#more sano family shenanigans soon i hope
shiniichiro · 3 years
who let the dogs out ft. shinichiro, tiny mikey, tiny emma & tiny baji
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"mikey, you know we'll get into trouble for this right.." emma glanced warily at the mischievous look on her older brother's face. she knows that look, he has an idea, and it's not a good one.
"no way, emma, you're overthinking it. we'll just bring him home, bath him, feed him a little and we'll let him go after that! nobody will know about it, promise."
"but shinichiro..." emma wanted to help, she really did. but the thought of her older brother lecturing the three of them for bringing a stray puppy home without permission was daunting to her. shinichiro is a dotting brother, and he's never too harsh on them. yet, the thought of upsetting him was never an option for her.
"shinichiro-kun would definitely understand! he would never allow a poor doggy starve on the streets! trust us emma. i'll receive the punishment in your place if it makes you feel any better. pleaseee." for a pair of young boys, they sure were resilient, and emma could never find it in her to say no to her brother and childhood best friend.
With pursed lips and crossed arms, emma gave in reluctantly, but not before making them pinky swear on letting the puppy go after they've done their part in caring for him.
fast forward to a few hours later, shinichiro stood in front of the three children, who were drenched from head to toe, and their tiny little heads hung low. Baji was whimpering silently, afraid of what is to come after they were found screaming in the dojo's yard by the older man.
"none of you had any idea how to bath a puppy, don't you?" shinichiro questioned, the puppy in question sound asleep in his arms. if it weren't for his big brother duties, he would've found this scenario a little comedic.
gang activities ended a little earlier today. shinichiro came home with a bag of snacks he bought on the way home for his younger siblings and baji, only to find them running around the yard, screaming their heads off, and a wet puppy on the loose. it took shinichiro 10 seconds to react appropriately when he sees the petrified puppy running towards him. he caught him on time, gently cooing and calming him down.
the children came to a halt in front of him. baji was especially frantic, as he realized they were busted, judging by the look on shinichiro's face.
"what do you have to say for yourself. manjiro?" shinichiro was holding in his laughter. he swears it wasn't intentional, poor baji and emma were on the verge of tears, his own younger brother shifting his feet from side to side, avoiding the elephant in the room as best as he could. but he has a big brother role to play, and he has to play it right now.
"he... we... we found him on the streets. he looked so weak and dirty. we just wanted to help him. we didn't mean to keep this a secret but..." mikey is pouting now.
darn it, this brat. he knew exactly how to get to shinichiro.
"we're sorry, shinichiro. we know you are upset, but we just wanted to help the poor puppy. you can punish us if you want, but can we clean and feed him before we do that?" emma chimed in and tucked on shinichiro's trousers.
double kill. brilliant. these children are brilliant.
"yea shinichiro-kun. we're very sorry. but.. but you wouldn't abandon him like this, right?" baji was practically BEGGING at this point, and who is shinichiro to decline their requests? that would be absolutely absurd of him, no?
with a defeated sigh, shinichiro crouched down to their eye level and ruffled their (extremely wet) hair.
"next time, tell me before you proceed to terrorize this poor puppy, alright? i know you mean well, but we can do this together, got it?"
the children nodded frantically, all of them letting out a sigh of relief. off the hook this time.
"well, can't do anything since the puppy is asleep. probably exhausted after having to run around for god knows how long. why don't all of you take a hot bath and we'll have snacks while we wait for this little one to wake up, hmm? don't want all of you to fall sick now." shinichiro smiled reassuringly and stood up, gesturing for them to enter the dojo.
"YAY SNACKS" the children cheered (read: mikey and baji), and raced each other to the bathroom.
"shinichiro?" emma was still tugging on her older brother's trousers, seemingly reluctant to let go and trail after the boys.
sensing that she had more to say, he grabbed hold of her hand and tugged her into the house. placing the puppy in a basket (as a makeshift bed), he sat emma on the couch next to him.
