Je connais […] bien des Français qui admettent la Révolution à condition qu’elle ne trouble pas leurs habitudes, leurs mauvaises habitudes d’avant-guerre…8.
Quelques mois plus tard, un prisonnier rentré en France se désola:
la Révolution n’existe ici que dans les mots, je retrouve la France plus misérable qu’avant, plus abaissée, plus encroûtée dans les mœurs déplorables qui l’ont perdue9.
Ayant fait part de son désarroi à un journaliste, celui-ci lui expliqua:
Rien n’est changé, en effet, parce que ce sont les Français eux-mêmes qui ne l’ont pas voulu. Ils tiennent à leurs maux, à leurs erreurs, à leurs vices comme à de vieilles habitudes. Ils préfèrent mourir plutôt que de renoncer à leur démocratie, au bulletin de vote, à l’alcool, aux Juifs, aux parlementaires, aux maçons, au fonctionnarisme rongeur, à tout ce qui les a fait descendre où ils sont descendus. La Révolution? Une bousculade de leurs aises, de leurs manies, de leurs positions acquises? Pensez donc! Ils ne sont pas fous! Ils n’ont pas joui tout leur soûl, et les favorisés ne partageront pas avec le peuple travailleur ce que le hasard des naissances ou le résultat de spéculations éhontées leur a rapporté. Ils comptent profiter encore, et c’est bien pour cela qu’ils ne veulent entendre parler ni de révolution ni de national-socialisme. Alors, vive l’Amérique ou l’Angleterre, n’est-ce pas?10
Ce constat s’appliquait à bien d’autres pays, parce que, dans leur grande majorité, les peuples européens refusaient l’édification d’une nouvelle Europe fondée sur la primauté du Bien commun, le Travail, la Famille et la Patrie, alors la Providence favorisa les Alliés. Cependant, cette victoire sonnait le glas de l’Europe, et en premier lieu celle de la France.
En octobre 1947, l’ancien ministre et Vice-Président du parti radical-socialiste, René Besnard, se lamenta:
Il est naïf, en ce temps de perpétuel loisir, de donner à des hommes incapables de les comprendre, des conseils de morale civique. Nos gouvernants ne cessent de dire que la France se sauvera elle-même, ce qui est d’un bon naturel patriotique, mais les Français ne veulent pas se sauver, car ils ne veulent plus travailler11.
Rien n’a changé
Trois quarts de siècle plus tard, la situation a empiré. Dans les années 80 et 90, la Providence a donné aux Français Jean-Marie Le Pen. Le 5 mai 2002, ils lui ont préféré Jacques Chirac en arguant: « Plutôt escroc que facho ».
Aujourd’hui, le Front national s’est transformé en Rassemblement national dont on connaît la servilité. Pourquoi en serait-il autrement? La Providence ne jette pas des perles aux pourceaux; elle offre aux peuples ce qu’ils méritent.
Tant que les Européens voudront mourir, aucun homme providentiel ne surgira pour les sauver. Plutôt, donc, que de nous disputer sur Poutine, œuvrons pour nous bonifier et insuffler à nos concitoyens l’élan vital. Le salut viendra d’abord de nous-mêmes. Lorsque les peuples se seront réveillés, alors un sauveur se lèvera, d’où qu’il vienne.
Karl Heinz Gerstner, « Construire avec l’Allemagne la nouvelle Europe », Le Fait, 29.III.1941, p. 6. ↩︎
François Darlan, « “Seconder le gouvernement dans sa très lourde tâche” », La Dépêche du Berry, 12.VI.1941, p. 1. ↩︎
« “Le nouvel ordre européen ne connaîtra plus de haine” déclare à Bruxelles le professeur Grimm », La Gazette, le grand quotidien basque, 24.XI.1941, p. 3. ↩︎
Mario Appelius, « Le pacte d’acier », La Nouvelle Italie (La Nuova Italia), 29.V.1941, p. 6. ↩︎
G.-S. Savigny, « Le problème démographique », Le Progrès de la Somme, 7.VI.1942, p. 1. ↩︎
Jean Lagarigue, « France, réveille-toi », Le Cri du peuple de Paris, 25.XI.1942, p. 1. ↩︎
R. D., « On nous écrit », La France au travail, 6.XI.1940, p. 2. ↩︎
Jean Lagarigue, « Les défaitistes de la révolution », Le Cri du peuple de Paris, 25.VII.1942, p. 1. ↩︎
Courrier d’un prisonnier bénéficiaire de la Relève, cité dans « Réponse à un prisonnier libéré » de Jean Bosc, Paris-Soir, 25.I.1943, p. 1. ↩︎
Jean Bosc, « Réponse à un prisonnier libéré », Paris-Soir, 25.I.1943, p. 1. ↩︎
René Besnard, « Commentaire sur un discours », L’Événement, 18.X.1947, p. 1. ↩︎
Vincent Reynouard
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holybridget · 9 months
Une soixantaine de salariés se sont réunis mercredi matin devant l'usine Yara à Montoir-de-Bretagne (Loire-Atlantique). (20 minutes).
