kestrael-a · 2 years
MOLLYMAUK ASKS  :  [ SHARE ] sender, seeing that receiver is cold, wraps their jacket around them
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cassandra’s shoulders shake in more than cold .  she cannot think but to sit on a chair ,  fingers numb and eyes unfocused .  the touch of something new around her shoulders makes her jump at first ,  not having noticed someone approaching ,  but then she takes better stock of her surroundings .  it’s hard not to recognize the coat  --  to know that it belongs to @moondrrops​ ,  and that they’ll take care of her .  shaking hands pull the coat more tightly around her shoulders , and though she cannot manage constructing words ,  she leans slightly against their side  --  a silent thank you for protecting her from the external chill ,  even if there’s nothing they can do in regards to the chill in her mind .
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arc-erzmagier · 2 years
MOLLYMAUK  : @moondrrops​
  In the aftermath of everything, he finds peace here among the plants of the Blooming Grove. Progress is slow, sometimes unnoticeable, but still there.  Maybe it’s an appropriate comparison to the slowness that is gaining the trust of both the ex-volstruckers.  He’s rather surprised to see her approaching while he works on a new flowerbed, but it’s a good sort of surprise.  With a chuckle he moves over, offers her a hand-shovel.  “ Trying to find good spots for these baby flower plants.  Think you can handle that, love? “
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she removes the hand from her pocket to take the hand - shovel ,  flexing her fingers around it awkwardly for a moment ,  nerves unpleasantly coiling in her stomach .  her expression is comfortably neutral ,  save for tinges of discomfort at the corners of her mouth .  she speaks even so ,  her voice just as neural .  “ i’m sure i can manage . ”  she takes scope of the flowers she’s now tasked to find a home for ,  trying to envision would might be the best place for them . if only she could do the same for herself .
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princguard-a · 2 years
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Lark heard the soft footfalls that echoed through her dilapidated manor. It spoke through the walls and floors. To her annoyance, another random intruder had found her home in hopes of obtaining riches and glory for slaying such an insidious beast. Unfortunate she would be the one to burst the intruder’s bubble, but there would be no beast slaying this night. 
She rolled her eyes as left her room. She glanced out the corridor window to see the heavy rain fall. 
Perfect. she thought. Some poor soul is trying to stay dry. Even more an nuisance. Lark gripped her blade tightly as she made her way down the grand staircase in which was laced with a thin layer of dust. She made no introductions or announcements when her eyes fell upon the lavender Tiefling. 
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“ Get out.” she demanded, her tone laced with hostility. She moved down the steps, her long dark hair billowing with each movement. She wrapped herself in a satin cloak and glared her verdant hues at the stranger. 
“ Whatever it is you came here to do, don’t. There is no haven for you here.” 
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carnivalfolk-a · 2 years
Being a free man is... strange. It doesn’t feel right, and the gods know that Gustav doesn’t deserve it. Maybe that’s why, when he heard that Molly was coming, Gustav had felt strangely gripped by nerves - despite knowing that he’d received no judgement from Mollymauk even on the day when their family had fallen apart around them.
In the end, though, seeing Mollymauk feels like coming home. It’s been so long since he’s seen them, and just seeing them here - knowing they’re alright, and alive... it eases the burden that’s been weighing heavy on Gustav’s shoulders just a little.
“Mollymauk! It’s been far too long. Come, tell me everything.”
@moondrrops ( starter! )
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ariensoul · 2 years
[ 📲 • sms ] —— are you ignoring me? 
text me bby — @moondrrops​
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               [ text to : zirkusmann ] :  mollymauk. it has been an hour and a half since your last text.                [ text to : zirkusmann ] :  no, i am not ignoring you, i am working.
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aschcregen · 2 years
❛  02 .   a  kiss  for  the  first  time . - ( Molly )@moondrrops​
   Truth be told: Caleb’s been thinking about this for a while now. Tossing and turning the idea over in his head and wondering if he’s been sending the right signals. Sure, they’ve gone on a date before, and maybe have also called it as much, but maybe it could have been in a joking matter, and maybe he’s OVERTHINKING things once again.
   It’s easy to do in this town where a faceless old woman secretly lives in your home, though Caleb thinks he maybe ought to ask her for advice. It couldn’t hurt.
   Still, now that he finds himself close to the other, heart nearly beating out of his chest, he thinks ‘to hell with it’ if hell even exists in this town, and reaches out to pull Molly into a kiss. It’s A LOT, better than he’s imagined though, and it makes his stomach swoop, a small chuckle falling from his lips.
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   “Sorry.” He then laughs, pulling back just an inch, “I didn’t mean to spring that on you.”
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widaugast · 2 years
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RANDOM LYRIC STARTERS  ---  ACCEPTING! @moondrrops​ cast message:  ❝ nice to see you too. ❞
        Were it not for the fact that Mollymauk is very much slipping into the booth across from him, tail swinging with a flourish as a seat is landed in, Caleb would think he may have been still asleep, catching old faces in his dreams.  Though the tiefling's would not be the first to haunt him, nor the first shadowed with blood and memories of struggle, it would be the most new  ---  one of rows of well-worn terrors and former resposibilities, traitors and guards and liars from all the years of his life, united in having died before him.  Sometimes, though it was all of their fight in Lorenzo's case, because of him.
