#mother miranda x fem mc
ranchracoon · 8 months
Feathers and Blood (Mother Miranda x Fem MC)
The roar of the market is deafening, people haggling the price of spices and garments while blissfully unaware of the secrets lurking further in. In the furthest part of the market is a stand set up at the back of a wagon, the table is lined with various exotic items and dried meats hang from the doors of the wagon. The man behind the table is short and stocky, his belly protrudes from underneath his shirt, the buttons strain to contain the rest. He hands a customer a green bottle with a green cross in the corner and DISINFECTANT in bold, black letters across the top. He takes the money from the customer then turns his attention to an approaching woman, he combs his hand through his hair that is oily enough to power a car.
The approaching woman is tall, taller than any average woman with platinum blonde hair and piercing gray eyes. She parts the crowd with her presence, people give her a wide berth and dare not glance her way. A wolf stalking through a herd of sheep, each one hoping another is chosen as this day's sacrifice. The man flashes her a friendly smile despite her cold, calculating stare unwavering as she halts on the other side of the table. She pretends to examine the artifacts in front of her, picking up an object to look it over before tossing it aside back onto the table.
"Miranda, pleasure to see you as always. What-"
The woman silences him with a wave of her hand but she still doesn't speak, instead she glares until she sees him swallow nervously. She cocks her head to one side, wrapping one arm around her torso and resting her other on top of it. A dark aura surrounds her, the other merchants bring their dull roars to a whisper, sparing glances at the poor man about to face his doom. They've seen her before, whispers of the things she has done, will do, and has yet to do navigate this market quicker than fire during dry season.
"Duke. Do you know why I am here?" The woman asks.
"Because I have all of your needs of course! Have I ever failed to deliver? Everything you want, everything you need, I can get. What is it today?"
"You could not be more incorrect, I am here in regards to my previous purchase. You said, and I quote, 'the most potent substance out there. Untraceable, undetectable, and can bring down a fully grown, bull elephant with a single drop.' Does that sound familiar?"
"Ah yes, the Tetrodotoxin I remember."
"Quiet." She orders, "that pathetic excuse for a toxin could not kill a newborn babe. I intended to kill you when I arrived but I concluded I would not be who I am if I was not fair; so, I'll give you a chance to remedy your mistake, then decide if I'll still kill you or not."
The Duke's eyes flash for a split second with fear, he knows she is true to her word. His eyes dart to the other stands but none of the sellers look his way, this is business as normal. There's a reason this street is nick-named the 'red-bricked road'; there was a time when the stone was pristine, but now sports a dingy, dulled, red from the copious amount of death it has witnessed. He swallows again and tries to think quickly, he's not one to give up money so easily so option 2 it is. He leans over and picks up the green bottle of medicine, sporting it in the air and flashing his best smile.
"This here is the world's most powerful disinfectant. I know someone like you could benefit from it, no matter the ailment this will fix it. It's not just a disinfectant but a cure-all for anything that ails you. The entire case, worth millions can be yours."
A bead of sweat runs down the side of his face, Miranda doesn't bother to look at the bottle but keeps her gaze on him. Normally he's very good at reading people, seeing the wheels turn in their head but not her, she has as much readability as a statue. Then his worse possible fears come true, the tiniest sound, a groan from inside the wagon catches her attention. Any human wouldn't have noticed over the murmuring of the crowds, but Miranda caught it instantly. Her attention targets the wagon, she straightens her head and tilts her chin up toward it, listening, and waiting. Duke stands there, unmoving and hoping she chalks it up to a simple creak, nothing more.
"What's inside the wagon?" She asks.
"What? Nothing. Overstock, my laundry of course, maybe a few mice here and there. Some inventory, trinkets, nothing that would interest you and certainly nothing as valuable as this here-"
"You love to ramble when you lie. Now show me." She interrupts.
He sighs defeatedly, setting the bottle back underneath the table before twisting to the back of the wagon and pulling the curtain back. The sunlight illuminates the interior to expose a woman with her ankles and wrists bound to the flooring. Miranda approaches the back and leans in to get a closer look; she must blink a few times to adjust to how dark it is for the woman blends in with dark flooring and walls. Her only clothing is a torn crop top, and pants with a tube going from her side into a familiar looking green bottle. Miranda scrunches her nose at the smell, it burns with every inhale and she brings her hand to her nose to block it out.
"Release her." Miranda orders.
"With all due respect Miranda, she-"
The Duke didn't finish his sentence before the air around him dissolves, he chokes and coughs to try and breath but there's nothing there. His face turns purple before he drops to his knees and claws at the collar of his shirt, then in a split second the air returns and he sucks in a loud, gasping breath. After a moment of struggling he stands, reaches into his pocket to withdraw a key before heaving himself into the wagon. His weight causes the wagon to lean back and the woman flinches from the sudden intrusion, he pants and grunts as he unlocks the chains then shuffles back out.
"Come out here." Miranda orders.
The woman stretches her legs, flexes her fingers and follows the order, she keeps her head down until she touches the edge of the wagon. She waves her hand blindly, looking for stability before settling on the wall to support her as she swings one leg after the other. Miranda watches the woman intently, seeing her clearly now in the sunlight. She no longer has the tubing in her side but there's a very obvious scar where the tube was but no open wound. Her hair is black and matted, it shields her face from further view so Miranda reaches over to move a large mat aside. The woman looks up and Miranda pauses, her eyes are cat-like yellow in their entirety with two large, black irises. The longer she stands in the sun, the thinner they become until they're thin slits, splitting the yellow down the center. She's an inch or two shorter than Miranda, her skin is darker than any human with speckles of white around her fingers and eyes, she's extremely malnourished but has visible abs and muscles on her arms.
"What's your name?" Miranda asks.
"Inanna." The woman answers.
Duke takes a cloth from his pocket to wipe the sweat away from his forehead when the woman speaks. Miranda's eyebrow cocks for a microsecond before falling to its original place, if the woman's eyes and skin weren't enough then her voice was a dead giveaway that she is not human. Her voice is gravely, most likely from dehydration but it is also low and muffled like someone had put a pillow over a speaker. Miranda cautiously reaches out to examine the woman's face but she startles back, her lips curling and causing her cracked lips to bleed.
Miranda retracts her hand then turns on her heels, "this will suffice."
"You're-wait, you can't take her."
Miranda turns to him warningly, making his swallow and simply nod in understanding as Inanna awaits further instruction. When Miranda turns back around she uses her index finger to signal for her to follow. She follows behind Miranda and stops when she does, Miranda doesn't look at Duke and instead examines her fingernails.
"Tell me Inanna, what would you do to someone who conned you?" She wonders.
"In my culture the punishments are direct reflections of the crime. If I was promised something and given another, I would return the favor." She answers.
"Hm." Miranda responds, mulling it over, "well, Duke here promised me an extremely potent, and rare poison but instead gave me something as common as nightshade. So, I say it's far I do something in return. Wouldn't you agree?"
"I don't care either way."
"Hmph. You're no fun."
With a snap of her fingers, the street below Duke's cart caves in and large, black roots engulfs the entirety before swallowing it below. The street restores itself as if nothing had been there, it happened so quickly that Duke didn't even get the chance to scream before disappearing from sight. Inanna bristles, this woman is obviously far more dangerous than Duke ever was and perhaps it would be in her best interest to behave, or at least play along. Miranda and Inanna cut through the crowd once more, the nearby vendors, swindlers, and customers bow their heads in avoidance. Inanna contemplates running, but after the display she just saw, she doubts she'll make it very far. The second they pass the threshold of the market place, a murder of crows flock around them causing Inanna to flinch away but she doesn't get far before her back strikes a stone wall.
She looks around in a panic, her hands grasping behind her for stability and blinks rapidly to adjust from the brightness outside to a poorly lit room. At least this room has light unlike the wagon. There are anatomy pictures of humans, and various animals strung up on the walls and bookshelves filled to the brim that line the spaces in between; a large workbench stands off to one side with two tables in the center littered with things she's never seen before. Inanna turns around to face the wall she struck, there's floor to ceiling iron bars with only a singular stone pillar in the center. Ianna stepped back from the bars, on the outside she appears calm and collected but, on the inside, she's panicking about being put into another cage. She should have ran when she had the chance.
