#moyer ranna
Moyer Ranna: You know, your highness? Being in suspended animation in crystal gave me some time to think; Lancelot might be out tearing apart Ebon from the inside.* King of Ebon: You've got a point there, Moyer. If you and I are gonna whoop this lil' megalomaniacal, green menace's tail in the rear...you and I are gonna have to set aside our differences. Moyer Ranna: Together, we can lead Ebon into a new golden age! King of Ebon:{ecstatically] Moyer, you got yourself a deal :D [turns to Sonic & Tails] Sonic, let us out. It's time to tear that green echidna a third corns hoot! Sonic: Your wish is my command!
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{Sonic the Hedgehog} "Lancelot confronts Moyer Ranna" For © KatarinaTheCat [Collab by © Lightninblade1994]
Lancelot: I have a question for YOU.
Moyer Ranna: Excuse me, sir. But you'll have to wait your turn.
Lancelot: Just tell me first; Do you REALLY believe anyone can be great?
Moyer Ranna: With enough hard work-- Yes.
Lancelot: Was that were I went wrong? I simply didn't "Work hard enough"?!
Moyer Ranna: ...Lancelot? Is that really you? How dare you interrupt like this! I wish I could say I was surprised.
Lancelot: if it's surprises YOU want, You're in for a treat. Why don't you tell them the REAL story, Moyer?
Moyer Ranna: I see time hasn't changed you much.
Lancelot: And it's made you an EVEN bigger fool. Now these people were promised greatness, and I'm ready to deliver.
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"The Princess & the Pea" (Collab by Lightningblade1994) (For KatarinaTheCat)
Original Story by (C) Hans Christian Anderson
Rewritten by: Lightningblade1994
Oc's by (C) KatarinaTheCat
There was once lived a prince named Moyer Ranna, who wanted only a real princess for his wife. So, he went out all over Ebon to seek his bride. There were princesses everywhere he looked, like flowers in the meadows, but none of them seemed to the young prince to quite the real thing; each and every one of them had at least some little fault. He returned home sadly.
Then, one evening, in the midst of a terrible storm, somebody came knocking at the palace door. the queen opened it. On the doorstep stood a beautiful young girl, soaked from head to foot like a flower the gardener has just watered. If she had wrung out her clothes, it would have left her standing in a proper little lake. Later, after a bath, she then asked the queen for a bed for the night.
"Who are you?" asked the queen.
"A princess" the girl replied, "a real princess. You may call me Polly."
All in the palace were overjoyed to hear that a real princess had arrived, but the queen's servants were not just going to take the queen's word for it. One of the servants took a little pea and placed it on the princess's bed. On it, they laid twenty mattresses and twice twenty cushions, and then the queen bade the princess good-night.
The next morning, she asked Polly how she had slept.
"Oh," sighed Polly. "Oh, my poor back. I've not slept a wink all night; there was something so terribly hard in my bed!"
Then, they all knew that she was a real princess, and it was not long before a grand wedding was celebrated at the palace.
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Sonic the Hedgehog/Kung Fu Panda Mash-Up 3 {For © KatarinaTheCat} [Collab by © Lightninblade1994]
Lancelot: I have come home, dear brother.
Andrew: This is no longer your home. And I am no longer your brother.
Lancelot: Yes. You have a new favorite. So where is this... "Sonic"? [Chuckles] Did I scare him off?
Andrew: This battle is between you and me.
Lancelot: So... [Lancelot turns his back on Andrew.] That is how it's going to be?
Andrew: That is how it must be. [Puts himself in his usual battle position.]
[Lancelot looks back at him... and then attacks. The two battle. Lancelot swings his sword at Andrew clean through the doors of the Ebon temple. Andrew recovers himself quickly and faces his former brother-in-arms. Lancelot enters, his face a mask of pure fury.]
Lancelot: I've wallowed in my own filth for many years because of your weakness!
Andrew: Trusting in your gut is not considered to be weakness!
Lancelot: You knew I was destined to be the high priest of Ebon! You always knew. But when King Moyer Ranna chose Dean otherwise(see: https://inkbunny.net/s/647107-p40-#pictop), What did you do? WHAT. DID YOU DO? ...Nothing!
