#mr love li zeyan fanfic
thedummysdummy · 1 year
Can I have a cup of latte with some sweet cream and yes hcs of our CEO dealing with a pregnant wifey 🤧🤌🏻 Pregnancy reveal to labor that will be a thank you.
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In his Victor way, he immediately sensed her presence and looked up from his work. Seeing the grin on her face, he immediately knew something was up. “What has gotten a dummy so riled up?” he asked, pausing as he glanced farther down and spotted the pregnancy test in her hand. He jumped up from the couch and hurried to her side, his large hand reaching for hers to grab the test. She relinquished it with no struggle and Victor stared at the little window. A laugh started deep in his chest and made its way to the surface, emerging as he wrapped his arms around his wife. 
“See? All that worry for nothing! I told you that we just had to be patient! We have to celebrate. What would you like for dinner? I’ll make you anything you want. And I’ll call up the doctor to make an appointment. This time everything will go smoothly.” Victor scooped the girl up into his arms and buried his face in her hair. 
She squirmed a little and squeaked indignantly, but Victor only laughed louder and carried her out of the office and into the living room. “I can walk, you know,” she insisted, his joy soaking into her soul and making her laugh as well. “But really all I want for dinner is a nice butternut bisque. I’m a little too nauseous for much more than that…” 
Victor immediately set her down at the dining room table and went to the cupboard where he kept the tea and coffee. Soon the scents of ginger and peppermint filled the air and a steaming cup of tea appeared in front of the girl. “Drink this first while I make dinner, then. But give it a few minutes to properly steep before you greedily gulp it down.” 
“It’s too hot to gulp anyway,” the girl protested, but Victor merely shook his head and began his preparations. She watched his strong and slender form as he cut, cleaned, and drizzled olive oil over the resulting chunks of squash. The edges of her lips twitched in a pleased manner and her heart felt almost too big for her chest. 
In this moment, she was the luckiest girl alive. She picked up the teacup and inhaled the fragrant steam before blowing a soft breath over the surface of the liquid. As long as she had the love of that man, she had the entire world in her palm. 
His baby wasn’t a bad addition, either. 
The cup of tea was gone long before the squash had finished steaming, but the girl was content to sit at the table and just watch Victor work. He often glanced over at her and his dark eyes glittered every time he caught her staring. She enjoyed watching his skillful hands transform the hard vegetable into a smooth and creamy soup which soon he ladled into a bowl and placed in front of her. It was followed by a thick slice of toasted sourdough and another cup of tea. 
Only once she was served did Victor dish up his own meal and join her at the table. “Are you feeling any better?” he asked, dipping his spoon into the silky soup and blowing gently to cool it. The girl nodded and tore off a bit of the bread to dip into her soup. It was delicious, as was to be expected, and she didn’t even need to ask the ‘secret ingredient,’ because she already knew exactly what it was. 
Two months passed by as a moment and a lifetime simultaneously. The girl lost count of how many times she’d had to run out of a filming shoot, returning to the concerned looks of her coworkers. 
Finally, Kiki pulled her aside. “Boss, we’ve all noticed that you’ve been ill a lot lately. Is everything okay?” She looked into the girl’s face with concerned eyes, seeming to seek the answer in her boss’s expression. The girl fought with herself for a long moment. Was it too early to make an announcement? She knew it would be another month before she was out of the most dangerous portion of the pregnancy, but if her coworkers were already getting worried…she knew she wouldn’t last another month without telling them. 
“Yes, I’m fine. It’s just…don’t spread this around, okay? But I’m pregnant.” 
A look of wild excitement filled Kiki’s face. “Oh my goodness! Congratulations, boss! How far along are you?! Has anyone planned a baby shower yet? Are you having a boy or a girl? How does Victor feel about it? This is so exciting!” 
The girl slapped a hand over Kiki’s mouth, but that did little to quell the other woman’s excitement. “I’m only eight weeks along, but Victor and I are both very happy. We won’t know if we’re having a boy or a girl for quite a while.” She giggled and her other hand went instinctively to her stomach. “It definitely is exciting. But!! You have to swear not to go announcing it to the entire world, okay? I’ll tell the others after the shoot today, then you all can gossip to your hearts’ content with each other.” She shot Kiki a serious look, and Kiki straightened into a salute. 