Une enquête en cours après le décès d'un intérimaire sur le site de l'usine Yara en Loire-Atlantique. (Le Figaro).
24,1 milliards de dollars de chiffre d'affaires réalisé en 2022. (La Vie).
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Francia, 700 dipendenti Airbus intossicati dopo cena natalizia
Oltre 700 dipendenti francesi di Airbus Atlantic hanno riportato intossicazioni dopo aver preso parte ad una cena natalizia offerta il 14 dicembre dalla compagnia del gruppo Airbus presso la sua sede di Montoir-de-Bretagne, in Bretagna. Lo fa sapere l’azienda sanitaria regionale (Ars) di Loire-Atlantique, che ha aperto un’inchiesta su quell’episodio, mentre non è ancora chiaro che cosa abbia…
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rennestaxi35 · 1 year
Taxi Rennes vers La Mézière
Taxi Rennes / Rennes-taxi35 est un service de taxi qui fournit un moyen fiable, abordable et sûr de se déplacer de Rennes vers La Mézière. Réservez votre taxi dès maintenant ! Le taxi Rennes - La Mézière est un trajet de 19 minutes. Le taxi vous emmènera dans un voyage confortable qui se terminera dans la ville de La Mézière. Nous nous engageons à fournir à nos clients un service exceptionnel à tout moment. Nous sommes fiers d'être fiables et ponctuels pour vos transferts aéroport et gare. Nous nous sommes forgés une excellente réputation auprès de nos clients au fil du temps. Nos chauffeurs sont tous des professionnels expérimentés. Ils sont en mesure de fournir leurs services dans n'importe quelle partie de la France ou à l'étranger. Nous vous assurons que votre trajet est aussi sûr et confortable que possible. La Mézière est une ville pleine de charme et de caractère La Mézière est une charmante ville située dans le département d'Ille-et-Vilaine, en Bretagne. Connue pour ses paysages naturels, ses monuments historiques et son patrimoine culturel. Cette ville est une destination incontournable pour les amateurs d'histoire, de nature et de culture. Paysages naturels La ville offre une grande variété de paysages naturels, allant des forêts verdoyantes aux rivières sinueuses. Les randonneurs peuvent profiter de plusieurs sentiers de randonnée qui traversent la ville et offrent des vues spectaculaires sur la nature environnante. En plus, les rivières offrent également de nombreuses activités nautiques, notamment le canoë-kayak, le rafting et la pêche. Une riche histoire La Mézière est riche en monuments historiques, témoins de son riche passé. L'un des sites les plus emblématiques de la ville est le Château de la Freslonnière. C'est une magnifique demeure de style Renaissance construite au XVIe siècle. Le château abrite aujourd'hui un musée qui présente l'histoire de la ville et de la région environnante. Un autre site historique important est l'église Saint-Martin, construite au XIIIe siècle. Notant que cette église gothique possède une architecture remarquable et abrite de nombreuses œuvres d'art, notamment des fresques murales du XVe siècle. Réservez votre Taxi à La Mézière Rennes-taxi35 Notre équipe Rennes-taxi35 est formée pour vous fournir le meilleur service possible, alors n'hésitez pas à nous appeler au +330230025139 ou à nous envoyer un e-mail à [email protected]. Si vous avez des questions ou si vous souhaitez plus d'informations sur nos services aéroport et gare. Réserver un taxi en ligne à La Mézière Vous souhaitez prendre un taxi depuis La Mézière ou vous y rendre ? Vous êtes un touriste en visite dans la région, un résident local ou un homme d'affaires en visite chez un client ou un fournisseur ? Nos chauffeurs taxis sont disponibles 24h/24 et 7j/7, jour et nuit, pour vous emmener partout en France et en Europe. Vous souhaitez savoir combien vous coûtera votre taxi ? Utilisez notre calculateur de prix taxi  pour obtenir le tarif forfaitaire qui convient le mieux à votre trajet. Aller en taxi de La Mézière à l’aéroport Vous pouvez facilement réserver un VTC ou taxi pour aller à l’aéroport : - Aéroport de Nantes Atlantique - Aéroport de Rennes - Saint-Jacques - Aéroport de Saint-Nazaire - Montoir - Aéroport de Saint-Brieuc - Armor Hélez un taxi ou attendez à la station de taxis à La Mézière Il n'y a pas de stations de taxis fiables et vous pouvez attendre un service de taxi à La Mézière sans appeler/commander au préalable. Il n'est pas possible de héler un taxi dans la rue ici car il y a trop peu de taxis dans les environs. Vous devez réserver à l'avance pour garantir l'accès à un taxi pour votre trajet vers et depuis La Mézière. Renseignez-vous sur les tarifs en remplissant le formulaire. Réserver avec nous, c'est la garantie d'avoir un chauffeur noté à un prix fixe et compétitif. La distance entre Rennes et La Mézière étant d'environ 15 km, le tarif de la course de taxi est d'environ 50€ pour les trajets de nuit et de 35€ pour ceux effectués en jour. Nous facilitons également la réservation de votre voyage via notre module de réservation. Entrez simplement votre destination et sélectionnez les dates de voyage. Vous obtiendrez une estimation de vos frais de déplacement gratuitement. Vous pouvez avoir