#mostly it’s the X Reader stuff that is wildly ooc tbh
exhaustedwerewolf · 2 years
I do love that tlovm is getting more people into the characters and allowing them to experience the story but very occasionally I will see a take about a character and be like “oh I can instantly tell you haven’t watched the stream. because you are so so wrong”
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crowsnqueens · 1 year
Bibliophile; Pt. ii
Kaz Brekker x Bibliophile!wife!reader
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Summary: After Jesper watches a display of affection between his boss and his co-crow (hehe) he talks to Nina about it, eventually involving Inej and the heartrender in an investigation
a/n: this part of the storyline takes inspo from @undiscovered-horizon’s fic “Four Crow Investigation” which you can find here! i rlly recommend their stuff you should check them out!
Warnings: Mostly the same stuff as last time, you will need to read pt. i so go check her out first, Kaz is less angsty bc he’s married blah blah blah, (i’m just going to copy and paste the ones from pt. i tbh lmao) Kaz can tolerate reader’s touch, mentions of alcohol and drinking it, fluff for DAYS, reader uses she/her pronouns and is described as female, marriage??, the crows are about 22 in this (which is what i imagine to be in the show), OOC Kaz (i tried y’all)
Pt. i !!!
“I’m telling you, Nina! He kissed her forehead! There’s something going on here.” Jesper’s hands flailed about wildly as he expressed his concern to the girl across from him.
“I don’t doubt you, Jes. We just need to go about this carefully. Tell Inej.” The heartrender sipped her tea and waved the boy to go find their friend.
“Oh, I’ve known. I just can’t tell whether they’re just dating or married, it’s hard when they go about it so delicately. It’s really sweet, actually.” A soft smile lit the Suli girl’s face.
“Argh! I need to know! The anticipation is killer, I need to tell more people about this. Wylan!” The Zemini boy sauntered out of the room shouting.
“Saints, Jesper, carefully also means quietly! They’ll know we know if they hear us shouting.” Nina cautioned him.
“Who’ll know you know?” Y/n entered the kitchen gracefully and quietly. Even Inej was slightly taken aback. “What do you know that’s so secret? Can I have some of this Nina?” She gestured to the tea pot.
“Sure! And nothing too important, just the usual barrel gossip.” The Corporalnik laughed cooly as Y/n began to ascend the stairs.
“Alright. See you guys.” She giggled and waved to her three friends.
“That was too close.”
Inej and Jesper nodded together, all eyes falling on the boy.
“Stop yelling about top secret information, idiot.” Nina whispered.
“They know, Kaz” Y/n entered his office and sat in the chair opposite himself.
“About us together or our marriage?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Probably just us together, but I wouldn’t put it past Inej to know. We should just tell them, love.”
“How do we tell without telling?” Kaz questioned his wife as she used her best impression of his famous scheming face.
“I have an idea.” She smiled
“Do you know?” The boy smirked back at her, ready to listen.
“Oh, Demjin left some papers out.” Matthias walked past the kitchen table with a buttered piece of toast in hand, eyes rolling and head shaking.
“What do they say?” Jesper rushed the table with vigor and looked through some of them.
“Nina, they’re married! For three years! They’ve been wed since they were nineteen! Their marriage certificate is right here! Can you believe it?!”
“I really can’t.” Y/n’s voice carried from the bottom of the stairs to Jesper’s ears as he whipped around and pursed his lips.
“Morning, Y/n.” the boy waved a little and scrambled to the couch to attempt to disappear.
“Mrs. Brekker. Thats her official title, anyway.” Kaz waltzed in and placed a kiss to his wife’s cheek and continued to his arm chair in their living area.
Nina ran a hand over her face and gave the sharpshooter a look.
“Good going, Jes.”
The group laughed, Y/n sat on the arm of Kaz’s chair and linked their pinkies.
“Tell us everything. How did he propose?” Wylan leaned toward the two.
“Well, we were on a job…”
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