“You’ve got it, Boss! I won’t tell a soul!” 
It was a promise which lasted approximately twenty minutes before the news was nearly enough to make Kiki explode. “But you have to act surprised when the boss tells everyone after the shoot, okay?” she whispered after spilling the beans to Willow. 
“Oh, obviously,” Willow insisted. “And we’re also obviously going to plan a surprise party.” Kiki agreed wholeheartedly and the pair went back to the shoot. The day seemed to drag by even slower than usual as the secret burned a hole in their mental pockets. They did their best to look innocent every time the girl was nearby, but the moment she turned her back, the pair could barely contain their excitement. 
By the time the shoot wrapped up, everyone was completely exhausted except Kiki and Willow. They were still hyped up on the high of their secret and practically vibrated with excitement when their little crew was called together. 
The girl looked at each one of her friends and smiled. “I have a bit of an announcement. I was going to wait a little longer, but I have no doubt the cat would get out of the bag sooner rather than later. So here it is: Victor and I are expecting our first child.” 
Cheers of congratulations filled and echoed around the mostly-empty set, making it feel as if the girl were surrounded by an army of well-wishers. 
“But the casual white shirts go on the blue hangers, and the formal ones go on the black ones!”
The girl began pulling all of the clothes that Victor had hung up off their hangers and tossed them on the bed, her arms moving in far more exaggerated circles than was entirely necessary. Victor watched with exasperation, his arms crossed over his chest and his brows furrowed. “Why does it matter? Besides, they are my shirts. Shouldn’t it be my opinion that counts when it comes to putting them away?” 
He may as well have declared the instigation of World War 3. The girl looked at Victor incredulously and threw the hanger she was holding to the ground. “Fine! If you’re so opinionated about it, I’ll just let you put them away yourself! And the closet can be a mess.” 
“I already put them away myself once, and you pulled them all back out. That seems like you caused the problem, not me.” Victor’s exasperated tone only earned him a look that could kill a nation before his wife stomped out of the room and disappeared into the darkness of the rest of the house. 
Victor took a moment to breathe. Why was everything a fight lately?! Good grief, it was the color of hanger for crying out loud. He’d thought putting away the laundry would make her happy, not cause yet another argument. He glanced over the pile of shirts on the bed and wondered where exactly he’d gone wrong. 
A cloud settled over his heart as he picked up the shirts and ensured they were on the ‘proper’ hangers before putting them back in the closet. Every now and then he glanced at the bedroom door, half expecting to find her standing there watching. However, she never appeared. It didn’t take too long to fix the shirts and make the bed for good measure; only after that did he dare go seeking his wife. 
Perhaps ‘seeking’ was the incorrect word. Victor was pretty sure he knew exactly where he’d find her. He easily crossed the dark house and opened the nursery door, standing in the doorway. Moonlight filtered across the carpeted floor and landed on the chair on the opposite side of the room, highlighting the small amount of dust which drifted back and forth as sand in the ocean. 
Sure enough, the girl was curled up in the rocking chair, clutching a shiba plush. Even in the moonlight he could see the glisten of tears on her cheeks and he sighed. “Dummy,” he whispered, crossing the room in three long strides. She looked away, hiding her face behind the golden fur of the shiba. But Victor pushed it gently away and lifted her chin. He wiped away one of the tears with his thumb and kissed her forehead. “I love you, my little dummy.” 
While the words were simple, they seemed to be the magic words which unlocked the door. A torrent of tears ran down the girl’s cheeks and she flung herself into Victor’s arms. “I didn’t mean to yell at you,” she sobbed, burying her face in his shoulder. “I don’t know why I’m like this! It’s like I can’t even control myself and I hate it!” 
Victor ran his fingers tenderly through her hair and held her close. “It’s just the pregnancy. You’ll feel better soon. Only six weeks left, hm? I’m not going anywhere, no matter how moody you get. So stop beating yourself up and come to bed.” He slid one arm under the girl’s legs and scooped her up. “You need your rest if our little one is going to be healthy.” 
