dnafritz · 3 years
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2 different look when mothra sleep...
A) what ppl see✨
B) what moshura see😪
Moshura : yeah, my big sis a maniac of sleeping bdw😓
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ravenkult · 4 years
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chunli by Fedor Moshura https://www.artstation.com/artwork/EL4ea2
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three-golden-kings · 3 years
Hello, guys How are you. It's me Moshura again~ Well i brought my 2 clone here too, bcs i will try all ice cream flavour in your universe so~ Hai-hai i Ashura~ nice to meet you, ghidorah this universe≧∇≦ so you must be kevin right? You look cute Wahahahaha. Moshura say you fan of food right? Lets make challenge shall we(•ω•) [Another clone just leave without say anything] Ashura : just ignore her. Tenma, always like thats. Maybe she need something to burned. Moshura : shut up ashura! #sigh
San: Well, my name is San, but most people from this planet like calling me Kevin I don’t know why. It’s a fun name though! And yes, I LOVE food, you got some?
Ichi sighed
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dnafritz · 3 years
- Ugly! 2 -
And Done✨
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Ichi and Ni : Impossible!!! #shock
Kevin : Eh? Why me so look evil?
Moshura : #SIGN...
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dnafritz · 3 years
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My Daughter OC Moshura💕✨
She Mothra lil sis in my story gijinka🌺
She have trait of space but dont have wings like her big sis, but she can fly with her magic cosmic and fire burst (cap marvel reference😂) and she can make clone (just 3).
She battra version? No, battra in my story have OC themself. Bdw she hate battra actually (sorry battra fans🙈💦) but sometime she agree with battra decision about mother of earth, another kaiju and human. Actually she don't like human and other kaiju in case because they always make her big sis suffer and the reason they mother die. She can tolerance with Shobijin Fairy and respect them (her mother servant in past)
So i think, that's is little information about my OC in Monsterverse gijinka fanart story.
Thanks bdw~
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dnafritz · 3 years
- Cold Rain -
Mothra : Moshura? Hurry up!
Moshura : But sis, i... I afraid. There's so many human in there...
Mothra : Is ok. Give me your hand~
Moshura : Bu- wait...!!!
Mothra : No matter what happen i will protect you. Right?!
Moshura : ...
Mothra : Look!!! The Shobijin they coming, hurry~ hurry~
( Moshura is my OC n she mothra twin, but she very different with mothra )
Sorry my english is suck🙈
Maybe i will make another fanart video about her and mothra💕✨
I wish✨
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dnafritz · 3 years
- Ugly! 1 -
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Sorry my english is suck🙈
Kevin so cute bdw😳💕
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dnafritz · 3 years
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When mothra have beautiful smile like angel, but her lil sis have smile like...
Thats lyrics from Arknights ost CC Pyrite
Because she can make clone, another smile is coming soon if im not busy😆✨
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dnafritz · 3 years
- FGO anniv reference CE -
Fly with majectic / "Behold mortal, Battra god of dead is come to end you all. Hahahaha~ " (voice like surt thor ragnarok in movie)
[In behind?!]
[Some air balloon fly in battra behind]
[Moshura in that balloon with M200 in her hand]
In ground
"Ah~ here we go again~" [Mothra close her eyes and pretend not see anything]
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ravenkult · 4 years
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Venom by Fedor Moshura https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8l2Z3E
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ravenkult · 4 years
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Wolverine - Fortnite by Fedor Moshura https://www.artstation.com/artwork/481mD4
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ravenkult · 6 years
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Monkey King by Fedor Moshura https://www.artstation.com/artwork/P9o4L
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ravenkult · 7 years
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Greater Demon by Fedor Moshura https://www.artstation.com/artwork/P3eW8
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three-golden-kings · 3 years
Hai, im Moshura. I mothra lil sis in another universe. Im sorry with my mom say yesterday about you San? Or Kevin? She always say cute with every kaiju she meet, even with ramarak too #omg. Hn, if you dont mind, i will treat you ice cream?Do you like ice cream? Or drink maybe? Next time!? #smirk Well, thats what i wanna say. Have good day your highness. O yeah~ if you meet my cousin battra tell him, if he hurt my big sis in this universe. I'll burn his fluffy ass to ashes #smirkdevil / Ok bye~
San: Oh! It’s fine! And yes, I’d love Ice Cream! After all I’m a fan of food! [He chuckled]
Ichi: [He sighed] Not again...
San giggled at his brother’s reaction.
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