#mptb fics
Snuggling with Zevlor is an all day affair. Once he's attached, he's not letting go, and no it isn't because his joints are settling and he doesn't want to hear them click as he gets up.
It's because he's wrapped up, nice and snug and warm with the person he cares about. Even if the blankets and duvets get kicked off, they're still both tangled up and snuggled together until one of them gets a little hungry and they decide to get breakfast.
Breakfast can be elaborate, Zevlor cooking an entire spread with his companion's arms wrapped around him, making it a clumsy and messy affair that he loves regardless. Or it can be something easy, just a bowl of cereal or a cup of coffee and pastries. Zevlor doesn't even have to be asked, he has his partner's favorite fruit on the table and peeled (if applicable of course) and even though there's enough chairs they find themselves somehow settled into the same one or at least their chairs are right next to each other so that hands unoccupied with food and drink can roam.
After breakfast maybe they head outside, because it's a cool morning and the heat from their snuggling still lingers. Drinks in hand they sit in the dewy morning air and lean into each other, Zevlor's tail wrapped around his partner's waist just snug enough to be a reminder that he's there. They sit there for a couple hours, leaning into each other, forgetting their drinks, one ends up in the other's lap, playing with each other's hair until the sun crests and becomes a little too warm.
Retreating inside to lazily kiss and laugh their way into the living room, taking up a book each and quietly reading. One or the other abandons their book to snuggle up again, maybe (surprisingly) Zevlor does, burying his nose into his partner's hair or neck while they read and run their fingers through his hair, along his horns, reading aloud after a while just to keep the closeness going. Maybe reading gets abandoned after a while in favorite of kissing, soft slow little pecks with long, silent breaks in between where they just breathe the same air. Zevlor eventually starts to lavish his partner is slow, faint kisses all over their face, down their neck, every feature he can reach. Their hands stay intertwined, his tail stays wrapped around some part of them, and they both stay completely enamored with the other.
By the time afternoon hits, they've managed to make it out of the house to a cafe or restaurant. Lunch is a little more reserved in the cuddling department, but not for lack of trying. They find a booth so they can stay close, but it's never close enough, and while some people might like being the center of attention, Zevlor isn't one of those people, so it's a subtle affair, hands held under the table, quick kisses every now and again just to be cheeky. Lunch is a sickeningly sweet display of feeding one another and making other customers mildly uncomfortable with how obsessed with each other they are.
The walk home is spent talking about where they might go the next day they have time together, pointing out places they want to visit. By the time they get home it's late, so they grab a snack, take the quickest showers just to freshen up (separately, otherwise they might be in for something other than cuddling), and then right back where they started, in bed together, wrapped up and giggling, murmuring sweet nothings and sharing lingering touches until each of them drifts off, falling into blissful sleep where they dream of staying like this forever.
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theredconversegirl · 5 years
what is up with you and mptb? (TorranceBlack/MoonlightPale)? are you collabing or something?
Hey there,
Thanks for the question!
@torranceblack and I started talking after I found her work and flooded her inbox with reviews and comments. And after that, it became a regular thing to talk on tumblr when we were online, sharing SasuSaku thoughts, fics, and mundane things too, while we were both working on our own things or writing. 
So, MoonlightPale became a good friend and writing bud! I’m glad I found her work -- which is amazing btw -- and messaged her.
We’re not collabing yet. I’m still pretty new at writing and I want to get a bit better first, but I’d love to collab with her in the future! :D
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These days within the Grove were stressful to say the least.
Zevlor had been doing his best to keep spirits high, everyone could tell, especially yourself. Despite his stress and strain, he has been as busy as all the rest, if not more so.
Today was no exception. You'd been out with a few of the others, searching the immediate area for wild foods, hunting, managing to get enough for something other than gruel for once. Almost immediately after walking into the hollow, Zevlor is there, relieving two of your foraging group of their finds and gently demanding they go rest.
You walk with him down the slope to the left, the other member of your group hastening behind as the three of you beeline to the cook pot just across from Dammon's forge.
Another act of kindness, selflessness, as he asks the older tiefling that slaves over the camp's rations to sit and rest just nearby. He asks you to set down your contribution, the few wild rabbits, before implore you to rest as well.
“Don’t you think you ought to rest as well, Zevlor?” Is the response you always give him.
To wit he always replies, “My rest will come when my people are safe.”
The conversation ends there as he begins to work even more, dressing the rabbits and preparing the wild vegetables, and that when he begins to do something you didn’t know he could. Zevlor, the ever stalwart commander of the Hellriders of Elturel, can cook? It shouldn’t come as such a shock, really, but perhaps that’s because you’ve only ever seen the grey gruel bowls being handed out.
