#motley’s useless crafts
motley-cunt · 1 month
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So I spent about a day and a half making a fancyfull little sweeney boy (aka andy as a sock monkey) and I’m decently proud of the creepazoid so here he is, cobbled from T-shirt scraps and my roomate’s socks.
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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A U.S. spy satellite falls from its orbit and crashes into a pile of U.S.S.R. space junk, becoming entangled with a radioactive canister. The two fuse together in their descent towards the earth below. A man is watching the news in his cabin in the woods and becomes frustrated and angry with all of the reports dealing with mankind's effect on the failing environment. He lifts his TV set and carries it outside, where he tosses it into a garbage can - suddenly, he's struck with a blast of light and energy... Moments later, we see that the woodsman has been transformed. He's now some sort of hybrid between man, television and satellite! "What goes around, comes around," the creature states, "What comes around... goes around!" With that, the cyborg morphs into a ball of fiery energy and flies off.
The TMNT are working out in the sewers, still concerned about their missing brother, Raphael. Splinter and April are using the computers at April's news office to do research when one of O'Neil's co-workers arrives. Splinter hides while April has a joyful reunion with her friend, Malcolm, who thought she had been killed. The man asks April if she's investigating the reports of the fallen spy satellite, but O'Neil states that she's interested in something else. Malcolm politely excuses himself so April can get back to work. Splinter wishes to leave, and April sits at the keyboard to save her work - only to be pulled into the screen of the monitor by the cyborg! The Sensei tries to pull April free, but he's too late and is blasted by the satellite dude. Later, Splinter explains to the Turtles what happened. Donatello hacks into the news station's computers, attempting to trace where April was taken. Meanwhile, April is surprised to discover that her abductor is interested in having her interview him. The man states that he's about to destroy the world's communications systems - when April asks why, he tells her to grab her camcorder and he'll explain everything. The fellow stands and explains that he first wants to show people what's really going on in the world: starvation, disease and war - and then he'll shut everything down and force people to pause and think about what's happening - and then, together, humanity can do something about the problems. He hopes this plan will work so he doesn't have to do something more drastic - like using the nuclear waste within his body to irradiate the world's oil fields and rendering them useless for human use. April declares that his plan is madness, and the cyborg states that he is mad - and he's not going to take it anymore!
Just then, the TMNT come crashing through the window and battle the 'borg, who finally reveals his name to be Vid Vicious. Vid dives into a nearby computer monitor, with Donatello close on his heels. The two are transported to a bizarre dimension and begin to fight, as the others ponder how to rescue their brother. Suddenly, the Shredder arrives with a gang of Super Foot Soldiers! A fight breaks out, and Shredhead manages to download Vid and Don to disc before destroying the computer. With his prisoners in hand, Shredder escapes!
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The Shredder makes his escape with the disc containing Vid Vicious and Donatello, leaving Master Splinter, Leonardo, Michaelangelo and April to look for clues. The Sensei notes that the best clue is the remains of the defeated Foot robots themselves. Noting that they've recently encountered another robotic Foot foe, the foursome heads to Chinatown to investigate the building that had housed the giant Foot robot.
Upon investigating the abandoned structure, our heroes find a matchbook from Acme Traps. Splinter notes that the Shredder is leaving them obvious clues and thus they are probably walking into an obvious trap - but they must save Donatello, so the protagonists head to the headquarters for Acme Traps. Meanwhile, the Shredder opens the disc containing Vid and Don. Vicious escapes by flying out of a window, and Donatello uses the distraction to attack Shredhead. Unfortunately the ticked off turtle is no match for Saki and his robot minions, and is quickly subdued.
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The door to the Acme Traps building is unlocked, allowing easy access for Leo, Splinter, Mike and Splinterm, who proceed warily. They quickly discover that Don has been tied up and hung from the ceiling of the high room. There are three doors on the ground floor, and Leonardo, Michaelangelo and April head off to investigate them. Splinter sits and ponders why Shredder has only left three doorways for four foes, when he spots another route. Meanwhile, Mikey runs into some Foot robots and defeats them with ease while Leo and April discover that their doorways connected them to a circular hallway. After climbing a ladder and walking a scaffold, Splinter soon runs into Shredder and the two begin to fight. The Sensei leaps through a broken window to the structure's rooftop, with Shredder close behind him. The two old enemies exchange blows, but Shredhead wins the battle when Splinter's coat gets entagled with Acme Traps' billboard.
