#more tlyn!!!!
neopuff · 11 months
Lower decks is so good I can't wait for next season 💕
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the-last-dillpickle · 11 months
i choose to believe Tendi, Mariner, and T'Lyn all got smashed while on Orion and made out at some point
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valssecretshit · 5 months
for my arc/ane and v/i fans
i imagined rn that she is def the type to stifle her sneezes during the beginning of a cold, but as she keeps on sneezing and not relieving any congestion or tickle, eventually they get louder, and sound more desperate and messy, and eventually cai/tlyn WILL sit her down and interrogate her about her symptoms and the snail trails on her jacket just like the military lady she is
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vroomvroomvettel · 2 years
Just read an news report with c@tlyn jenner where she promised to race the funds for jamie to compete in Formula 2 next year
That's the only right Caitlyn deserves but if she fcks up i will hate her 1000 times more than i already do
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falllpoutboy · 4 years
How one teenage boy infuriatingly and inexplicably emotionally scarred me: a story
ok listen up yall this is story is not for the faint of heart as it contains many twists and turns its so shocking such a thing happened to boring ole me. so i had a big (huge) crush in high school on a boy named Jean from grades 10-12 but this wild story starts from grade 9. When i entered high school, i had one class with j**n and after a while i noticed that he was incredibly attractive for a 14 year old, and so did my best friend since 6th grade Kaitlyn (remember her yall!!).
Unfortunately for us he got a gf pretty quickly, so one day after school my creepy ass decided to sneak around and check them tf out in the library behind some books. That backfired immediately as they took notice of me and gave me nasty looks and walked out of the library. The next day, j**n decided to call me out on it in class and my burgeoning friendship with him died right there. Some months later, we actually became friends after he forgot about it and while i had a crush on another boy at that time, i still found him very attractive. Meanwhile my bff k**tlyn was also friends him in their class together. Ninth grade soon ended, and with it my crush on the other boy.
Tenth grade is where this starts to get juicy yall. When i come back to school, i have another class with j**n and we’re assigned close seats to each other and everything is great so i decided to officially crush on him this year. I supposed this is where i should go into detail about him, since we actually got to know each other more. J**n is a cuban-american immigrant, an aquarius, had a tumblr (we followed each other!), often wore plaid and regularly smoked weed (i didnt mind at all). He was very flirtatious and a “feminist” and identified as pansexual. Right away, he starts to date a eleventh grade girl named Melissa (not gonna bother censoring her name tbh) and while i am sad about it, i still crush on him. Around the time of October/November i come to learn of their messy relationship from k**tlyn, apparently she cheated on him and threatened suicide if they broke up aka emotional manipulative af. I was so angry on his behalf but luckily for him, they broke up for good by December.
However after winter break, i start to notice that j**n and growing increasingly closer to k**tlyn. At first i shrugged it off but then I couldn’t ignore it anymore. K**tlyn knew full well how much i liked him yet never approached me about his obvious crush on her. One day in late January i snapped after seeing them together after school again, i texted her “so when were you gonna tell me that j**n had a crush on you?” With that, she immediately comes clean and tells me how he’s been actively pursuing her and had kissed her that day but she’s been rejecting because of ME. I felt sick but also guilty, who was i to come in between mutual feelings? I tell her that “we can’t control who we like and that if you really like him, don’t let me get in the way”. A few days later, i give them both my permission to date (he’s clueless to the matter) and I specifically asked for her to try and make this relationship last. In addition to that, i told her that I would also try to get rid of my feelings for him so that this would be easier for us. They become an official couple on February 4, his birthday.
