#morkmywords collab
Christmas in Lights | Junmyeon (part 1)
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Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Neighbor!AU 
Pairing: Junmyeon x Reader Word Count: 2701 Warnings: None! Summary: Kim Junmyeon has been your sworn enemy ever since he beat you in the annual town Halloween decorating competition and now you will stop at nothing to beat him in the Christmas decorating competition. (This is part 1 of a 2 part story)
A/N: This was written as part of the @exo-writers-net December Collab Event! I was lucky enough to be partnered with @morkmywords I absolutely love all of her fics (I personally recommend Not Really a Cinderella Story and Peaches). And we’re sorta down to the wire on posting these, but better late than never, right??? @morkmywords wrote part 2!
You looked up from your paperwork when the door to your office opened. Walking in the door was Kim Seju, a third grader and also your most frequent visitor. He was holding his elbow and had a small frown.
"Miss (Y/N)?" He asked with a frown.
You gave him a smile, "How's it going, Seju?"
He held out his arm out toward you, "I fell down and scraped my arm while I was playing tag."
You pressed your lips together, trying to not laugh as you reached for your first aid kit. This was the third time this week. This kid always got hurt in some way. Good thing your
He went over to his usual chair in the office and sat down next to you as you opened up the kit. You started to clean his scrape with the alcohol wipe. You started to talk to him to distract him from the pain.
"Any plans for winter break, Seju?" You asked, careful to not press down too hard to cause him more pain.
Seju winced, "Not really. It'll just be me and my dad this year. Dad doesn't have a girlfriend this year or anything so we don't have to go anywhere which is nice."
You nodded as Seju rambled on. You had already placed the bandage on his scrape but he didn't notice. You couldn't help but find his rambling endearing. At the mention of the lack of holiday plans, you had to hold yourself from scowling.
"So you and your dad are just staying home this year, huh?" You asked, a little bitter.
Seju looked at you, confused. "Yeah? But what about you, Miss (Y/N)?"
You shrugged, "I don't have any plans with family. My sister decided to go to the Bahamas with her husband. So I'm all alone this year."
For the third year in a row, you couldn't help but think bitterly. Well, you could blame it on her lavish lifestyle. She had certainly changed ever since she won the lottery.
Then again, she did gift you a house that you wouldn't have been able to afford on a school nurse salary. It was in a nice neighborhood, though you couldn't help but think it was probably the cheapest one.
You didn't have any actual plans for Christmas, but you had more important plans leading up to it. Possibly diabolical ones.
As if summoned by your thoughts, the door to your office opened again.
Walking in wearing a dark gray suit was Kim fucking Junmyeon.
He looked around the office confused until his gaze rested on you. He smiled wide, his eyes crinkling slightly.
"Knew I'd find you here," he said.
Not at you. But the boy sitting next to you.
"Dad!" Seju exclaimed, jumping out of his seat super fast and running to his father.
You watched as Junmyeon bent down to give Seju a hug. And if it were any other parent, you would have found this a cute scene.
Junmyeon locked eyes with you over Seju's shoulder, smirking. It made you seethe.
"What are you doing here?" Seju asked when he pulled away from the hug.
Junmyeon smiled and patted his son's head. "I'm pulling you out of school for your dentist appointment, remember?"
Seju pouted. "I hate going to the dentist."
Junmyeon laughed. "Well, if you don't have cavities, we can make cookies tonight, okay?"
"Of course!"
The bell rang, signaling the end of recess. Junmyeon nudged his son. "You go get your stuff and meet me back here, okay? I already talked to the office and your teacher."
"Okay!" Seju exclaimed, running out of the office. "Be back!"
Part of you hoped that Junmyeon would leave or wait outside, so your veins thrummed when he simply hung around.
"You going to the meeting later?" Junmyeon asked, leaning on your desk. You wanted nothing more than to smack his arms away.
"Do I really have a choice? Minseok would skin me alive if I skipped," you scoffed.
Minseok never forgave poor Baekhyun when he skipped a neighborhood community meeting to sleep early. He had put Baekhyun on cleanup duty for the three months after.
You locked eyes with him and he smirked. You wanted to slap it off of his face.
"I think he's going to announce the Christmas decorating contest tonight. Are you prepared to lose again? Ready for a repeat of Halloween?" he teased.