Shredder moves in to deal the killing blow, but a mysterious stranger arrives in a red cloak and kicks Saki's butt. Leo, Mike and April arrive on the roof and help Splinter down - and as they wonder who their rescuer might be, the red cloaked fighter reveals himself to be none other than Raphael! As everyone greets the fiery mutant, Shredder makes his escape.
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The TMNT are enjoying Donatello's latest creation - a sewer hot tub. April decides that bathing in warm sewer water isn't anything that she's interested in doing and heads off to stand watch. Raph explains that Cudley the Cowlick brought him home after his outer space adventure with the Mighty Mutanimals. Meanwhile, in Dimension X, Krang discovers an unexpected ally on Morbus, the garbage world where he'd been banished to by Cherubae.
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Back on Earth, April discovers an approaching intruder - who turns out to be Master Splinter. The Sensei tells O'Neil that it's time for her next lesson, and he admonsihes the TMNT. Splinter's not happy that his four mutant students are lounging about. The riled rodent orders the Turtles to get busy finding the Shredder before anything else terrible happens. Raph is happy to be proactive, but the Sensei reminds him that he needs to work with his brothers rather than on his own.
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Slash demands that Krang help him find his palm tree - or die! The brainy alien quickly surmises the circumstances and promises to take Slash to a world filled with palm trees, and thus Krang has found his next minion. The two set off together and Slash explains that he was sentenced to a prison term on Morbus - as many other unsavory characters have been. The toxicity of the place usually kills prisoners, but some can survive in the environment. As the Turtles transverse the sewers, they come upon a group of men who are assembling a bazooka.
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Back on Morbus, Slash and Krang spot a landing spacecraft. As the villains close to investigate, two armed guards escort a chained prisoner named Bellybomb off the ship. The guards read Bellybomb's long list of offenses and ask him if he has any last words before they abandom him on the toxic planet, to which the cosmic criminal replies, "You neglected to mention my unpaid parking tickets." Krang is most impressed with the toothy alien. The TMNT discover that the men in the sewer plan to use the bazooka to fire a missile through the street and into an armored car's vulnerable underside. The Turtles launch an attack on the would-be thieves.
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Slash attacks the guards holding Bellybomb and the two criminals charge into the ship to battle the remaining law men. Krang looks on happily and as he crawls towards the craft, decides that it's time to find a new body. The Turtles easily defeat the well-armed bandits and tie them up, while the villains in Dimension X commandeer the prison ship and set a course for Earth.
Slash, Krang and Bellybomb are on their way to Earth when they decide to stop at a nearby planet and hunt for some lunch - much to their surprise, upon landing they discover Bebop and Rocksteady! The two complain about being bored and join the terrible trio on their trip to our planet.
Meanwhile, the TMNT are on a mission to investigate one of Shredder's numerous bases. As the Turtle boys arrive, they quickly discover that Shredhead is home - and a battle ensues. After a brief skirmish, Krang's spacecraft suddenly smashes through the ceiling and the Turtles are face to face with quite a motley crew. Slash, Bebop and Rocksteady attack the TMNT while Shredder slips away to investigate the spacecraft. Inside the ship, Saki finds Krang and Bellybomb, who gives Shredder a face full of mega-halitosis that knocks the ninja unconscious. The aliens lay Shredder on a table, and Krang proceeds to possess the man in a most disturbing manner.
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Bebop and Rocksteady have taken to the streets and rob a pet store of its supply of food. The deadly duo then make their way to the zoo, where they apparently begin to fire their weapons upon caged animals.
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Meanwhile, the TMNT are facing their worst (and weirdest) foe yet - the head of Krang on the body of Shredder! With little time to spend gawking at this oddity, the TMNT brace themselves for another attack by Slash, Bellybomb and the Krang-Shredder monstrocity. Early on, Raph entices Slash to run off in search of his palm tree, making the odds better for our heroes. Shortly, Slash finds a pet store and breaks the window to gleefully steal a small plastic palm tree.