Andrew: You were not meant be high priest and that was not my fault!
Lancelot: [Points at Andrew] NOT YOUR FAULT?! [Enraged, Lancelot knocks over a couple of artifacts and tries to fling them at Andrew.] WHO FILLED MY HEAD WITH DREAMS?! WHO DROVE ME TO TRAIN UNTIL MY BONES CRACKED?! WHO DENIED ME MY DESTINY?!
[Andrew dodges each attack. Lancelot flings a dagger at him, and Andrew counters it and redirects it into the floor.]
Andrew: It was never my decision to make!
[Lancelot scowls and leaps for the next artefact. He pauses as recognizes Samson's old staff. Realizing what this means, he picks it up and faces Andrew.]
Lancelot: It is now.
[Angered, Andrew finally goes on the offensive. They fight. Lancelot pins Andrew down with the staff by the throat.]
Lancelot: Give... me... the scepter!
Andrew: I would rather die!
[They struggle for a beat until finally, the staff snaps in half. Andrew looks back at the pieces and a flutter of gold dust fly by. Caught off guard, Andrew gets kicked by Lancelot into the wall. Andrew leaps from column to column, pursued by Lancelot. Andrew eventually jumps to the rafters and Lancelot follows and sends them both crashing through the roof. Lightning flashes. Grappling in mid-air, Andrew briefly gets the upper hand before Lancelot gets his hands around one of Andrew's quills as they crash back through the roof. They kick apart. Andrew crashes into a column, falls to the floor and lands hard. Lancelot bounces off the wall, knocking a lantern to the floor. Green flames go everywhere. Lancelot's arms are aflame as he charges at Andrew with a growl. Andrew struggles to evades the throes from his blazing sword.]
Lancelot: All I ever did, I did to make you proud! Tell me how proud you are, Andrew! Tell me! TELL ME!
[THWACK! A throbbing kick sends Andrew skidding across the floor and crashing against the altar. The flames extinguish and Lancelot stalks forward. Andrew weakly lifts himself slightly.]
Andrew:[Weakly] I... have always been proud of you. From the first moment, I've been... proud to call you my brother... [Lancelot stops in his tracks.] And it was my pride... that blinded me. I loved you too much to see what you were becoming. What I... was turning you into... I'm... I'm sorry.
[Lancelot hesitates. Andrew waits. After a long moment... Lancelot's expression goes cold. He grabs Andrew by the throat.]
Lancelot: I don't want your apology... I want my scepter!
[He lifts Andrew up to the ceiling. Lancelot looks up towards the scepter... and finally sees that it is missing.] What? WHERE IS IT?!
[Lancelot slams Andrew to the floor with enough force to crack the marble stone.]
Andrew:[Strangled] The Blue Blur has taken the scepter halfway across Ebon by... now. [Coughs] You will never see that scepter, Lancelot. [Lancelot tightens his grasp.] Never! N-never...
[Andrew begins to pass out. Lancelot snarls, ready to strike Andrew. Suddenly...]
Sonic:[outside] Hey!
[Lancelot turns to find Sonic standing in the doorway, gasping for breath]
Andrew:[choking on Lancelot’s grasp] T-Twister...?
Sonic:[Out of breath] No, sorry... huff.. wrong guy.. huff.. had to... huff... run all the way here... *wheezing* aw, man.. *coughing* I’m so parched..
Lancelot: Who...are you?
Sonic: Buddy, I...am Sonic... ...Sonic the Hedgehog... [Exhales hard] ...Hahh...
[Lancelot is in amused disbelief]
Lancelot: You? Him? [To Andrew, who he casts aside] He’s a lil’ Hedgehog! [Back to Sonic] You’re just a lil’ Hedgehog! What’re you gonna do, little guy? “spike” me to death?
Sonic:[catches his breath] Heh...Don’t tempt ME. Haha. No. I'm gonna use this!
[Sonic holds out the Scepter.]
Sonic: You want it? Come and get it.
[From out of nowhere, Lancelot kicks Sonic across the room, grabbing the scepter knocked from Sonic's paws.]
Lancelot: Finally... AH!