If you were a cartoon, steam would have been coming out of your ears. He laughed at your expression.
Seju opened the door once again, his backpack haphazardly thrown on. "You ready to go, Dad?"
"Yeah, let's go, buddy." He went to the door but turned around and winked at you. "I'll see you later, Miss (Y/N)."
Seju waved at you enthusiastically. "Have a good day, Miss (Y/N)! Thank you for the band-aid!!"
You gave the child a small wave back. You also tried not to look at Junmyeon's butt as he walked away.
You failed.
Neighborhood community meetings were always interesting. You figured it was a perk to knowing everyone It gave you the chance to see people you were otherwise too busy to see due to differing schedules. Like Zhang Yixing, who travelled a lot but always made time to come to each meeting. And Do Kyungsoo, who always made enough food for everyone. Especially after the time Jongin was in charge of the food and gave everyone food poisoning because of bad fried chicken. It also gave everyone the opportunity to gossip like the catty housewives they pretended they wanted to be. Like Kim Jongdae, who was once again passive-aggressive in telling Chanyeol that his bushes were three inches too high for regulation. You had no idea if Chanyeol was playing dumb or if he genuinely didnt pick up what Jongdae was trying to tell him. You sat towards the back of the hall that was usually used for these meetings. You looked up when you felt someone take the seat next to you. Oh Sehun slumped in his seat, which you found odd because he usually had perfect posture. He sipped at his coffee that was usually provided at these meetings. His eye bags were dark and extreme. "Everything okay?" You asked. "I've been up for thirty hours," he mumbled. "Why?" He opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by Minseok who stood at the podium. He looked adorable in his Santa hat. "I'm glad that everyone could make it today!" He greeted warmly. "We have a bit to talk about today but I'll cut to the chase with our more exciting news. We are hosting another round of our Christmas decorating contest!" You squeezed the hem of your skirt tightly in anticipation. "This year's theme is Lights! So make sure you make your house light up the night this year!"  Minseok announced. He rambled on but your eyes trailed over to where you knew Junnyeon was sitting. You had been hyper aware of him ever since he entered the room. He looked over and locked eyes with you, a growing smirk on his face. You scowled. What a dick. "Are you still mad about him beating you on Halloween?" Sehun asked, you could tell from his teasing tone that he was amused. "Of course. What's passed is past. I just think it was ridiculous that he won even though Nightmare Before Christmas is clearly a Christmas movie and not a Halloween movie," you scoffed. "You're such a sore loser," Sehun chuckled. "Just you watch asshole," you grumbled. "I'm gonna beat him this year."
To say that you and Junmyeon had a history would be ridiculous. You had known him for a little less than a year, and for most of it you thought that he was a perfect gentleman. He definitely had his cool and suave sides, accentuated by the way he dressed in his suits for work. There was a charm about him that drew you to him immediately. It also helped that he was incredibly attractive. You felt yourself melt every time he threw a smile toward you. You could say that you harbored a little tiny crush on him. And then Halloween happened. Your neighborhood was famous—borderline notorious—for the Christmas decoration contest held every year. And for the last five years (including the first year that the house was gifted to you by your millionaire sister) the title for Best Decorator had been yours for the last five years. You were gifted a reindeer shaped statuette each year with the title Best Decorator and the year etched under it on its base. It was perhaps a little bit overboard, but you appreciated the sentiment and had each statuette proudly displayed on the mantle of your fireplace. So when a Halloween version opened up this year, you gunned for first place as well. You spent a lot of time researching fog machines and projectors. You went to haunted houses with the intent on taking notes on how to successfully make a scary aura. You had thought that your only competition would be Sehun, who thought that TP-ing his own house counted as Halloween decorating. Oh, how wrong you were. Kim Junmyeon won the title for Best Halloween Decorator. He had managed to turn his front yard into a recreation of a Tim Burton movie seemingly overnight. You could see elements of both Nightmare Before Christmas and Beetlejuice in his decoration. And because of it, he stole the title from right under your nose. It took you until almost Thanksgiving to get over the loss, but you had acknowledged Junmyeon as your rival. You resolved to keep your title for Christmas and crush him. You still adored Seju though, even though the kid got hurt enough at