It was dark when the girl waddled into the office. She groaned a little and shifted on her feet, trying to find a position that didn’t hurt. Unfortunately, there was no such thing at this point in the pregnancy. Her hand went for the lightswitch and she wondered idly how she was the first one there for the meeting. Anna had seemed quite insistent that it was incredibly important, and even Victor had seemed keen to get her here on time. 
The lights caused her to go momentarily blind and she squinted as they adjusted. A jubilant shout of ‘SURPRISE!’ caused her to jump, but once she was able to open her eyes again, she was met with a room full of pink and blue balloons and streamers. Everyone she loved sat in chairs around the room with bright grins. Cupcakes decorated with pastel frosting and baby bottle sprinkles made up a large centerpiece, surrounded by various other snacks, while another table was absolutely loaded with brightly wrapped gifts. 
A hand softly on her back propelled the surprised mother-to-be into the room; it was connected to a smirking Victor. “Come on, get in there. Your friends didn’t organize this just for you to stand in the doorway with your mouth hanging open.” 
She broke out of her stupor and joined her loved ones for an evening of ridiculous games, eating, and opening of gifts. The sheer amount of love she felt from everyone in the room was a warm blanket which encircled her heart with tender softness. Each hug, each gift, and each kind word helped erase just a little bit more of the pain and discomfort of being eight and a half months pregnant. 
And when Victor noticed that she was beginning to tire, he took her hand in his big, warm palm and addressed the room. “Thank you, everyone, for the party and the gifts. We very much appreciate it, but my wife is going to fall asleep in her chair if I don’t get her home soon.” She gave his hand a squeeze and with those they loved trailing behind them with arms full of gifts to load into the car, the happy pair returned home with far more than just a new mountain of belongings. 
Of course it would be the middle of the night. The girl got up for what felt like the fifteenth time that night to use the bathroom, only to feel warmth running down her leg. “Too slow…” she muttered as she waddled into the other room. 
However, it soon became apparent that this wasn’t a middle-of-the-night bladder leak. An intense pain gripped the girl’s stomach and she curled up on herself, letting out a strangled squeak of pain and surprise. It wasn’t incredibly loud, but loud enough to cause Victor to rocket up from the bed. His sleep had been poor for the last week already, just in case this exact thing happened. 
“Is it time?!” he exclaimed, looking quite silly with his dark hair tousled upwards and his boxers slightly twisted. All it took was a single nod for him to spring into action, tossing on the clothes he’d specifically kept on the chair next to the bed for easy access and grabbing the hospital bag they’d lovingly packed together. 
Minutes later the girl was dressed as well and Victor helped her into the car. His hands trembled as he buckled her belt, though out of fear or excitement was up for debate. Probably both. He hustled around the front of the car and into his seat, turned the key, and soon the pair were speeding down the road toward the hospital. 
Each time a new contraction hit, the girl fumbled for Victor’s hand. “I’m right here. Just breathe,” he soothed, running his thumb over the back of her hand. “We’ll be there soon. I’m right here.” As Victor was wont to do in situations involving his wife, he drove with a reckless abandon in regards to the speed limit. They soon walked into labor and delivery, where the girl was whisked away while Victor paced the waiting room. 
Luckily for everyone in the hospital, Victor was only made to wait until his wife was dressed and put in her delivery bed before he was allowed to go back with her. “It will probably still be a little while, Mr. Li. The contractions are still ten minutes or so apart, and she’s only at an eight. We’ll check in often, but why don’t you try to get a little rest while you can? When the contractions are two minutes apart or less, we’ll get the doctor in here.” 
Victor nodded, though he knew there would be absolutely no rest for him tonight. Not until those sweet cries filled his ears, and that sweet bundle filled his arms. He sat at his wife’s bedside and held her hand as she did her best to remain calm through round after round of contractions. “I’m positive we’re having a boy,” she murmured. “I regretted deciding to wait to find out for sure, but now that it’s time…I think it’s even more exciting this way.” 
