#morro is considered ugly pony for a reason i will not explain now because i didn't think about it just yet
pepmint-art · 9 months
ninjago mlp au lets gooo
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Lloyd is a prince, son of a pony, Queen Misako, and a changeling, Kind Garmadon. Misako is a queen in one of the kingdoms while Garmadon was a ruler of the whole land. Was, until he chose to come back to the kingdom of changelings (to which he was the rightful ruler after his mother's passing) and support his kind while epidemic started as more and more changelings were becoming corrupted.
but he had no way to know he was too late already, and there wasn't much he could do. and the worse was that his little family, fiancé and baby son followed with him.
Misako couldn't risk her family also getting corrupt. she wouldn't be affected herself, but Garmadon for sure could and she didn't know how about Lloyd, as he was only half changeling. Garmadon refused to come back, so Misako took their son and left, raising him in the kingdom her parents left in her hooves.
Garmadon got infected himself, he couldn't come back. not to his family nor to the palace where his little brother was. he didn't know, but even if he could come back no matter of his state, ponies would banish him. he was accused of feeding on the love Misako had to him, and as arguments about whether he should be their ruler or not went down, everypony decided. changeling like him cannot be trusted.
Prince Wu, a pony, became new king. but he never let anyone refer to him as a "king" as the real king was somewhere else. the crown wasn't his, it was Garmadon's.
years passed, Wu took in a student (Morro) and everything seemed to be finally going into right way. but a word about Garmadon's returning got spread.
Wu saw it as an opportunity to get his brother back, so he created team of total dummies: earth ponies- Kai and Cole, unicorn- Jay, pegasi- Zane, half pony/half mermaid- Nya, and his nephew- Luh Loyd
unfortunately, during their adventure of rescuing or defeating Garmadon (they didn't know themselves what should thay do with him) Lloyd and Kai got attacked and both bitten by corrupted changelings. Kai's wound quickly healed, but Lloyd got corrupted.
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he knows, he just knows they make fun of him
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