school to where you worried over him, seeing him was still the only good part of your day sometimes. You unlocked the door to your car only to freeze at what was inside. You looked around confused until you found a tiny card on your dashboard and opened it. You immediately ripped the card in anger. A door opened next door, Sehun was walking out, presumably leaving for work. You dropped the pieces of card on the ground and charged at Sehun, your hands wrapping around his neck. He yelped in surprise. “Why did you help Junmyeon break into my car?” you growled. “How did you know?” Sehun asked, voice barely escaping in your grip. “Only you are crafty enough to break into a car without breaking a window.” His eyes suddenly shined at the odd compliment. You thought that it was weird that he was flattered. “You think I’m crafty?” You nodded. “Like how Kevin McCallister from Home Alone is crafty.” You let go of Sehun’s neck, he bent over to catch his breath. “But that’s beside the point! Why did you help him do it?” Sehun shrugged. “He just asked me to do it and I did. He didn’t tell me why.” “He left a bajillion Christmas themed pacifiers in my car,” you said, frustrated. “Along with a card that said, ‘You might need these for when I beat you in the contest.’” “This rivalry you guys have is the weirdest form of foreplay,” Sehun wheezed, rubbing his neck. “What are you talking about?” you asked. Sehun rolled his eyes. “C’mon, (Y/N), it’s clear that you two have a thing for each other.” “I do not have a thing for Kim Junmyeon!” you exclaimed angrily, uncaring if the entire neighborhood heard you. “The way you stare at his butt begs to differ,” Sehun muttered bitterly. You rolled your eyes. In another world you thought you and Sehun would be a good match, but his interests more aligned with musicians who wore too many muscle shirts. Before you could open your mouth to reply—probably to tease him about his petty jealously—Sehun’s front door opened again, revealing Chanyeol who strided over to Sehun with his signature grin. “Sehun-ah!” he called out. He handed Sehun a paper bag. “You forgot your lunch.” Sehun smiled, eyes squinting into crescents. “Thank you, hyung. I appreciate it.” You looked back and forth between them. Sehun, as if remembering what was happening and where he was, looked at you panicked. “This isn’t what it looks like?” You quirked an eyebrow, “Good, because I don’t have the emotional capacity to unpack this right now. Just don’t help Junmyeon break into my shit ever again.” You turned around and stomped away. “I have an ass to beat this Christmas!” “Kinky!” Sehun yelled to your retreating back. You flipped him off.
You opened the door to see Seju shuffling nervously, holding a giant plastic bag in his hands. You blinked, confused, before shaking it off. You smiled, "Seju, how is your break going?" "Good, Miss (Y/N)!" Seju answered enthusiastically. He thrust the plastic bag at you. "I made these for you!" The contents of the bag looked questionable. Inside looked what appeared to be black star-shaped lumps. You hesitated to take them, but you didn't want to hurt Seju's feelings. "Thank you, Seju. What are these?" You asked. He tilted his head at you, confused. "Can't you tell? They're cookies!" You gulped before putting on a stronger, faker, smile. "Of course they are, how silly of me." "I made them to thank you for taking care of me!" Seju grinned. You were touched by the sentiment. "You're very welcome, Seju. Just be more careful when school starts back up again, okay?" Seju nodded, "Okay!" Deep down, you knew that nothing much would change. Seju waved goodbye as he went back to his house, leaving you with the bag of lump-shaped cookies. You closed the door and sighed. Should you throw them away? Another knock on the door startled you out of your thoughts. You opened the door again, surprised to see Junmyeon at your doorstep. He was most certainly dressed down. He wore a plain white shirt with gray sweatpants. His hair, not styled, was pushed out of his face by a headband. His hands were behind his back, and you could see the tiniest peek at how defined his chest was. How did he still look so good even in casual clothes? "Hi?" You asked. "What are you doing here?" Junmyeon sighed. "Whatever you do, do not eat those cookies." He revealed another plastic bag from behind his back. This time, you could clearly see that they were cookies. You gingerly took them from his outstretched hands. "Why are you being so nice to me?" You asked with a glare. Junmyeon shrugged. "My son likes you." You rolled your eyes. "You're just buttering me up so that I could let my guard down for the competition." His lips quirked up in a teasing smile. "Is it working?" "As if," you huffed. "Delicious sweets won't work on me." You were about to slam the door in his face but stopped yourself. "Thank you, though," you mumbled. "I had no idea what I was going to do with Seju's cookies." Junmyeon smiled bigger this time, more genuine. "My pleasure, (Y/N)."