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Eventually the Turtles' teamwork enables them to get the upper hand in the fight. Raph rips Krang off of Shredder's body, while Mikey twirls his nunchukus and forces Bellybomb to get a giant whiff of his own toxic breath, thus disabling their remaining adversaries. Just as the Green Team is ready to celebrate, Bebop and Rocksteady arrive with a huge array of animals that they've freed from the zoo and level their guns at the Turtles. The TMNT drop their weapons as Shredder awakes. Saki relunctantly states that the Turtles saved his life and dejectedly walks off, but before he gets too far, Leonardo reminds his old foe that he owes the Turtles now. With is head bowed, Saki replies, "I know... I know." and disappears into the night.
Bebop and Rocksteady load the spaceship with their animal companions from the zoo, as well as Krang and Bellybomb, and head for outer space. The Turtles worry that both Shredder and Slash are on the loose again, and make their way back to the sewer.
Bebop and his partner drop Krang and Bellybomb back on the toxic waste planet before returning to the jungle world - which they've decided is home.
This was pretty much the end of this run in my country, so anything after this is new to me. This arc has been in my mind ever since, and each issue has something interesting. Sometimes for the worse.
The first chapter is perhaps the lowest point of the series thus far. With a villain that makes no sense, and even events that make no sense. The guy becomes super-powerful because a satellite fell on him, and he can do almost anything. Then he and Donatello get trapped inside a floppy disk (???).
But after that, things get better. An issue illustrated by Gene Colan (I didn’t realize this as a kid, probably because it was before reading all those Batman comics), then the issue with the cover of what was issue #1 in my country (which was actually issue #5).
The real deal here is Krang and how evil he can be. It is something I never realized by watching the cartoon, but the comic took him more seriously.
The sweetest thing is Slash, looking for his palm tree, something Krang took literally, but becomes very cute when he finally finds a toy palm tree.
To me this was the perfect conclusion for the run, and having just read the following filler episodes, I can imagine why.
There is a back-up story that will continue for a few issues about April and Splinter in Chinatown, I will probably talk about it when that story finally starts.
The purpose of this story is pretty obvious now, they wanted to make a distinction between this comic and the cartoon, the two were very different at this point. The most evident difference is April and anything around Channel 6. April is a better character in this comic than in the cartoon, and a character female readers could be interested in.
I give the story a score of 7.
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itsworn · 6 years
We Prep to Baseline Dyno Car Craft’s Fake Snake Mustang
Previously, we introduced you to our latest project buildup, a ’99 Mustang GT we picked up for a song because ’90s era American muscle has gotten pretty affordable lately and this particular Mustang came with a busted transmission and a host of other issues.
Immediately after getting the car back into the shop, we made a list of priorities for making repairs. First up was removal of the ridiculous Cobra badges one of the previous owners had used to turn a perfectly fine GT into a poser-mobile. Next, we fixed the leaking fuel tank and rebuilt the T45 transmission that was missing third and fourth gears.
That basically brings us to the present where the goal is to get the car back on the road. The real problem with our T45 five-speed was a broken shifter fork for Third and Fourth gears. Last installment [here], we showed you how driveline specialist Jim Cook brought the five-speed back up to spec on the cheap, but before putting it back in we wanted to make some additional upgrades to the car.
The existing clutch still functioned properly but the clutch pedal was ridiculously stiff. It definitely isn’t stock, but we couldn’t identify any markings to let us know where it came from or if it would be able to hold the additional horsepower we hope to add with engine mods. Plus, pulling the transmission from an SN95 Mustang is nobody’s idea of fun, so we thought it wise to replace to clutch while the trans was out of the way.
For that we turned to Advanced Clutch Technology (ACT) for their HD/Performance Street Sprung clutch package and a lightweight steel flywheel. The clutch and pressure plate are rated to 485 ft-lbs of torque, which is way more than our 4.6-liter V8 can produce (for now!), and the clutch pedal should be much more humane. ACT’s HD/Performance Street clutches are an excellent choice for performance cars that will still see regular street duty. The clutch disc uses an organic friction material, which is much more forgiving than ceramic-based discs, which tend to be “grabby” and can make street driving a pain in the rear. The flywheel has also been lightened, which should help acceleration, but ACT hasn’t cut so much away that the car becomes impossible to drive in stop-and-go traffic.
Another upgrade we’ll be making is the exhaust. The existing exhaust was welded in, and to get the busted transmission out of the car we had to cut away the exhaust pipes. That was no great loss, however, because the aftermarket system that was in the car was constructed from mild steel and had rusted away to uselessness. At one spot the muffler was literally held to the exhaust pipe with what looked like clothes-hanger wire.