Needless to say, I obviously do not lose my feelings for j**n and i distanced myself from the two in the time that they were together. I was pretty depressed during that time ngl. So one day, exactly one month later, j**n texts me in class if i talked to k**tlyn that day. I said no, because I hadn't, but his melancholic behavior intrigued me and i asked him if anythings wrong and he tells me that we’ll talk after school. When after school rolls around, he drops a bombshell on me: k**tlyn had broken up with him through TEXT during LUNCH that same day. I was in complete shock! not only did i never suspect that they were going through relationship trouble but I SPECIFICALLY told her to make this a long lasting relationship. J**n was pretty heartbroken over the fact that she didnt give him a real explanation as to why they broke up so he came to me, thinking i knew the answer because im her best friend and i had to swear to him that i didnt know anything, bc i didnt!! We walked around a bit and afterwards sat at a table with k**tlyn and mutual friends and i notice to my sheer horror, that she doesn’t give him a spare glance the entire time. I was shocked and confused, HOW could k**tlyn be so heartless as to breakup with him without a reason?? Before he goes home, i told him that I’d try and get a reason from her later. As soon as i got home that day, i text k**tlyn “why did you break up with j**n? he seems pretty cut up about it?” She texts back, (something mostly likely) “he’s boring and we never did stuff together”. Ouch. So I screenshot it, and sent it to j**n. He angrily texts back a rebuttal (something along the lines of) “IM NOT BORING AND EVERY TIME I TRIED TO SUGGEST WE DO SOMETHING SHE DIDNT ACCEPT IT”. Again, i was so confused and just happened to be in the middle of it all.
A few weeks pass, i become a little bit closer to j**n. I really really like him now, and want to tell him but im obviously nervous. One night during spring break, my sister came home from university and with a little coaxing, she helps me text him that i like him. J**n sympathetically turns me down but he says that he’ll always be there for me. Ouch. I was heartbroken and cried a little that night and tried to put it out of my mind for the rest of the break. One month passes, and after school i hang out with k**tlyn and finally persuaded her into telling me what went wrong during their relationship. She tells me that it started off great at first, but then apparently j**n started to go too fast for her liking, and pressured her into doing stuff she did not want to do. I absorb this information but I obviously didn’t process it at all because i told her straight to her face that i still liked him and i will continue to like him for the foreseeable future. In hindsight, i did not recognize the look of pity she gave me afterwards but she simply said ok and we were on the same page again.
Eleventh grade is where this story takes a turn for the worse. This school year, i had no classes with j**n but that didn’t deter me at all in my pursuit of him. Early on, there was a school dance right after school and we danced really close together and it was... really great. We both joined debate club that year and that meant i at least got to see him after school twice a week. K**tlyn used to be a member of debate club but she left when she noticed that j**n had joined. In debate club, they offered 3 overnight trips throughout the school year, the most important one being the trip to Washington DC for 3 nights to meetup and debate with other students from across the country (k**tlyn did it the year before). I signed up for it and so did j**n. k**tlyn disclosed to me that a lot of students used this trip and relative freedom to... hook up. But there was just one small problem, again: this school year j**n got another girlfriend. A freshman named Samantha.
I was vexed and horribly jealous, but hey thats ok, that meant 3 days of him by me and away from her. The day of winter break, me and k**tlyn were texting on snapchat and the conversation shifted to j**n again. I dont remember exactly how we began to argue, but the conversation got passive aggressive really quickly until she tells me “I don’t care what you do, have fun sucking his dick in washington, don’t talk to me again” at first i thought she was joking and it didn’t register with me that she had cut me off until a few days later. That was our last official face to face conversation and we havent spoken since. I was hurt but this ultimately fueled me more into pursuing j**n. Thankfully i had another best friend to lean on, jazmyn, who was pretty neutral about my crush on j**n which was fine by me. February came around we went to washington dc on a long weekend, the first two days planned looking at monuments and tourist attractions and the last day of the trip landed on Valentines day.
The first two days were great and I was by j**ns side for the majority of it, we even walked around the entirety of the Smithsonian during a free hour. The opportunity for it never came up, but i knew I wouldn’t have hooked up with him anyways, I didn’t want to be a homewrecker. So i decide to do something funny and cute for valentines day, send him some funny tumblr valenties day cards memes during the debate and hopefully he’d get a laugh out of it. So whilst sitting next to him, I send them to him and he does laugh and says thanks. But then, I look down at his phone as he saves the memes and sends them straight to his girlfriend. OUCH! YIKES! i start to silently cry (not full on sobbing but definitely tears) and he notices and he grabs my hand, does the thumb rubbing thing and lays his head on my shoulder in an attempt to cheer me up. it was simultaneously the most agonizing and soothing thing to ever happen to me. Eventually, i stopped crying and we packed up to leave to the airport. Before the plane took off, i get an influx of twitter notifs from jean. To my absolute horror, i noticed that he had spammed my twitter because i rted everyone elses tweets about the trip, so I figured he saw my absolutely pitiful tweet earlier that day “i’ll pretend he’s mine for the day”. I was beyond mortified and emotionally drained and just wanted to go home.