[Sonic bounces off a nearby pillar and slams back into Lancelot, sending him flying into a column. Lancelot recovers, astonished. Surprised that he had actually landed a blow, Sonic puts on a brave face and strikes a pose. ontoancelot charges at him with full force. Sonic turns to run.]
Sonic:[in slow motion] Oh...Snikey!
[Lancelot quickly catches up and they both sail down the hill. Sonic clings to the scepter as Lancelot delivers a kick and sends him crashing onto the roofs of the town district below and bouncing off into a palm tree. Lancelot growls and pounces; Sonic topples down off a tree and uses the recoil to whip back and smash Lancelot. He briefly skids across the rooftop and comes right back at Sonic. He knocks Sonic down the long, narrow path, and chases after him.]
Lancelot: That scepter is mine!
[Down the street, Sonic & Lancelot Lung grapple for the scepter. Sonic is oblivious to the effects of crashing down pathway and in slow motion, his voluminous, spikey, blue head presses down on Lancelot's nose. As they crash through the gateway to Echidna Town the scepter is knocked loose. Sonic is separated from Lancelot and crashes into a fruit cart. Lancelot goes for the scepter but Sonic snatches it away using an actual lasso. The scepter flies towards him and bounces off his head. Lancelot leaps for it, but Sonic grabs his leg and pulls him back down onto a cart which see-saws Sonic into the air. In mid-air, Sonic swallows one of the coconuts.]
[Up and over the rooftops, Sonic lands in a grove of palm trees and into a nearby pottery shop. The scepter lands onto a ledge, tumbles off and rolls to a stop in the street. As Lancelot makes his move on the scepter, Sonic flings one of the steel pans into his face, and turns the array of enlarged, overturned pans into a shell game, sliding the pans around at top speed to hide the scepter.]
Sonic: Lightning! Whoo!
[Lancelot growls. He knocks the pans away and exposes the scepter.]
Sonic: Ahhh!
[Sonic uses his actual stilts to block Lancelot as tries to grab the scepter. The green echidna swipes out the stilts and grabs the scepter... bringing Sonic down on top of him as the scroll is knocked out his hands and rolls down the street. Sonic gets thrown into a fireworks booth as Lancelot chases down the scroll. Then...]
[Sonic comes speeding up on the cart, propelled by a motherlode of fireworks. He slams through Lancelot, grabs the scepter... and crashes into a rock wall. The scepter flies out of his hand and lands in the mouth of another ledge. He looks back at Lancelot, who sees where the scepter has landed and restarts his pursuit. Via the magic of chilli- vision (He envisions the scepter as a platter of Chili Dogs), Sonic effortlessly scales the building. Lancelot is shocked.]
Lancelot: The gem has given him power! NO!
[Enraged, he takes a giant leap and kicks the wall of the building, causing it to crumble. Sonic struggles to reach the scepter as he is chased by Lancelot, though manages to keep the green echidna at bay by kicking dozens of roof tiles into his face. Amazingly, Sonic skips across the falling roof tiles to reach the scroll in mid-air and grabs it... just as Lancelot leaps up behind him and unleashes a punishing homing attack that sends Sonic smashing into the ground outside the Echidna Palace grounds. As Lancelot lands, he delivers a final devastating kick, sending up a huge mushroom cloud.]
As the dust settles, Lancelot is looming over a stunned Sonic in the impact crater. He picks up the scepter. He relishes at having the secret to limitless power in his grasp at last.]
Lancelot: Finally... oh yes... the secrets of the world tree... are... MINE!
[He removes the gem from the scepter, and tries to use it; Nothing happens] Nothing's happening---! [tries to used the 2nd time; Nothing happens] Why isn't it working?! [tries to use it one last; still, nothing happens and his triumph turns into confusion as he stares at the empty gem.] There's STILL NOTHING...!
[Sonic slowly gets to his feet, wincing.]
Sonic: It's okay. I didn't get it the first time either.
Lancelot: [Disbelief] What?
Sonic: There is no secret ingredient.
[Lancelot tosses back the gem in anger. Sonic looks down at the gem and gazes at his reflection.]
Sonic: It's just you.
[Lancelot ponders for a moment, then snarls and lunges at Sonic.]