You walked out on your front porch and screamed. "What the hell is this?!" You dont know how, but overnight your front yard had become a reenactment of Nightmare Before Christmas. You had come face to face with Jack Skellington in a Santa costume, smiling in a way that unsettled you. There was a note sticking on his chest with your name written in neat scrawl. You instantly recognized the writing. You opened the note. 'You're right, Nightmare Before Christmas is much more of a Christmas movie than a Halloween movie. Maybe if I gave you these you'd stand a chance at beating me. --Junmyeon' You crushed the note in your hand and pushed Jack Skellington over, screaming. You spied Sehun out of the corner of your eye, who raised his hands in surrender and shook his head, wanting to let you know that he had nothing to do with this one. You stomped over to the rest of the decorations, pulling them down. Kim Junmyeon just struck your last nerve.
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exodeluxee · 6 years
EXO Fanfic List [Current]
Fanfiction that haven’t been finished yet (personal masterlist to look at)
A Truth Universally Acknowledged by @yehet-me-up​ | 2
Worth The Risk by @baekwell--tart​ | 3 [Customs Collab Masterlist]
A Truth Universally Acknowledged by @yehet-me-up​ | 2
Broken by @whimsical-ness | 3
Cupcakes and Fangs by @fairyscribbles – Wolf AU | 7
Dichotomy by @kyungseokie | 3
Gods and Monsters by @spiritsuga – Fantasy AU | 3
Impulse Controls by @suhoerections​ | 2 [Customs Collab Masterlist]
Pronoia by @stainandscribble – Soulmate AU | 4
The Truth You Can’t Hide by @heechulhamster​ – Mafia AU | 8
Joyride and Finesse by @yeoldontknow​ | 2 [Customs Collab Masterlist]
Bad Boy by @chogiout – CEO AU |  8
Bedazzling Heart of Gold by @baekonsforbreakfast​ | 11
Fleeting by @baekonsforbreakfast​ | 2
Incandescent by @baekonsforbreakfast​ | 5
Mister by @angstyexo | 3
Saving Lives by @xiutingmyself – Doctor AU | 11
Stolen Heart by @kpop---scenarios​ | 2 [Customs Collab Masterlist]
Trauma by @baekwell–tart – Mafia AU | 10
Illicit by @whimsical-ness | 5
The Art of Sin by @kimjongdaely​ | 5 [Customs Collab Masterlist]
The Forbidden Pool by @mint-yooxgi – Wolf AU | 14
Pink Roses by  @deermi | 3
Wild Valley by @fairyyeols​ | 6 [Customs Collab Masterlist]
Notes by @cbxtual​ | 14
White Mustang by @kyungseokie​ | 2 [Customs Collab Masterlist]
Fake Vows by @isearchedtheyooniverse | 9
Pretty Little Vixen by @ninibears-erigom-fics | 4
Apartment 5108 by @enaasteria | 18
Not Really A Cinderella Story by @morkmywords – Royalty AU | 14
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exo-writers-net · 6 years
December collab event. PAIRINGS!
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Hello members, the day has come!
Are you guys excited? We sure are! We’re just so happy to see how many people wanted to participate in this little project. They’re more than we expected and we are so grateful for that. We hope to read all the wonderful stories you come up with together.
And remember, this is for fun. We thought about this so you guys could have a great time and encourage each other, because we know sometimes we really need someone to tell us to write and to give us their opinion and ideas.
We’re not going to say anything more, we know you just want to know who is your partner, so here it is:
Pairing 1: @morkmywords and @theonethatcompletesyou
Pairing 2: @kpopimagi and @exo-waithowdidigethere
Pairing 3: @messyscriptorium and @technicallymilkshakes
Pairing 4: @ninibears-erigom and @guccijaee
Pairing 5: @singingunderthecurtain y @thesammtimes
We remind our members that the first day they can start posting their works is the 24th of December and the last day for doing so is the 31st of December.
Don’t forget to tag your works using the network’s hashtag #exowritersnet and the event’s hashtag #exodecembercollab18
Lastly, you can publish you work however you want to. You can either choose one person to publish the whole story or you can divide the story in half so every member of the couple has the opportunity to publish something. The only thing we ask from you is that the story is self-conclusive.
What are you waiting for? Talk to your partner and let’s get those typing fingers moving!
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