tsgcolumbus · 4 years
The Big Give
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This Wednesday, The Big Give is offering a BIG opportunity to join together and help others! On June 10-11, each donation to one or more of the 1,100+ nonprofits in The Giving Store will be boosted by a $1.5 million + Bonus Pool thanks to generous donors, community and corporate partners, the largest in The Big Give history! We had the honor of featuring 4 non-profits that are a part of The Giving Store in our latest edition and wanted to share a little more about each of their organizations with you, in hopes that you will help support their incredible mission through donations during The Big Give.
Gigi’s: Improving the Lives of Shelter Dogs 
Gigi’s partners with Columbus Humane to connect shelters that have an abundance of homeless dogs with shelters that have an unmet capacity to get dogs adopted into great homes. Through our partnership, Gigi’s staff brings adoptable dogs from those partner shelters to Gigi’s campus in Columbus for veterinary care, behavioral evaluation and grooming. From there, the dogs are transported to Columbus Humane and other adoption center partners for adoption.Gigi's also provides their shelter partners with supplies, vaccines, equipment, training tools, and coaching on their procedures – ensuring all the dogs in their care are healthier and better prepared for adoption. Donate Here
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Flying Horse Farms
Flying Horse Farms is a medical specialty camp that provides healing, transformative camp experiences for children with serious illnesses and their families — free of charge. At Flying Horse Farms, being sick takes a backseat to being a kid and fun is priority number one. Campers participate in activities like swimming, fishing, archery, high ropes, and arts and crafts. Campers also receive first-rate care at our on-site health center, staffed 24/7 by medical professionals from children’s hospitals across Ohio. Located on 200 acres in Mt. Gilead, Ohio, camp first opened its gates in 2010 and hosts about 900 children and families each year. Just one week or weekend at camp can provide a lifetime of healing. Donate Here
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Hope Hollow
Hope Hollow is a Columbus based non-profit whose mission is to provide lodging, meals, transportation and emotional support…at no cost…to cancer patients and their loved ones, who are financially in need, while on their journey with cancer. Hope Hollow was founded by Jane Jacquemin-Clark and her husband Kevin Clark as a way of living the gratitude for Jane being a two-time survivor of cancer. They are living their gratitude by offering welcome, hospitality and hope to those coming to Columbus, Ohio seeking medical treatment for cancer. It has been said that “strangers are friends we have yet to meet.” In the spirit of caring, Hope Hollow helps those served to feel at home while traveling away from home and Jane and Kevin hope to make a positive difference in the lives of persons they have yet to meet. Donate Here 
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Junior League of Columbus 
The Junior League of Columbus, Inc (JLC) develops the potential of women through community impact, training, and leadership development. Since 1923, the JLC has been serving the central Ohio community. Today, the JLC impacts our community through many projects, including our Adopt-a-Backpack for Children (ABC) Project through which we have provided 55,000 supplied-filled backpacks since 1999. The JLC also manages the Kelton House Museum and Garden, which once served as a stop on the Underground Railroad, provides award-winning programs and tours educating the public on life in the second half of the 19th century with a unique view of urban life and the decorative arts. Donate Here 
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tsgcolumbus · 4 years
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We caught up with our favorite plastic surgeon, Dr. Robert Heck, and had him answer a few fun facts about himself, and well as offer some great advice on misconceptions about plastic surgery, + more. Summer (and post-quarantine) is the perfect time to seek out some of the treatments he offers like botox, liposuction, cool-sculpting, tummy tuck, breast augmentation, and more. 
1. If I weren’t in my current field of work I’d be:
“Most likely if I wasn't a plastic surgeon I would be an attorney and work in the field of politics. I actually really enjoy all things related to government and politics.”
2. What is a piece of advice you have for men and women who are hesitant or intimidated by Plastic Surgery?
“Honestly when you're in a safe, professional practice with a board certified plastic surgeon you should comfortable and secure with the assessment and treatment you will receive. That is our job and my goal to give a thorough assessment and perform treatments that are clinically indicated and safe to do for your aesthetic improvement.”
3. Favorite place to eat out in Columbus:
“We pretty much love anything Cameron Mitchell does because it's always delicious and we share the same views on customer service! I could pretty much eat or do take out from a different restaurant of his any day of the week.”
4. A common misconception about plastic surgery is:
“A common misconception is that plastic surgery is only for older or wealthy clients. We see clients of all age, demographics and economic situations. We give realistic and honest opinions on what would be the best options for your individual goals.”
5. If I didn’t live in Columbus I would live in:
“I actually can't imagine living anywhere else yet. I love Columbus and everything about it except the gray skies of course. I'm a big fan of all things Ohio. But if I really did move I could do Charleston South Carolina for sure!”
6. The biggest lesson I have learned in my career:
“I think since starting my practice 18 years ago I have learned about what  surgery plan is going to make clients happy and satisfied with their results. I have learned to guide clients on the right expectations and am honest about i feel i can do for each individual.”
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tsgcolumbus · 4 years
Happy Mother’s Day
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“Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.” —Unknown 
Mothers deserve to be celebrated every single day and showered with love always. We are so grateful for all of the mothers that make Columbus and TSG all that it is. We asked some of our members to share their favorite things about their mothers & about being a mothers themselves - and we are absolutely loving their sweet answers!
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Autumn Pochiro with Autumn Dawn Inspired Design
The thing I admire most about my mother:
“What I love and admire most about my sweet mom is she's always smiling even when the world around her looks bleak.”
The greatest advice my mother has given me:  
“Everyone deserves a second chance. That's what love is a chance.”
The biggest lesson I have learned about myself since becoming a mother:
“Being a mom is the greatest gift. The love of my daughters makes my world whole yet makes me question every decision. The job of being their moral and spiritual compass until they know their own heart makes me want to be a better person daily.”
The thing I love most about being a mother:  
“Quality time spent with my girls I am always amazed at the way they love, dream, and play. Even as teens, they have this beautiful view of humanity. Grateful, to have their unconditional love.”
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Jennifer Heck with Dr Robert Heck-Columbus Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
The thing I admire most about my mother:
“My mother had the patience to do it all. She was a full time middle school teacher while raising 5 kids and we always felt well cared for. She had to have been pulled in so many directions but yet all us children never wanted for anything. Probably the most admirable attribute about my mom however is her ethics and kindness, she truly always does the right thing and is caring to all she meets!”