To avoid the same situation happening again, Hooker sent us their BlackHeart Cat-Back exhaust which fits ’96 through ’04 4.6-liter Mustangs. High-flow mufflers are integral in this kit, and best of all, it’s all constructed from 304 stainless steel so rust won’t be an issue again. On the car the mufflers definitely improved the sound of the 4.6 V8. The car is now throaty without crossing the line into, “Hey, look at me, officer!” levels of obnoxiousness. Plus, it should only get better once we get into the engine and start adding horsepower.
The plan from the get-go has always been to get the car on the chassis dyno as soon as possible so that we could get a baseline for future improvements. It was tempting to throw the Mustang on the rollers as soon as we tightened the last bolt on the rebuilt transmission, but that likely wouldn’t have been wise. The engine’s history was unknown, but we did know that the coil-on-plug V8 was sporting coils from three different manufacturers, and we suspected at least a few had been there for the full 225,000 miles the engine has been in service.
So before putting the engine through the stress of several WOT passes on the rollers, we swapped out the existing motley crew of coils for a matched set of Sultans of Spark (SOS) coils from Performance Distributors as well as fresh NGK plugs. Performance Distributors says the SOS coils are built with more windings than stock to push more energy to the spark plugs. To take advantage of that extra power, we opened up the gap on the spark plugs to 0.065 inch like Performance Distributors recommended.
And finally, we have the Mustang back on the road with all five forward gears in proper working order. It’s time to start having some fun!
After getting the rebuilt transmission installed (with a few other select components), we’re finally taking the Fake Snake Mustang to the dyno.
Instead of reinstalling the old clutch back into the Mustang, we upgraded the clutch to something that will handle increased horsepower while providing improved drivability. ACT’s HD/Performance Street Sprung Clutch package is lighter weight than the unit we replaced and it can handle up to 485 ft-lbs of torque, which means we won’t have to replace the clutch as we make improvements to the engine.
The original pilot bearing was practically seized into the crankshaft. After several failed attempts, including a slide puller and the old grease trick, we finally found a parts store loaner tool that had enough leverage to get the pilot bearing out.
The weight savings for this clutch package comes from ACT’s lightweight steel flywheel. At 14.5 pounds, it shaves 6.5 pounds off the weight of the original flywheel (background). Plus, the ACT flywheel is SFI certified so we can take it to the track later with no worries.
The biggest headache so far came from trying to locate the bolts that connect the clutch pressure plate to the flywheel. The ’99 GT uses 8mm bolts and dowel pins to locate and secure the pressure plate. Newer models use a larger bolt with a shoulder that removes the need for dowel pins. ARP doesn’t make a bolt kit for this application, and trips to two different Ford dealerships came up with nothing. Finally, a desperate call to Summit Racing solved the problem. They shipped the Ford Performance kit that same day and we had it in-hand the next. Here, one of the dowels is pressed in with red Loctite to make sure it won’t move.
Because we didn’t know the provenance of the existing flywheel bolts, the decision to upgrade to high quality bolts from ARP was an easy one. We followed the instructions and tightened the bolts to 70 ft-lbs in a star pattern after applying ARP lube to the underside of the bolt heads and red Loctite to the threads.
Like the flywheel, the clutch disc is also SFI certified. Despite being able to hold 485 ft-lb of power, the clutch still uses organic friction material—which is much more street friendly than a disc using ceramic. It also has a sprung hub for smoother shifts. Here, we’re using the included alignment tool to properly locate the disc while the pressure plate is bolted up.
After the pressure plate is located on the dowels and bolted up, the plastic alignment tool can be removed.
The Mustang uses a mechanical throwout bearing. That may be upgraded to a hydraulic system in the future, but for now we discarded the old throwout bearing for the new one included in the ACT kit and hooked everything up.
Here’s the Hooker BlackHeart stainless cat-back exhaust system going in place of the old rusted exhaust. The 2.5-inch tubing is mandrel bent for good flow, and everything is constructed from long-lasting 304 stainless steel that is heat resistant and won’t rust.
Here you can see how the rot in the existing mild steel exhaust has completely eaten away all the tubing around the weld. This is why a stainless exhaust can be so valuable. If money is tight, Hooker also offers a system made from less expensive 409 stainless. This can help you save a buck while also getting a high-quality rust-resistant exhaust underneath your car.