"im very sorry. i know you forgave us, but please don't be upset at me. i'll behave next time."
emma has always been sensitive. shinichiro knew that. it genuinely pains him whenever his younger sister expresses her fears. for years he has been trying to ensure she felt safe and secured with the sano family, since it is indisputable that she is indeed, his beloved sister.
"emma, don't worry. im not upset, promise. your big brother isn't that short-tempered, don't you know that?" tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ears, shinichiro smiles at the sight of her younger sister's smile.
"now what does my little princess want for dinner tonight?"
"can we have oyakodon tonight? i'll help!"
"of course. i bought manjiro's favorite taiyaki too. we can have that for dessert, deal?"
"deal!" and off she goes into her own designated bathroom. shinichiro huffed, mentally patting himself on the back for another (difficult) day as a big brother. he'll have to change out of his uniform and prepare himself to bath the stray. to be honest, he did pity the poor thing, and they were right, he would never abandon a lonely stray.
deja vu, if you ask him.
"aren't you adorable." he looked so much at ease. perhaps he would stay here for good, who knows?
"wonder what wakasa would say if i told him i named a puppy after him?" shinichiro wonders aloud. "he'll drop kick me and probably tear me to shreds..... but worth it!" he exclaimed, adorning the same mischievous look as his younger brother.
welcome to the sano family, waka-kun.
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putris-et-mulier · 8 years
I have a big announcement and I'm going to get really emotional, so heads up
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! But I think this will be for the best
Some of you guys have been following me for years and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. You guys have been so kind, it's because of you I haven't had to buy toilet paper in over two years. I've been through a lot while running this blog and some of you have watched and supported me throughout the whole journey.
I thought I would be dead by 30, everyone did, but I just turned 32 and although my health has always been declining I'm not at risk for dropping dead this second. I also am running a household and taking care of my mother who has very severe Alzheimer's. My family has gone from simply not helping to beginning to scheme to get things like mom's Social Security number for reasons I haven't figured out yet. I've been in the hospital a lot since I started this blog, I was officially hospitalized twice and lived in a home once. I've broken my ankles, knees, wrists, nose, broken teeth out of my face, torn half my face off, I became anemic multiple times because there's times I simply didn't have any money to eat for a few days, I had to sell my car and because I can't get in one unless it's wheelchair acceptable I am as good as confined to my neighborhood unless I want to take public transit but things like today happen, I couldn't go see Logan for my birthday because the transit simply wasn't running this weekend. Because of a mistake with IHSS the first caretaker I got earlier this year stole $7,000 from me. Things keep happening so I can't even attempt to bring mom's medical bills down.
I'm just so tired.
And unhappy.
I started this blog right after I lost my ability to write or type and I don't think I could've dealt with how big of a loss that was if I did not this blog to hang out on and talk to you guys about comic books with.
I need less responsibility, if not off-line then certainly online. I want to create things again. Fully formed things I can take pride in. Because none of this is going to get easier, it's just going to become different and if I want to make it work I have to live differently to accommodate it.
This sounds dramatic, like a suicide note, but this is actually about something I'm excited about and think some of you will be too but I know a lot of you will feel a bit betrayed.
About when I stopped writing a friend and I created a publishing company. It's actually extremely easy to do, especially if you only sell digital books which we don't, but it would've be easy. I'm not legally allowed to have anything under my name so my friend put it under hers and has her taxes all complicated up because of it. My friend put in a $1000 nest egg and we use the company to try to find unpublished and marginalized writers, artists, and models. We had seen firsthand the inequality that goes on in those industries. So, we made Good Mourning. It's run by me and my two best friends that I've known since we were children. Recently we developed something we are calling The Discourse which is where we will be doing a lot of what I do here, talk about pop-culture stuff and get academic or open a discussion on social justice, but the other two are involved which means the same thing but with a bigger variety of fandoms. It's a podcast, soon to be an ezine, blog, and we are going to publish a line of discourse books which are going to be like social justice handbooks with a fandom theme.