The greatest advice my mother has given me:  
“The greatest advice my mom gave to me was to give myself a break. I often want to succeed at multiple things at once and am hard on myself if i don't believe I'm achieving a certain level of success. I have learned that I can't be the best at home, work, my work outs, taking care of the kids and my husband all at once, I need to forgive myself for having balance and accepting my definition of "best" doesn't mean I'm still not succeeding.”
The biggest lesson I have learned about myself since becoming a mother:  
“The biggest lesson I have learned about myself becoming a mother is realizing that I need to be flexible. Just because I want things, behaviors, goals for the kids to be a certain way doesn't mean it's the only path it will take.”
The thing I love most about being a mother:  
“The thing I love most about being a mother now that my kids are 17 and 19 are  the simple things like family dinner, knowing they are asleep in their rooms at night, or making them breakfast in the morning. The transition from infant to teen goes so fast, I've enjoyed it all but what also brings me joy now is seeing them be independent and thinking through things themselves to better prepare for adulthood!”
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Erica Fullen with The Wild Sage Collective
The thing I admire most about my mother:
“Her creativity. My mom has an amazing eye for design and can make any space look beautiful.”
The greatest advice my mother has given me:  
“Being one of 3 daughters and having 3 daughters myself, my mother has always told me to choose my battles. Do you want to be right or do you want peace is a question I often ask myself when I find myself on the verge of a "battle" with my daughters.”
The biggest lesson I have learned about myself since becoming a mother:  
“I have learned what it feels like to have my heart on the outside of my body.”
The thing I love most about being a mother:  
“Being a mother constantly challenges and motivates me to show up as the best version of myself.”
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Fiona Miller with Fiona Miller Art
The thing I admire most about my mother:
“My mum is a natural giver: she is always ready to love on and serve others!”
The greatest advice my mother has given me:  
“This advice has come more through example than words, but she has taught me the value of hard work and determination. So much can be accomplished by just tackling one thing and then the next.”
The biggest lesson I have learned about myself since becoming a mother:  
“I am not a very patient person!!!  (I'm still learning this one.....)”
The thing I love most about being a mother:  
“It has taught me so much about my faith: the depth to which I love my children simply because they are mine, helps me understand how much I am loved by God.”
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Francesca Festa with Dragonfly Counseling and Wellness
The thing I admire most about my mother:
“Self-care. I have seen my mother take care of her body and her mind with consistency and balance through her whole life with yoga, massages, an healthy diet and her personal skin care routine. I always admired it and I witnessed the benefits. I came to appreciate her lifestyle even more when I became a working mom and following in her footsteps helped me gain balance and maintain sanity. And of course, her teaching had a great impact on my job as a wellness counselor!”
The greatest advice my mother has given me:  
“My mother had to work full time when I was growing up and I remember her job was not always the best fit for her. However, she dutifully went to work everyday until she retired, without ever complaining. She taught me a sense of responsibility and commitment. At the same time, she always encouraged me (and in fact made it possible for me) to follow my passions.”
The biggest lesson I have learned about myself since becoming a mother:  
“Becoming a mother taught me the importance of slowing down and learning to be present. I am practicing being mindful and offering my children undivided attention for a certain period of time. Although it can be really challenging, I intentionally take some time every day to turn off my phone and just be with my kids without distractions. I do it both for them and for myself.”
The thing I love most about being a mother:  
“Spending time with my kids I rediscovered the joy of playing. I love sitting on the floor with them or getting messy with art projects. Playing with them allows me to connect and teach them new skills to help them grow. At the same time, playing gives me an opportunity to be creative, relieve stress, and be in the moment.”
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Abigail Fredelake with The Scout Guide
The thing I admire most about my mother:
“Her energy, love for life, and how everyone she meets becomes a friend.”
The greatest advice my mother has given me:  
“Life is short, so live it to the fullest and don't take things too seriously.”
The biggest lesson I have learned about myself since becoming a mother:  
“The amount of love I could have for my son.”
The thing I love most about being a mother:  
“The smile he gives me when I walk into a room is the absolute best.”
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Paxton Hood with The Scout Guide
The thing I admire most about my mother:
“Her strength, resilience, and grace through the difficult times will never not amaze me. She is patient and calm through all things and loves with her whole heart. I can only hope when I am a mother someday that my children feel as loved and supported as I do every day from my mother.”
The greatest advice my mother has given me:  
“Control what you can and don’t dwell on things you cannot - I can get a bit dragged down by my desire to control things and discouraged when I cannot. She always reminds me that it is okay to let things go a little, breathe, and give myself a bit of a break. It is okay to not have it all together – learning that more than ever with this pandemic!”
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Mara Ackermann with Ackermann & Associates
The thing I admire most about my mother:
“Her independence, she always has been self-sufficient and has relied only on herself.”
The greatest advice my mother has given me:  
“Expectations are resentments waiting to happen”
The biggest lesson I have learned about myself since becoming a mother:  
“My daughters watch everything I do- my actions need to have accountability and character”
The thing I love most about being a mother:  
“Seeing the world through the eyes of my children who have no judgement and everything is new and exciting.”
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Allison Leonard with Kismet Visuals
The thing I admire most about my mother:
“Is how she has always 1000% provided for our family, not financially necessarily but she shows her love so well in all the other ways. I wish I was half as good as her in the kitchen too”
The greatest advice my mother has given me:  
“Be the bigger person AND if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.”
The biggest lesson I have learned about myself since becoming a mother:  
“That nothing hurts more than seeing your children hurting and although I would do anything to take away their pain I also know part of life is pain and letting them grow and learn from that pain is important.”
The thing I love most about being a mother:  
“The hugs and kisses and the way they truly love me unconditionally.”
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Jenn Teitt with Bellepoint Company
The biggest lesson I have learned about myself since becoming a mother:
“Being a mother has taught me every day about God's love for me. In the same ways I care for, nurture, protect, and guide Charlie, I know God cares for, nurtures, protects, and guides me.“
The thing I love most about being a mother:
“Waking up every morning is kind of like Christmas. I'm excited to see his bright smile, hear his sweet voice, and feel those little arms wrap around my neck. Every day is ten times better because of Charlie.”
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tsgcolumbus · 4 years
Mother’s Day Gift Guide
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How do you possibly make a mother feel as loved, supported, & celebrated as she makes you feel? We put together a list of dreamy Mother’s Day gifts from our TSG Members that are sure to make anyone feel special! Remember to support local by shopping online and scheduling delivering or curb-side pickup! 
1. Arezzo Handwoven Throw ($32.99) from Cedar & Thread Shop here
2. Pearl and Diamond Earrings from Star Jewelers on High  Call or DM to purchase, delivery, and pick-up options available. 