Lancelot: RRRAAAH!
[Lancelot strikes Sonic's nerve points in a last effort borne out of frustration. Sonic collapses to the ground... and begins giggling. Lancelot looks down at his hand in confusion and strikes Sonic again. And again... and again... Sonic's fluffy, blue hide & quills are keeping Lancelot's nerve attack from having any effect except to tickle him.]
Sonic: Stop! Stop it! I can't help it! Don't! Don't!
[Frustrated, Lancelot delivers a double-fisted punch to Sonic's belly. The shockwave ripples through Sonic's entire body and his arms come back and strike Lancelot, sending the green echidna crashing back into the
armory. Sonic looks at his paws, amazed at what he just did.]
[Lancelot rises from the rubble and runs at Sonic again. But Sonic strikes back, using an unorthodox hedgehog-style technique, even getting Lancelot to chomp down on his own tail. Sonic gives Lancelot Lung a belly bump that sends him crashing into a building. Lancelot emerges and now really mad, attempts one more lunge at Sonic. But Sonic prepares... and Lancelot is swiftly met by Sonic's Flying Roundhouse Kick! He is launched into the air and disappears into the clouds. Sonic waits... and waits... until finally, Lancelot reappears in the sky and crashes into the ground.]
Lancelot: [Heavy breathing] You... can't defeat me... you... you're just a little... Insignificant... blue... hedgehog!
[Lancelot lunges at Sonic one last time... SCHWING! Sonic grabs his finger. Lancelot's eyes go wide.]
Sonic: Wrong. I'm not just a little, blue hedgehog... I'm THE little, blue hedgehog!
[Sonic pops out one of the emeralds. Lancelot gasps.]
Lancelot: "Chaos Control"--!
Sonic: Oh, you know this method?
Lancelot: You're bluffing... you're bluffing! Andrew never taught you that!
Sonic: Nope.
[Lancelot looks hopeful.]
Sonic: I've figured it all out.
[Lancelot's eyes widen; Sonic grips on the gem real tight as it starts shining...]
Sonic: BA-ZINGA!
[An explosion of chaotic, rippling green energy flows through Echidna Town, sweeping past Sonic's friends and the fleeing townspeople. Astonished, they look toward the town in the distance.]
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Artwork by (C) Lightningblade1994
For (C} KatarinaTheCat
"Years from now, no one will bother to recall your good King Moyer Ranna, because all of this will be MINE! THIS... Will ALL be MINE!"
- Taken from (Quest for Camelot, a.k.a, "The Magic Sword")
Lancelot the Echidna belongs to (C) KatarinaTheCat
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Sonic the Hedgehog/Kung Fu Panda Mash-Up 6 [Part 1 of 2] {For © KatarinaTheCat} [Collab by © Lightninblade1994]
[Outside of Echidna Town, which is far away from the Ebonywood, Bill the Echidna is approaching the fearsome Echidna Town City East Gate. A crocodile guard watches as Bill zooms past him, tired from the journey. With a cry, he lands head first on the ground outside the entrance doors, clutching a scribe. In an instant, two crocodile guards thrust their spears in his face.]
Bill: Wait, wait, wait wait! I bring a message! [The guards keep their spears pointed.] From Brother Andrew! [The crocs relax slightly. The enormous entrance doors are opened. Minutes later, a large crocodile overseer, who happens to be the rear guard of the East Gate, is standing in front of the frightened Bill, reading the scribe. What he reads enrages him.]
Crocodile Overseer: WHAT?! "Double the guard? Extra precautions? Your prison may not be adequate?" [He slams the scribe shut and glares down at the sniveling Bill. The guards behind the yellow echidna grip their weapons, equally outraged, and stare daggers at him.] You doubt my prison's security?
Bill: Absolutely not. Brother Andrew does. I'm just the messenger. [He gulps, intimidated.]
Crocodile Overseer: I'll give you a message for your "Big Bro". [He proceeds to lead Bill along the bridge across from the doors.] Unlimited access to the Echidna Town East Gate is impossible!
[Bill looks in awe around the massive brick wall. He then looks over the side of the bridge into the dark and seemingly-bottomless abyss. The Overseer suddenly smacks Bill on the back, startling him and knocking a quill from his body, which floats down from the bridge.]