“I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl, as long as we get a healthy baby.” Victor placed his hand on his wife’s belly and was rewarded with a solid kick. “They’ve definitely got your attitude…” 
The hours passed by painfully slowly. Painfully being the key word. By morning, the girl was convinced this labor thing was never going to end. That was, until she was hit with contractions five minutes apart. Then two minutes apart. Victor pressed the call button repeatedly and the nurses soon arrived, the room filling with motion and excitement. The epidural went in and warm, blissful numbness took the place of the hot pain which had been filling her existence. 
The doctor arrived and, after a brief examination, smiled. “Alright, love. It’s time to push, okay? Three breaths and push for me on three. One, two, push. One, two, push.” 
Time felt like it stood still as Victor watched his sweet wife’s face flush, and her hand crushed his with each straining push. The doctor kept checking repeatedly, his voice encouraging. “You’re doing great, mama. I see a head! Keep pushing for me. Not too much longer now.” 
And he was right. Two pushes later, the shrill sound of a baby’s first cry pierced the air. The nurses rushed forward with a towel and a clamp for the cord, while the doctor checked over the new life for signs of health. “Well, Mr. and Mrs. Li, it seems you have an absolutely perfect little boy.” 
Victor wasn’t even embarrassed about the tears that ran down his cheeks as the doctor wrapped the still-mucky little boy in a towel and handed him to his father. He was a chunky little man…and the most beautiful thing Victor had ever seen.
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darling-dummy-blogs · 10 months
My Most Beautiful Treasure- Victor Li
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Summary: Nicole’s birthday is around the corner and Victor has prepared several surprises for his beloved wife on her special day 
Genre: Fluff/Slightly Suggestive
Word Count: 1.3k
Happy (belated) birthday beautiful! @multifandom-worlds
Thank you for being a part of my life and putting up with all my crazy ideas and silliness! I love you and I hope you have a fantastic birthday just as fantastic as you are! <3
This will be told in Victor's POV
Enjoy ~ 
"Where are you taking me, Victor?? Why do I have to keep my eyes closed?" She asked for what seemed like the third or fourth time that day as she kept her eyes like I had asked her to. 
I let out a soft chuckle, guiding her carefully towards the door. "Have patience, my sweet. You'll find out soon enough." Was all I told her as I let go of her hand to unlock the door using my key.
Today was a special day. A day I hold dear to my heart. It was my darling wife's birthday. A day I grew to love almost just as much as I love her. 
Nicole was never one to celebrate her birthday, to her it was just another average day. Nothing overly special. However I wasn't inclined to let that remain that way. Every year from the moment we met I've marked that special date as the day to spoil and cherish her endlessly. 
More so than I already do now, which she still hates me doing even after all the years we've been together. 
Today just so happened to be that special day and I had made plans to make sure it was a birthday she would never forget. Everything had gone smoothly from the start. 
I had taken the day off of work to make breakfast for her in bed. We spent the entire morning enjoying each other's company from the comfort of our bed and watched several of Nicole's favorite shows and movies. 
I took her out to lunch at her favorite cafe once the afternoon rolled around and shortly after we went to the mall to do some shopping. 
Everything she took interest in for more than several seconds was purchased much to her dismay saying she didn't need it. 
What she thinks I don't know is that I knew the beautiful smile on her face only grew wider with every item I bought for her. Oh how I loved seeing that beautiful smile… 
After shopping we spent the rest of the day being with each other doing anything and everything she wanted to do and I have never seen her look so happy. I'm forever grateful to get to see it. I wanted to always see her smile and hear that beautiful laugh. 
Everything was perfect. She was perfect. And I couldn't be happier to call her my wife. 
After a wonderful day, it was time for dinner   and all I had told her was she needed to be dressed up and to keep her eyes closed once we were on the road. 
Much to her dismay yet again, she was as cautious and curious as ever, eager to know just what I was planning. I was taking her to my restaurant–-Souvenir where a delicious meal (of all her favorite foods) was waiting for her. And as well as the gift I had gotten her months in advance. 
I opened the door before taking her hand once again leading her inside, making sure to close and lock the door behind her before bringing her down the hall towards the dining room. 
"But I really want to know! You've told me to keep my eyes closed for so long!" She whined slightly but still willingly following my steps. 