"Can you read? Write? I know you can speak." Miranda states.
Inanna looks at the woman, she's now wearing what looks like a cloak made from feathers while walking around the room. Her face is covered with a golden bird mask that covers all but her eyes and hoops that reach to her collarbone, she has golden talons on her fingers that she uses to tap against a nearby counter. Inanna says nothing, instead opting to nod her head. She carefully examines her surroundings: she knows there's a cage behind her, but she sees no windows but she does see a door. She has no idea where she is, how she even got here, and she's far too weak to make an escape attempt now but it's good to orient oneself. Although, if this woman can move about wherever, and whenever she pleases then Inanna has no chance against her.
"At least you're literate. That's something I suppose."
Inanna takes mental note, this woman has no idea what she is and perhaps she can use that to her advantage. Inanna watches her pace around the room, anytime she moves too close Inanna scoots further away until she's trapped herself in the corner. Suddenly a cloud of feathers rises and surrounds the woman, when the cloud falls the woman is gone with only the pile of feathers in her place. Inanna peeks out from her corner, scooting across the cold, stone floor she picks up one of the feathers and strokes it between her fingers. It's been so long since she felt something this soft, she nuzzles it into her cheek before the woman appears once more. Inanna snarls and scatters to the nearest wall, clutching the feather to her chest in fear that the woman will take it from her.
Miranda kneels and places a plate with a cup of liquid on the floor, she then stands upright and takes a few steps back from it. Inanna and her stare at each other in silence, waiting for the other to make the first move but Inanna ultimately gives in. She slithers toward the food, crawling on all fours in a similar fashion to a monkey with a broken leg. When she reaches it she grabs the food with her entire fist and shoves it into her mouth then gulps down the liquid all within one go. Then she scurries back to her corner for safety, her eyes never leaving the woman as she does so. Miranda eyes the feather in Inanna's hand but says nothing as she stands there, unmoving, if not for the shallow rise and fall of her shoulders with each breath then Inanna would think she's a statue. After a pregnant pause the woman sighs forcefully.
"What are you?"
Inanna doesn't answer.
"You can answer willingly, or I can force it out of you. Take your pick."
"Excuse me for not being more forthcoming about myself just because you gave me food and water. Given my previous situation, I'm a bit cautious of the information I share and of your intentions. Also, I know nothing about you and you already know my name. It's only fair that I obtain an equal amount of knowledge."
Miranda narrows her eyes briefly, but Inanna cannot tell from the mask blocking the view. Miranda mimics the pose she had earlier, with one arm around her waist and the other tapping away at her chin.
"You can call me Mother Miranda." She finally says.
"Pleasure to meet you Mother Miranda." Inanna responds.
"I do not know what you are, therefore I do not have anything intended for you. However, once I figure that out, trust me, you will be the first to know what I have in store."
"I don't trust you as far as I can throw you."
"Then I guess I should extend the first olive branch and tell you that I did spike your food to knock you out so I could experiment on you. However, as you can tell, that didn't work."
"Wouldn't be the first time. Doubt it'll be the last." Inanna retorts.
"If you won't tell me what you are, can you at least tell me how you're able to consume enough flunitrazepam to knock out a fully grown male without so much as a yawn?"
Inanna shrugs, "fast metabolism?"
Miranda huffs in annoyance, "very well. Be like that."
Miranda disappears once again, leaving Inanna alone inside the enclosed room. She sighs heavily, although she wasn't entirely lying about having a fast metabolism the drug that Miranda slipped her did, in fact, work. Not to its full extent, Inanna is coherent enough to at least try the nearby door: locked of course. Then she wanders into the cell to find a cot and curl up onto it with the feather still firmly in her grasp. She wakes to every sound, on high alert for any possible intrusion by Miranda knowing that once she finds out what Inanna is, it'll be over. Perhaps she'll keep her alive like Duke did, or maybe she'll kill her. At this point, Inanna hoped for later.
After a restless few hours Inanna stirs awake to the softest whisper of a breeze, she flings herself up on the cot and flattens herself on the wall. Miranda stands in the open cell with another plate in one hand, a cup in the other, and something draped over the arm holding the glass. She sets the glass and plate on the floor, then tosses a blanket and what appears to be clothes onto the cot. She turns away and strides into the main room, shuffling around some paper and other various items before settling in one spot. Inanna sniffs at the plate curiously.
"It's not drugged. Not this time. Don't shove it all in this time, slow down otherwise you'll choke. No one is going to take it from you." Miranda states firmly.
Inanna picks at the food, her stomach betrays her hunger but she forces herself to eat it slowly to taste for any inconsistency. She drowns the water then scuttles over to the cot, she rummages through the clothing and begins to strip by taking her shorts off first. Miranda has given her some pants, socks, newer looking shoes, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. Inanna picks up a garment with two half cups and some straps, she's never seen something like this before and forgoes it.
"So you're a winged beast."
Inanna whips around, throwing the shirt in her hand only for it to flail onto the ground pathetically. Miranda looks at it then Inanna who stands there shirtless but unashamed, Miranda kneels and picks up the shirt then holds it out. Inanna stands there, eyeing the shirt then Miranda before taking a careful step forward and yanking the fabric away.
"How do you figure?" Inanna asks.
Miranda says nothing and instead her feathered cloak transforms into six black wings that stretch themselves out until they hit the ceiling and floor. No longer in her winged cloak she is now in a long black dress with a white and black piece of fabric around her shoulders, she also has a golden halo behind her head. Inanna hisses softly at the sudden change but stares at the wings, they don't look like traditional feathers; they look flowy, almost water-like while floating in the air and moving on their own. More importantly, Inanna wants to touch them very badly.
As suddenly as they appeared, they reform around Miranda and turn back into her feathered cloak. She stands there expectantly; she gave some information so now Inanna must give something up too. She ponders, how much can she reveal while still keeping her identity a secret. Instead, she'll dance around the subject, she knows what Miranda wants now and she can give her everything but that.
"I do have wings, yes. My name dates back to the Mesopotamian era, and I've been told it was the name of the goddess of the sky."
Miranda hums then leaves the entrance of the cell to return to her work, Inanna finishes dressing then pokes her head out. Once she determines that Miranda isn't moving from her spot she creeps up beside her and slides the feather onto the counter top. Miranda pauses her work and eyes the feather, she chuckles under her breath then scoffs a little.
"What use do I have for a feather?"
"You gave me something so, now I must give you something. This is all I have."
For once, Miranda takes pause. She picks up the feather and examines it, she has thousands of feathers but for some reason, she can't help but stare at this one in particular. She tsks and slides the feather back to Inanna.
"A simple 'thank you' would suffice."
"Thank you." Inanna whispers before taking the feather back and holding it to her chest.
"You're welcome. You're being treated far kinder than I normally would treat the creatures I bring down here. By now you would have been cut open, examined, studied, and maybe I would even try the Cadou on you. However, you fascinate me more and, from how the Duke acted I would say you are very valuable, then perhaps you're better off alive."
"What is a Cadou?"
Miranda's eyes flash for the briefest moment, "want me to show you?"
Inanna nods and the corner of Miranda's mouth cracks into a smile before she turns from her reading and guides Inanna to a nearby cabinet. Miranda kneels down to open it and pulls out a large jar with a fetal looking mass inside. Miranda spends hours explaining what it is, how she created it, why she created it, and Inanna simply listens. Occasionally she asks a question that sends Miranda into another frenzy of excitement, it even gets to the point where Miranda brings out a chalk board and begins to illustrate her points. She shows pictures of past experiments which make Inanna tit her head curiously whereas most people find the graphic, surgical details disturbing.
"I see you're not phased by human experimentation." Miranda comments.
"Why would I? Humans are the reason my species is nearly extinct. Last I heard, there is only about five of us left. Including me."