        Briefly, Caleb worries his hands against his forearms, the old itches there, the phantom-pricks under the skin, are more familiar than any of the faces that have recently gathered together for this motley crew out of Alfield, and though the reminder is painful, it is constant.  Solid.  He would have, until quite recently and faced with the living, breathing, red-eyed evidence in front of him, thought of death much the same.
        His own eyes flick to Mollymauk, then back to the travel-scarred tabletop, a bit of an awkward clear to his throat.  ❝ I...  It is still, ah, a touch of a surprise to see you in the morning. ❞
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diviinedevilry · 2 years
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                  “I  just  think,  if  I  were  a  damsel,  I’d  probably  have  tried  a  number  of  different  things  to  escape.”    Tail  curls  as  @moondrrops  stretches  with  a  yawn,  settling  into  her  side.    He  eyes  the  fairytale  book  with  a  look  of  sleepy  skepticism,  and  hums  as  he  rests  his  cheek  atop  her  head.    “I  don’t  think  she  was  done  justice  in  that.    And  what  was  with  him  and  that  horse,  anyways?”
                      “  I  could  organise  for  you  to  be  a  damsel,    if  you  want.    I  could  be  far  more  interesting  than  any  wicked  witch,    I’d  give  you  something  really  cool  to  escape  from.  “        Despite  the  sleepy  haze  over  them,    warm  as  any  blanket,    there’s  a  quiet  animation  to  her  words.    A  mess  of  colourful  limbs,    comfortable  as  if  they’d  grown  up  together    –    nights  a  little  easier  to  bear  since  coming  back  after  admitting  to  Molly  how  far  the  shaddows  creeped.      “  Do  you  think  it  was  a  real  horse?    Maybe  it’s  his  side-piece  but  she  had  to  transform  into  a  horse  so  the  princess  didn’t  know    –    it  would  explain  how  close  they  were.    “
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arc-erzmagier · 2 years
MOLLYMAUK  :  @moondrrops​​
  This sort of thing isn’t new to him.  He’s had this sort of thought about half of the Mighty Nein at one point in time or another.  While those thoughts amounted to different things over time, as these sorts of thing are want to do, this is…a touch unexpected.  There’s a level of surprise to his words when he says them aloud.  He expects her to laugh, dismiss him in some way over it, but – she does the opposite actually.  Being the sole subject of her attention is a rather terrifying thing, he learns.  But, gods, there’s something exhilarating in the way she looks at him now.  “ I’d like to kiss you about it, frankly, “ Mollymauk says. “ And then some, if you’re interested. “
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his frankness is incredibly refreshing ,  she thinks ,  though her expression remains even as she weighs her response .  instead of speaking at first ,  she carefully places her spellbook out of the way  --  slowly climbs to her feet ,  crosses the space between them until she stands close ,  looking up at him .  he’s so much taller than she is ,  but that means nothing in the grand scheme of things .  she’s used to having some level of authority in positions such as this one ,  as near to them as she’s encountered .  “ i am interested , ”  she says ,  maintaining the still unbroken eye contact ,  as if daring him to make the first physical move .
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okeancsa · 2 years
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[     txt:     percy     ]:     heyyyyyy     bestie     we     r     goin     to     the     roller     rink     get     ur     shit     together     |     @moondrrops
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[     txt:     molly💅     ]:     now???     im     in     class     rn?? [     txt:     molly💅     ]:     fuck     it,     meet     me     outside     in     10 [     txt:     molly💅     ]:     but     prepare     to     get     your     ass     kicked     😂
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erzmagier-a · 2 years
MOLLYMAUK  ASKS  :  sender extends a hand to the receiver, wordlessly asking for a dance.
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she  stares  at  the  proffered  hand  for  a  long  second ,  a  quirked  brow  as  she  thinks  it  through .  more  harm  can  be  caused  by  a  dance  than  it  feels  like  it  should  --  but  @moondrrops​  has  never  demonstrated  that  kind  of  direct  malice ,  even  if  most  of  astrid’s  life  has  been  spent  reading  into  others’  behavior .
but . . . fuck  it .  astrid  takes  their  hand ,  allows  herself  to  come  close  enough  to  them  to  assume  the  proper  posture .    “ do  you  know  how  to  dance ,  mollymauk ? ”    she  asks ,  half  goading  and  half  genuine .
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aschcregen · 2 years
[ ALIBI ]:     as a reason to avoid a long and tedious event, sender and receiver pretend to be in a relationship as an excuse to slip away early. ( Mollymauk ) @moondrrops
   It’s probably not the BEST excuse, and they could have come up with another reason to get out of it, but here they are now, and it’s hard to take the words back without seeming complete fools, now they simply have to pretend, and not just for today. If they’re lucky the whole thing will blow over, and people will ask them about their boyfriends and they’ll just nod, not giving too much information away.