un voyage sûr, facile et confortable avec nous. Nos chauffeurs ont des formations professionnels pour s'assurer que vous atteignez votre destination en toute sécurité. Nous avons également fait en sorte qu'il soit facile pour vous de réserver votre voyage via notre site web en 3 clics. Il vous suffit d'entrer votre destination et de sélectionner la date du voyage. Vous obtiendrez une estimation du coût du trajet. Le taxi Rennes - La Mézière est un trajet que vous pouvez réserver en quelques clics La réservation de ce trajet est facile et le prix est toujours compétitif. Vous pouvez également utiliser notre module de réservation en ligne facile, rapide et gratuit pour voir le prix actuel de votre course avant de réserver. La réservation de taxi à La Mézière offre plusieurs avantages pour les utilisateurs. Tout d'abord, elle est très pratique car elle permet d'organiser son trajet à l'avance, sans avoir à chercher un taxi au dernier moment. Vous  pouvez connaître le tarif via notre module de réservation en ligne. Enfin, la réservation de taxi permet de voyager en toute sécurit�� car les chauffeurs sont des professionnels qui respectent les règles de conduite et les normes de sécurité. Oui, il est tout à fait possible de réserver un taxi tard dans la nuit ou tôt le matin. Nos services de taxi sont disponibles 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7 pour répondre aux besoins des clients qui ont besoin d'un taxi à des heures inhabituelles. Vous pouvez réserver un taxi en utilisant notre module de réservation gratuit sur le site web ou en appelant directement notre service de taxi +33230025139. Un taxi réglementé coûte 37 € . Pour les groupes plus importants, veuillez envoyer une demande de devis. Distance : 15 km Durée : 19 minutes. Vous pouvez réserver un taxi en utilisant notre module de réservation gratuit sur le site web ou en appelant directement notre service de taxi +33633760014. Vous pouvez réserver un taxi en utilisant notre module de réservation gratuit sur le site web ou en appelant directement notre service de taxi +33230025139. Normalement, un taxi coûte 50 € tarif jour. Distance: 22 km Durée: 24 mn Vous pouvez réserver un taxi en utilisant notre module de réservation gratuit sur le site web ou en appelant directement notre service de taxi +33230025139. Normalement, un taxi coûte 50 € tarif de jour et 73€ tarif de nuit. Distance: 22 km Durée: 24 mn Vous pouvez réserver un taxi en utilisant notre module de réservation gratuit sur le site web ou en appelant directement notre service de taxi +33230025139. Read the full article
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Bridge over the Loir river in Montoire, Perche region of central France
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1906 to Paris
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Infinity’s Descendants- Becoming la Reine de la mort “Giovanni Montoire Pt. 2
In the time she had been here Azazelle had been able to meet all of Giovanni-Montoire's death dealers. She hadn't seen them train just yet, they all were on strict schedules since there were so many important members of the hierarchy present at the coven. However, Athan and Gabriel had made an effort to spend time with and/or check on Azazelle when they had a chance. Between the visits from her new aquaintances, her own wanderings around this massive palace with its vast grounds and her strict training regimen she was rarely ever bored. Although she kept a low profile she was meeting many new people but there was one person whom she had expected to see more of; Jareth. Including this moment the time Azazelle and Jareth has encountered each other could be counted on one hand.
The gap in the group closed and the two could no longer see each other. Azazelle stood there for what felt like 30 minutes to her but was closer to around 30 seconds. “This is so silly of me” she rolled her eyes and decided she would take another route to her chambers. She started to turn around but her resolve stopped her. “No. No” she thought to herself. This was the path she had chosen so this is the path she would take. She proceed to walk down the hallway towards the group.
“Aspettare” Jareth said to the group as he saw her approaching. Most of them listened to his command but there were two who were determined to get him to understand their viewpoint on the topic at hand. She had travelled about half the distance and the two of them still hadn’t stopped. “I said stop talking” he said low and venomously, causing the last two to fall silent and all of them to turn and see what had seized Jareth’s attention.
Azazelle had closed the distance and was now passing the group. Those who were acquainted with her nodded respectfully, those who weren’t continued to stare expressionlessly at her but it was Jareth who had done something not even his closest confidants were expecting.
“Mademoiselle” he said with a smile and a bow.
His actions actually caused a few in the group to chuckle. It wasn’t entirely out of character for him to act like this but it was definitely oddly timed.