Crocodile Overseer: [Laughs.] Impressive, isn't it?
Bill: [trembling] Oh yes, it's very impressive. It's very impressive!
[The overseer leads him deeper into the lower sector of the East Gate, while gloating about the security.]
Crocodile Overseer: One way in, one way out, one thousand guards, and one prisoner.
Bill: Yes, except that prisoner is Lancelot's most trusted, notorious mercernary...
Crocodile Overseer: [to guards] Take us down.
[The guards obey, and the elevator descends in the darkness towards the very bottom area of the Easter Gate's Lower Sector. The crocodile overseer shakes the elevator to scare Bill, and laughs at his frightened reaction. Eventually they reach the bottom. Bill is led towards a set of heavily-armored doors, which open one after the other.]
Bill: Oh my...
[The final door falls forward, creating a bridge towards a circular stone island in the middle of the abyss. In the middle of the island is a figure shrouded in darkness.]
Crocodile Overseer: Behold. This here is "Hiretsuna". Lancelot's most skilled second-in command and most wanted criminal of all Ebon.
[Bill's eyes widen.]
Bill: I'll, um... I'm just gonna wait right here.
Crocodile Overseer: [Laughs.] It's nothing to worry about. It's perfectly safe. [He pushes Bill across the bridge, and follows after.] Crossbows! At the ready!
Bill: Crossbows?!
[In sentry towers around the walls of the Lower Sector, guard train enormous crossbows on the figure on the island as the overseer and Bill approach. Hiretsuna, once a skilled mercernary, is now weighed down with chains tied behind his arms, along with his neck being held by both chains attached to enormous rocks hanging over the sides of the island, immobilized by a special stone carapace shell on his back.]
Crocodile Overseer: Hey, tough guy! Did you hear? King Moyer Ranna's finally going to give someone else the Ebon Scepter and it ain't going to be one of you!
Bill: What are you doing? Don't get him mad!
Crocodile Overseer: What's he gonna do about it? I've got him completely immobilized. [He stamps on Hiretsuna's right foot, which crunches on impact. Bill leaps back with a gasp, but Hiretsuna makes no movement. The overseer laughs.] Awww, did I step on the wittle piggy's footsie? Awww...
Bill: I'm good! I've seen enough! I'm gonna tell Brother Andrew he's got nothing to worry about.
Crocodile Overseer: No he doesn't. [They walk back across the bridge.]
Bill: Okay I'll tell him. Can we please go now?...
[Bill and the overseer walk out of view. Meanwhile, one of Bill's needles slowly falls down and rests right in front of Hiretsuna's left foot... and his eyes open. He reaches out with one foot from behind and gently snatches the quill.]
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Sonic the Hedgehog/Kung Fu Panda Mash-Up (For KatarinaTheCat)
Sonic: *Shrugs; Yells in pain* OW! I thought you said acupuncture would make me feel [Genai pops us from behind Sonic holding a handful of needles and sticks him again.] better!
Genai: Trust me, it will. It's just not easy finding the right nerve points under all this...
Sonic: Quills?
Genai: Fur, I was going to say fur. [Removes the needle and moves to another part of Sonic's back.]
Sonic: [Skeptical] Sure you were.
Genai: [Adjusts a needle and taps Sonic's back for nerves.] Who am I to judge a Mobian based on his looks? I mean...Look at me.
Sonic: [Looks for Genai; sees nothing]
Genai: I'm over here.[reappears; then jabs another needle into Sonic.]
Sonic: Eeyowch!
Viola Ruma: [holding on to diagram] Maybe you should take a look at this again.
Genai: [looks at the diagram] Oh! Okay.
Sonic: *Shudders; cackles in sheer agony;* Ow! Don't... [laughing] Stop it, stop... YOW!
Sonic: *sighs* I know how Brother Andrew is trying to inspire me and all that, but if i didn't know any better...Id say he's a bit uptight these days. [Sonic snickers. The others look at each other and smile awkwardly. Sonic notices their expressions and his chuckle fades.]
Genai: I know he can seem kind of strict. [He jabs another needle in Sonic.] But, you know, he wasn't always like that.