When I got home, after unloading everything on jazmyn and raine (another best friend), i decide to put my foot down with myself. Clearly this guy has no interest in me and i had to stop embarrassing myself for him. So i come up the ingenious idea of the May 1st Plan: basically, i was going to ignore, avoid, and not interact with j**n at all for until may 1st (of course, school ended in early june but i wanted to see if i could do this for almost 4 months, and hopefully the crush would disappear). And surprisingly, I actually followed through with it, all the way until the end of eleventh grade. I didn’t talk to j**n, i didn’t look for him in a room, i didn’t even talk about him excessively to my friends, only that i’ve been following the may 1st plan (they all supported me). Did the crush go away? Partially yes, but some stupid part of me still held on. However, during the time of avoidance, i started to get unlikely another crush on a boy named d*vid. D*vid honestly crept on me, I didnt expect i would like somebody like that but then i did and it surprised me. he was an in debate club, an aries (like me), funny (we shared the same sense of humor), so smart, witty, and was actually empathetic and “woke”. When i was around him, i felt like i could actually be myself and didn’t hold any parts of myself back, unlike with j**n. 
By the time senior year rolled around, I effectively had a crush on both guys, and only one knew that i liked him. I had 3 classes with both of them and 2 of them with each other. Around october/november, i’m in class, sitting next to a girl, and j**n is sitting in front of us. They start to talk about something and next thing I know, they kissed each other. on the lips. right in front of me. Remember when i said j**n was a flirt? Yeah, i wasn’t kidding. I went from calm to enraged in a second and went to the bathroom to cry. After that day, I knew that my half-crush on him was over. He’s a player and didn’t even give me the courtesy of giving me closure when i told him i liked him in tenth grade. From that day on, I only had eyes for d*vid, and all of my friends supported me in my pursuit of him.
One day some time later, after a debate club meeting, i’m in a discussion with two of my friends, tatiana and emily and j**n. Somehow, the conversation turns to the topic of crushes and tatiana and i talk about d*vid right in front of j**n. In the corner of my eye, i see him come to the realization that i no longer like him. Tatiana says something and i reply “i guess i just don’t have the best taste in guys.” J**n hears this, processes this, and promptly walks away... hurt? I felt bad and was scared he would snitch to d*vid so i shout after him “please don’t tell him” to which j**n only gives me the middle finger and keeps walking away. Wow, for the first time in 2 years, I ended up being the one to hurt his feelings, in the most unexpected of ways. Funny, we never discussed my feelings for him and he never gave me closure which resulted in me being hurt so many times but now i say something thats not even that far off from the truth and he’s hurt? Lol, ok. A few days later, I end up apologizing to him and he accepts. A few months pass, as j**n and d*vid end up going on the washington dc trip without me (i decided to save myself the money that year bc i already went the year before). 
When they come back, a few days later j**n approaches me in class and wants to tell me about something that happened during the trip. He tells me that he and d*vid had a bad falling out and that d*vid was still angry with him. Intrigued, i ask why and he tells me that they wanted to hook up with the same girl and j**n did it with the girl knowing d*vid would be upset about it. I was shocked about the situation bc i know you’d have to do something really bad to make d*vid mad and i was secretly angry on his behalf, i knew they were friends so how fucked up can j**n have been to do something like that? He lets me read the hand-written apology letter that he’d give d*vid later and I was just confused as to why he was telling me all of this. Maybe he thought since he knew i cared about d*vid a lot, he could get my approval on the matter. Once again, i just so happened to be in the middle of drama with j**n and somebody i cared for, only this time i didn’t have a raging crush over him.
A few days later i saw that they had made up but once again, j**n showed his true colors to people supposed to be his friends. Anyways the rest of the year passed without incident and we all graduated on the same page with each other. I haven’t talked to j**n since graduation and last year i very briefly talked to d*vid on snapchat. So yeah, hope you all enjoyed this rollercoaster of drama and emotion that was my high school life.
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Tagged by: @cactus-with-glasses sorry it lowkey took me 2 months to do this lmao
Pass the happy along!! When you get this, tell five things that make you happy. Then send it to five other nice people.