“Oh crap” she thought to herself. She didn’t expect him to bow. Was she supposed to curtsey? Would that make this exchange even more awkward? Should she make a hasty exit? That same resolve that made her continue in this direction also made her opt for no curtsey and a confident exit.
“Gentleman” she replied returning his smile. It took little to no time for her to no longer be in sight of the group. Once Jareth could no longer see her he picked up the conversation as If she was never there.
“I think the ideas you have to secure the farms are magnificent. Please let me know if you need anything that your houses can not provide and Giovanni-Montoire will ensure you are provided with everything you require. If you haven’t begun to get your affairs in order it would be best that you begin doing so now. I presume your heads of house’s will be eager to return to their covens. It has been quite some time you all have been away. I wish you all safe travels”
The sun had finally risen so Jareth decided to join his friends in the parlor room in their wing of the house. He was seated in a black leather chair with silver leafed filigree carved beautifully into the walnut back and arms of the chair. “Do either of you have any knowledge of how Azazelle’s stay has been thus far? Has she everything she needs?” Athan who was fidgeting with the strings of a broken piano whipped his head around to look at his friend. “Surely you knew we were going to inquire about this so it shouldn’t be received as me being crass” Gabriel laughed. “Athan not being crass? How unfathomable?” Jareth joked. “What Is all of this with Azazelle?” Athan tossed an un-salvageable piano key into a nearby refuse bin. “What do you mean?” replied Jareth. “Did you not find that whole exchange a bit…” his eyes searched for an applicable word “…bizarre?…The attention that you show her is-” Gabriel spoke above Athan “Have you taken interest in our house guest is what Athan is trying to ask” Athan gave a confirming nod. Jareth laughed again “Is that really what the two of you are on about?” His eyes traveled back and forth between his two friends who were expectedly awaiting his answer. “I have no interest in her beyond what is necessary. I am merely trying to make her feel comfortable and welcomed. Her entry into our world was not as friendly as yours was.” He spoke with such patience and understanding. It gained him the utmost respect from his peers and many in the vampiric world. “I treated the both of you as I am treating her yet I do not recall either of questioning if I had a romantic interest in you” That was true Jareth made both of them feel like they belonged from the moment they had arrived. “Besides the two of you might want to make sure you are in her good graces. She will not be going anywhere anytime soon” he crossed his legs and propped them up on the table. “Our squad is next on the list?” Gabriel was quite shocked at this revelation. “I assumed she would travel elsewhere before coming here” he continued. “Why is that Gabriel?” Jareth asked with a smile. “We are the Angeli Oscuri we have little to no need for training” he replied proudly. “Don’t be naïve. There is always room for improvement. I have a feeling that you may actually learn a few things while she is here” The the men continued to converse….
“Mademoiselle. Lord Lasko is waiting for you” the door man said to Azazelle as she approached her chambers. She didn’t know why Lasko was in her chambers but with all of the commotion she saw throughout the house earlier it didn’t come at a surprise.
“Azazelle my dear I hope you do not mind my waiting for you in here” he said softly. “Most certainly not lord Lasko, to what do I owe this visit?” He walked past her and closed the doors.
He grabbed both of her hands before beginning to speak with her. “I am here to provide you with the details of your next training assignment” She tried her best hide her disappointment. She didn’t want another assignment. She wanted to go back to Léon and live somewhat of a normal life with her friends but sadly this was her new reality. Where would she travel to this time she thought. “It is the Camorra’s decision that you stay here for your next assignment.” She gulped as an enormous wave of nervousness rushed her. She would be training members of Giovanni-Montoire’s highly esteemed death dealer squad- The Angeli Oscuri? “You will not train any new death dealers but you will be working with the existing members of Angeli Oscuri” So many questions were flooding her mind and she struggled to silence them.
“Your success here is of paramount importance.” He tightened his grip on her hands for emphasis. “If you do this right you will not only make a proper name for yourself but you will restore my name as well as catapult Léon back to the glory it once had long before you came” Azazelle felt ill as he explained this to her. This was a tall task to ask of any group of people but to take on this endeavor alone in a brand new environment was hardly fair. Yet Azazelle was there to answer the Camorra’s call. Was she ready? The answer to that was irrelevant. She had no choice. Her only option was to succeed. “I will not fail you Lord Lasko. I will do whatever necessary to restore glory to you and the House of Léon”
He told her he would be in contact with her frequently to check on her and how things were progressing. Undoubtedly he would be updated by Marius and probably Jareth but he also wanted to hear things from Azazelle’s perspective. Before taking his final leave he said one thing to Azazelle that gave her something to look forward to despite the daunting task ahead of her.