We must admit the Hooker BlackHeart straight-through muffler makes a great sound. The exhaust note is throaty and strong without being obnoxious, and there is practically no drone to be heard inside the car while cruising at speed.
The BlackHeart system comes with exhaust clamps (left) which are totally serviceable. We have plans for headers and new cats in the future, so the exhaust will have to come off again. Instead of the Hooker clamps, we ordered a set of Torctite stepped clamps from Summit Racing that should make removing and reinstalling the exhaust a little bit easier.
Once installed, the BlackHeart cat-back system looks great. The mufflers take up minimal space (and cut weight), and everything tucks up nice and tight.
A new clutch needs to bed-in just like new brake pads, so after driving the Mustang 400 miles in stop-and-go traffic, we took it to Performance Automotive in Monroe, NC, to put it on their chassis dyno and get a baseline power number. Shop owner Les Lesneski helped us swap out the original coils for a new, high-energy set of SOS coils from Performance Distributors.
The SOS coils can actually help make a bit of power because the extra voltage they produce will allow you to open up the plug gaps for a better burn. We set the plug gaps on a new set of NGKs to 0.065 of an inch.
Finally, we have the Fake Snake on the dyno. The results certainly weren’t impressive, but at least we have a solid, healthy baseline for future improvements.
Lesneski made three runs with our Mustang on his roller dyno, and the results were consistently “meh.” We saw peak torque of 258.9 lb-ft and horsepower of 225.9. Not impressive by any means, but Lesneski says those numbers are in line with other Mustang GTs of this vintage, so this tells us there are no issues and we can continue with the improvements.
The post We Prep to Baseline Dyno Car Craft’s Fake Snake Mustang appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/prep-baseline-dyno-car-crafts-fake-snake-mustang/ via IFTTT
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giveuselife-blog · 7 years
Russian Web 2.0 Explodes with material - 10 Million Blogs in 2008
New Post has been published on https://giveuselife.org/russian-web-2-0-explodes-with-material-10-million-blogs-in-2008/
Russian Web 2.0 Explodes with material - 10 Million Blogs in 2008
I used to be a fortunate youngster. Due to the fact that I used to be seven, I waited with first-rate anticipation for lunch time, while my mother, who worked at a massive publishing house, might convey a freshly revealed percent of Soviet newspapers, like “Izvestiya,” “Pravda,” “Trud,” “Komsomolskaya Pravda,” “Krasnaya Zvezda,” “Sovetsky Recreation,” all in all, up to ten+ newspapers. There has been not anything extra quality than to chomp on a juicy apple and examine all the trendy information in one p.C.! I even used to fight with my older brother over who will get “Sovetsky Recreation” and “Komsomolskaya Pravda” first.
Despite the abundance of patterns, from the stiff and legitimate “Pravda” to the greater at ease and youthful “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, the evaluations expressed were trimmed to the regulations of the reigning Soviet propaganda system. Best after the genie of glasnost got here out of Gorbachev’s bottle, I noticed a few surprisingly important articles in the Soviet press. Even then, human beings nonetheless could not sincerely talk up or relate their critiques to particular activities, except discussing it with friends or relatives in their tiny kitchens, where humans ought to speak anything and the entirety at small kitchen tables with the assist of vodka and pickles…
Unfortunately, within the early Yeltsin era, the newly minted democratic Russian media advanced in a motley crew of yellow press, scandals and soap operas. Frequently it turned into tough to sift through this flow and locate a few real pearls of true truth and compelling critic. in the late ninety’s, the Net gave a start to the running a blog universe, and it quick gained reputation from mass users, reporters, politicians, and critics, growing an enormous Russian salad of critiques and philosophies by no means tasted before.
These days Russian running blog services are on their way up. The trendy studies by using Yandex, the Russian seek engine No. 1, showed that the two most famous services in the Russian Net (RUNET) are LiveJournal’s Russian language community (RULJ) and LiveInternet (LI). On June 6, 2007, the RULJ proudly recorded 1 million registered customers and blogs. Yet the long status #2 running a blog webpage LI is unexpectedly accomplishing its most important rival, RULJ, in terms of recent blogs and regular notes.
