#more like a spider'sfriendsona
kiwi-duckquack · 11 months
Scrolled thru your page and couldn't find anything on your spider verse OC please infodump
AH sorry for the late response!!! There is a post from ages ago but I will GLADLY infodump again >:)
(also some stuff may be different from actual Spiderman canon but shh)
(also also this is a really long post I'm so sorry-)
So basically, their name is Charlie and they use they/them pronouns. They're 17 I think? Might change. But essentially they've suffered with severe social anxiety and general anxiety since they were a child, causing them to be pulled out of school early and homeschooled, and they literally never leave the house.
But when they were around 7, a new family moved into the neighbourhood - the Parker's. Which of course came with Peter Parker, another troubled child mourning his parents and being bullied at school. Charlie's parents hit it off with Aunt May and Uncle Ben, and so they decide to get the children to meet once realising they share an interest - science.
The two befriend each other surprisingly quick, and suddenly they're almost inseperable. Every afternoond evening Pete's at Charlie's house, doing experiments in their room, and May and Ben join them for dinner enough times. It's like a big, loving family. Peter even helps somewhat with Charlie's anxiety - he held their hand the entirety of the first time they all went for a walk together. It wasn't for long and Charlie hid their face a lot, but it was progress.
Of course the first person Peter tells about his spider-powers is Charlie. They freak out, both good and bad, but overall decide that the two can design some epic tech for Spider-Man. Because, hey, Charlie's bedroom is basically a lab anyway, and Petsr can sneak supplies from his school (which isn't the most heroic thing to do but if it works, it works!)
Uncle Ben's death hits everyone hard, but not as hard as it hits Peter. All of a sudden Spider-Man isn't a fun, helpful thing - lives are at risk, he has to protect people he loves. He's got great power. We all know the rest of the phrase.
But Charlie's there to share that responsibility! They're the man-in-the-chair, helping out whenever they can, planning routes, designing tech and software. Constantly making sure their best friend is okay. And when Peter starts to hang out with MJ and Harry from his school, no biggie! Charlie's on-call 24/7 just in case. They're even going outside more, and there are plans in place for them to meet Harry.
Then Peter dies.
It should've been impossible, really - the amount of armour and tech and everything. There was no Achilles heel, no secret weakness. But, behind it all, Peter's still a teenager, a human. Even with the spider-powers and enhancements.
It destroys Charlie. Erases all their progress, now they won't even leave their room. And, of course, the logical thing to do is for them to continue what Peter couldn't, to use their technology and become Spider-Man.
But they can't.
They won't.
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