“I know all of this has been thrust upon you rather quickly and unexpectedly. You have had very little time to enjoy the splendors this life has to offer and you spend very little time at the place that should feel like your home. For that I offer my sincerest apologies. To keep you in good spirits I will send Malachi to come see you in three months time. Until then letters will have to suffice. Make us proud my child”
As soon as Lasko left Azazelle went directly to her writing desk grabbed a peice of parchment and began to pen a letter to her dear friend Malachi. She didn’t stop there she wrote for hours. She penned a letter to Adonis and Romulus. She wrote a lengthy letter to Céleste and she even went as far as writing hatred fueled letter to Cassius which she quickly threw in the flames of her fireplace upon completion. Immediately afterwards she b-lined straight to her door. She opened it with such haste that it startled the doorman causing him to drop the book he was reading. “H-How can I assist madame” he stammered as he tried to pick up his book and keep his eyes on her. She kneeled, grabbed his book and handed it to him. “Thank you” He said awkwardly. “I am deeply sorry that I startled you but There is something that I am in need of” she ran her hand through her hair which she had let down at some point during her writing frenzy. It was laying in loose curls on her shoulders. “Perhaps you can tell me where one my find a journal?” She asked. “A journal?” He repeated quizzically. “Yes, a journal. For my thoughts and training notes of course” He must’ve been doing something other than reading for him to be this rattled with her presence she thought. She would’ve said it in Italian instead of French but she hadn’t the slightest idea how to. “Can you assist me or do I need present my inquiry to someone else?” She asked, allowing her tone to reveal her growing annoyance. “No mademoiselle . That won’t be necessary. I will fetch one for you right away. Will you be needing anything else?” The doorman who had now straightened his posture and regained razor sharp focus seemed to be looking past her rather than looking at her as he spoke. “Actually yes. If you’d be so kind as to bring me something to drink I would greatly appreciate that” she smiled politely but he did not smile back. “How many would you like?” He replied. “Would two be too much to ask for?” her confidence was gone and she suddenly seemed like a child asking for desert before supper. “If two are what you desire then two are what you shall receive. My duty is to serve not judge Mademoiselle” his eyes finally met hers and his tension seemed to dissipate. “Very well then, I shall take two. Thank you for your assistance and please accept my apologies once more as I did not mean to startle you. If that book is a good read perhaps you may allow me to borrow it once you have finished?” She smiled and curtsied. “It has been a pleasure mademoiselle. I will return shortly with your things” he smiled back and bowed before taking his leave.
The sun had finally set. Azazelle felt like it took ages for the moon and stars to grace her with their presence. She had made her way out into the gardens with a rather large plate of strawberries and pineapples she had taken from the kitchens. She sat there in silence snacking on her fruits and staring at the starry night sky. “There you are, I’ve been searching all over for you” Amélie said as she approached. She gave Azazelle a soft pat on the back before walking around and joining her on the bench. She wasted no time with small talk. “Are the gossips I have heard true?” She popped a strawberry in her mouth. “What is it that you have heard?” Azazelle responded taking a pineapple for herself. “That you will not be departing with Lasko back to Léon?” Being reminded of this saddened Azazelle once more. “Yes that is true. I have been asked to stay and assist with some of the training here” Azazelle said softly with very little enthusiasm. Amélie sensed Azazelle’s downheartedness and felt empathy for her. They had been trying to make her feel at home but no amount of kindness was going to change the fact that this place was not her home. She did not like the somber state of this conversation so she set out to change it. “Hmm I don’t know, sweaty men with weapons??? That sounds delicious. Much more delicious than this little plate a fruit” she nudged her with a deviant smile. Azazelle smiled but it was not a true smile merely one to not make Amélie uncomfortable. “There is one other rumor that I have heard that I found rather shocking.” Amélie held out a strawberry for Azazelle to take. “Another rumor? Not about me I hope?” Azazelle took the strawberry and smiled; willing herself not to let her sadness consume her. Amélie hadn’t done anything to her and it was not right for Azazelle to cast her burdens on her. “I’m afraid said hope is futile” she sighed teasingly “I have been told that you cannot speak Italian?” For some reason this tickled Azazelle and she began to laugh. Perhaps she was recounting that horrid situation with Gabriel and the other house members. “One should hardly find that shocking. I am from France after all. I presumed you knew that already considering you only speak to me in French as you are now” Azazelle ate another piece of pineapple but placed her hand over her mouth since she could not stop her laughter. Amelie’s face filled with amusement from Azazelle’s laughter “Well Miss ‘I am from France’” she playfully rolled her eyes “You cannot be in this House and not speak the mother tongue of its people. I will teach you when you have free time” she said casually.  Azazelle’s eyes widened. “Really? Has someone made you do this?” Amélie had been nothing but nice to her since the two of them met but teaching someone a new language was not a casual favor offered to mere acquaintances. It would require much time, effort and patience. “Do you find me incapable of doing anything of my own volition?” Amélie did not hold back her displeasure with Azazelle’s inquiry. “I didn’t mean to upset you Amélie, truly. I am not accustomed to people offering to do such kind things as this for me so please do not take offense.  I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me learn Italian” Azazelle sincere response made Amelie’s conscious began to trouble her.. “You have no need to apologize. I overreacted. Once you have your schedule sorted out we will begin.” Perhaps she wasn’t doing this good deed simply out of the goodness of her heart?
