@more-bullets​ .
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Floyd watches the smoke from his cigarette spiral lazily into the sky. The breeze whisks it away, and he flicks his eyes back to the sleazy restaurant across the busy street. “Just you wait. I give you five to two odds this mission goes sideways and we end up on late night news.” Prob’ly Boomerang’s fault, he adds spitefully to himself.
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“Rather be on the news than be bored,” Dollface counters, hopping up to take a seat on a dumpster like it’s some kind of throne. Better than a fucking steel bench in Belle Reve or a rusted bed in Arkham, they suppose. “I know I thought I just wanted some fucking fresh air for once, but this is truly taxing to the mind. I thought I would at least get to punch someone.”
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onlytalia · 7 years
I'm so sad you're leaving 😭
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Sorry friend. I’m not gone from Tumblr. I still RP, just in another fandom. I’m over at @buryingthebodies in the TF2 world and you can find my art blog at @julepart
And for friends and mutuals I’ve known a long time, you’re free to add me on Discord at Bear #7300. I don’t like to lose touch.
I tried to reboot my Deadshot blog recently and that didn’t pan out great either, but I might try again sometime. He’s at @morebullets so. Keep an eye out. If I ever remake a Talia RP blog, I’ll be sure to come back and post about it here. 
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The park was quiet tonight, something she was happy to enjoy as she took a seat on a bench. She was waiting for someone. It’d been a long week for her- her head felt like it was going to explode and at this point she wasn’t sure if it was going to get better or not. She found herself reaching into her purse and shakily pulling out a pack of cigarettes, popping one into her mouth and allowing it to rest on her lip. Another moment and her hands pull out a bottle of ibuprofen is in her hands- popping the four tablets in her mouth and swallowing them dry.
“Fuck, I imagine this is what a bullet between the eyes feels like,” She takes out a lighter trying her hardest to light the cigarette. Three tries and she’s through- tossing the lighter to the ground as she sighs fingers pressing into her temples as she chews gently on the end of her unlit cigarette. “Can’t even enjoy a fuckin’ smoke...”
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tiredbeingtired · 9 years
morebullets started following you
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“Lawton." A twinge of surprise in his voice as he addressed the other. "I had expected that the next time I would see you, you'd be in a coffin.”
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@more-bullets gets a starter dc ; suicide squad
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“How LONG are we expected to sit here?” Dollface sounds annoyed, but resigned for now. “When they said I would be engaging in covert operations, I didn’t think it was going to be quite so dull. I might as well be back in my cell for all the excitement I’m being afforded here.”
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missfancycake-blog · 9 years
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xonegoodreason · 10 years
Excitement had definitely gripped Zoe since her father had suggested a trip to the fair. Despite agreeing to go to bed a little earlier than normal to make sure she got a good night's sleep, she'd ended up waking up a lot earlier than she'd expected, the apartment still quiet.
Having grabbed a book off the shelf to keep herself entertained, it was easy enough to pretend she was still asleep, at least until a noise down the hall woke up Flynn. Once he realised she wasn't asleep, he began yipping happily, practically bouncing up the bed to give her his usual morning greeting of drooly dog kisses while she tried to keep him quiet, failing miserably as she couldn't help but giggle at him.
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troubledmathilda-blog · 10 years
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(Oh so casually she enters this secluded gun shop, completely unaccompanied, a smug look on her face thinking with some confidence that she would get away with this, idly strolling up to the counter and placing small hands on the surface. ) I'm looking for——uhh, Barrett Model Ninety Nine. ( It was only natural for the clerk to laugh in her face. pointing her to the sign that so irritatingly read; under eighteens must be accompanied by an adult. )
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forgoblins · 10 years
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         What a pleasant surprise.
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xonegoodreason · 10 years
Floyd winning Zoe the most ridiculously huge/ridiculous amount of cuddly toys with his aim on fair games though.
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iwasborncarefula-blog · 10 years
morebullets replied to your post: “Ѡ”:
[text] oh god no that was not for you
[text] DO YOU HAVE A LADY FRIEND I DONT KNOW??? [text] boyfriend??? I wont judge
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crosshaired · 10 years
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missfancycake-blog · 10 years
morebullets liked your photoset:Mosh by sancollaboration in puimond
Do you like it? 
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brockrumlxw · 10 years
13, 17, 24, 33, 54
13.Go out drinking?
Every once in a while. I never say no to a good drink. And I always leave a bar with company. 
17.Have you had sex today?
Course I did. Please, nothing like a quick one in the morning, you know. It turns your whole day around. 
24. Had to lie to EVERYONE about how you felt?
I don't lie. My feelings a very vocalized. Honesty is key. 
33.Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Mostly. I don't even remember the last time I watched one, but people randomly breaking out into song? Yeah that's cheesy.
54.Tattoos OR no tattoos?
For myself? Tattoos. For others, I don't care much. 
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youflyingfascist · 10 years
You wanna tell Batman to stop stalkin' me?
Yes, because it's my job to make sure Batman doesn't stalk people. 
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xonegoodreason · 10 years
Red Riding Hood, the Wolf and Red's Granny family costume?
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