3. Ceramic French Press from Bliss Life + Style  Call to purchase, curbside pick-up options availalbe. 
4. Kempton Safari Stripe Pouch ($95) from Truluck Shop here
5. Capri Blue Volcano Candle ($25) and Matches ($3.50) from The Great Gift & Paper Co. Call or DM to purchase, curbside pick-up options available. 
6. Sweet Pea Print ($22) from Alexandra Williams Design Shop here
7. Floral Arrangements available for delivery or pick-up from Vessel Floral and Event Design (Delivery or studio pick-up available, order by May 4th ) 
8. Medina Market Basket ($59) from THREAD Shop here
9. Tobacco Flower Candle in Taupe Glass Jar ($90) at Fourth Home Shop here
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tsgcolumbus · 4 years
What We’re Reading
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With a little extra downtime on our hands most evenings, we have been able to enjoy one our favorites pastimes...picking up an intriguing book. We have rounded up some of our personal favorites for you, whether you are a history buff, need a little romance, or picking up a new hobby, we hope you find some inspiration from this list. And remember to SHOP from your favorite LOCAL bookstore. They are all doing a fantastic job a getting books into our hands during this crazy time. 
IF YOU NEED A NEW HOBBY || “Handpicked: Simple, Sustainable, and Seasonal Flower Arrangements” by Ingrid Carozzi 
TO FEEL INSPIRED || “In The Company of Women: Inspiration and Advice from over 100 Makers, Artists, and Entrepreneurs” by Grace Bonney
FOR THE HISTORY BUFF || “The Splendid and the Vile” by Erik Larson 
LOVER OF ART AND FRANCE || “The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris” by David McCullough 
FOR SOME HISTORICAL DRAMA || “Suite Francaise” by Irene Nemirovsky 
IF YOU LOVE FASHION || “Empress of Fashion: A Life of Diana Vreeland” by Amanda Mackenzie Stuart 
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tsgcolumbus · 4 years
volume four member index
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In these uncertain times we are doing our best to support local and shop small by ordering online, buying gift cards, or ordering takeout. We created this index for our readers to have a resource that allows you to pinpoint what you need and where you can find it. We can all get through this together if we support each other and #stayconnected. 
Food | Beverage | Restaurant | Staffing
·   5 Star Staffing (Food/Beverage) website | instagram
·   Jeff Ruby (Restaurant) website | instagram
·   North Market  website | instagram
·   Rockmill Brewery website | instagram
Interior | Landscape | Stationery | Painting | Photographer
·   Autumn Dawn Inspired Design (Interior Design) website | instagram
·   Hubbard Construction (Construction) website | instagram
·   Bellepoint Company (Builders) website | instagram 
·   Grand Design Group (Interior Design) website | instagram
·   Dave Fox Design (Interior) website | instagram
·   Kevin Reiner Design (Interior/Landscape) website | instagram 
·   Cheerup Letterpress (Stationery) website | instagram 
·   Fiona Miller (Architectural Illustrator + Artist) website | instagram
·   Henry Photography website | instagram
·   Kismet Visuals (Photographer) website | instagram
Boutique | Furniture | Clothing | Florals | Jewelry | Gifts
·   Cedar & Thread (Boutique/Home) website | instagram
·   Gilded Social (Boutique/Dresses) website | instagram
·   Star Jewelers (Jewelry) website | instagram
·   Studio J (Home/Furniture) website | instagram
·   Under the Palm (Boutique/Tanning) website | instagram
·   A Proper Garden (Home/Garden) website | instagram
·   American Signature (Furniture) website | instagram 
·   Bliss Life + Style (Boutique/Gift store) website | instagram
·   Easton website | instagram
·   Kendra Scott (Jewelry) website | instagram
·   La Jeune Mariee (Wedding) website | instagram
·   Orchard Lane (Florals) website | instagram
·   Fourth Home (Home/Furniture) website | instagram
·   Truluck (Boutique) website | instagram
·   Vessel (Florals) website | instagram
·   Great Gift and Paper Co. (Gifts) website | instagram
·   North Market website | instagram
·   Thalia & Dahlia (Home/Gifts) website | instagram
·   THREAD (Boutique/Clothing) website | instagram
Health | Fitness
·   Dragonfly Wellness Center (Health) website | instagram
·   LIT Life + Yoga website | instagram
Realtors | Wealth Management
·   Jane Kessler Lennox (Realtor) website | facebook
·   Ackermann & Associates (Realtor) website | instagram
·   The Lending Pact (Wealth Management) website | instagram
Salon | Spa | Makeup | Plastic Surgery
·   K Manley Studio (Makeup) website | instagram 
·   Under the Palm (Tanning/Boutique) website | instagram
·   Square One Salon (Salon/Spa) website | instagram 
·   Penzone website | instagram 
·   Stile Salon website | instagram
·   Dr. Robert Heck – CAPS (Plastic Surgery/Aesthetics) website | instagram
Venues | Event Planning | Florals | Jewelry | Stationery | Photographer
·   Gilded Social (Dresses) website | instagram
·   La Jeune Mariee (Dresses) website | instagram
·   National Veterans Memorial Museum (Events Venue) website | instagram
·   BTTS Holdings (Venues)
         - The Estate at New Albany website | instagram
         - Brookshire website | instagram
         - Watersedge website | instagram
·   Athletic Club of Columbus (Venue) website | instagram
·   Henry Photography website | instagram
·   Kismet Visuals (Photographer) website | instagram
·   Orchard Lane (Florals) website | instagram
·   Vessel (Florals) website | instagram
·   Vivid Vibes Event (Event Planning) website | instagram
·   Auburn + Ivory (Event Design) website | instagram
·   Alchemy Styled (Events) website | instagram
·   Cheerup Letterpress (Stationery) website | instagram
·   5 Star Staffing (Food/Bev) website | instagram
·   The Joseph (Hotel)  website | instagram
·   Hotel LeVeque (Hotel) website | instagram
·   A & F Challenge website | instagram
·   Gigis for Dogs website | instagram 
· Land Rover of Easton website | instagram
Jaguar of Easton website | instagram
·   Western Reserve Academy (Private/Boarding School)  website | instagram
·   National Veterans Memorial Museum website | instagram
·   Bowers PR and Marketing website | instagram
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tsgcolumbus · 4 years
tsg member talk: Top 5 Things
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We are getting to know, saying hi, + connecting with our members who shared their top five things with us. From the local shop they can’t wait to visit to their newest hobby - we loved hearing what our members are into and what is getting them through this time at home. 