Another night had passed and the dark moonlight sky was giving way to the soft rays of the rising sun. Azazelle was pacing in her room trying to tackle the problem at hand. Lasko had requested that she be present to see him off which she happily agreed to but at the time of her agreement she was not aware that he would be departing during the day. At Léon this would pose no problem but here at Giovanni-Mointoire it was not known that she could walk in the light. Lasko as well as Malachi had strongly advised her NOT to let people see her walking in the light. What would she do? She walked to her wardrobe desperately hoping she could find something to wear.
Muffled moans filled the room. Marianna’s eyes screwed shut and she bit down in the pillow as Jareth thrust into her from behind. A hard slap on her backside made her cry out “C’mon show daddy you want it” he growled pulling her hips back against him in the rhythm he wanted to her keep. “F-fuck yes daddy ri-ahhh there” a salacious grin crossed Jareth’s face. He wiped the sweat from his brown as he watched Marianna’s body collide with his. He could feel her walls tightening around him. He reached around her thigh and the second his fingers skimmed across her clit she cried out with loud shameless moans. “Babyyy…you came without me” he pouted playfully. He had slowed his pace to allow her to ride out her orgasm but did not stop the tantalizingly slow circles his fingers were making over her swollen bud.
She looked back at him through her disheveled hair with a lustful grin she then said “So make me cum again so that we can cum together” biting her lip she giggled as he flipped her over like she weighed nothing. On her back legs spread to the east and west she found herself staring the love of her life in the eyes as his tongue toyed with her folds. He resurfaced moved a strand of hair out of her face then softly kissed her lips “We have to hurry. I have duties I need to tend to shortly” his fingers had replaced his tongue and with each slip inside she moaned eagerly. “Shut up and fuck me then” she said as she grabbed his face and pulled him in for another kiss. “At your service my love” He positioned himself and hissed as he slipped in to the hilt. Marianna gave a great sigh of pleasure. Jareth quickly lost himself in her. He groaned and growled in her ear with each thrust. With one hand she gripped at his hair and with the other her nails dug into his back. She reveled in this feeling. She loved the weight of his body on hers. She loved the overwhelming sensation of fullness. She. Loved. Him.
They were both climbing and climbing. He was nearing his release. She wrapped her legs around him as he stroked deep inside her. Just as he stilled to empty himself inside her she bit his bottom lip. Blood as warm as the love he was filing her with covered her tongue. Immediately she was flooded with vivid imagery of the past hours the two of them had spent in her bed. Her eyes all but rolled back in her head as her orgasm tore through her. Her legs shook uncontrollably and her arousal spilled over his shaft. As they both came back down Jareth laid his head on her chest still breathing deeply. She ran her fingers through his damp hair and the two of them just laid there in silence. “That hurts you know” he looked up at her and touched a finger to his lip. “Forgive me but you know I simply cannot resist” her fake apology was accompanied by a seductive grin as she took his finger into her mouth to suck the droplets of blood off it.
“I’ll take that back now thank you” he laughed. He pulled his finger from her mouth and started to get up. “Please don’t go baby. I want more” she whined. “One could surely formed an eternity in that wonderland between those beautiful thighs but I must go. If you want more you will just have to please yourself love”
“Ugh” Azazelle grunted looking through her armoire. She was going to have to ask one of the dress maker’s at Léon, specifically Yvonne, to make her some more dresses that she could wear during the day. For now this dress would have to do.
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It covered most of her body and came with accessories that would somewhat shield her from the sunlight. The final touch was to put on the matching elbow length sage colored gloves and pull the hood over her head.
In order to not be seen she took the secret passages behind many of the palace’s walls. Even though most of the inhabitants of this house had no knowledge of these passages she still walked with her head down, taking great care to hide as much of her face as possible. Once she reached the exit she needed she listened carefully to make sure the hallway was empty. Softly she pushed the door open, cautiously stepped out and checked her surroundings before pushing the door back flush with the wall.
Her timing was perfect. Lasko was arriving at the entrance to the house just as she was.
“Azazelle my darling how wonderful it is to see you. I was beginning to think I may not see you before I departed.” The fact that Lasko was by himself alarmed Azazelle. In order to ensure the safety of each of the Camorra members it was decided that they would each depart at different times during daylight with a noble who would accompany them on their journey. The noble served a dual purpose, 1) a witness that the member returned to their home safely and 2) to guarantee that all property of Giovanni-Montoire was returned in pristine condition. “Lord Lasko, where is your companion?” she replied with total disregard for his greetings.