   Not that Caleb would MIND the other as his boyfriend, but that’s not what this is about anyway. “Alright.” He finds himself smiling as they slip out the door, the chatter and laughter getting muffled the moment said door closes.
    “What are we going to do with our newfound FREEDOM?” He then asks, taking a moment to realize that his arm is still around the other’s waist.
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widaugast · 2 years
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@moondrrops​ cast message:  He’s never made it up to Uthodurn, but already he’s wishing he’d made the trip sooner. Between the angelic vigilantes and the flower crowns Mollymauk can almost forget the chilling beast that waits for them further north. And now this bakery! He’s one lucky tiefling, that’s for sure. Door swings open and he walks in behind Jester, carrying the riches of their escapade. “We come bearing gifts,” he announces, proudly setting down the box by Caleb. His grin is warm as he offers a cupcake to the wizard. “Black moss flavored; promise you won’t regret it.” / from moondrrops!
        ❝ I, ah... ❞  It takes Caleb a few moments to adjust, as ever, to the rustle and bustle that forever accompanies both Mollymauk and Jester tumbling into a room simultaneously.  It does not take as long as it once might have, nor always elicit the same shock to his ears and perception, but all the same  ---  well, luckily the pair of them both bear enough (literal) bells and whistles to none-too-silently herald their arrival.  While the others have gone about errands, Caleb has been weathering going over his and Beauregard's notes from meeting with an errant scholar, working his way through plenty of strange theories about the moons in order to salvage what remnants of useful information they can.
        Papers spread out underneathhis fingertips, Caleb looks up once with a glance, then twice with a more rapid blink as Mollymauk lowers a pastry directly into his field of vision.  An accompanying box slides to the tabletop nearby, set down with a satisfying thump and a whoosh of disturbed papers.  ❝ There were very important missions to attend to, I see? ❞  The words are said with something of a curious glance, and a slight bit of bemusement.
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diviinedevilry · 2 years
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                  For  an  illegal  creature  Artie  sure  gives  a  lot  of  advice:    standing  behind  her  while  she  paints,  while  she  talks  to  customers  who  avert  their  gaze  in  his  presence  pretending  the  space  beside  her  blank,  making  remarks  almost  as  loud  as  the  sunrises.    It’s  nice,  mostly,  but  sometimes  a  girl  wants  to  talk  to  another  whose  romantic  advice  doesn’t  involve  coercion  or  strange  magicks.  
                  Especially  when  she  can  still  taste  the  invisible  pie  on  her  lips,  eaten  alone  but  not  alone,  the  diner  full  of  people  alone  and  not  alone,  just  like  her.    Still,  she  thinks  to  herself,  to  Artie,  to  any  of  the  other  angels  listening    (    though  she’s  not  sure  they  do    ),    a  night  in  with  Molly  is  more  fun  than  any  boring  old  date.    Or  maybe  she  says  it  aloud  because  it’s  @moondrrops  who  answers,      “every  cloud  has  a  silver,  neurochemical  lining,”     passing  her  the  pint  of  ice  cream.  And  they’ve  got  a  point.      
                   “Y'know,  Mama  always  said  if  you  can’t  make  your  own  happy  ending  then  shoplifted  from  a  major  convenience  store  is  fine.”      She  replies,  already  bringing  the  spoon  to  her  mouth.
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kestrael-a · 2 years
MOLLYMAUK  ASKS  :  ❛  have  you  seen  yourself ?  ❜
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blue  gaze  is  on  @moondrrops​​  in  a  flash ,  taking  in  the  person  speaking  to  her  in  all  his  colorful  glory .  she’s  only  been  here  for  a  few  weeks  --  does  her  share  enough  to  earn  her  place ,  and  stays  out  of  everyone’s  way ,  for  the  most  part .  there’s  a  brief  flash  of  panic  in  being  spoken  to  directly ,  but  she  schools  herself  quickly  enough .    “ not . . . not  recently ,  no , ”    she  says ,  stilted  and  a  little  awkward .  she  tugs  on  her  sleeves  as  if  to  straighten  them ,  but  much  more  of  that  and  she’ll  tear  her  coat .
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dndestinies · 2 years
@moondrrops​ liked for a starter, so I randomly generated a tarot card from this meme!
Hierophant (Religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs):
"So the Moonweaver, huh?” Kaislynn, taking a seat near (but not next to) Mollymauk at the Nein’s table, didn’t wait for an answer, simply pulling one of her pendants out from inside her vest to show him. It was a round, flat gold piece with a sun and moon motif on one side, and a star symbol on the other, hung on a simple length of leather cord. It wasn’t an actual symbol of the goddess, but it was close enough for her, given the Empire’s policy on certain gods. “My aunt gave me this when I turned thirteen; She’s a big deal for me too. Uh, the Moonweaver, I mean.”
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