- stars
- squirrels
- succulents
- people i accidentally keep in touch with after camp ends but just like tHeOrEtiCaLLy ofc no one in particular 
- people who send me these tag game things even though i'm literally just the worst after AP season starts
Tagging: @ceptonum @mothgane @geckointhegarbage @gay-tlyn @the-aro-ace-arrow-ace @yourepanickingatthewrongdisco oops that’s 6 but the more happiness the better right? :))))
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chilled-rose · 3 years
Y'all I'm in the middle of watching Ar//cane and let me tell you when V/i got stabbed and had to lean on Cai/tlyn for support,,, and then when she got to lay down she was sweating and hallucinating??? I'm-
That whole scene was too damn short gimme more PLEASE 😍
0 notes
nyamvember · 8 years
I was tagged by @mochikissme (sorry it took me so long to do it)
No Hallyu Tag
Ariana Grande
Christina Aguilera
Fifth Harmony
High School Musical Cast
Hairspray Cast
Into The Woods Cast
10 favorite non-kpop songs:
Into You- Ariana Grande (The whole Dangerous Woman album tbh)
All I Ask- Adele
Bootylicious- Destin’y Child
Look But Don’t Touch- Serayah
Fergalicious- Fergie
Step Up- The Cheetah Girls (DONT JUDGE ME)
Can I Have This Dance- Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efrom
Yoga- Janelle Monae and Jidenna
Too Little, Too Late- JoJo
Heartburn- NLT
10 favorite movies:
Hairspray (The one with Zac Efron)
Johnson Family Vacation
She’s The Man
The Lorax
Horton Hears A Who
Into The Woods
The Cat in The Hat
Mean Girls
10 favorite tv shows, including anime & cartoons:
The Office
Ouran Host Club
Kuroko no Baske
Bob’s Burgers
Modern Family
American Housewife
10 favorite manga/comics:
I don’t read Manga or Comics
10 things you enjoyed before kpop/enjoy besides kpop, that won’t fit in the lists above:
Baking/ Cooking
Hair/Make-up Tutorials
THE SIMS 4 OMG (my best friend got me HOOKED)
Watching Movies
Hanging out with my friends (since college, we spend majority of the year away from each other, and during the summers we all work so time together is precious)
Watching TV
Ten Tag
last movie you watched: High School Musical 2 (but let’s be honest, I performed that movie)
last song you listened to: HER- Block B (it’s playing rn lol)
last show you watched: Mr. Young (it’s on Netflix and I really just play it as background noise when I sleep lol)
last book you read?: Last Year’s Mistake
last thing you ate?: Cheddar Blasted Goldfish
if you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be: Wherever my husband Namjoon is
when would you time travel to: The world has been fucked up, so I’d just stay here. The past was shit and I’m scared for the future of my country.
first thing you would do with lottery money: BUY A CAR OMG. Not even a fancy one either, I want the Nissan Murano
 character you would hang out with for a day? I don’t think I have one :/
time right now: 5:39 pm
first letter of your name tag
What is your name? - Caitlyn
A four letter word? - cool
A boy’s name? - Caiden
An occupation? - Chef
Something you wear? - Clothes lololol
A color? - cerulean
A food? - corn
Something you find in the bathroom? - cold water
A place? - College aka DEATH
A reason for being late? - couldn’t find the keys
Something you shout? - CAN YOU STOP (me @ bangtan)
A movie title? - Clueless
Something you drink? - Cola
An animal? - cat
A type of car? - carolla
Title of a song? - Can’t by GOT7
fave kpop songs of 2016
Blood, Sweat, and Tears by BTS
Fire by BTS
Hard Carry by GOT7
Boombayah by BlackPink
I’m Jelly Baby by AOA Cream
Boom Boom by Seventeen
Highlight by Seventeen
Lie by BTS Jimin
Begin by BTS Jungkook
Reflection by my husband BTS Rap Monster
MAMA by my second husband BTS J-Hope
Stigma by BTS V aka Kim Taehyung
Awake by BTS Jin
First Love by BTS Suga
Monster by EXO
Lucky One by EXO
Hey Mama! by EXO- CBX
1 of 1 by SHINee
Prove It by GOT7
Rewind by GOT7
Honeybee by Hani, Solar, and Luna
Firetruck by NCT 127
The 7th Sence by NCT U
I’m gonna stop here cause this could LITERALLY go on forever.