I let out a soft laugh, stopping once we arrived at the dining room where the room was decorated according to how I wanted it. Dimly lit with candles, balloons and streamers in all of her favorite colors scattered throughout the room, her gifts she received not just from me but from my sister and Nicole's close friends on one table off to the side. 
The main table with all the delicious foods laid out hot and ready to be eaten with a large bouquet of her favorite flowers; cherry blossoms and red roses as the main centerpiece of it all. 
I smiled at the sight, proud of the work that was put into this place while we were gone all day. Making a mental note to thank my sister Cassie and Nicole's friends for helping set it all up for me while I was out spoiling my wife. 
Turning to my wife, I pulled her into a soft kiss, instantly stopping her from complaining as she reciprocated the kiss, leaning in closer. 
Once I pulled away from the kiss, I softly whispered with a soft smile ghosting my lips as her cheeks were flushed "You can open your eyes now, my love." 
Once she opened her eyes, she looked at me, before looking around the room, gasping as she noticed all the decorations and food. 
"Oh my gosh… Victor, did you do all of this..? When did you.." She trailed off as she looked around, still shocked as she took it all in.
I chuckled softly, "I had a bit of help from my sister and your friends. They were the ones who helped decorate the place. Cassie helped me with making the food.. I wanted to surprise you with dinner at Souvenir… Do you like it..?" 
"Like it..? I-I love it!" She exclaims with a  smile, turning towards me, fresh tears in her eyes. "Thank you my love. This is absolutely beautiful. You've spoiled me so much today.. I don't know what I did to deserve it." 
I smile, snaking an arm around her waist, pulling her into my arms as I softly kiss her forehead. "Existing. You deserve it for existing.. And for being a part of my life. You're the reason I wake up every morning with a smile on my face. You're the reason I'm a better man… I love you more than words can say, Nicole. I just wanted you to know how special you are to me and how important this day will always be to me. Because you're special. You're everything to me." I softly wiped at the tears that slipped down her cheeks. 
She was at a loss for words, but the ever growing smile on her beautiful lips says all the words for her. She cups my face into her hands, pulling me into a deep kiss. One of which I don't hesitate to reciprocate. I pulled her closer to me as I deepened the kiss, a soft moan escaping her as our tongues colliding once I was given access to her mouth 
I nearly lost all train of thought as the kiss grew more and more heated. Gripping onto her tighter I slowly pulled away, breathlessly chuckling, a grin on my lips. "As much as I would love to do more of that. We still have dinner to get through my love. I am your final gift for the night so more of that will come when we get home." 
She blushes, the beautiful shade of red coating her soft skin. "R-right.." She giggles slightly. 
I softly let go of her to pull out a small box from my jacket pocket. "Before that thought, here's another gift from me that I got you. It's… something you've had your eye on for quite some time now so I hope you like it." I handed her the small box. 
She takes it, chuckling slightly, "Another gift, Mr. Li?" She teased as she opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring with a black onyx gem in the shape of a teardrop in the center surrounded by smaller diamond gems along the sides of the sterling silver band. Each gem shining brightly within the dimly lit room. Once again she let out a gasp. 
"Victor.. Oh my god you didn't… This is absolutely gorgeous, how..how did you know I wanted this..?" 
"I saw you look at it on your phone several times in the past few months, sweetheart. It wasn't that hard to find it and I even got the matching ring as well." I smile, holding up my hand which has the matching ring, resting on my ring finger.
She smiles, pulling me into a hug, "T-Thank you, my love. I love you so much." 
I kiss her forehead, "I love you more, babygirl. Happy birthday, my most beautiful treasure." 
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multifandom-worlds · 1 year
Wearing My Clothes
Genre: Fluff Word count: 580 Warnings: N/A Author's Note: Happy Birthday, @darling-dummy-blogs. I love you; thank you for sticking around through everything the past year or so! I appreciate the hell out of you! I hope you like your gift!