But, space is still huge: LI has one hundred seventy,000 everyday traffic, while there are 600,000 visitors at RULJ. LI’s Trendy Director German Klimenko stated to CNews that the quantity of lively blogs at LI will exceed LJ by way of the quit of 2007. Yandex research suggests that the general increase of the Russian blogging sphere is seventy-four% (forty-one% international), but the total wide variety of Russian blogs account for Best three% of worldwide blogs. Analysts consider that by 2008 there could be at least 10 million blogs inside the Russian a part of the global blogosphere.
Permit’s make a brief contrast among LI and RULJ. After you check or sign up to both, one issue will become clear at once: RULJ is virtually extra mature and garners an older target market. LI, boasting a kaleidoscope of offerings, is crafted for teens and young adults. Certainly, LI’s target audience is developing faster than that of RULJ. In spite of everything, kids are yearning for the organization and socializing. The massive distinction is in the high-quality of Content material and blogs, in which at LI bored teenagers spill out their sparkling 1/2-thoughts and dreams, whilst the coolest on’ RULJ crowd is plenty more Content material with serious topics and informative Content. There is a terrific number of actually interesting blogs and boards at RULJ. Although, each blog arenas cover nicely for their kind of audiences.
Depressed Russians and Football Widows
properly, yes, while you are coming into the Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport, the first Russians who you notice are not smiling and look quite gloomy. However, in reality, associating Russians with depression – that sounds funny to me. Little did I recognize that a new term “a Russian” method just that! Here is what one RULJ person, Underneath the subject “presenteeism” this user shared newly coined English language terms that hadn’t Yet come to Russia. Those are the first 3 words:
“mac nazi” – humans crazy about Apple Macintosh products
”Football widow” – a female who believes her husband is useless in the course of Football fits
”a Russian” – someone who is constantly in melancholy and sees the world in black
And There’s a whole lot extra of this new language in there.
Now, how about checking the most popular blogs in Russia? Yandex frequently publishes its own score of RUNET’s blogs at Blogs.Yandex.Ru/top. As of July three, 2007, there were 2,189,160 blogs rated at the Yandex machine.
For example, the pinnacle-4 blogs in the Russian Net on July four, 2007, included:
1. Alexander Jdanov and images of the “Star Manufacturing facility” – famous tune display
2. “an illustrated mag about everything within the international”
three. blog of Leonid Kaganov, Russian writer
four. particularly diverse pictures of glamor, animals, humans and fashion
Blogger services rating with the aid of Yandex, July 3, 2007
• LiveInternet 51,823 facts on July three
• LiveJournal forty-eight,439
• Diary.Ru 18,609
• Blogs.Mail.Ru 12,289
• Love ♥ Planet 7,935
• Planeta.Rambler.Ru 2,875
• Ben.Ru 2,398
• Jamango 2,129
search in blogs through Yandex, July three, 2007
• Steve Bloom
• Transformers the sport
• torent
• Timothy and Sobchak
• Harry Potter
On July 3, 2007, famous classes protected (most famous are in caps letters): Anime, CRAP, spring, VIDEO, questions, youngsters, DIARY, friends, Eurovision, LJ, life, games, thrilling, Internet, history, photos, cinema, books, culture, private, lay TDY BR or ksnls,h, love, humans, my mind, my life, tune, thoughts, mind aloud, mood, news approximately life, about me, relaxation, fantastic, POLITICS, pranks, nature, psychology, journey, job, pondering, numerous, desires, events, Game, hyperlinks, poems, tv, creativity, assessments, movies, Photograph, Football, hockey, faculty, humor, me, me and my pals.
Copycats Entice Thousands and thousands of customers
But big RULJ and LI communities are, fortuitously There may be much more that you may discover in the Russian blogosphere. Ever puzzled what the Russian copies of the well-well famous Western weblog websites had been? Here you’re: MoiKrug.Ru is a local version of LinkedIn; Odnoklassniki.Ru – Classmates.Ru; Fakultet.Ru, Vkontakte.Ru — Fb; Habrahabr.Ru – Dig.Com; Privet.Ru (Combo) – MySpace. MoiKrug focuses on expert community. Odnoklassniki is looking for lost contacts, in particular from their excessive schools. Vkontakte and Fakultet are oriented in the direction of students. while the copycats of the “A million Dollar website online” that secured an actual million to its British proprietor did now not spark with the skeptical Russian Net-network, social networks quick went berserk.