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Meredith Browning-Diamond - Auburn + Ivory Creative
Binge watching — tiger king like everyone one. What an amazing train wreck.
Takeout — Jiu Thai (the dumplings are soo good)
Local shop I can’t wait to visit — cub shrub
How I am supporting local — the cbustogether.com / #weareinthistogether campaign
New hobby — nesting/puzzles
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Amy Besier - Alchemy Styled
Binge watching — Four Weddings and a Funereal on Hulu, I’m a RomCom Junkie what can I say
Takeout — Brassica! The family style ordering is amazing and who doesn’t want leftovers?!
Local shop I can’t wait to visit — I can’t pick just one. Fox in the Snow, Fine Feather Shop and Truluck, I definitely have some wardrobe updating to look forward to.  
How I am supporting local — Consciously choosing to shop small, over convenience in every facet of our day-to-day.
New hobby — Teaching Kindergarten, just kidding-kind of.  Journaling & Painting have been my go to escapes during this season.
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Lauren Germain - Jaguar/Land Rover Easton
Binge watching — Schitts Creek & of course Tiger King
Takeout — Lindey’s & Katalina’s
Local shop I can’t wait to visit — Fourth and Home
How I am supporting local — Ordering take out and ordering flowers for the home from Vessel
New hobby — Learning to speak German
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Michael Miller - Vessel
Binge watching — Schitts Creek
Takeout — Brown Bag Deli, Anthony’s Pizzeria, Lindey’s
Local shop I can’t wait to visit — Fourth Home, Grandview Mercantile
How I am supporting local — online shopping and buying giftcards
New hobby — working on our new house
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Jennifer J Miller DDS - Dentistry of Dublin
Favorite local restaurant — NORTHSTAR! Fresh healthy ingredients, super smiley staff, and creative ideas for take out - Mimosa kits and delivery to your car on roller-skates - can't beat that!
Inspirational account to follow — @ServiceBarCbus, @WholeLivingLauren, @CoastWineHouse
Favorite at-home activity — HARBOR HOT YOGA through Facebook with my space heater and reading books for fun! (Currently reading The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah - it's going to be a movie this year with Dakota & Elle Fanning!)
My go-to local salon — Penzone Dublin! Bright atmosphere - embodying health, wellness, and happiness - also smiley staff (are you sensing a trend - I really love happy people!)
Creative idea to help support local businesses —  I would like to donate a portion of my patients treatment fees back to my staff and community once we get back to work!
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Kristen Pulcheon - Director of The Estate at New Albany
Your favorite dish — Absolutely anything with Chimichurri
Your song of the moment — “Honeybee” The Head & The Heart
Inspirational account to follow — @whatsgabycookin 
Your new hobby — Woodworking 
Your favorite at-home, self-care remedy — Pure Barre live classes
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Alexandra Williams - Alexandra Williams Design
Your favorite dish — Tuna Carpaccio from South Village Grill / Jonys Sushi
Your song of the moment — Sad Tonight - Chelsea Cutler
Inspirational account to follow — Emily Ley
Your new hobby — At home workouts
Your favorite at-home, self-care remedy — Face mask before bed!
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tsgcolumbus · 4 years
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We are so excited to have Dr. Leslie Kim, MD, MPH joining The Guide for our fifth volume. Dr. Kim is the director of facial plastics at OSU Wexner Medical Center and the only female board-certified facial plastic surgeon in Central Ohio. She offered some incredible information and advice on COVID-19 and why self-quarantine is the most efficient measure to slow the spreading of this viral illness. Dr. Kim also shared insight about the steps you should take if you believe you are positive for COVID-19, but don’t feel ill enough to go to the hospital.
“Self-quarantine is the best measure when it comes to any viral illness but in particular, COVID-19. Here’s why…
-The “incubation period” for COVID-19, i.e. the time between catching the virus and beginning to have symptoms, is ~5 days (range 1-14+ days).
- 97.5% of those who develop symptoms will do so within 11 days. (Lauer et al. Ann Int Med 2020).
-You can spread the virus for 2-3 weeks, even if you are asymptomatic!
- One small German study found that viral shedding was highest ~day 4, which means you can be contagious well before symptoms develop (Woelfel et al. medRxIV 2020). - Hence, the self-quarantine recommendation for 2 weeks.
-Each infected person is expected to spread the virus to 2-3 people (R0). Seasonal flu is ~R0=1.3.
- Interestingly, the R0 on the Diamond Princess cruise ship was initially 14.8 (close quarters). With isolation/quarantine, the R0 reduced to 1.78 (Rocklov et al. J Travel Med 2020).
-The virus spreads via droplets and contact, although there is increasing concern that the virus can be airborne for several hours (van Doremalen et al. NEJM 2020).
-The three most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, fatigue/muscle aches (del Rio JAMA 2020).
- Other symptoms include headache and sore throat. Loss of sense of smell and taste have been frequently reported (AAO-HNS Statement 2020).
- Some (up to 49%) may present with GI symptoms like loss of appetite, nausea/vomiting, and diarrhea (Pan et al. Am J Gastro 2020).
- Risk factors for worsening disease severity (ie requiring ICU care) include: older age (65+) and underlying medical conditions
, most notably: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease (Zhou et al. Lancet 2020).
- At this time, there is little data about whether asthma is a risk factor; one study shows no link to asthma or allergic diseases (Zhang et al. Allergy 2020).
- Several studies show that males are much more likely than females to die from COVID-19. More research is needed as to why.”
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“80% of people infected with COVID-19 don’t get significantly ill or require hospitalization (Wu JAMA 2020).
So here’s what to do at home, if you think you might have COVID-19…
-First, call your primary care physician (PCP). If testing is indicated and available, he/she will guide you.
- Self-quarantine for 14 days (see above for why).
- Seek immediate medical attention if you develop trouble breathing, bluish lips/face, chest pain, trouble eating and/or staying hydrated, new confusion, etc.
- When you call 911, give a heads up about COVID-19 concerns so appropriate precautions can be taken.
DISCLAIMER —————— As always, ask your PCP for medical advice that is customized to YOU. Even OTC medications and vitamins/supplements can be harmful! ——————
- If your primary symptoms are sneezing, runny nose, and/or nasal congestion, it may be due to allergies.