It’s a wonder to watch, and soon enough the others all begin to gather round and rest, hunkering in to take in the smells of fresh food, destined to warm their souls. The children were especially excited, the sight brings a smile to your lips, only to have it curiously dashed once more.
Zevlor is speaking to the children it seems, but it’s a language you can only pick bits and pieces out of. Infernal? The children seem so enraptured, and it isn’t until one of the other refugees lets you know that he’s recounting a tale long since passed, from Elturel, during his time as a proud Hellrider. Even if you don’t know the words, you can’t help but smile as the little ones brighten.
A few tales later and many happy faces and warm, full bellies later, everyone slowly scatters, returning to their business. You catch a glimpse of Zevlor one last time as he heads to the gate of the grove likely to relieve one of the guards for the evening.
You shake your head silently as you help the others clean up, before heading to the gate yourself. Zevlor can berate you all he likes, you’ll just have to try to not mention the way his tail sways after he’s finished his lecture, as always.
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Halsin, Dammon, Zevlor and Karlach all surprising Tav with birthday sex (yes at the same time) (Happy Belated Birthday 🎂)
Its midnight you are doing this On Purpose now and I'm. Okay with it. (Thank you 💞) BUT GODS, WHAT A DAMN COMBO...
I imagine it starts really simple, maybe Tav finds a gift and a note from one of them (probably Dammon, because he had to get to the forge) does a groggy little smile but realizes everyone has their own thing going on and they hadn't had the chance to even see any of them before they head out.... Unusual.... Tav is always greeted by at least one of them, and today of all days they all just left? Curious.
The gift is something Dammon made (or so it says) and while Tav is mulling over their partners' unusual behaviors they open the box to find the single most unusual gift a weaponsmith/armorer cause have ever made. They can certainly wear it, and in fact as punishment for leaving Tav by themself for their day, they're definitely wearing it.
Turns out that's exactly what the scheming bastards wanted. They know them too well. So Tav has the most form hugging, body finery on, talking thin chains embellished with jewelry, covering parts of the body in swathes, some of it singular, looser chains. Bracelet like cuffs, necklace like collar, loose hoops at the waist, clearly something that was measured for and crafted meticulously.
Cheeky bastards.
The lot of them come home at the same time, all from their respective tasks, half expecting a whining Tav to be waiting for them. And they are, but their whining to themself.
They find Tav in their room, mouth covered with one hand, the other buried in themself, the chains of the finery making the absolute sweetest tinkling noises as they get lost in their own ministrations (they'd been at it a while) to the point they hardly notice they've got an audience.
A very enraptured audience.
They're all practically salivating at the sight (even Dammon who's still the shyest of the lot) and then Tav gasps on calls a name, and it's clear they're aware they're being watched.
It doesn't matter who gets called first, but just for the sake of teasing the lot, say it's Dammon. He's equal parts flustered and absolutely ready for it, especially with all the time he took to make that finery. He gets to enjoy it first, and it is torture for the others. Watching Dammon, their sweet sweet Dammon climb over Tav and replace their fingers with his tail, Tav slowly working his clothes off, and once he's bear in all his glory and fucking Tav on his tail the other three slowly snap.
They'd had a plan, and it still works out but gods is it hard to break these two up. Tav has their fingers buried into Dammon's cunt and they're working him just as hard is he is them with his tail. They're both all shaky breaths and messy kisses and giddy little smiles at how pretty the finery is and how grateful Tav is for their present.
They both hit a climax before the other three make a move and gods is Tav petty about it. "If this is going to be my gift from you guys it had better be good, Dammon is the only one who thought about me!" They know it isn't true and Tav doesn't really mean it but it does get them into motion a little faster.
Dammon and Tav are panting and spent so it's no hard task to move them about, Halsin slipping underneath Tav because he's always their favorite napping spot, moving them away from Dammon to lavish them in kisses all along their face and neck, along the collar/necklace of the finery. Tav buries their face in his neck while Karlach slips into place with a little help from Zevlor, who is very into this actually. She settles underneath Tav, the perfect spot to have them in her mouth while Halsin keeps them steady over her, his hands all but engulfing Tav's hips.
Karlach makes sure she does it slow, matching the pace Halsin had been kissing Tav at, relishing the taste of their climax from Dammon who is currently cuddled beside Halsin and covering Tav in more kisses while they're nestled into Halsin's chest. Zevlor is (as always) very careful when he gets himself ready, and once he is Karlach removes herself (very reluctantly) so that Zevlor can push himself into Tav without risking hurting either of them.
Tav comes on the spot because gods he's so big they always forget how big, and the over sensitivity hits them like a brick to the chest. That doesn't stop him though, because they're all getting their fair turn.