Viola Ruma: According to legend, there was once a time when Brother Andrew actually used to be carefree and smiles. Until...
Sonic: Until WHAT?
[Patty Enters the scene]
Patty: Until Lancelot came.
Griffin: [Griffin's shadow is silhouetted on the wall.] Uh, yeah, we're not really supposed to talk about him.
Patty: Well, If he and his friends want to go back to their world, then he should know.
Sonic: Guys, C'mon! Everybody's heard about Lancelot! He was once a famous hunter. [Patty looks at Sonic.] One of the few Spellswords...to roam Ebon...[Patty gives him a piercing stare. He nervously trails off.] and... then he turned bad... and... now he's inprisoned...
Patty: He wasn't just an ordinary Spellsword.
{Cut to Backstory}
Patty: This all happened way back when Brother Andrew, Sanson Ebonywood & Lancelot actually became a trio during the first few years at the Spellsword Academy. Samson was the one who came out on top. Lancelot had trained very hard to compete against him, but Samson succeeded him instead. it was then that King Moyer Ranna decided to hand Samson the title of Priest which was a tradition that was handed down in Ranna Village for least 200 years. Outraged, Lancelot laid waste to all of Native America. He tried to take the scepter by force, and Brother Andrew was forced to destroy the very-bond he held during those years. But how could he? He was cast out from the village as punishment for his crimes. Luckily, some of our heroes managed to imprison him and put an end to his schemes. but even then, it could not make up for all the horror that our Brother Andrew had experienced [Lancelot roars in Background] Brother Andrew idolized Lancelot like he has had never did before, or since.
{Cut back to present}
Patty: But now, he has been freed once again. And this time, Brother Andrew has one chance to make this right; to train the new generation of heroes, and he's stuck with YOU; a stuck-up, strapping, cocky & reckless young man, who treats life, as if it were some kind of game.
[Suddenly, Sonic makes a googly-eyed face and he freezes.]
Patty: [At that, Patty loses her temper and raises her fist.] Oh, that is it!
Genai: [Pops out and halts Patty] Wait! My fault! I accidentally tweaked his facial nerve. [Sonic falls face first to the floor, revealing his back is covered with needles.] And may have also stopped his heart. [Genai tentatively pokes Sonic's face: his eyes twitches.]
Published: 05/29/22
Original Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7DVsN761n0
(C) SEGA/Sonic Team
OC's belong to (C) KatarinaTheCat
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-Test Scene- (For KatarinaTheCat)
King Moyer Ranna: I sense much fear & doubt in that young man. we must act cautious if he is to be trained as a squire.
Amadeus: he COULD be the one to unify the chaos.
King Moyer Ranna: Indeed, that he is.
Andrew: *Looks puzzled* I thought you said THAT would be bad.
King Moyer Ranna: From what the prophecy says, he is worthy of an apprentice.
Andrew: Can I ASK what the prophecy is? Why is THAT something that I don't know?
Amadeus: I will tell him of the council's decision tomorrow.
Andrew: Oh, So it's a council now? It's not JUST the two of you? What about you, Patty? Did you know that now it was a council?
King Moyer Ranna: In our ability to summon "Chaos Control", the others must also be informed.
Andrew: WHO can summon "Chaos Control" now? I can still use Chao Control. Let's put that one to a vote because I don't EVEN know what that means! Does anybody realize that i'm talking?
Amadeus: *remains silent* ...Enough for today. we should EAT.
King Moyer Ranna: I'd say Pizza. Let's leave it to Andrew. All i favor?
All: Aye!
Andrew: *Groans* I just got the coffee yesterday. I submitted the receipt, have yet to be reimbursed. Is anyone else having this issue?! But, oh, look! If it's the will of the Council, then I'll go!
All: Aye!
Andrew: Fine! Listen, Bill. I'm going to need to borrow your wagon.
Bill: It's...Ummm...still in the works?
Andrew: I JUST saw it downstairs.
Bill: *mumbles* Well, you know... insurance.
Andrew: Okay, I am going. I'm one of the few founding council members of Ebon And today it is my job to get the pizza. Sure! Yeah, my parents, they're very proud.
Published on: 05/26/22
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