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mormonatdisney-blog · 7 years
Disney Day One:
First thought when I got off the airplane: Holy Crap, I forgot that palm trees existed. How did I forget that???? Recap of what Happened Today:
-The night previous, I booked a group shuttle from www.mearstransportation.com to take me from the Orlando airport to the front gates of my Disney Housing. They were superb! I was upgraded at no charge from a shuttle to a taxi and the friendliest man I have ever met was my driver. Though I failed to catch his name, He was originally from Haiti, was a huge Patriots football fan, was a faithful and active christian. He also had been a DCP trainer, employed by the Disney company for a decade, in practically every department you can think of! He said something wonderful which will be sticking with me: I can see that you’ve got a big smile on your face. Keep that up and you can do anything! We continued to talk about how hurricane season was actually a blessing because it brought all the vegetation back to life in the area and made Florida beautiful. Having met such a kind person so adamant about the grace of God put me in the best mood for the bit of chaos that happened next.
-I didn’t get to Disney housing until 6pm. my check in was supposed to be at 9am. Safe to say, I was late. The security team was confused about what my driver was asking of them, and they gave me the wrong directions. Mr. Driver guy was awesome enough to drive me to the wrong place (which we were subsequently confused by), where we literally stopped on the curb in front of one of my roommates! What a blessing! She hopped into the taxi with us, brought us to the right location, then she helped me pass through security and wheel all of my suitcases to our apartment. in the end, we had driven in circles.
-Since I arrived looong after check in had closed, I was unable to receive a photo ID card. An ID is absolutely necessary to be admitted into the housing residential area by security...so I couldn’t really leave my apartment and parking lot until I was issued one!!! This was problematic. I had no food except for some snacks I had bought on a whim on my way out of the Orlando airport. I couldn’t leave and go shopping. What did I do? I ordered a pizza for the first time in my life. Go me! Domino’s is great, btw. I ate a whole pizza by myself- and considering that I am 90 lbs sopping wet and am 4′11″, that is a feat I am celebrating.
Nothing super magical happened today, but I am sure that as training starts I’m going to be swept up in all the Disney culture. 
Thoughts: -Coming to Disneyworld, even though I barely remember the other time I was here, totally feels like coming home. - The humidity is nuts. There is no way you can mentally prep for this. -Man, I am going to be in skirts all the time. Goodbye pants.
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