- OTC allergy treatments include: •oral antihistamines (ie generic versions of Allegra, Zyrtec, Claritin; Benadryl is sedating) •oral decongestants (ie pseudoephedrine; caution with high blood pressure) •nasal decongestants (ie oxymetazoline/Afrin; powerful but limit use to <3 days, causes rebound/worsening congestion) •nasal steroids: (ie fluticasone/Flonase; when spraying, aim towards the outer eye to avoid nose bleeds)
- Many of the OTC treatments you use for cold/flu symptoms apply to COVID-19.
- Stay well-hydrated (your pee should be a pale color). Get plenty of rest. Optimize any underlying medical conditions if possible.
- “Woo”: There is NO evidence as of yet that vitamin C is helpful for COVID-19. Regular vit C supplementation *may* reduce the duration/severity of the common cold (Hemila Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2013).
- To relieve pain/fever: Take acetaminophen/Tylenol (caution in liver disease) if you have a choice, although there is no solid evidence against NSAIDs.
- Use OTC cough suppressants as needed.
- Do NOT take antibiotics (or other meds) lying around at home!
- Lastly, the best treatment is prevention. Stay home. Wash your hands. Practice social distancing. Please!”
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Be sure to follow Dr. Leslie Kim on instagram for more informative and helpful content!! 
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tsgcolumbus · 4 years
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While we are all navigating this new reality, and many of us are working remotely, we asked some of our members who work from home regularly how they stay productive. It can be difficult to get into a routine that feels right when you are used to leaving the house and that is why we are so excited about these tips and tricks from our members. We spoke with Lindsay Fork with La Jeune Mariee, Ashley Henry with Henry Photography, Allison Leonard with Kismet Visuals, and Megan Cuda with Cedar Grove Design. We even requested some advice for those of you with kids running around – we hope you find this advice as helpful as we have!
Kismet Visuals
My top 3 tips for productive work from home:
Drink all the coffee.
 Put real clothes on.  No leggings.  Nice clothes, do your hair and makeup.
Sit at a desk. Not in bed, on the couch... if it's nice out I love to go on the patio and work at a table.
These are my tips. I didn't say I follow them but when I do I get a lot more done :)
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Cedar Grove Design
My top 3 tips for productive work from home:
Prioritize your task: Knock out the most important items first thing in the morning when you are fresh
 Have some grace:  This is for you and your coworkers. You're going to get distracted with personal task, kids, you name it. The good news is as long as you live up to your end of the deal you have 24 hours to accomplish your day. In this case, most of my work is done at night after my kids are in bed.
Turn off your phone: Text, emails, phone calls, social media, news will be full speed during this time. When you need to focus turn it off and get it done.
Creative ways to entertain, educate, and keep the kids busy:
I have two children Caitlin (5) and Miles (3).  I'm lucky that they are at an age where they like to play with one another. To keep them busy we like to do a mix of active play, creative, and quiet play. When they're most wound up I will create an obstacle course for them or have a dance party. When the weather cooperates we are getting outside. For quiet time they can read a book,  watch a movie or play in their room, and there are some great kids yoga videos. The two things we look forward to each day is the Cincinnati Zoo FaceBook Live's featuring different animals each day and Mo Willems Livestream Doodle.
Henry Photography
My top 3 tips for productive work from home:
Make a plan & Schedule // I've noticed when I don't make a plan then it gets a little chaotic.
Take breaks//  that is for both moms, dads & kids!
Give yourself some grace// This is so not normal and we've been given an opportunity to be at home a lot more than usual so in the midst of the chaos, give yourself some grace because you're doing your best!
Creative ways to entertain, educate, and keep the kids busy:
My daughter Molly is 9 and is in third grade. I also have two boys that are 5 and they are in pre-school. Luckily our kids have the most amazing teachers and all of them have sent out lesson plans, packets of worksheets & books for them all to do. Our daughter gets in google classroom every day and its made it so much easier. We've found some printable sheets online and have gotten creative with learning letters &  numbers. We are also learning about the state of Ohio so we have been watching cardinals, watching videos on white tail deer and learning about all the facts of Ohio! My huge tip is to know that you don't have to try and teach from 8-3! All the tips from my homeschool moms is that they really do school time for a few hours and the rest of the time is outside and doing real life things!
Names & Ages of my kids:
Molly – 9 & Cohen + Colson – 5
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La Jeune Mariee
My top 3 tips for productive work from home:
Schedule your work time and focus on the essentials. Know when it’s becoming unproductive so you can stop, breathe and realign.
If you want to feel slightly more professional, throw on something other than sweats, slap on some mascara and lip gloss and pretend you have coworkers around. Maybe a water cooler crush?
Schedule happy hour via virtual meetings with your friends and co workers. I’ve felt more “social” than ever during this quarantine.
Creative ways to entertain, educate, and keep the kids busy:
Allow them some grace on their schoolwork. This isn’t easy for them. They won’t not graduate if you don’t follow everything to a T
Be physically active! Recess is now longer. Play Dance Now! on the Apple TV
Listen to the teachers for extra resources. Now more than ever we need to understand and appreciate their importance. They are severely underpaid and undervalued.
Names & Ages of my kids:
Ava 11 – Grade 6, Anderson 5 – Kindergarten, & Barrett 2.5 years – The Principal
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tsgcolumbus · 5 years
Member Advice: Miles Miller of The Lending Pact
In these confusing times we are excited to share some advice from one of our TSG Columbus Members. Miles Miller of The Lending Pact has provided a total explanation of how this crazy climate is affecting mortgage rates and the best way to navigate through these uncertain times. Miles breaks it down to the basics and really explains what is going on and how he and his team can help guide you through. 
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Free Mortgage? Not so fast…
The past couple days I felt like the Grinch who actually stole Christmas, time and time again. Past clients, friends, and family have reached out excited about opening the gift of refinancing their mortgage to 0%. Unfortunately, the Federal Reserve rate does not equal mortgage rates. I repeat: your mortgage rate will not be 0% right now. Let me explain.
If you haven’t heard, as part of their Quantitative Easing (QE) announcement late Sunday night, 0% is the new Federal Reserve rate for the foreseeable future.
Let me break it down:
What is the Federal Reserve, and what do they do?
The Federal Reserve System is the central banking system of our country. It was created on December 23, 1913, with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act, after a series of financial panics led to the desire for central control of the monetary system in order to alleviate financial crises. Panic, crisis, pandemic… All words that apply to our current climate.
The Fed Reserve has two main goals:
High employment
Low inflation
They achieve this through four main avenues:
Setting monetary policy
Supervising and regulating banks
Providing payment services
Maintaining financial stability
What is happening right now?