Miranda contemplates Inanna's words carefully, so she's a winged creature with extraordinary healing capabilities, and her species would be classified as extremely endangered. She changes the subject and proceeds to continue her lecture on how she created the Cadou, how she experiments with it, and most importantly, how she intends to use it. Inanna barely understands any of it, mostly because Miranda keeps using words like: gene, allele, autosomal dominate disorder, and other phrases that Inanna doesn't know. However, she's content listening to Miranda ramble on about whatever it is she's rambling about. Duke barely spoke to her and when he did, it was often a command or order. It wasn't until Inanna yawned that Miranda finally pauses, the feathers on her cloak rustle.
"Oh my...I've been talking at you all day. I'm sure you're hungry."
Inanna eats her food given to her and Miranda bids her goodnight; now that she knows what Miranda is passionate about, she knows how to keep her occupied. Inanna asks questions, and over the next few days, or possibly weeks, it's hard to tell with no clock or windows, Inanna and her fall into a sort of comfortable routine. At one point, Miranda unlocks the door to allow Inanna to use a bathroom instead of a bucket, and to finally bathe. Since then, Miranda hasn't asked Inanna what she is, nor has she bothered to try and learn more about her. Anytime Miranda tries to flip the narrative, Inanna gives her generic answers or answers the question indirectly without giving too much away. Although, Inanna is slowly lowering her walls around the strange, bird woman because she enjoys how excited Miranda gets when speaking about her experiments.
Miranda caught on to how much Inanna enjoys feathers and slowly started leaving various kinds of feathers around her lab for Inanna to find. She sees Inanna stash them underneath her mattress and catches glimpses of her rubbing them against her face. Miranda briefly mentions her daughter, how she passed away and Miranda is trying to get her back. Inanna remains extremely quiet during this part, she fiddles with the bottom of her shirt while Miranda speaks but the conversation is short lived. Miranda doesn't speak to her over the course of a few days and seemingly avoids Inanna altogether by leaving her food, water, and nothing else. When Miranda finally returns to the lab Inanna fiddles with a tube of green liquid, she holds it up to Miranda who hesitantly takes it.
"What is this?" She asks.
"My blood. You shared something very personal with me, it seems only fair I share something with you."
Inanna doesn't bring up her daughter again, but this act seems to appease Miranda and she goes to work studying the blood sample. It's like no blood she's ever seen, or been documented but it shares the same markers as lizards and birds do. Her white blood cell activation is faster than the speed of light which makes her immune to all diseases and why she didn't react to the knock out drug. This is also how she's able to heal to incredibly quickly, and why Duke was selling her blood as a cure-all. It still leaves her with more questions than answers but now she has a new hyper fixation: what is Inanna, and how can she be used to bring back her daughter? Sometimes Miranda forgets Inanna is there until she suddenly pops up and startles the priestess.
It seems her blood sample did more harm than good because Miranda has been obsessing over it for days now and growing increasingly more frustrated. When Miranda seems in an especially sour mood then Inanna reads one of the books on the shelves and sits in her little cell. Today Inanna is stir crazy. She's finished all the books in English that line the shelves, she doesn't know the other languages and instead opts for pacing back and forth. Miranda tells her to knock it off so Inanna finds something else to occupy herself which only irritates Miranda more.
"How about you make yourself useful instead of fiddling with everything like a child!" Miranda snaps out, her hands slamming down on the table.
"Just how do you expect me to do that?"
"Get samples or something. Either help me or get out!"
Miranda points to a tray of empty tubes, Inanna picks them up and looks between the tubes and Miranda. Slowly she backs away toward the door, careful not to drag her feet as she nears it. Every so often she looks at Miranda then the door, this has to be some sort of trick right? She wouldn't let Inanna go freely. Hours pass and Miranda grows more and more frustrated to the point she flings the things in front of her onto the floor. She messages her temples and groans loudly then swivels in her chair to not see Inanna.
Panic sets in, as does the realization that she may have just allowed her most valuable asset to wander free. Miranda flies through the door, she checks every room she passes and every hiding spot in the area before she steps outside. She doesn't make it far before she stops in her tracks, before her is a very, large rainbow dragon. Not like Alcina's dragon; this dragon is more stereotypical with four legs, leathery bat-like wings, a tail that's whipping around, and a gigantic head with two horns that stick up. This dragon shimmers in the sunlight, its scales mimic the reflection of sunlight on water giving it a translucent appearance; and it is currently rolling around in the snow like a dog. It throws itself onto the ground, scrapes its back into the snow then uses its tail to flick it up into the air. It then rolls back over, grabs scoops of snow and throws it into the air so it can prance around.
Miranda clears her throat as the dragon is in midroll in the snow, it freezes with its legs up in the air before it tilts its head upward to look in Miranda's direction. They lock eyes, their golden ones staring back into her dull, gray ones. This has to be Inanna. The forest, once alive with the thumping and crunching of the dragon and the sounds of wildlife, comes to an abrupt halt. Inanna tilts her head and looks off into the distance, Miranda listens carefully but only can make out the soft crunching of footsteps in snow. The dragon flings itself to its feet, and arches its back up, their scales stand up like a cat fluffing its hackles or tail to appear bigger. In fact, the dragon mimics a cat perfectly from the way it twists to expose its side while maintaining the appearance of intimidation. Miranda covers her mouth to smother a laugh, what a sight to see a fully grown dragon with its scales puffed out.
Out of the forest wanders a lynx, it sniffs the ground before making eye contact with the dragon. It copies the dragon by arching its back, puffing its tail, and hissing loudly while the dragon curls up to make itself even bigger before it unleashes an ear-splintering roar. The intensity of it vibrates the nearby trees and makes the birds all take flight at once. The lynx huffs and retreats back into the forest, the dragon shakes its whole body to lower their scales then turns to face Miranda. Before her eyes the dragon shrinks, the wings fold into themselves, and standing there is Inanna.
"Well, that would explain the feathers."
Inanna suddenly makes a sound that Miranda hasn't heard in over a century; laughter. Inanna laughs hard enough that she doubles over while holding her stomach. Miranda raises an eyebrow then smothers another chuckle before settling and hugging herself from the brisk cold. Miranda sighs, she has enjoyed having Inanna around for she didn't realize how socially starved she was. She could easily drag Inanna back down to the lab, force her to stay, and study her further. Miranda didn't know dragons even existed, this would cause so many break throughs in the scientific community and possibly be the answer for bringing her daughter back.
Instead, Miranda returns inside back to her lab, leaving Inanna out in the snow to do as she pleases. She'll probably come to regret this decision, that is until she hears the soft pitter patter of feet inside the lab. An object clatters next to her. A dragon scale the size of her hand shimmers even in the warm lighting. Miranda picks it up to look it over, then rotates to face Inanna who is twiddling her fingers.
"What's this?"
"I read that crows like shiny things."
Miranda can't help it anymore. She throws covers her mouth to try and smother the snort she unleashes while failing miserably.
"Is this because of the horde joke?"
Inanna chuckles, "sort of but also, in my culture giving someone one of your scales is a sign of loyalty and trust because it exposes our underneath. You trusted me with your science stuff and your daughter, and you could have easily taken me even in my dragon form. Yet, you were willing to let me go. It's only fair that I begin to trust you. I...I want you to have this one."
Miranda holds the scale in her hand, "I see why you were hesitant to share with me what you are. Especially after giving me your blood, I could have taken the path Duke did and exploit you."
"Yet, you didn't. Even after you found out about my healing abilities, I'm sorry it causes you so much frustration."
"Hm. Well now that I know what you are, all the pieces are coming together."
There's a long silence between them before Miranda breaks it, "where will you go now?"
"I...I don't know. I don't have anywhere to go."
"What about, other dragons?"
"I told you there's only about 5 left including me. That was...years ago so who knows if they're still alive or not. All I have is my memories but even those are beginning to fade. I haven't seen another dragon since my parents died."
"How old were you?"
"Mentally and physically probably around 6 or 7. I was raised in orphanages until they started to catch on that I didn't age to the same degree then I was old enough to care for myself. That is, until Duke found me. You know the rest."
"You've been without parents...for how long?"
Inanna shrugs, "I lost count after 70 years."
Miranda watches Inanna and reads her body language, how shy and upset it makes her to talk about her parents. Miranda and her are not that far different from each other. While she's been without a daughter and failing at every turn to find a suitable host, there has been a young woman out there without a mother for close to the same amount of time. Miranda places the shell onto the counter next to her then stands from her stool in front of Inanna before she opens her arms with the palms facing out. Inanna looks her over, her initial reaction is to run but forces herself to take step after step until she hits Miranda's chest. Miranda wraps her arms around the girl and tightens until she can't tighten her hold any further.
