delxctum-blog · 9 years
hc + family? (sorry omg)
Family: Samekichi is really the only family that Sal has, yet to say that he acknowledges his brother as such would be untruthful. In reality, he sees Samekichi as weak, pathetic, nothing more than a fragment of himself, the little piece of “good” that he does not have, nor want. Even as children they fought a lot, until the conflict eventually came to a head - and the two parted for some time, with Sal finally recognizing what he was supposed to be. The next time the two spoke was during his incredibly rude intrusion into the Sacred Sword’s hiding place (and his “plans” with Wadanohara). Sal is not aware of who his father is - as far as he knows, Old is just some ancient shark who has some quarrel with the Great Sorcerer - nor did he ever know his mother. Both he and Samekichi grew up without parents - which was completely fine for them. Neither of them are particularly spiteful for the lack of guidance - in fact, Sal is rather grateful that there was no way to restrain him or persuade him from his path. 
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itosaki · 9 years
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          ❝   yeah, that one’s pretty cute. you know a lot about fish, don'tcha?   ❞
cherry smiles at the younger girl, a hand falling atop her head with a ( strained ) smile. personally, she can’t understand how, staring at the glass of the aquarium that separated herself from the deep-sea fish exhibit, that the fish could belong anywhere but hell.
but she’ll spare wada that comment.
                      ❝   you don't even need these plaques.   ❞
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catenaes-blog · 10 years
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     "Wadda, my old pal! Nice to see you again," chimes the cat witch, legs crossed as she hovers on her broom next to the other. "How have things been? Anything interesting happen since we last talked?"
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akataishi · 10 years
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                "Guess who's baaack! ♪ " The albino's voice rang as he opened the door to the house they shared, along with his brother, the witch's other familiar. And of course, how could he pass on bringing some gifts? His hands were occupied with the bags he brought back that once he came in the house he rested next to the coffee table. "I gave a visit to the Tosatsu Kingdom, and I brought some souvenirs."
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deepseacrew-blog · 10 years
moonlightseashine joined the crew!
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"Ah, hey Wadanohara."
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paenitetcaetus-blog · 10 years
moonlightseashine replied to your post: yoooooo…. besides themesrec and a—them...
theme-hunter is my preference!
I've been on there before, it's hard for me to navigate. x v x But I suppose I can poke around some more because I did like what I saw on there. THanks!!
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actuosa · 10 years
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     "Do you wanna do a puzzle with me? This one's at least 2,000 pieces and I don't wanna go at it alone."
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misxy-blog · 10 years
shxchi | mogexko | moonlightseashine | atxr | scared-shirogane | nareaksak | princeofdisappointia
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 ✄ - - "Er..um.." Gosh, there were a few odd faces in this group, but that would be rude to point out.. "Hello, to you all..My name, is Yonaka Kurai..it's nice to meet you." 
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pollaplous-a · 10 years
"Hey, little witch, I've got a plan."
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"Let's team up and attack that one albino shark with snowballs."
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presveltis-blog · 10 years
"Loooooooooooooooooooove meeeeeeeeeeeeee~! I'll slaughter your enemieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees~!"
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r0tt13 · 10 years
moonlightseashine replied to your post:More Fukami is always an option right?
dicks probably
god fucking dammit dean
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befolyasolhato · 10 years
     Minding her own business in a perfectly quiet afternoon, Dolphi found it a good time to draw a bit more. Crayon in hand, she started drawing a small picture of the sea, little fish scattered around it. Not noticing that there were people behind her, she heard a small shuffling sound and turned around, only to be startled by a large group of them. Dolphi quickly dropped the crayon, moving her hands to cover over her eyes.
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     "W-Waaah! S-scary!" Her tail curled up from under her to try and help hide herself from everyone else. It didn't stop her from peeping ever so slightly through her fingers, but it was a little more than obvious that the small girl was trembling from the sight. 
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cxrruptxd · 10 years
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"Oh, well would you look at that. It's an alternate of me from that disgusting blue sea. May I ask why you're in my sea?" A small tilt of the head was given as she stared at a perfect representation of what she used to be. Too bad the memories of such times were gone; leaving a red stained witch in their place.
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vescors · 10 years
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     Looks like she's busy cleaning      the main room, so her back is      to her visitor.  
     "I apologize for the mess, but       Rawberry and I just finished a       jam-making session. Do you       need something of me?"
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