There are instances where these main avenues may not provide enough support. During these times, the Fed can take action to help prevent problems in the financial sector that could result in, or accelerate, a recession.
**It is important to note that to fight inflation, the Fed can aim to raise the federal funds target rate. Alternatively, to fight off a recession, the Fed can aim to lower it.
So what’s all the buzz about right now?
The Feds cut rates to fight off a recession in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, as part of their $700 billion QE. It is not the first time they have done this, and it certainly won’t be the last. For example, after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the Reserve Banks made a huge number of loans directly to banks, credit unions and other financial institutions to ensure they could still function and serve our communities.
How does this impact my mortgage rate?
When it comes to mortgage interest rate equation, this is what you control:
Credit score
Type of home
There are also elements of the equation that you do not control, such as:
Job growth
Overall economy
Decades of market cycles have taught us that typically when stock prices go up, bond prices go down. In other words, bonds and stocks have an inverse relationship. As part of QE, the Fed will be dumping $200 billion into agency-backed mortgage securities. By doing so they are creating liquidity and demand for mortgage-backed securities, which then drives down rates.
Could they dip below 3%? I certainly believe it is possible.
Should I refinance right now?
This is a very complex question that deserves to be answered individually, and privately between you and a Loan Officer (we would love to help!).
Here are a couple preliminary questions to think through:
How long have do I plan to stay in the home?
Do I have at least 5% equity in the property?
Do I want to take cash out of my equity to invest, remodel, or consolidate debt?
Do I want to roll closing costs into the loan, or can I pay out of pocket?
Do I want to lower my term? (years remaining on loan)
What is my current interest rate? (If it is above 3.75%, let’s have a conversation!)
Finally, be careful of big box lenders as they will sell you through this time of fear.
It may not make sense for you to refinance, find a lender who you can trust during this crazy time.
The Lending PACT would be honored to have an initial conversation to educate you on the possibilities of refinancing. We have helped tons families get into a better mortgage position.
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If you have more questions or are interested in getting in touch with Miles and his team you can email them at [email protected] or reach out to Miles directly at  614-783-7691
Make sure to check out and follow them on instagram @thelendingpact
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tsgcolumbus · 5 years
Happy International Women’s Day- we love any excuse to celebrate powerful women!! Don’t forget to send some extra love and gratitude to every mother, grandmother, sister, cousin, aunt, niece, daughter, girlfriend, wife, and friend today! 
We are so proud of all the strong women featured in TSG Columbus and took some time last week to come together and celebrate all that we are with some pampering and a fabulous photoshoot. Here are some of the highlights: 
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We also asked our members what woman inspires them the most. Read what they had to say: 
“Nancy Regan, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Anna Wintour, Diane Keaton, and Paola Marella - women with style and grace!”
-Susan Fortner with Bowers PR & Marketing
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“The most inspirational woman was my Grandmother, Alice. She was a strong woman, full of opinions, advice, and had no fear of saying exactly what was on her mind. She could tell a good story like no other and you always left her with a smile on your face. She had her own business when many women didn't work and she strongly advised me to live on my own, pay my own bills, have my own fun before getting married. It was the best advice I ever received!”
-Megan Cuda with Cedar Grove Design Co.
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“There are so many women that inspire me, but my Grandma Feinberg was one of my biggest inspirations.  In Cleveland, she was a very well respected community leader and was always working for the better of the people even in the most difficult situations.”
-Kasey Conyers with Orchard Lane Flowers
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“My mother. She’s my rock, my backbone, my inspiration for everything i do.”
-Jasmine Villanueva with Vivid Vibes Event Planning
“My Mom”
-Holly Hollingsworth with Hotel LeVeque
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“Both my mom and my maternal grandmother. They were strong, independent women who prioritized family #1 always, and who lived lives of strong values, faith, and community.”
-Lou Ann Bett with Bliss Life + Style
“I can't even begin to answer this- I've been so blessed by incredible women in my life!”
-Meredith Diamond with Auburn + Ivory Creative
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“My aunt, who just turned 90.”
-Francesca Festa with Dragonfly Counseling and Wellness
“My daughter McKenzie who is seventeen her view of the world and her optimism to change it sets my heart on fire!”
-Autumn Pochiro with Autumn Dawn Inspired Design
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Special thank you to the following business who helped make this photoshoot happen: 
Square One Salon and Spa
The Athletic Club of Columbus
Gilded Social
Star Jewelers on High
Henry Photography
Kismet Visuals
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tsgcolumbus · 5 years
March Event Calendar
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Sunday, March 8 | MORE INFO
Everyday, we celebrate and support the women in our communities. In honor of International Women’s Day, Kendra Scott is proud to introduce a new expansion of its Shop For Good giveback collection. Through the newly launched Everlyne Friendship Bracelet suite, 20% of every purchase will benefit our work to help women and children live their brightest, healthiest, and most empowered lives.
Thursday, March 5 | 6:30 pm | Mezzo | REGISTER HERE
Western Reserve Academy and Head of School Suzanne Walker Buck cordially invite you to our Central Ohio Admission Reception. Discover why Western Reserve Academy, located in historic Hudson, Ohio, is considered one of the best boarding schools in the nation. Meet and mingle with graduates, current families, and members of the Admission Office. The reception will take place at Mezzo in Dublin.
Friday, March 6 | 6pm-9pm | Sarah Gormley Gallery | DETAILS
Mark your calendars and join us for the opening of Fiona's solo show to see some of the stunning pieces she has created for us over the years. We are so thrilled for her Solo Art Exhibit and featuring iconic Columbus scenes brought to life through watercolor.
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Saturday, March 7th | Dublin, OH | DETAILS
Bliss Life + Style is a women-owned business so naturally International Women’s Day will be getting the recognition it deserves at their shop. Enjoy sweet treats, raffles for free prizes and some very special deals just for her!
Monday, March 2nd | 9am-5pm | Upper Arlington
Tuesday, March 3rd | 9am-5pm | Upper Arlington
Thursday, March 5th | 9am-7:30pm | Easton Town Center
Thursday, March 12th | 9am-4:30pm | Easton Town Center
Dr. Heck’s SPRING BOTOX & FILLER Event is right around the corner!! Make sure to SAVE THE DATE -Botox: $12/unit  -Filler: $100 OFF your first syringe
-SKINCARE products: BUY MORE, SAVE MORE!!! -1 product:10% OFF -2 products:15% OFF -3 or more: 20% OFF And of course if you BRING A FRIEND NEW to caps you BOTH receive a $50 Medspa gift card! TONS OF SAVINGS!!!