"Thank you." They whisper to each other simultaneously.
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fantasy-relax · 8 months
My precious avatar was made by the lovely and just slightly unhinged @crispyfriedshark thanks darling!.
Psst Toss a coin?
Ao3 with edited works.
Just to make things clear, if any of you want to write some of the shithead mc list.
Thank you for your attention
The origin
MC and their relationship with Daniela and Angie.
MC kidnapping Bela and Cassandra.
Cassandra brainrot. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, End
Plot Points. (Because I can't have simple shit, it was supposed to be a silly au)
Snippet of Donna's cult ending aftermath
Omegaverse/medieval au.
Lore Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Bela Part 1
Cassandra Part 1
Daniela Part 1
Donna Part 1
Brain worms .
Other works.
Resident Lover
Jealous Kitty _Donna_ Oneshot. Bonus
Please just love her (idea of @crispyfriedshark) _Bela_ Reason behind Bela actions Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5
Por favor, solo ámame _Bela_ Part 1-3. Parte 4 Parte 5
Incorrect_Miranda_. Spanish_English.
Oneshot Mother Bela_Bela_Idea and art of @crispyfriedshark (Check her art she loves causing pain)
Snippet Donna Smut
Punishment _Donna_Smut
Snippet Donna vs Miranda. Part 1. End.
Snippet Mc cheat on Miranda with Donna. Part 1. End.
Mean girls smut.
Making Donna cry
Needy donna
Resident Evil Village
Inefable Plan_Bela x g!p Reader_Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4 Part 5
Sweet Alpha Dangerous Omega _Cassandra x Alpha Fem Reader_ Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Parte 13 Part 14 Part 15
Alfa Dulce Omega Peligroso _Cassandra x Alfa Fem Reader_ Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Parte 4. Parte 5. Parte 6. Parte 7. Parte 8 Parte 9 Parte 10 Parte 11 Parte 12 Parte 13 Parte 14
Oneshot POV Reader _Cassandra x Fucked up Reader_ Check @muffinsin Cassandra POV. (And all her other works she is amazing and 70% responsible of my brain rot)
Donna being a little shit.
My version of Donna.
Just a dream_Donna_NSFW
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ranchracoon · 5 months
Ch. 2 The Dream
Everything is white. The wind howls wildly and becomes deafening to the point she must cover her ears. The only break in the colorless sea is a blurry black dot. She takes a step forward but sinks into the ground to her mid-calf. Each forward step she takes, she sinks, having to sacrifice her hearing to push out with her arms. She trudges closer until she is nearly on top of it. She brushes away the slurry of flakes around it and picks it up. It's metallic, a pin of sorts. She examines it for only a moment before a bird swoop down to take the pin.
Carmen startles awake on the warm, volcanic rock, jabbing her elbow into a nearby stalagmite. She hisses and cups her elbow into her opposite hand and rubs viciously to try and soothe the pain. After the pins and needles disappear, she wipes her hands over her face and groans lowly. Her whole-body aches from sleeping on the rock, and she's drenched in a layer of sweat and morning mist. She jerks herself to her feet, frantically searching for some indication of the time; a futile endeavor once she realizes there's no clocks. She sprints outside to see the sun already above the horizon. After a quick curse, she drops and becomes one with her wolf form. The freshly brewed dream poured from her mind into the abyss of forgetting.
She sprints down the mountainside toward the center of the island, her heart and breath racing with her feet. Once she is within eyeshot of the central hut, she decreases her speed to a speed-walk while simultaneously shifting back into a human. Carmen sneaks in through the crowd to get her breakfast; easier said than done when everyone else keeps eyeing her with a smirk. She nabs a plate before her mother can see her, and retreats to the safety of her closest friends.
"Well, looks like someone had a late night." Teases Neyla.
Carmen raises an eyebrow in confusion, when Neyla points downward Carmen follows her finger. The realization strikes; she is still in her clothes from last night, and she sweaty. She rolls her eyes and scoffs before bowing her head to hide her face. She swallows the food with minimal chewing, only just realizing how hungry she is as she shoves another mouthful.
"Please tell me you weren't with Tess. You know she's nothing but trouble and you promised!" Begs Diana.
"I wasn't with Tess." Carmen mumbles.
"So then, who were you with?"
"No one."
"Ah. Classic 'sleep it off in a bush.' Been there. Would explain the clothes, but not your late arrival or flustered skin." States Alo.
"I wasn't sleeping in a bush either!" Snaps Carmen.
"Okay there's no need to get snappy." Neyla raises her hands in defense.
"I'm sorry. I'm just tired, I didn't sleep well last night."
"Well, if you weren't in a bush, nor at Tessa's, and didn't sleep well. Where were you? What were you doing?" Asks Diana.
Carmen looks up at them, she chews the inside of her lip before stealing a glance over her shoulder. She sees Ben and Clara sitting and talking with some tías (aunts). She swallows thickly then turns back to her group, all of them looking at her expectantly. After a moment of debating she sighs defeated, they'll find out one way or another.
"I-I went up the mountain." She mumbled.
The three of them scramble closer, screaming out "what?!" In perfect unison. Others glare their way but return to their meals when Carmen shushed them and motioned with her hands for them to sit back.
"What did you see?!"
"Nothing. Just like last time." Carmen said bitterly.
All of their shoulders collapse in disappointment. They look toward the table before Diana reaches out to take Carmen's hand. She retracts from the touch and hugs herself tightly. They say nothing but she can feel their sympathetic stares burning into her, the same stares she gets from everyone else.
"However..." She starts.
They lean over once again, the table squeaking lightly from their collective weight.
"I did have this strange dream but whenever I try to remember it's all fuzzy." She states.
Neyla gasps loudly and slaps her hands on the table. The others startle as Carmen stares at her before her eyes widen and she shakes her head.
"No. I know what you're thinking -"
"We need to see abuela!" She exclaims, cutting Carmen off.
Before Carmen can scurry off Neyla grabs her by the arm forcefully and drags her off. They make a pit stop at Carmen's home so she can change and look presentable. Abuela is very particular when it comes to how one represents themselves, and Carmen is the exact opposite of that expectation. She has to wear long sleeves and pants to cover her full-length tattoos, and hide her newest addition. She takes some soft nipple pads to put over her nipple piercings then wears a padded bra instead of a sports bra.
After she changes, she takes some concealer to hide the smaller tattoos behind her ears. Her neck tattoo and hands take the longest to cover, she has to make sure the makeup is blended well and unnoticeable. She does a once over to ensure everything is covered and that her piercings aren't visible. The final part is she removes the piercings from around her ears, leaving the studs on the bottom in. Then she begrudgingly wears closed toed shoes. She feels claustrophobic as she picks at her clothes to loosen then from her skin. It does very little to appease her.
Carmen only attempted to escape once but Neyla beat her to the punch by waiting for her outside her bedroom window. They walk together toward the southern side of the island where their elders like to gather to share stories, play games, and watch the littles. Carmen grumbles under her breath, it's not that she doesn't like her abuela but she knows exactly how to get under Carmen's skin. Unfortunately Neyla is correct, if anyone can help her with her dream it's their abuela. The front of the community center is completely open with tables and chairs out on the patio. Little kids run around in the grass, some of them are in their pup forms unable to transition on their own.
Carmen waves to the attendant who smiles back and points toward the hallway leading toward the central gardening area. The garden is where rare and endangered plants are kept in prestine condition. For some, this island holds the last of their species. In the center is abuela, she's hunched over a smaller bed of germinating seeds. Carefully replanting them using surgical like tools to avoid crushing the delicate pods. She looks up and smiles widely, after setting her tools aside she stands and hugs Neyla.
"hola mis amores. ¿Qué te trae por aquí?" (Hello my loves. What brings you here?)
"Hola abuela, en realidad vinimos a verte-" (hi grandma, we actually came to see you-) Neyla starts.
