tumbling-light-blog · 7 years
Reblog if you're open to receiving meanspo at any time.
Send it on in. I’m fasting and need it
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tumbling-light-blog · 7 years
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tumbling-light-blog · 7 years
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tumbling-light-blog · 7 years
This was so helpful. Today is such a hard day in my fasting. You should definitely read if you’re having a tough time with your fast.
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tumbling-light-blog · 7 years
28 Day Fast Updates (Masterlist)
Day 1-3
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tumbling-light-blog · 7 years
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tumbling-light-blog · 7 years
28 Day Fast (Days 1-3)
So...Considering that the day I start this blog, I am on day 3 of my fast, I thought that I might as well update on my first three days of my 28 day water fast. 
First of all, I’d like to acknowledge the fact that I made a lot of research on what I am doing. In fact, I recommend the documentary ‘The Science of Fasting’, which is available for Amazon Prime members. Granted, I also would like to acknowledge the fact that this is not for everyone, and I am not a health expert and cannot recommend professionally what to do with your body. 
Day 1
Day 1 actually wasn’t so bad. It was my first day back at the hospital. My days at the hospital consist of taking many X-rays of children of all different ages, and sizes. Many of whom are kicking and screaming. It is pretty physically demanding. 
I had gone through the first day with a very minimal amount of food cravings. I ended up feeling a little bit hungry at some points, but not by much. By the end of the day, I was feeling pretty tired and was wondering how I was going to get through the week (the first week is supposedly the hardest) with a diminished sense of energy. So, I decided to allow myself to drink oolong tea for this fast. No sweetener, just water, and the actual tea. I found that after drinking it, the feeling of hunger that I had, had subsided drastically, and my energy had improved dramatically.
So, a win for day 1.
Day 2
Day 2 was tougher. I woke up feeling a bit drained, and a little bit shaky. I started my day with a cup of oolong and immediately felt better. I was ready to start my day. 
As far as obstacles go, they weren’t too bad except for the fact that it was someone’s birthday. I had to watch everybody eat really good food which consisted of brownies, donuts, cake, and burgers. Luckily, I have really good willpower when I put my mind to it and didn’t even think about saying yes to any of those things. So, another win for this week. 
Here’s the thing. It was only day two, and my day went by SO SLOWLY. It felt like I had already been on this fast for weeks, and it was only my second day. I thankfully got through it with my tea but needed a nap as soon as I got home.
Day 3  (1.4.2017) 
This morning, I had the day off. (Thank goodness). I woke up feeling like my body was trapped under an elephant. It was so difficult to even move so that I could get up to pee. I have been shakey and weak all day. I feel really cold, and sweaty at the same time, so maybe it's my body getting rid of toxins?? (Probably not)
As far as food craving go, holy crap this is the worst day. Every time I fall asleep I find myself dreaming about scarfing down a ton of fatty, greasy food. I just want to eat it all. I’m even salivating at healthy food. I just want to eat. I’m trying to avoid triggers that could cause me to just say ‘screw it’, throw down the towel and have myself a feast at the nearest burger joint. 
On top of that, I stepped on the scale and there seems to be no movement in numbers. I know it’s only day 3, but I assumed that maybe there would be a slight change? Even in my appearance. I feel like my stomach looks the same as it did on New Year's day after dinner at a bar. That was the toughest for me because my mind went straight to, ‘well, what’s the point?’ mode. I started entertaining the thought of giving up on this fast for the second time today. 
So, as today being day 3, I hear that this is the worst day. I can only hope that day 4 is better, and that the days stop going by so slow. I am determined to get through this because frankly, I feel as though I have no other options. 
Has anyone else gone through this while fasting? Let me know your experiences with fasting, and what you did to help keep your mind off of food, eating, and hunger. I’d love to hear from you guys.
Thank you for reading.
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tumbling-light-blog · 7 years
Hi everybody. Once again, welcome to my blog. I decided to do this so that I can not only keep track of my own weight loss, but I also wanted to make this so that it could be a calm, and supportive space for other ones like me who are fighting their hardest to get through whatever weight loss journey they are going through. Keep in mind, I am no health/weight loss/nutrition specialist. I’m just University Student who has simply put on way too much weight. 
CW: 157 lbs (1.4.2018)
GW: 125
GW2: 110
28 Day Fast Updates (Masterlist) (Started Posting 1.4.2018)
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