The ultra-modern hit of the Russian Web 2.zero is Vkontakte.Ru. Recently Alexa (www.Alexa.Com), a main Internet Statistic Portal, located Vkontakte as the top-four Russian web page, right after such giants as Mail.Ru, Yandex, and Rambler. customers reward the website for clean-to-use design and plenty of features similar to Fb. As an instance, Currently, Vkontakte introduced the video, permitting users to feature movies to their pages. The website additionally allows you to look by using process touch, friends, and remind you of your buddies’ birthdays. In line with Vkontakte data, a few 12,000 people check in on this website every day.
Created in 2006, Habrahabr.Ru, an analog of Dig.Com, became successful almost at once. Habrahabr’s audience consists of people inquisitive about the Web development and Internet economy, Net-designers, programmers, journalists, analysts and diverse companies interested in the Internet. The challenge permits its users to feature blogs, write articles, paste information and create private audio and video applications. In 2007 Habrahabr received the undertaking of the Yr 2007 and First-rate Net community Awards.
Aside from These websites that assist in finding friends and offering socializing platform, there are some interesting tasks covering diverse social wishes.
  For instance, In line with Habrahabr, Lately E-Generator.Ru supported by means of FINAL protecting released DrugMe.Ru (note that in Russian drug actually way “a friend”), a social site for people with various illnesses inquisitive about socializing with each other, finding better capsules and doctors, recommending desirable clinics, and so on. A number of the offerings which range from RULJ, a unwell person can search among customers with the equal analysis and depart a reference approximately a selected doctor and hospital, and many other matters. through the quiet of 2007, the site hopes to get as a minimum One million users. And its principal promotion approach could be the usage of virus advertising via the happy pool of first customers, supplemented by using catchy scientific news and success tales.
Training is every other sphere that is destined to be Net-two-odd. For instance, in 2006 Intel and TransTelecom together released a web 2.zero venture for Russian teachers. The Letopisi.Ru project geared toward teaching teachers in the use of Net 2.0 ideas to create a platform for collective instructional projects. Letopisi.Ru helped many Russian instructors involve their students in institution initiatives.
show Me the Cash: ‘Cherchez La Femme’ and L. A. Russ
So, where is the Cash? Mamba.Ru President, Nikita Sherman, said that some 15 million humans use Net courting sites. And this market is growing 70% to one hundred% annually. For that reason, in 2006 Internet-courting web page proprietors harvested USD 34 million of earnings. In line with iKS-Consulting, fifty-two% of those target audience are men with higher Training and enterprise owners. sure, for a chance to find your Cinderella/Jolie or a Tremendous/Spiderman, Russian men and women don’t mind spending their difficult earned rubles.
But Net 2.zero web page owners also look for the “inexperienced” light in the end of Internet tunnel. Given that you created a unique, famous and beneficial website online, the easiest manner is promoting your begin-up commercial enterprise and merging with massive Russian Net coins cows. That’s what MoiKrug.Ru and Damochka.Ru did, selling their groups to Yandex and Rambler respectively. However, top managers of Fakultet.Ru chose a different manner to monetize their business. According to CNews, Fakultet actually presented every of its users their percentage within the venture, making their subscribers shareholders. This August the employer will trouble A million stocks (1% of Charter Capital) and distribute among its users. The agency owners are looking to both monetize their commercial enterprise and engage their clients in this enterprise. Sooner or later, other corporations, like DrugMe and Eva.Ru, are looking for sponsors and advertisement.
One way or some other, Russian Internet 2.0 is evolving into a very creative and dwelling organism that brings people together and offers brilliant enterprise opportunities to bright entrepreneurs and programmers. So, are you feeling Russian now?
Dr. Andrey Gidaspov has over ten years of experience in commercial enterprise consulting within the IT and telecom (ICT) fields in Russia, CIS, and Asia. Andrey has sealed offers for loads of American organizations with Russian and CIS companions, starting from begin-up companies to big multi-national corporations all through Eurasia. His beyond clients consist of 9aaf3f374c58e8c9dcdd1ebf10256fa5 generation leaders which include Motorola, Harris, Tekelec, Oracle, Corning, Tellabs, Qualcomm, Net2Phone, Nortel, Andrew and lots of others.
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