"¿Carmen finalmente encontró a su pareja? No pensé que esto sucedería mientras aún estaba viva." (has Carmen finally found her mate? I didn't think it would happen while I was still alive.)
Carmen groans and rolls her eyes while crossing her arms. Neyla hits her on the arm to knock it off but it's too late. Their abuela scoffs and takes off her hat. She waddles over to the gardening shed to put her tools away for the day, while they follow her.
"Ah clásico. Sabes que esa actitud es la razón por la que aún no has encontrado pareja y esos tatuajes. No creas que no sé nada de ellos. Las chicas hablan, ¿sabes? Nunca conseguirás que un hombre luzca así."(ah classic. You know that attitude is why you haven't found a mate yet, and those tattoos. Don't think I don't know about them. The girls talk you know. You'll never get a man looking like that.)
Carmen trembles, she wants to leave so badly but Neyla puts a reassuring hand on her arm. Their abuela does this every time, has done it since Carmen failed the first time. At first she could be the bigger person and ignore it, but it's really starting to get under her skin. All the passive aggressive comments about her weight, her attitude, her body. She huffs and sucks in a sharp breath to calm herself.
"Por eso vinimos a verte abuela. ¡Carmen lo intentó de nuevo y vio algo en la piscina! Sin embargo, necesita un poco de ayuda porque no podía distinguir qué era." (That's why we came to see you grandma. Carmen tried again and saw something in the pool! She needs a little help though because, she couldn't quite make out what it was. )
Neyla splurged on the details a little but it was enough for their abuela to gasp loudly. She hobbles excitedly from the garden to her room where she digs through an ancient looking chest. She takes out a book, some candles, and a string of wooden beads. She motions for them to follow her, and she leads them from the community center to their burial site to the far west.
Their burial site is not a mound full of headstones, rather an exquisite plant and flower garden beside the mountain. Every person is buried with their choice of flower, and the path is marked on each side with moonflowers to guide the souls onward. In the base of the mountain, there's a man-made cavern where an ofrenda wraps around the inside so those who no longer have family will always be remembered. Two elderly women are inside keeping the candles lit and praying to the goddess. They leave upon the arrival of the trio, carving a path through the Cempasúchils that blanket the floor.
Neyla waits outside as their abuela orders Carmen to lay in the center. She lights her candles, mumbles a prayer to their ancestors and goddess for guidance. Then she opens her book and chants another prayer before ordering Carmen to close her eyes.
Everything is white again, but she makes out the horizon in the distance. The sky darkens to night but she can still see clearly. The wind howls wildly once more, surrounding her in a flurry of white specks. It's snow. She hugs herself, now feeling the biting cold sink into her bones. She takes a step forward but sinks into the ground to her mid-calf. Each forward step she takes she sinks, but she keeps moving toward the black dot. She trudges closer until she can reach out and pick it up, this time clutching it close but there's no bird.
She examines it closer, it's diamond shape, with a full bloomed flower in the center with two rapiers crossing behind it. She brushes her thumb over the design, committing the feeling to memory. A laugh catches her off guard, she looks up and sees...a woman? She's more bird than woman. The entire body is wrapped in feathers, and she's wearing some sort of golden, bird- like mask. The woman laughs loudly and dissolves into a murder of crows all gunning for Carmen.
Carmen startles again, this time sitting up violently as all the candles surrounding her blow out. Her abuela clutches her chest in fright, falling backward onto her butt. Neyla runs in to help as Carmen breaths heavily. She has to draw that symbol before she forgets. Although, she can't draw to save her life but she knows someone who can.
Carmen shifts and takes off without a word to Neyla or abuela. She's ten times faster in her wolf form, running full speed and barely avoiding those walking around. She comes to a screeching halt and shifts back when she gets to her destination. The tattooist. The parlor is a gazebo made from the trunks of palm trees with the branches and leaves woven to make the canopy. There's a large, extremely built man, covered in more tattoos than her. He's bald with every visible inch of his skin covered in ink or piercings. He looks up from his drawing and smiles widely.
"Carmen!!!" He bellows.
He hugs her tightly and lifts her off the ground with a spin. He sets her down on the ground and holds his hands on his hips.
"What can I do for you Chica? Judging from the getup and make up, you just visited the abuelas and abuelos."
"Yeah. I'll tell you all about it but I need your help." She pants. 
Carmen and the man sit underneath the canopy where he flips his pad to a fresh paper and listens to her tale. She tells him about her dream, forgoes the part about going up the mountain, and that she, unfortunately, had to seek help from her abuela but now needs help drawing something from her dream. He listens intently as she describes the pin in as much detail as she has the words for, only making minor changes when he shows her a finished product. Then she describes the bird mask the woman was wearing; it was gold with a long beak that goes past her neck with the entirety covering her face with golden strings attached from the beak to the mask. He finishes the drawing for both pieces and hands her the paper with the final products. They're perfect. 
"Gracias Aleki! This is perfect." She praises.
"Not a problem. Anything for you Carmen. What do you plan on doing with them?" He asks.
There was only one thing she could do: she had to find out what this symbol stood for. After a brief conversation with Aleki, she makes her way to the library where she settles down behind one of the few computers the island has. The internet takes ages, hence why she wrote letters to Ben instead of emails, because the letters would get there faster. While she waits for the computer to turn on, and load, she begins her search with books. She starts with family crests but there's not much outside of the island's history of notable families. By the time the system loads, she continues her search into crests having a feeling that's the right track.
She huffs in defeat but then sits up and hits her forehead as a stupid idea comes to her: image searching. She scans the drawing and uploads it into an image finder for anything similar in design. Then she sees the exact replica after countless minutes of scrolling. She clicks the image and follows a trail of links until she comes upon a review website that she reads aloud. 
"Dimitrescu wines, the finest wine made in the heart of Europe. For hundreds of years the Dimitrescu family has cultivated award winning wine for all tastes. Their most popular line having rich notes of - "
Carmen stops reading and switches her search into this Dimitrescu family but only finds how to purchase the wine and more reviews. She sits back in her seat and sighs. She's happy that she at least has a name and a starting point, but also defeated that Dimitrescu might not be real with how limited information there is. One thing she does know, is she has to go to Europe which makes her groan in despair. She hates the cold. 
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ranchracoon · 2 months
Ch. 5 The Castle
She has two options: run back to the hotel room and forget all of this or go forward and try to get the answers to her dreams. The creature from before helps her decide by coming out from behind the tree line. It's hunched, covered in fur but walks on two legs, it has tattered on clothing like a bad werewolf costume. Only this creature foams and drools from the mouth. Carmen hunches down ready to attack, she mistakenly takes a step back to brace and finds the ground caving from beneath her. She falls down the embankment and lands with a hard thud on the dirt, she shakes herself off and scrambles for cover. Great, now what is she going to do? She pokes her head out to find the creature is not following her down, that's a good sign at least. Now, she can either stay in her wolf form and get attacked by whoever lives here or change back into human and get attacked by whomever lives here. She can hide easier as a human. 
She finds a cloak hanging from a clothing line and snags it, using it to cover her face and body. It also keeps her warm but she deeply regrets not wearing the boots Clara got her. The snow and mud seeps through the canvas of her shoes instantly. She shivers and bundles herself tighter as she weaves around the few people who are staggering around. She catches mumblings but doesn't bother to stop and listen for clarity until she finds herself near the center of the village, at least, she thinks it is.
She smells the air, other than shit and mud, she doesn't smell much else. Maybe she should try to listen with her other senses. Carmen steps off to the side and closes her eyes. Her wolf is going crazy inside, her mate has to be nearby but there's something else in the village that she can't pinpoint. She can't feel any connection to her goddess, as if something or someone is blocking her out entirely. She feels cut off and alone. Carmen snuggles the cloak around her impossibly tighter as people look her way, she lowers her head.
Carmen sighs, she has to keep moving before someone notices she doesn't belong. She begins following people discretely; one person leads her to a shop, another leads her to the graveyard where something screams at her to stop. She looks around, only seeing headstones and a giant stone mural. Her mind tells her to turn around but her body compels her forward toward the wall. She reaches out her hand and traces the depiction of a faceless thing with large horns and wings. It's holding the body of something in its clutches. Next to it is a faceless woman in a dress with a sword above her, and a shield with the face of a goat in front of her. Carmen traces the empty slots where clearly something circular is missing. The rest of the picture?
