#moonblossomshipping technically
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arc-v kids but they’re in university wahoo  ✧ ✧ ✧
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entamewitchlulu · 7 years
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Femslash February Day 24 - Moonblossomshipping by starfireelf15
technically i already did moonblossomshipping for this month and i wasn't supposed to repeat any ships by my own decision, but i watched the movie Patema Inverted the other day and I was FASCINATED by the plot and premise and immediately wanted to make an AU based on it; of my favorite ships the one that jumped out at me as being the best fit for the plot was SeleRuri so whatever I can break my own rules haha the basic plot, like the movie, is that Selena is a girl from the surface world and Ruri is the chief's daughter from the world below the ground.  However, due to a mysterious scientific accident many decades ago, Ruri's people were "inverted", with their gravitational pull becoming opposite of Selena's people.  Treated as a sinner destined to be swallowed by the sky, Ruri must try to find a way back home with help from Selena, who tries to keep her from soaring off into the sky.
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