Zevlor has Tav pressed against Halsin so tight, fucked into them so deep, so quickly, that they're already blissfully incoherent, it doesn't take long for Zevlor to come from both the spectacle they'd watched with Dammon and how Tav is punch-drunkenly begging for his cock. He gets all of it in, knot included, pressing reverent kisses all of Tav's back, cooing at them for being so good, for taking him so well, for taking their birthday gift so well, even though Tav is drooling incoherent mess already.
No rest for the wicked though because the second Zevlor slips out and Tav had a much needed break (cleanup and water, so much water), Karlach has them flipped over, back to Halsin's chest, legs wide and her strap easing into Tav like a fiend taking her prize. She's slower than Zevlor had been, but to let Tav breathe and take it in, between her and Zevlor the ridges were driving Tav crazy. Halsin is certainly not helping, keeping Tav's thighs in his hands, legs spread and on display as Karlach fucks them so slow. She edges them for a little while before relenting and fucking them proper, not quite as feral as Zevlor had but the enthusiasm is just as unmatched, praising Tav for being so good for Mama K and that has them coming on the spot, their vision spotting a bit because gods how many times was that now?
Karlach slips away after they come again, praise and kisses and more tender care until Tav recoup enough for the last, but it's not another round, no it's definitely the cool down before they all rest. Halsin takes all the finery off, gently sets it aside, gives Tav all the sweetest kisses in the world, and then Tav goes to one of their favorite spots in the whole world. Right between Halsin's legs, slick, wet and hot from having bore witness to Tav getting absolutely ravaged by the others. Tav wastes zero time getting him off, it doesn't take much considering he was close to coming untouched just as the spectacle, sucking on his fat clit and then licking every last bit of him clean. Tav stays there after, slow fucking his cunt with their tongue and letting the oral fixation come into play, and when they eventually pull another orgasm out of him, they pull back and call it quits.
Then it's just the most massive cuddle pile, Tav on top of Halsin, Dammon curled up close, Karlach behind Dammon and Zevlor on Halsin's other side. Every tiefling tail is wrapped around some part of Tav and they all give them sweet little kisses until they fall asleep wishing them a happy birthday.
Next day is the best bath ever (Zevlor joins cause he loves to do aftercare baths) Halsin makes breakfast for everyone and they all eat in bed, Dammon takes a day away from the forge so Tav and him can stay snuggled in bed all day cause Tav needs the company and they rest go about their day while Tav is pleased as punch with their extended birthday 💞
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This place was grotesque, a vile landscape under Moonrise that seemed to reach depths beyond imagining. The fact that a mindflayer colony had been underneath the Shadowcursed Lands for so long was repulsive.
This whole place filled Aerdir with dread, the quicker they got out of here, the better.
So he thought. He'd thought they'd find Zariel's asset, find Duke Ravenguard, find the heart of the Absolute.
He never thought he'd find Zevlor.
The moment he walked passed those mindflayer pods, and heard the Hellrider's thoughts through the contraption, his heart sank into his gut. His feet moved before his mind could tell him to be cautious, his fists beating at the pod uselessly even though he knows he can't get it open like that.
Zevlor's thoughts still ebb out of the pod, into Aerdir's mind as if they ran like water through the cracks of the pod.
The cracks in the pod?
His fists and boots are actually damaging the pod, in his frenzy, in the slipping of his own mind Aerdir has managed to weaken the pod enough that the tiefling inside stirs, half awake and groggy. But the strikes aren't enough to force it open all the way.
Aerdir rips himself away from the pod with a guttural noise that had his companions backing away even. He's frantic, eyes searching for any sort of control unit.
When he finds it he doesn't even hesitate to open the pods, even though it releases the mindflayers that had already transformed. It's not an easy fight, but having Zevlor and the other captives aid them makes the battle a quick one.
Once it's all over, Aerdir takes a moment to breathe before his body is moving of it's own accord once more. He's bloody and bruised and Halsin is desperately trying to call him back so that he can heal the tiefling properly but there's no stopping him when he catches sight of Zevlor again.
He drops his blade, drops his shield, and drops any sense of decorum he's ever held in regards to the Hellrider. Aerdir sprints full speed and grabs onto Zevlor like a man possessed, knocking the both of them to the gory floor.
Zevlor goes to speak, floundering already, with his tormented thoughts, but falls silent before he can try. The entire room falls silent.
Aside from Aerdir's pitiful, agonizing wailing as he clings to Zevlor, his face buried into his armored shoulder, his claws digging at the links of his chain mail, his tail curling close to his body.
A small man made even smaller by how he curls into Zevlor and just cries.
Zevlor tries and fails a few times to ease them off of the floor, to pull them both upright, but Aerdir's sobs become laced with questions that haunt him. About the others. About their people, their friends. Questions he knows he can't answer, not when he's like this.