"Hey! Get away from there!"
Carmen startles and looks over to an elderly man approaching. He has the look of horror upon making eye contact and Carmen instantly turns and flees. She has to get through this wall, but it's locked tight. Option b it is. She loses the cloak and shifts mid run, her body exploding into her wolf. People run and scream, clutching their children and hiding in buildings. She finds a closed gate ahead, perfectly in line with the stone wall. The gate gives her chills; it has two golden circles on each door with a fetus looking mass in the middle and two outstretched black wings. Carmen can use that. She charges, jumps up, lands on the gate and pushes off to propel herself over the fence.
She lands almost perfect. Her front paws hit the ground but her back lose traction in the mix of snow and mud. Carmen huffs and stands up, shaking herself off and looking up at the imposing castle. Her heart is racing and her tail is wagging, this is where her mate is! She's sure of it. After so long, perhaps whatever is blocking Carmen from connecting to her Goddess is also the reason she hasn't reached her mate. But, why now? As she wanders around, she crosses a moat, climbs up another stone wall, and finally, she finds what looks to be a vineyard only to hear voices.
She ducks into some brush, her ears perked forward to listen. Carefully she scoots on her belly until her muzzle and eyes are exposed. There are a few women in the vineyard dressed in thick winter clothing, they're working on something, but she can't tell what. After waiting for however long, the three women hoist up what appears to be a scarecrow. Carmen narrows her eyes and upon closer inspection finds that it is in fact, an armless, legless, torso of a man. His head is tilted to one side with his mouth hung open. 
What. The actual. Fuck.
This is where her mate is? What if her mate is one of those women? What if her mate is being tortured? She has to get them out of here! Carmen uses all her restraint to stay put while the women huddle together and go inside the castle through two, thick double doors. She waits a little while longer, another shiver coursing through her from the cold. After it seems safe, she slunks down and approaches the doors, shifting back she quickly opens and closes the door as quietly as possible.
She lets out a soft sigh of relief at the rush of warmth that greets her. She walks up the steps and briefly admires the painting of three Victorian looking women. Triplets from the looks of it. Perhaps the daughters of whomever owns this castle, or the owners themselves. Carmen quietly goes through another door, down a hallway and takes a right. She tries these large double doors to find them locked, so she continues down the hallway. Whoever lives here definitely has a richer taste than she does.
The carpet is ornate carpet is intricately designed with reds and golds. The molding of the ceiling is gold, there are pillars and paintings on every wall. This is exactly how she pictured a castle would look like, and now she suddenly feels guilty from the mud she's tracking in and currently stuck to her clothing. Carmen comes to another turn and ends up in a large room with two doors on the left, a wide, short, staircase to the right, and another door in front of her. So many doors.
Carmen walks carefully toward the middle only to hear footsteps approaching. She doesn't have time to hide before a woman wearing a long black dress appears at the top of the stairwell. She's carrying a tray, and she freezes upon seeing Carmen. Carmen makes a shushing motion with her finger, but the woman drops the tray and screams.
"Shit!" Carmen curses.
She runs for the nearest door; it's unlocked and leads down another hallway. This one leads to a seating area; the fireplace is roaring with life with two love seats facing each other. Carmen sees another set of doors, this one has got to lead somewhere, right? But before she can go there, hundreds, if not thousands of insects appear in front of the door. Carmen stumbles backward as the mass takes shape into another woman. This one is also wearing a black dress, but hers is more maintained with woven designs in the fabric. She's also wearing jewelry; a black choker, with a large red gem in the center, and from that is a necklace wielding three different types of daggers and a green, elongated gem. She has black hair, and her mouth is dripping in a red substance. The woman giggles wildly and she holds up a sickle in her leather gloved hand.
"Oh fuck no." Carmen mutters.
She takes off the way she came, she bursts through the doorway and takes a left up the stairs. She narrowly avoids the broken class and deep red liquid that was spilled before. This leads to another living room, with a winding staircase to the left and a fireplace on the right. This is from her dream! She recognizes the doors ahead, and the furniture. Just as before, a mass appears to form into another woman only she has blond hair.
"Where are you going little one?" She calls.
Carmen realizes she has to look up. She's at least 5' 10" (178cm), how tall are these women? Carmen goes to run up the stairwell, but she's corned by the black-haired woman. They trap her by using inhuman strength to capture her arms. She struggles and yanks, they certainly hold her but struggle to do so. One of them brings down their heel on the back of her leg, forcing her down onto one knee. She growls lowly and tries to shift out of their grip but is stopped when she hears loud, clicking heels nearby. Carmen pauses her attempt at escape to look toward the double doors, a sudden wave of DeJa'Vu washing over her. 
The doors fly open, and she sees nothing but a large black hat, and two long arms with black leather gloves on the hands. The person is hunched over and walking through the doorway before they stand upright in the room. Carmen's eyes widen, this is the woman! The woman from her dream, and from the portrait! Her wolf is ecstatic! Mate!
She's over 9ft tall, wearing a cream-colored dress that hugs her curves. She has black curls that poke out from underneath her hat, her eyes are piercing and gold, with blood red lipstick painted on. The woman rests her fists on her hips, looking down at Carmen. Carmen can't help but stare up in awe at her, she probably has a dumb ass looking grin on her face too. After all these years..
"Look mother!" One girl says.
"We captured the intruder!" The other states.
"Very good daughters. Now, let's see what this intruder wants."
Carmen's smile fades when the woman raises one hand and flexes, long sharp claws extend out. 
"No wait!" Carmen yelps. 
"Speak." The lady demands. 
"My name is Carmen Rojas, I didn't mean to come in uninvited I swear. I was just trying to get out of the cold and well, I stumbled here by accident-"
"I don't have time for lengthy explanations. Tell me what you want." The woman orders. 
"You. You're my mate." Carmen squeaks. 
The two women holding her arms erupt in laughter, one of them doubles over and holds their stomach. The woman scrunches her nose and scoffs down at her, Carmen's face heats up and turns red all the way down her neck and to her ears. 
"This one must not be very bright." One of them cackles. 
"Don't let Daniela near this one." The other quips. 
"Enough." The woman orders, retracting her claws. 
She kneels over and grabs Carmen by the neck, hoisting her up to eye level. Her legs swing frantically as she grabs onto the leather glove to try and support herself and keep from being choked. 
"I don't know who you think you are, but I know exactly what to do with your kind. You think you're the first to come here and try this? Pathetic. Bela, take this vermin down to the cellar and wash her off. Put her to work until I can contact Mother Miranda. She'll decide what to do with you."
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ranchracoon · 3 months
The Perfect Plan Pt. 2
Alpha! Mother Miranda x Omega! (Pregnant) Reader
*Birth warning*
Miranda hates you. She hates how you curl up into her when you sleep, how attractive you are with your wide hips and pregnant belly, how weak you've made her, by the Black God, she hates you. She especially hates how easily you tore down her walls and made her fall madly in love with you. You were never supposed to be her mate, she was supposed to impregnant you with a daughter then toss you back to be used by Dimitrescu and her daughters. Everything in her head said to give you the cold shoulder, keep your basic needs met and wait for you to give birth but then her body reacts the complete opposite. She tells herself that you are now her mate but that doesn't mean she needs to treat you as such, but then you look at her with those eyes and she melts. 
Her stone-cold exterior now a puddle because of you, and the simple thought alone that she will have a daughter again makes her want to cry. The first trimester was the hardest; you vomited over everything and barely kept anything down except crackers, bread, and water. Even that was too much most days. Now you've gotten better control over the vomiting but have made very strict demands that Miranda no longer use any sort of scented lotions or soaps for the smell makes you queasy. Her false children, Alcina specifically, haven't stopped calling to see how you're doing, and Miranda has been avoiding it. Instead, she forces villagers to construct a whole new room to her home for the baby and provides everything that the baby will need when she comes. She dedicates all of her time and energy to making sure you are comfortable. 