url tag (kpop edition)
o- Oh!: SNSD (Girl’s Generation)
v- Very Very Very: IOI
e- Embarrassed: BTS
r- Russian Roulette: Red Velvet
t- TT: Twice
h- Hard Carry: GOT7
e- Expectation: Seventeen
m- Monster: EXO
o- Outro: Wings: BTS
o- OMGT: Madtown
n- Not Today: BTS
j- Jam Jam: Seventeen
o- Only You: Miss A
o- One Of These Nights: Red Velvet
n- No More Dream: BTS
kpop tag
who was your first female bias? - Sunny (SNSD)
who was your first male bias? - Namjoon (BTS)
who are your current biases? (other than the ones above) - Hoseok, Minseok, Kyungsoo, Minho, Kibum, GOT7(nope, still can’t choose one), Hoshi, Heechul, Momo, Wonho, Jooheon, Hyungwon, etc.
in the entire kpop industry who is closest to your ideal type? - KIM “automatic dick” Namjoon
have you ever attended any kpop concert/fan meeting/fansign? - no TT
if yes, which group/artist? how was the experience? - N/A :/
which group/artist would you like to see live? - BTS, GOT7, Monsta X, Seventeen, Twice, Block B, SHINee, SNSD, EXO, etc.
how did you get into kpop? - I saw IGAB years ago and liked it but then it left my brain and then a friend on Snapchat posted herself rapping Hoseok’s part in Boy in Luv and I was curious, fell in love with Namjoon and I’ve been sucked down the rabbit hole since.
who are your otps? - ALL OF THEM. I’M NOT EVEN KIDDING. I SHIP EVERYTHING (except minors and my children)
when did u start to ship them? - Idk, it just happened
what is your favorite fanfic genre? - I don’t have a specific genre, but I only read Kiwi’s fics and I love all her writing (PS, you should check her out here)
what is your favorite music genre? - I like romantic songs, or rnb, or pop, or just whatever catches my fancy.
five things tag
5 things you’ll find in my bag
Lip balm
Candy (of some sort, my friends enjoy that part)
Portable charger
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom
A shit ton of electronics
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in my life
Travel overseas
Go on a Girl’s Trip
Have a “Treat Yo Self” Day
Go to a concert
Meet a Celebrity I actually like
5 things I’m currently into
5 things on my to-do list:
Finish all the work for March in my online class
Organize my attire for Spring Break
My Korean Lessons
Idk lolol
5 things people may not know about me:
I care for friendship more than anything because friends are people who choose to be in your life so I appreciate my friends above anything.
I’m really shy and awkward but I’m super fun and chill once I get used to someone.
Sometime’s I don’t reply in groupchats not because I don’t want to, but because the service in my dorm is literally the shittiest so I don’t get things until late if I’m in my room (which is where I am 90% of the time) and I feel really bad or sometimes I’m sleep or in class (where I can’t be on my phone)
I like learning new things and trying new things, so I’m open to most things (unless I’m allergic)
I love musicals, like, ALOT
random k-pop
rules: go to this website: www.random.org/lists/ and pick 15 of your bias/faves.
mum/dad: Taehyung
sibling: Jackson
grandma/grandad: Yoongi
haunts you: Minseok
boyfriend/girlfriend: Hoseok (DEAR LORD IM IN HEAVEN)
your ex: Jin
your bestfriend: Jooheon
proposed to you: Namjoon (BLESS YES)
your boss: Kibum
random person you meet at a bar: Momo
rival: Sunny
first kiss: Jimin
drunk and singing karaoke: Jungkook
played 7 minutes in heaven with: Wonho
gave you your favourite dessert: Minho
This was long but I enjoyed it.
Idk who to tag, so if you see this and we’re mutuals....TAG YOU’RE IT!!
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dorothydelgadillo · 6 years
Snap Originals: A New Advertising Opportunity from Snapchat
Remember back in 2012 when everyone -- including brands -- started to jump on the Snapchat bandwagon? (That’s when I did, at least…)
Since then, Snapchat has amassed 188 million daily active users, empowering brands to tell their stories in creative and unique ways, leveraging text, filters, animation, and videos.
Now, they’ve announced Snap Originals.
“Wait, is that like Netflix Originals, Kaitlyn?”
Yes. Yes, it is.
Snap Originals are video shows, exclusive to Snapchat, that users can watch right in the app. (Navigate to “Discover,” and you’ll see a dedicated “Shows” section where you can find the first round of Originals that are now available to watch.)
Each Original also has its own “Show Profile” page where users can sign up for push notifications to let them know when each new episode has been released.