Call today to RSVP with Dr. Heck 614-246-6900
Saturday, March 14th | 11am-5pm | Star Jewelers On High
Gabriel & Co. will be bringing their entire bridal line to Star Jewelers On High for a bridal trunk show. You can bring a partner or friend to find the perfect ring, customize the perfect ring, or replace an old ring that you have fallen out of love with! All rings are be available in rose, white, or yellow gold for whatever it is your heart desires. Gabriel has also recently launched a mens wedding ring line you won’t want to miss.
Saturday, March 28th | Rockmill Brewery
Wanting a night out but not sure where to go? Head over to the Rockmill Brewery tasting room to hear free live music on the last Saturday of the month. Mark your calendars and get excited for some delicious drinks, food, and entertaining music.
Every Saturday | Soul at the Joseph | 12pm-11:30pm | GET TICKETS
Saturday, March 14 | Saturday, March 21 | Saturday, March 28
There is never a bad time to pop the bubbly, but especially over at Soul at the Joseph. Every Saturday you can take A Sparkling Tour of Northern Italy with four sparkling wines. The participant cost is $25 for a flight and is limited to the first 12 guests so don’t wait, get your tickets now!
Friday, January 31 – Friday, April 17 | The National Veterans Memorial & Museum | TICKETS
You won’t want to miss this special exhibit produced by the National World War II Museum and sponsored by the Bob and Dolores Hope Foundation. This exhibit features the story of Bob Hope’s unique place in World War II history and beyond. This exhibit is up through April 17 and should be on everyone’s to-do list!!
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tsgcolumbus · 5 years
TSG Member Talk: Winter Getaways
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It’s hitting that time of winter where we are dying for a getaway! Do you like to escape the cold and trade it in for the beach, or do you like to chase the perfect snow? We asked our members their favorite places to travel this time of year and we aren’t quite sure where we are going - but we are definitely inspired to try out some of these destinations!
“Disney World” – Tanya Hartman with Gilded Social
“Naples or New York” – Susan Fortner with Bowers PR & Marketing
“Kuaui, HI” – Miles Miller with The Lending Pact
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“Anywhere with real snow” – Meredith Diamond with Auburn + Ivory Creative
“Italy I love any time of year, most especially Florence.” – Lou Ann Bett with Bliss Life + Style
“Tulum Mexico.” – Kasey Conyers with Orchard Lane Flowers
“Finland” – Jasmine Villanueva with Vivid Vibes Event Pkanning
“Park City Utah” – Francesca Festa with Dragonfly Counseling and Wellness
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tsgcolumbus · 5 years
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We caught up with a few of our home design scouted members to get some advice for the perfect winter home refresh. This time of year it is easy to feel sluggish with the grey skies and long cold days- but these members gave us all the inspiration to liven up our home environments and get us through the winter. We spoke to Pam Yost with Grand Design Group,  Autumn Pochiro with Autumn Dawn Inspired Design, Justin Kingry with Fourth Home and Megan Cuda with Cedar Grove Design Co.
1. My top tips to achieving a clean palette:
Justin Kingry: “1. Change up the paint color. You can change the entire vibe of a room by painting the walls a new color, and it typically doesn't take longer than a weekend.
2. Heavier wool rugs are cozy for the winter, but when Spring comes around we swap out our rugs for a lighter-weight or natural-fiber rug to lighten up the space.
3. Change out your throw pillows to get ready for the Spring. We switch over to cotton and linen pillows this time of year, and introduce a little bit of color as well.”
Autumn Pochiro: “A clean palette comes with setting the rules for the edit. When looking at a room, one must view without bias. Only keep what has meaning in a room. Home should tell the story of who you are and how you live. Integrate beautiful textiles with pillows, rugs, and window treatments. Be sure to give each attention. EDIT the edit sets the tone and warmth of a space. Don't be afraid to take pieces out or add in a design live with them for a day, photograph the room before and after the addition, then evaluate and EDIT.”
Pam Yost: “1. remove clutter - edit accessories
2. Select just 1 wall color - a clear not muddy shade and use throughout
3. Review your furniture floor plan for easy flow and leave space for the room to breathe
4. Check your lighting - poor lighting will ruin a room no mater how beautiful the furnishings and it will not be a space you want to be in  - it just doesn't feel inviting or functional”
Megan Cuda: “1. Rearrange: Many times we have items we love and can work with but much like a clothing wardrobe we get tired of what we have. Take this time to rearrange and try new layouts that can create a fresh new perspective.
2. Edit: Once you have a new layout that you love, slowly add in accessories. More isn't always more! Questions to consider when deciding what to add  are... Does the room need it to function better? Does it add a needed aesthetic layer to the space? Does it make me feel good?
3. Color: Evaluating color can work in a variety of ways. Monochromatic palettes of any color and be soothing and very clean. While creating contrast in a space through pops of color can create a rich, vibrancy that brings a clean, bright energy to a space.”
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-Design by Autumn Dawn Inspired Design
2. The thing that I always have to do to feel refreshed in my home design
Justin Kingry: “Declutter our space and change up the layout. Sometimes we simply reconfigure the furniture in a room, and sometimes we swap furniture between rooms. Either of those simple changes can make your room feel totally brand new.”
Autumn Pochiro: “Add art to every room. One beautiful piece will invigorate the space with whimsy, color possibly, and adds dimension.”
Pam Yost: “Fresh Flowers always brighten a room and give me a lift - bring in a bit of nature and a bit of color. I also like to move my artwork around periodically so my rooms get a fresh feel and I see the artwork in a different way. Not something I do often but every couple of years it is amazing how when you thought you had the perfect spot for a piece of art and then when you switch  it up, how much I love the piece in a new spot and what it does for the room.”
Megan Cuda: “To look at each set of clients with fresh eyes. I work hard to learn their style, how they live, what they feel their missing, what they want to achieve. From there I deliver concepts and designs that meet their needs both functionally and aesthetically.”
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-Design by Grand Design Group
3. Biggest design trend in 2020 and/or design trend that is on its way out.
Justin Kingry: “Traveling to different cities and markets, we are starting to see a lot of color and pattern play. We are also starting to see the transition from grays as a neutral to more of the browns and taupes. The trend that is on its way out is Modern Farmhouse. We haven't seen this trend for a while in our travels, but Columbus seems stuck on it. Over the last 6 months in Columbus, from the people we talk to we get the sense that people are ready to move on here as well, which we are excited about.”