That is until one day Miranda has had enough with the phone ringing and finally answers only to hear that infernal doll on the other end. Miranda pinches the bridge of her nose, as the doll goes off. You and her unborn daughter have made her soft. By now she would have snapped and yelled at Angie for even raising her voice at her, but right as Miranda is about to yell, you wrap your arms around her torso. The warmth from your body soothes and smothers any raging fires inside her and she instantly calms. Her hand gently placed atop yours as you nuzzle into her back for added affection. Very well. 
"Alcina again?" You murmur when she hangs up. 
"No. Donna. She's worried because it's been over a month with no meeting, and I typically call one by now for updates. She doesn't know about you. None of them truly know. I suppose it's time to present you as my mate and inform them to resign their experiments." Miranda sighs. 
"It'll be okay." You reassure. 
"I hope you are correct."
Miranda calls Donna back and informs her there will be a meeting, then she summons the others and looks you over. You have to be presentable, although she couldn't care less what her false children think of you, she wants to show you off. She puts you in a comfortable outfit that still accentuates your hips and Miranda can't help but stare as you walk by. How much she loves watching you leave, the sway of your hips, the aroma of your scent, everything drives her wild. If it were up to her, she wouldn't let you leave without smelling like her but there's no time now. Because of your pace it takes you and her longer to get to the meeting place, and you use a handkerchief to cover your nose from the smell of rotting wood and mold. 
Not the best place to bring her pregnant mate, she'll have to do something about this to remedy that. The others are already there waiting impatiently, Heisenberg taps his foot annoyingly as Miranda keeps you off to the side for dramatic effect. 
"Thank you all for being here. As you know I have been conducting a new experiment and I am proud to say it has been a success. I have found an organic way of bringing back my daughter, and I have also found myself a new mate. Allow me to introduce Y/N."
You walk forward to take your place by her side. The room is mixed: Angie is overjoyed to have a child to play with, Heisenberg could care less, Moreau looks hurt and then there's Lady Dimitrescu. She's presenting all seven stages of grief, currently sitting at anger. She abruptly stands, Miranda positions herself in front of you for protection.
"Your mate? Well. Congratulations Mother Miranda. I'm glad your excitement was a success. May I ask, what does that mean for us and the village?" She asks through gritted teeth. 
Miranda scoffs and wants to say she could care less about her failures and the village. She only needed the villagers for experimentation. However, you touch her upper arm, and she remembers your request. She hates how weak you've made her, yet she would burn the world if you asked. Yet she loves how excited you get when she agrees, and the way your dimples pop out when you smile.
"The village has been neglected for too long. I want us to halt our experiments and instead spend energy into the village. New homes, better education, healthier fields. I want my future family to have a worthy home. As for you lot, I-" Miranda growls under her breath, she looks over her shoulder at you and you only stare at her with those doe eyes. 
"I apologize for how I have treated you in the past. My mate has requested that if you chose, you may be a part of this family proper."
"And what if we don't? What if we don't buy into this bullshit and think it's another plot to keep us under your thumb?" Snaps Heisenberg. 
He stands and Miranda shields you from his advances, "what if instead of being one 'happy little family,' I'd rather bash your skull in?"
"Then you are free to leave." Miranda responds coldly. 
Heisenberg halts in his step, he's skeptical of course and doesn't believe she's true to her word. He looks toward the door then back at her, inches toward it, looks again. He continues this until he's at the door, swings it open with a loud thud, and stomps through with the door slamming shut behind him. She dismisses the other lords who take their leave without a word, except Lady Beneviento. She approaches you and silently asks to touch your stomach. You agree and she rests her cold hands upon you. She feels the occasional kick and fluttering of movement which is more than enough excitement for her. 
*          *          *
Over the course of the next few short months, Donna and Alcina have sent you more than enough baby items. Clothes, cloths, numerous dolls, but your favorite is something you requested especially from Donna; a stuffed crow. It's the softest thing you've ever held, and you keep it safely tucked in the hand-built crib that Miranda got. Salvatore showed his affection in, well, his own way. He had fresh fish delivered daily and reported that the bay is now clear as crystal with healthy populations to feed the village a hundred times over. You're not going to tell him that fish currently makes you want to hurl. Miranda is the one who takes the longest to adjust. She spends long periods of time in her lab, and if it weren't for the smell, you would go down there to see what she's doing.
"Miranda." You say softly, sitting up with difficulty in bed.
"Yes, my dear?" She asks, helping you sit up and turning her attention to you. 
"What are you doing down in the lab? Ever since the meeting you've spent all our time down there."
You are worried for her, but another part of you is sad that she's no longer showering you with attention and affection like she did before the meeting. Miranda sighs and looks down, unsure of how to tell you. She's angry that you've made her change, she's happy that her experiment worked, she's mourning the loss of her purpose. 
"I'm down there because, I'm scared." She finally admits. 
You take her hand into your own, brushing your thumb over the back of her hand soothingly. 
"I haven't been a parent since I lost my dear Eva. I've spent the last hundred years trying to get her back and now, now I'm so close to having that again. What if, what if I've changes for the worse? You saw how the village was, if not for you I would still be that way. You've softened me, made me care, and I hate that. I believe I only hate it because it terrifies me. What if I lose this one too? Or I'm not a good parent?"
You kiss her knuckles tenderly, "if you treat this child even remotely as well as you've treated me then I would say you'll be just fine. I've never been a parent before, so this is a new learning experience for the both of us. I have full faith that you will be an excellent mom to our baby, especially with how much you've been willing to sacrifice and do. Although, I do think we should lock up the lab and not tell them about the thousands of experiments you've done. Not until they're older."
Miranda scoffs but she has a smile. She looks you over and her body relaxes, she hated you so much for you've changed her in the course of a few short months. It would seem you experimented on her as well. She changed your entire biology, and you changed her entire being. She loves you with a burning fire that will spread to the child in your stomach, and to every child after. Miranda loves you so much, it hurts her to try and comprehend how much she does. 
*          *          *
You scream loudly, the pain shooting through your entire body as you push with all your strength. Miranda braces and holds the crowning head and guides the infant out before plopping the crying being on your exposed stomach. She pushes the placenta out and pinches the umbilical cord before severing it. You pant heavily and toss your head back, a million miles swirling as you fade in and out of consciousness with the relief of no more pain. Miranda does everything: she takes your newborn daughter and cleans her face and body, putting her in a diaper and wrapping her warmly in a blanket. She cleans you off, hooks you to an IV, and gets your comfortable in bed to recover. As you regain some strength, now being fed a wonderful cocktail of pain meds, she hands the newborn over to you and you happily take her. 
She's beautiful. You tear up and smile down at her, caressing her round, swollen cheek as she scoots around for a nipple. You chuckle and begin to breastfeed your daughter, leaning back against the headboard and finally looking over at Miranda. Her hair is a mess, her face is flushed, she looks like she was the one who just gave birth and yet she still somehow looks beautiful. She brushes some hair away from your face and gives you a tender kiss on the forehead. 
"She's beautiful." You say proudly. 
"You and her both. I'm so proud of you."
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ranchracoon · 5 days
Ch. 1 A New Assignment
The large glass building looks menacing in the early hours of dawn with minimal sunlight and dew covering the ground only adding to the aesthetic. The large Umbrella Corp logo sitting in the center of the building like a hypnotic red and white eye. Numerous people enter, wearing business casual or business formal depending on their level of importance. They each scan their ID badges to gain entry, then take the elevator to their respective floors to start on their work. Only a handful have access to the basement where rows of individual laboratories are stationed like those little glass boxes they keep the rats in. Before one can enter, they must go through a lengthy decontamination process, mask up, suit up, and go through a final trial to make sure their suits do not have any punctures. Any kind of defection could be deadly considering the severity of specimens they work on. 
One of these scientists is Dr Faekah Kahlil, one of the nations leading pathologist doing what she always dreamed of doing; making the world safer. She's been there since before the sun, working on her newest batch of frozen diseases sent straight from the arctic. Little does her bosses know that sometimes she loses track of time, and often sleeps in the company break rooms. She may or may not use the flushing system to give herself a quick rinse, and keeps a change of spare clothes in her locker. Add a little spritz, cup of coffee, and some makeup, no one is the wiser. Except Francis the nightguard, who has on more than one occasion found her passed out on the couch. She frequently butters him up with homemade dishes and baked goods so he looks the other way. 