While that’s great news for consumers, marketers should take note, because this is a fresh advertising opportunity.
OK, What Specifically Does that Mean for Us?
First, think audience.
We’ve all probably heard that Snapchat is aiming to position themselves as the HBO of smartphones. But in reality, Snap has been struggling to keep teens and other users with buying power interested -- especially when it comes to the competition it faces with Instagram.
Last quarter alone, Snapchat sank to 188 million daily users, down from 191 million, and it’s been looking for a way to spark growth.
However, even with those downward trends, Snapchat noted users’ time spent watching shows on the platform has tripled this year.
So, the creation of Snap Originals is a smart move for the brand, and it should still be considered an opportunity for businesses looking for reach younger audiences.
How Does It Work?
While watching a program, Snap Original viewers will encounter a few six-second commercials that cannot be skipped.
Example Snapchat Original advertisement from Reese's.
These will be sold by Snapchat, the producers, or a combination of the two.
You’ll need to keep an eye on the advertising acquisition process, however, as Snapchat has an initial plan to collect advertisers through outreach of their own, as well as at the NewFronts West conference in Los Angeles, which took place last week.
As of right now, there is no other information available on how to become a Snap Originals advertiser. That said, you should definitely be tracking this opportunity if your audience lives on Snapchat.
What You Need to Know Now
Snap plans on launching 12 Originals throughout its first phase, with three already live as of October 10.
Some featured shows include:
Endless Summer: Influencers Summer McKeen and Dylan Jordan try to balance love, friends, family, and fame in this intimate snapshot of their lives in Laguna Beach, California.
Class of Lies: Best friends-slash-college roommates Devon and Missy crack cold cases on their successful true-crime podcast… but can they solve the most important case of all when their best friend disappears without a trace? 
Co-Ed: Juggling classes, parties, and down-the-hall crushes, freshman roommates Ginny and Chris try their best to face whatever college throws at them, discovering who they are along the way. 
V/H/S: The next generation of the horror anthology series, bringing four new frightening experiences to the palm of your hand. 
(Check out the full lineup here.) 
The rest of the Originals are scheduled to be released throughout the rest of the month and into the near future.
While the pathway to becoming an advertiser is still somewhat unclear, knowing the shows ahead of time gives marketers a huge opportunity to position themselves in front of the eyes of their audiences by picking and choosing the content they know their potential buyers crave.
Think about it. We already do the same thing when we advertise on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. We build our audiences through what we know they’re interested in, and then we insert ourselves into that content.
You may soon be able to do the same for Snap Originals.
What’s Next?
For now, look out for Snapchat running ads to reel in viewers and advertisers on platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube.
The company has made it clear that they’re very much in the initial phase of learning what the audience wants, which means it’s fully possible that in three to six months they’ll begin creating bigger, more in-depth series after seeing what works and what doesn’t.
The Snapchat team has also talked about looking to identify content that is performing well outside of the Snapchat platform itself, so that they can bring it into their platform -- so, stay tuned for some more binge-worthy video and advertising opportunities!
from Web Developers World https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/snap-originals-a-new-advertising-opportunity-from-snapchat
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Tagged by @mothgane im sorry this is literally over a month late my life is a mess and so am i
Relationship status: engaged to my mattress
Favourite colour: navy blue @ceptonum im sorry
Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick,,,,,,, for reasons
Last song I listened to: i am literally playing music right this second and it's Fooling You by Rachel Platten what a queen
Last movie I watched: not counting movies watched in class Inception alckakxkakxkakjdkakd so good 14/10 recommend
Top 3 TV shows: Voltron, uhh Yuri On Ice that counts right, uhhhh New Girl
Top 3 bands/artists: Will Jay, Troye Sivan, Rachel Platten, OneRepublic, Oh Wonder, Kurt Hugo Schneider IM SORRY I COULDNT PICK JUST 3
Additional favs: Tumblr artists and writers man like just amazing y'all keep doing what you're doing bc you're doing GREAT also my mutuals y'all are great ily all if we've talked ily even more and if we haven't COME TALK TO ME I enjoy your presence so much oh you know what's another favorite yeah sleep but I've gotten like none it's 4 am tf
and TAGGING TIME: @ceptonum @the-aro-ace-arrow-ace @gay-tlyn @yourepanickingatthewrongdisco @geckointhegarbage
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