Autumn Pochiro: “Trends have a life span. Therefore, when designing a space, be sure to evaluate how long you would like the design to speak. Farmhouse chic palette of whites, grays, and soft camels are on the way out. Hello, COLOR, in 2020. I always try to reflect on the world of color in my designs.  Bold prints, furniture in bright colors, and kitchens that speak in hues. Goodbye, white and gray.”
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-Design by Cedar Grove Design Co
Pam Yost: “A major trend for Kitchens and baths in  2020 is a mix of finishes from metals in your plumbing and cabinet hardware and lighting fixtures to the cabinet finishes and materials. We are seeing a mix of stain and paint on cabinets - the top wall cabinets different from the bottom base cabinets or a signature treatment on the refrigerator doors (instead of matching cabinet panels).  And we are seeing more natural wood tones and lots of black painted cabinets as well as paint colors other than white!  But not to worry, white kitchens are not going anywhere -they are still and  always will be a classic.”
Megan Cuda: “Each year we see trends slowly change. I predict with the start of a new decade we will begin to see major shifts. Instead of cool, crisp palettes you will see a mix of warm, rich colors. Cabinetry will reflect this change with wood finishes becoming more popular in kitchens and bathrooms. Furniture hasn't needed to match for a while but you will see a more eclectic version emerge with antiques, pattern, and wallpaper to support your individual style.
The all white kitchen is thiiiiisssss close to becoming the next 'that's so (insert time period)". This is the time to think beyond what you've seen and know. White cabinets can always make a great base layer but don't be afraid to add in a contrasting countertop, interesting material for backsplash, or break the kitchen up by adding color or a the warmth of wood to a portion of the cabinetry.”
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tsgcolumbus · 5 years
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We asked our scouted members what their perfect Valentine’s day in Columbus is and are finding all the inspiration from their answers! For some of our members it is their busiest day of the year, designing and delivering flowers to all the love birds of Columbus, and for other members it is a chance to slow down and spend time with those they love. We can’t choose which idea we love the most so we may just try to fit in a few of these awesome suggestions!!
“Working - for a flower shop this is one of our busiest days of the year!  I'll be in the studio designing and our staff will be on the road delivering lots of joyful flowers around Columbus!  Once the work is done, I'll get to spend time at home with my boys (Grey & Ash), hubby (Shawn) and bulldog Duke!” -Kasey Conyers with Orchard Lane Flowers
“Melting Pot at Easton” -Tanya Hartman with Gilded Social
“Quiet elegance with my husband and friends - somewhere with jazz music, a fire, and some French food.“ -Susan Fortner with Bowers PR & Marketing
“Flowers from Rose Bredl and dinner at Sow Plated” -Miles Miller with The Lending Pact
“A breakfast date to one of our favorite coffee shops and then walking around the neighborhood“ -Meredith Diamond with Auburn + Ivory Creative
“Any way you want. Take yourself to dinner, grab a seat at the bar. Get together with your friends and have a night in. Do something fun with your significant other... This year I will be spending it with my kids, as a single parent. I can't think of anything more perfect for me!“ -Megan Cuda with Cedar Grove Design Co.
“Brunch at Tasi Cafe and a nice walk around the short north!“ -Jasmine Villanueva with Vivid Vibes Event Planning
“A yummy dinner at any of the Camron Mitchell Restaurant group, with a walk through the art district in Short North.“ -Autumn Pochiro with Autumn Dawn Inspired Designs
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tsgcolumbus · 5 years
Valentines Day Gift Guide
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Valentines day tends to creep up on people- so we are here to help you get ready to blow your special someone away! We scouted some of our favorite gift ideas for you and are confident you will find the perfect gift from one of our local vendors. Details for the items are listed below and remember to #tellthemscoutsentyou
1. You can never go wrong with beautiful flowers. Head on over to Vessel to get that perfect arrangement.
2. The perfect cozy sweater that you have to have: Wooden Ships Big Heart Top from Cedar & Thread -$119
3. Maybe your loved one already has the jewelry but needs the Simon Pearce Highgate Heart Dish From Thalia and Dahlia
4. There is nothing better than a new scent! Check out the Lollia Breathe Eau De Parfum from The Great Gifts & Paper Co. -$60
5. Plan a romantic date at Penzone Salon at Polaris for an amazing Couples massage, you BOTH deserve it!
6. We scouted the perfect gift from Star Jewelers on High- This 14kt white gold necklace features a shining starburst pendant covered in .25cts of pavé diamonds hanging from a 17.5" adjustable chain. $900
7. You are sure to impress with a romantic Dinner for two at The Keep and night stay at Hotel LeVeque!
8. Wanting to avoid the Valentines day craziness with a night in? Snag the Lunch in Paris book From Bliss Life + Style to prepare a delicious and simple French recipe at home!
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tsgcolumbus · 5 years
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New Decade, New me. We asked our scouted members if they made a resolution for this new year, and how they intend to make them happen. Some made resolutions and some set new intentions, whatever it is that works for you, we love these ideas and think we may strive for some of them too!
“Be more present. Turning over my phone when with clients and putting away my phone for a couple hours as soon as I get home. Things can wait.” -Miles Miller with The Lending Pact
“I’m not big on resolutions but I am big on setting an intention. this year my intention is to EXHALE. Life can be so busy that I’m running to the next thing on my list. This year I want to take more time for myself, with friends and family to create moments that allow me to exhale and appreciate the life I have.” -Megan Cuda with Cedar Grove Design Co.
“2020 is all about eating and living a healthier lifestyle. I’m not dieting, but focusing on a Mediterranean diet, and starting Zumba classes again!” - Lou Ann Bett with Bliss Life + Style
“Yes! I actually made my resolution back in September because I saw a need for a change and I wanted to get started on it right then and there... that’s the overachiever in me. I wanted to spend more time with my kids and be more present during my time with them. Time with them seems to move at lightening speed. I started rearranging my schedule to allow more time in the morning for my workouts (hello 5am OrangeTheoryFitness) and work. Getting my day started at 4 am, allowed my afternoons to be filled with more free time to take the kids to practice, or spend time with my husband after work.” -Kasey Conyers with Orchard Lane Flowers
“My resolution was to make decisions with intention in 2020. Every move I make should be intentional and backed with integrity and clarity.” -Jasmine Villanueva with Vivid Vibes Event Planning
“Focus more on myself this year. I intend to make it happen by setting aside some time just for me each day.” -Holly Hollingsworth with Hotel LeVeque
“Yes - many - and I make monthly check-in lists.” - Susan Fortner with Bowers PR & Marketing
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