Her concern for his well-being was amusing and comforting. “My companion was instructed to bring the carriage out front. At ease soldier” he teased. “I have a parting gift for you that I believe you may find rather useful should you ever find yourself shedding too much light” he winked. From behind his back he pulled out a black umbrella. He shrugged as he held it out for her to grab and they both shared a sincere laugh. “Thank you Lord Lasko. I hope to never be in need of it but should the occasion arise it will be the first thing I reach for I assure you” She nodded to indicate she understood what he was implying. “Bon, It sounds like Demsond’s carriage has departed so shall we head out?” he held his arm out and she instinctively grabbed it.
The front doors opened and the warm rays of the sun kissed what little flesh she had showing. It felt delightful. She hated that she couldn’t do this more often. Back home in Marseille one of her favorite things to do was go to the beach on a pretty day like this, frolic in the water and soak up the rays. The fact she could no longer do that freely anymore felt like an unjust cruelty. “Azazelle, once I depart do not spend much time out here” he waived his hands sporadically at their surroundings. “Return back to the palace immediately. No need for any unnecessary risk of anyone seeing you out here” he turned and bowed before entering the carriage. “Yes, of course Lord Lasko” she replied.
“Lord Lasko” someone said shouted to Azazelle’s right. They were running towards the carriage. She didn’t turn her heard to see who was approaching for she already knew who the voice belonged to. He jogged up and stood beside her. “Please forgive my tardiness. I wanted to personally see you off and wish you safe travels.” Lasko eyes briefly darted to Azazelle then back to Jareth. No words were spoken but Jareth understood that Lasko was asking him to look out for his most precious possession. “Azazelle, remember everything we discussed” The carriage door closed with a loud thud and that reminder was the last thing Lasko said to her before riding off. She watched the carriage until it was out of sight then her new reality set in; she was now truly alone here at Giovanni-Montoire.
“Bon Matin mademoiselle. How are you this morning?” He beamed a smile at her. One she would usually return but this morning she didn’t have it in her. She didn’t feel like her current circumstances were one to smile about. “I am doing well, thanks. I hate to be curt but I must be going now” She said a silent prayer that her feet would not betray her and keep her still. Thankfully they complied and she began to walk back towards the palace. Jareth being the persistent man he was took a couple quick steps and softly placed his hand on her shoulder. She knew that nothing good was going to come from this.
“Would you care to take a walk with me?” He asked politely. “Jareth I’ve told you before. You know I shouldn’t. If someone sees me-“ she was unsure of the consequences but she had no intentions of breaking anymore rules if she could help it. “Relax Azazelle, you are safe with me” she eyed him rather apprehensively. “Furthermore, out here we can speak freely with one another about matters that not everyone should be privy to.” She still wasn’t buying it and he could tell. “And exactly how do you suppose I disguise myself?” He took a serious look at her entire body before looking her in her eyes yet again. “Firstly you can remove your hood as well as those gloves and put that umbrella to use.” He ran his hand through his hair perhaps out of habit or maybe impatience? Azazelle couldn’t tell. “Why would I remove the garments protecting me from the sun if I supposedly cannot be exposed to it?” Everything about this request perplexed her. Could whatever he wanted to discuss not be discussed inside the palace? What did he need to say to her that others did not need to hear? “We nobles do not hide our flesh from the sun so we would be skeptical of those who do. Just trust me” his eyes pleaded with her. Lasko hadn’t been gone for 30 minutes and here she found herself contemplating if she should disobey his request. She knew she needed to keep a low profile but something that was just as if not more important was keeping a favorable standing with the special residents within the house. “Fine Jareth. I shall join you for a walk” Deep down she felt she was going to regret this decision but he requested that she trust him so she would until he gave her reason not to.
The two walked the grounds conversing until the sun was at its highest point in the sky. About what you may ask? Any and everything. How her stay had at Maziérè had been. What she thought of their new squad. How she liked Léon. What her favorite foods were. Had she enjoyed her stay at Giovanni-Montoire. The conversation was light and most pleasureable. Jareth made Azazelle not feel so alone in this strange place.
“So are you going to tell me or do I have to inquire?” His eyebrows raised in confusion. “Usually your appearance is pristine. Today your lip is cut and your shoes do not match” she smiled but kept her eyes forward.
“The lip was cause by a lack of focus on my part and the shoes…? I suppose one could attribute to a lack of focus as well. I was in a hurry to see off your Lord” Azazelle laughed.
Jareth had led them to the stables. As if the house was not a good enough show of the wealth this Coven had the stables sure added to it magnificence. There were 3 total stables and one that appeared to be in construction. “Mon dieu, how many horses to you all have?” she said in awe. “Well each of the stables you see here were designed for around 300 horses each. The new one you see being built just there” he pointed “That one is for the personal horses of the nobleman here. It will be the same size but will more than likely not be completely occupied. There is also another that is being built in a different location on the grounds that is much smaller. It will only be occupied by the horses that myself, my father and the members of the Angeli Oscuri own.” He walked proudly past each of the stalls as he spoke. There were horses from all abroad; England, Ireland, Spain and North Africa and probably any other country you could think of that was well known for their horses.