Despite the surrounding, Zevlor does take pity on the younger tiefling, wrapping his arms around him and shushing him, trying to quiet him. He's thankful for when Halsin steps over and begins to heal them both, tending to Aerdir more carefully.
Aerdir refuses to separate from him, however, and Zevlor has an idea as to why. His inner thoughts had been sent right to the poor man, all his doubts, his moments of weakness, his temptation to fall into darkness. Even after Aerdir's tears dry up and Halsin manages to aid Zevlor in standing with an armful of tiefling, the younger refuses to let go.
So he takes a breath, lets down his guard, and runs his hand through Aerdir's hair that had fallen free during battle. When Aerdir's breath hitches, Zevlor leans in a little further, pulls him a little tighter, and lets out a shaky breath of his own.
"It's alright now... It's alright... I've got you."
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Made myself sad about Rolan and Aerdir while I was out today and just. Man.
Rolan learning that a fellow refugee had been kidnapped by illithids, infected with a parasite, thinking to himself that he's glad it wasn't him.
Then he finds out it was Aerdir, and he's conflicted. One of their best chances to make it to Baldur's Gate now has a new goal, he won't be with them anymore.
He saves the druid, kills the goblins, they can leave. But Aerdir won't go with them, he has a new goal.
Rolan and Aerdir get drunk at the party together, Aerdir tells Rolan about how he can influence people, how he wants to come with them, with him, so he can help them, but he can't now.
Rolan tells him it's better that way anyway, that Aerdir is a pain in the ass and Aerdir just laughs and slings an arm around him, and he watches someone else steal away his attention.
They don't meet again until he's lost his siblings, until he's drunk again in Last Light, where he grumbles and bitches that the hero has arrived to save the day again now that he's deemed to grace them all with his presence.
He bitches and groans that, just like Zevlor, Aerdir let them all down, let them travel out this way to die, and Aerdir feels his heart break. He had seen the bodies on the road already, felt guilty already, and now Rolan of all people is blaming him.
"How does it feel to be a failure of a hero after being chosen by fate?" He'd slur, assuming Aerdir would be just as broken as he is.
But then Aerdir goes out and saves everyone he can, Cal and Lia are back, and then he's gone again before Rolan can say anything. He's out there saving everyone, taking down the evil that did this.
Rolan realizes Aerdir isn't the failure.
They don't see each other again until Aerdir walks into Sorcerous Sundries and sees Rolan's face battered and bruised. The last thing Rolan had called him was a failure, and the first thing Aerdir says to him is, "By the gods what has he done to you?"
He had insulted Aerdir, and Aerdir turned back up with compassion, immediately, without hesitation.
He's also so different now, a full fledged paladin like he'd always wanted to be, and Rolan? He's a pitiful, battered apprentice still.
Once again, Aerdir had had his life turn out better for his fate than Rolan had for trying.
He hates him, hates this life, hates the gods and fate and everything else.
But Aerdir looks at Rolan with so much compassion and care.
He hates it. Hates what it does to him.
Aerdir comes back a few days later with the Nightsong, a person, and Rolan decides that his fate is his. He turns his hate on Lorroakan, takes his fury out on the man he sought to be, who he idolized.
And Aerdir stays by him side the whole fight, keeping Rolan safe, like Rolan had always wished he would, and returning the favor when he can.
Once Lorroakan is gone, and Rolan is ready to be left all alone again until he can get Cal and Lia to come, he realizes he wasn't alone, never alone, not this whole time. He still isn't, because Aerdir is still here, his hands stiff and cautious because he doesn't want Rolan to push him away again.
But he doesn't.
For once Rolan doesn't push him away.
He pulls Aerdir closer and curls into him and he cries, grumbling about Aerdir leaving him alone for too long after Last Light.
Aerdir freezes, softens, and laughs, squeezing Rolan tight, promising on his oath that he won't do that anymore.
And he doesn't.
And Rolan likes that.
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Oh woe, gay boy be upon ye.
Hi my name is miev and i really like bg3 a normal amount.
I’m 29
He/They pronouns
Panromantic Demisexual
Tags and such
Ethari Artorian (tav oc)
Aerdir (durge oc)
Dorynn (durge oc)
miev’s bg3 diary (shit that happens while i play)
mptb ocs (my children)
mptb art (my art stuff if i have post it)
mptb fics (my fics)
I’m an adult I’m gonna post/reblog 18+ stuff
Feel free to send me asks and stuff about anything! Boundaries and such in this post ♥
If you want to, you can send anons with an emoji so we can chat regularly if you're shy! So far these have been used:
⛓️, 🧸, 🎰
Will update as necessary have a nice day
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