I'm excited about this. It gives me new opportunities to try writing in different ways, it consolidates a lot of things that I do already, I'll get a chance to be a fan again instead of a web mistress, and my friends will be so closely involved that if there are some days I just can't get in my wheelchair I know everything will be taken care of.
The only problem is, if I left I would miss all of you. Even the ones who hate me. Maybe it's childish to not want to let go of things but this is the Internet and if you're going to be childish, you should do it here.
I am turning this blog into The Discourse (the blog version)
I'm still going to be posting all the new Deadpool stuff but now it's also going to be more of the same things with other fandoms as well like all of X-Men and K–Pop and other hyphenated things. I suppose it won't be that much different, just no reposts from the archive of Deadpool stuff all day, I'll just be putting my favorite old posts in the queue by hand so it's all good. 
None of the current content will be removed, all of those info op-ed posts like about Deadpool sexuality they will still be here and I will still update them but now I'll be doing them about different characters as well.
The name won't be the same, but it actually hasn't always been the same. This one's just become infamous. I hope you do decide to stay with me at least for a while, I'm going to do my best for all of you.
Good Mourning has taken over the financial responsibility of this blog and we are now The Discourse.
Are you a sellout if you sell out to yourself?
And you have to put up with a new moderator, cosmic. But if you guys have been here for a while you probably have heard her on the podcast. Quick bio: she's terrified of everything and loves Doctor Who.
Obviously I'm going to be changing things around here a little bit but it's nothing you'll see from your dashboard. Also, we plan on coming out with the first issue of our ezine next month and since is the first one it's going to be all us but we really want you guys to participate. Maybe you have a short poem about your asshole or, perhaps preferably, your favorite character's asshole? I can promise you, your poem is getting in the very next issue. I'll have more details for you soon.
And since I'm not solely responsible for anything anymore I'm going to get to do some really cool things, like giveaways here. Even for people who just follow the blog. I get to borrow the business card to get the prizes so you guys could even choose what you want. And I could go to Party City and get some of those participation trophies for the losers. Or we can behave like responsible adults, unlike the generation before us, and giveaway fandom merchandise that is not toys it says so on the box.
I'm excited, I hope you aren't disappointed. I have to think of my health. My physical health can't take all the responsibility and my psychological/spiritual health needs me to keep investing myself in fandom shenanigans.
My personal blog still is genoshaisforlovers.tumblr.com
and if you want to get to me somewhere else you can always go to christyleighstewart.com I always direct it to where or what I'm doing at the time
If you send in an anonymous ask here about this I won't be able to answer you but I will answer everyone privately about this.
It's still me here. Things are going to be different but I swear to God I am sitting in my seat the exact same way and "typing" this the same way I usually do.
If this whole Discourse thing isn't your…thing but if you love me personally I am also at my personal blog. The me talking openly, that's all moving over there. Over here I am working as your game master or… Alice in Wonderland would be a better metaphor, right? So I'm working as your Mad Hatter?
It's a cliché but I am selling out so, yeah, I am now the Mad Hatter.
And I'd like to welcome you to this tea party just give me a second and
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so now that we're seated comfortably, all of this remains free as does the podcast but you don't get the rewards unless you subscribe at least $1 to The Discourse
As the Mad Hatter I can tell you, specifically the blog members, without embarrassment that this whole project is and act of love, as everything we've done always has been and always will be, because the profit goes toward me as a paycheck and as I can only make so much money within a year without losing any of my benefits and I get to decide what goes on my paychecks and she is totally mens sana in corpore sano, officers, so it's cool as long as the stuff I do is worth anything to people. I just set it at $1 to join because that dollar has a president on it with the least value and thanks to the election George Washington will be the second least valuable dollar.
– Christy
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