#moveextras 001
pridefulshark · 5 years
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“VOOIIIIII!! GET OUT OF MY WAY BRAT!!!!” Squalo shouts as he shoves past the blond boy, his sword extending from his prosthetic arm. It was bad luck that his target was currently in the middle of being robbed by three armed men in masks. He points his sword out at the thieves. “YOU TOO YOU PIECES OF SHIT!” He just had to get to the man currently cowering under the table.
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betrayou · 5 years
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He is apprehensive, expression drawn too obviously nervous even when facing a child,  a teen, someone younger than he was; or at least he assumes. But it were all the same either way, Shoichi is always, always,  a l w a y s bad with  individuals whose face are contorted in that certain kind of ANGRY way, like he had done something wrong even before he could talk; even if it hadn’t been his fault----- the insistent music was certainly not his doing. 
“ Is it...really that bad ? ”  He doesn’t think so, the tune almost pleasant if only because it was idle; it makes his brain a little numb, makes him sleepy; Shoichi yawns, covers his mouth and rubs his eyes underneath his glasses.  “ You could just cover your ears---- listen to other music or earplugs maybe? ” 
@moveextras  ▮ 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑
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ccgsking-blog · 5 years
@moveextras​ // x
Arima’s expression is neutral, his right hand gripping the hilt of his wooden sword. His eyes scanned the crowd, unblinking -- studying: there was a reason for this, this change from death to distinctive living.
Calculating, he pauses in front of what appears to be a grocery store of some kind. He doesn’t want to leave his sword outside; he’s already woefully unarmed without his quinque. It seems odd to bring a weapon into a store. This train of thought is cut short, however, as someone pushes through the door and knocks into Arima.
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“Consider watching where you’re going,” he says, pushing up his glasses with the tips of his fingers. “You might end up hurt.”
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devespertilio · 5 years
-- @moveextras
"You need to learn to control your temper.”
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Batman drops down from the fire escape, where he had been observing a fight between this boy and a few rogues. He had started the fight, and along with aggressively shouting he had not only drawn more attention to himself but also expended more energy than necessary. Despite that he couldn’t deny that the boy knew how to fight, and he was pretty sure he had observed something going on with the boy’s fist. Meta-human perhaps.
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ignitedsol · 5 years
hey, @moveextras​ watcha doing?
    despite knowing odds are he is most likely not from remnant, yang reached the conclusion there’d be no harm in asking. besides, it’s a nice ice breaker for people who seem to enjoy the spotlight. so she walks over, pointing at the smoke coming out of the boy’s hands. also, yang is simply going to ignore whatever he might’ve just exploded; that only make things all the more interesting!
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     ‘ wow ! hey, that’s a cool trick you have there. is that your semblance? ’
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