They were now in an area of the stable that was bigger and cleaner than the rest. This must be were their personal horses were being held for now. Azazelle looked around at the beautiful majestic creatures. “Which one is yours?” she asked as she petted a palomino one on the neck. “Funny you should ask” he laughed. “I currently have three. The black stallion to your left as well as the black one to your right and my pride and joy is a mare. Her name is Beatrice. In Italian it means ‘she who brings happiness’” he said proudly. “That is very pretty. Which one is she?” Azazelle rested her head on the white maned horse that had so captivated her.
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“She happens to be the one that you are petting now” Azazelle quickly backed away from the horse. “I am terribly sorry I didn’t know…” she trailed off.
“It’s quite alright she doesn’t mind at all. Do you Beatrice” he said smoothly patting her neck.
“Can you ride?” he looked back over his shoulder.
“I am no jockey but I can get myself from place to place” she replied all too quickly.
“Good to know” he laughed from the back of the stall.
“Why do you ask?” she peaked around the door.
“Azazelle, While you are here I will need you to accompany me whilst I embark on some private endeavors. None of which you can speak of to anyone. Not even the Camorra.” He turned to face her and looked her directly in her eyes. “Can I trust you to not only join me but to keep the confidential and sometimes intimate details you will learn to yourself?”
There it was. Hours of small talk and they had finally arrived to the crux of his request to walk with her.
“If am to do anything with you I need you to answer two questions for me” he motioned for her to continue. “I have little knowledge of who you are and what you are about and you have even less knowledge of me. Yet today you are asking me, a relative stranger to you, to join you on endeavors that would divulge not just confidential but intimate information about you and god knows who else. Why is it that you are asking me and not someone else who is already privy to said details?” He started to respond and she lifted a figure motioning for silence. “You are the son of a Camorra member and the Regent of this House. As it stands you have absolutely nothing to lose and I stand to lose everything if this goes awry. So my second and final questions is why should I trust you?”
He did not hesitate to respond. In fact it seemed as though he had been waiting for her to ask such a question. “The power to walk in the sun is one that is obtained only by nobles. The fact that you can do so would customarily end up in your death. I know for a certainty that the head of your house is well aware of the power that you possess and I am sure there are others at Léon that have that knowledge as well. You know that it is our sworn duty as death dealers to report anything that is a violation directly to the Camorra and that we must also report any that were aware of the violation as well. I have said nothing to anyone and I will never speak of it to anyone. I am requesting that you join me because I do not trust anyone in this house nor in any other house to help me accomplish what needs to be accomplished” The two of them stood there; neither of them speaking. Azazelle considering his words and Jareth was praying she would accept. “Might I also add that the fact that you can walk in the sun is a significant advantage and will save us a considerable amount of time” he laughed breaking the silence between the two. “Okay Jareth, I will join you on your conquests BUT should you lie to me or should I sense that you are trying to set me up I will kill you where you stand. Do we have an agreement?” There was no smile on her face and no lightheartedness in her tone. “We have an agreement” he replied mirroring her seriousness. “Good. Now help me up on to my horse” She hopped up once and failed to mount the obsidian horse. She tried again and failed again. Jareth who was not helping her cleared his throat. When she turned back around to look at him she saw he was standing there with his arms crossed. He had a brow raised and a playful smirk. “Are you seriously not going to help me?” He stood still as a statue and peered at her expectantly. Her eyes danced as she searched for reason for his actions. “Please?” She laughed. “I would be delighted to assist you Mademoiselle” she rolled her eyes as he grabbed her waist and lifted up.
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iinmortales · 25 days
Muses that are staying: Star Wars:
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Rey Kenobi
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Leia Organa
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Nightsister Merrin
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Obi-Wan Kenobi
F1 OCs
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Rosyln Montoire Marco Holt (I don't have an icon of him for some reason, apparently I never made them)
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Peter Parker/Insomniac Games Spider-Man
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Yelena Belova
Arthurian Legend
Galahad Du Lac Mordred le Fay-Pendragon
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James Potter
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Lily Evans
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Remus Lupin
Video Games
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Arno Dorian
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Elsa of Arendelle
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Horatio Hornblower
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Marcus Whitmore
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Scarlett Dragna
Fandomless OCs
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Max Walker
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Alyss Esser
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Cila Wyles
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Aspen Adrienne
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bentengsumbar · 1 year
Gubernur Mahyeldi Dukung Sanggar Sofyani Mengikuti Festival Montoire di Perancis | BentengSumbar.com
0 notes
pwlanier · 1 year
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Auguste André Bauchant
1873 Château-Renault – Montoire-sur-le-Loir 1958
Jeanne reconnaissant Charles VII au château de Chinon
Oil on canvas. 1949.
Karl and Faber
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