Last night was one of those nights, she makes sure she's in her respective area before anyone arrives and they just think she has specialized access to come in early. As her colleagues trickle in she's already started on her work. Studying these new found diseases and the impact they could have on humanity. Should a single speck of one of these diseases get out, it could cause a world wide black plague 2.0 and she's not going to be responsible for the death of millions. So she moves slowly, cautiously, and takes her decontamination ritual seriously. The other perk to working with deadly diseases that need to be kept in minus Celsius temperatures, is she gets to work entirely alone. A blessing and a curse. She doesn't get to talk to anyone unless on break, but she also gets to listen to music she likes and can be completely absorbed into her world. 
A knock on the glass shatters her from her concentration, luckily she wasn't transporting something fragile and simply examining under a microscope. She looks over to see another scientist, Dr Cooper, waving at her and signaling for her to listen. Faekah reaches over and mutes the music currently playing quietly through the speakers, Cooper pushes a button making the speakers crackle and whine. 
"Hey, Mr. Moore wants to see us."
That's all he says before he releases the communication button and leaves her line of sight. She sighs. It'll take her at least an hour to clean up, then another fifteen minutes to properly decom. This better be important and not like last time where she was promised an expedition to the arctic to study these specimens, and wound up doing glorified secretary work. She did not spend eleven years of schooling, six years of active duty, residency, and competitive interviewing with backed sources just to be a glorified secretary. She takes her time, she gets a little satisfaction from making Mr. Moore wait. He constantly referrers to her as Miss Kahlil or some wildly inaccurate nickname because he can't pronounce her first name. Nothing irritates her more, so she gets off by making him wait longer than he needs to by taking her sweet, sweet time. By the time she does arrive with Dr Cooper, Mr. Moore is impatiently pacing back and forth in his office and his irritation is evident on his face. 
"It's about time Miss Kahlil."
"Dr" she retorts. 
"Not today" he grumbles before walking around his desk with two large stacks of papers, "I have a new assignment for you and Mr. Cooper."
"Dr" he says casually. 
Faekah looks up at him, Dr Cooper gives her a wink and a cheeky grin, making her smile back before returning her gaze to Mr. Moore. Mr. Moore rolls his eyes and shakes his head, he would ask anyone else if he could, but he needs the best of the best to work on this new assignment. He hands the large stacks to each of them, letting them take a moment to read through the assignment details and view all the legal paperwork they have to sign. 
"So you want us to study...mold? This seems like Dr. Coopers area of expertise. I'm a pathologist not a mycologist." She states.
"If you agree to the terms laid out in the packet, I can answer any questions you have." Mr. Moore answers.
"Can we at least know what we're getting into?" Dr. Cooper asks.
"That is all I'm legally allowed to disclose unless you agree. This is a big job that requires my best people and the utmost secrecy. No one else can know what you two are working on, and you'll be given special clearance to our sister site where you'll be working together. It's a secondary location located just outside the city."
"Can we have some time to think about it?" She asks. 
"I need an answer now."
Faekah looks down at the stack of papers, every instinct inside her is telling her this is a bad idea. If she were in an animal form, her hackles would be raised in defense. Yet, a smaller, deeper part of her wants her to take the opportunity. This could be the key to realizing her dream or could be the key to even more paperwork and a worldwide outbreak. 
"I'll do it" she answers. 
"Well, if she's doing it, I'll do it too."
"Excellent! I just need you both to sign those papers, pack up your things, and you'll start tomorrow."
Faekah couldn't sleep that night. She hovers over the folder of information given to her about this new assignment. She keeps reading the headlines of the incident report over and over again about this Baker House incident. She's never heard of mold being capable of turning people homicidal to this degree. Her mind is running a million miles a minute on what could be so secretive of this new assignment. Part of her thinks there may be something illegal behind it, wouldn't be the first time Umbrella got caught in a scandal. She loves her work, what she does, but now she's regretting this choice. What if she gets caught up in something and can't back out? 
The next morning does very little to ease her concerns as she arrives at the sister sight only to be escorted through the unmarked building by an armed guard. The guard guides her to an all glass room where she goes through a lengthy decon process, and dawns brand new protective gear. She carefully positions the mask on and the safety glasses fit over her own, as she steps into the glass chamber like she's prepared for surgery. She waits for Dr. Cooper before beginning anything, while waiting she takes inventory of everything made available to them and makes a handwritten list. Dr Cooper arrives shortly before she's done, and by the time she's finished he too is geared up and ready to examine the specimen. 
"I've never seen anything like this" Dr. Cooper states. 
The following days bleed into weeks and eventual months with no clearer answers than before. This mold is different, it acts as though it's alive in the sense a mammal is alive; it looks as though it's made from tar rather than mold. Feakah spends a lot of time researching how pollution might impact the mold and its spores, with nothing so far. As she looks through another slide of samples she narrows her eyes, seeing the mold indicating properties similar to common parasites. There's something they're not telling her. She looks up toward Dr. Cooper then glances over to one of the glass walls, seeing two armed guards standing at attention with their backs toward her. She watches for a moment, then sees two more guards patrol pass. 
"Hey Cooper" she whisper yells. 
"What's up?" He answers, poking his head up. 
She motions with her head, "have you noticed there's more armed guards lately? I thought there were only the two at the gate."
"Oh yeah, I saw them on the way in this morning. You didn't hear?"
"Hear what?"
Cooper looks around the room then pushes his rolling chair closer to her, leaning over the desk. 
"There was a huge breach last night. Some files got leaked from inside Umbrella Corp. Of course they're blaming H.C.F but, I think it's bigger than that. All these soldiers are from B.S.A.A. Smells a little suspicious to me."
She rolls her eyes, "you and your conspiracies."
"I heard it from the big boss himself. He was having a very heated conversation the other night before I left. I don't think he knows I heard."
Faekah looks at him for a moment then shakes her head, she's not getting into this debate again. For a scientist and a doctor, he believes in some crazy things. She's fairly certain half the things he says are made up just to get under her skin or see what she reacts to. However, she continues to look over at the guards, growing weary and suspicious about the amount of them and by the specimen. Something is up for sure. 
That night when she arrives home she flicks on the light to her apartment and stops dead in her tracks upon seeing a folder lying on her counter. She looks around quickly and locks the door behind her, her gun is in the safe by her bed. Luckily for her she has a backup plan. She squats down and shifts through one of her shoes, grabbing a knife she keeps stashed away before she creeps around her entire apartment. Once she's certain that the apartment is clear, she hesitantly approaches the folder, seeing her name on the tab marker. She swallows thickly and flips the folder open, looking it over. 
It has all of her information in it; her full name, her birthday, her hometown even the full names and information on her immigrant parents. She flips the page and her blood runs cold, seeing pictures of her as a preteen in Racoon City. Next are the articles of the city being destroyed by the president. She had blocked those memories, the horror she faced of people being infected and the sounds of their screaming. Sometimes those screams still haunt her. It's the whole reason she wanted to do what she does, so that no one has to face such a trauma again. 
She flips through the pages, the second to last page has a screening of her parents genomes and the discrepancies between their genetic makeup and that of a normal human. The next page is her with the same notes and pictures of her midshift. So they know. They know she's not human. Down in the farthest corner she sees in bright red stamped letters: INFECTED. 
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ranchracoon · 5 days
To Be The One Master Post
Mother Miranda x Fem Shifter MC
Faekah has finally landed her dream job to make the world a better place. Every test, class, excruciating hours of studying, and years of servitude to the military paid off. The people she works with love her, she loves her work, and everything seems to be going well. Until she starts noticing people around the building who weren't there before, and many more armed guards surrounding her job site. Colleagues say it's precaution or corporate spies because of secret files being leaked. One of those files landing right in her lap and spilling secrets about herself she never knew. In the blink of an eye, she's left alone in the snowy mountains with only her training, smarts, and a name: Miranda.
Author's Note: This story will have events/references to Resident Evil: Biohazard and Resident Evil: Village. My knowledge of the Resident Evil universe is limited to wiki and those two games. I apologize if I screw up timelines or connections between events.
Chapter 1
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