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I watch Cassie laugh, closing her eyes and lifting her head to the sky, letting the raindrops land on her face. I stand with my umbrella above my head, listening to the soft patter of the rain while my beautiful wife dances and twirls in the rain. We were returning to my place after a date when the skies opened up, leaving us caught in the middle of a shower. Where I immediately grab the umbrella, which would easily fit the 2 of us, Cassie kicks off her shoes and runs down the sidewalk, giggling the entire time. 
"Are you having fun there, my dear?" I chuckle, walking a few steps behind her, her shoes in my hand. She giggles more, jumping into a puddle and splashing water up her thighs. I hold in a chuckle, watching her dance around in the rain, getting herself absolutely drenched in the process. She fails to remember that we aren’t going to her apartment; we’re going to mine, where she has no clothes save for a bralette and a pair of panties. 
A few minutes later, we make it to the front door of my building. Closing my umbrella, I quickly put in the code and opened the door, getting us in from the rain. We walked down the long hallways to my place, earning suspicious glances from my neighbours. “I offered the umbrella; she just chose to get wet. This was all her own doing.” 
“I’m going to go get out of these wet clothes and grab a shower if that’s okay?” Cassie asks, even though I know she already knows the answer. I laugh, following her upstairs so I can also change out of my wet clothes. “Towels are in the closet outside the door. Don’t use up all the hot water!” 
Cassie jumps into the shower, humming a tune to herself while I put on a dry pair of slacks and a dry t-shirt, gathering her up a t-shirt for her to wear, plus her sports bra and panties, when she inevitably remembers that she has nothing here. Not that I am bothered by the fact that she always wears my clothes whenever she’s here, but I love seeing how my shirts hand off her body and read her mid-thigh. There’s something so damn hot about it.
Hearing the water turn off, I gather the garments in my hand and head out of my room, waiting by the closed bathroom door. “Uh… Victor..” She calls out. “Can I borrow something to wear? I forgot to bring clothes again….”
I laugh, opening the door and going to place the clothes on the counter for her. “There are clothes on the counter for you, my dear. I knew you forgot them, why not just pack a bag and leave it here? Although that would be the smart thing to do, now wouldn’t it?” 
“Oh, my favourite dummy.” I smile before leaving the bathroom to give her some privacy. I headed downstairs to pull up a movie for us to watch once she was done. I was lost in thought, contemplating many useless things, when her form came into my line of sight, bare legs up till high thigh. I swallow hard, readjusting my slacks before pulling her onto my lap. 
She squeals slightly before settling into my lap, sliding a hand up her bare thigh. “You look great in my clothes, by the way. Perhaps you should “forget” your clothes more often.”
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[CN] Victor’s Investment Date (Preview)
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I’ve already revealed all the cards in my hands to you.
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[Date Blurb]
Even for the purpose of making rational decisions, it’s inevitable to distance yourself from some emotional influences.
The two of you have already written each other’s names on a blank sheet of paper a long time ago, and you are both ready to devote yourselves to this investment called “Love.”
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[Date Preview]
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Victor and I have come to Paris. After three days of meetings, I successfully signed a cooperation agreement with Prisme Inc., I’ve never expected that after this, I’ll discover the mysterious surprise that Victor has prepared for me...
“Listening to the lecture with so many people and discussing the topics made me feel as though I was back on campus.”
“And that includes being caught in act by the teacher in class?”
I give a wry grin.
“A few twists and turns on the way are what make the student life so vibrant. CEO Victor, haven’t you experienced the 20 must-do-things in your university life?”
“Such as?”
“Such as – binge-watching a drama with your dormitory roommate under the blanket after the lights are turned off, sneakily sitting in on a lecture you didn’t register for...”
I tilt my head, recalling the things that were popular on university campus.
“And then there’s also the nights of nervousness and heart palpitations of going on a date with the person you like in a deserted part of the campus.”
Before I’ve even finished speaking, I suddenly feel an intense gaze on me.
“A certain someone’s school life was ‘rich’ indeed.”
Victor tosses me a rather distant look. I realize that he’s misunderstood me, and hasten to explain.
“I haven’t experienced the one I mentioned just now either!”
“Oh yeah?”
I can’t discern either delight or anger from Victor’s voice. He just puts one arm on the balcony in front of me. Though his action seems casual, it blocks all the ways out for me.
–– “This is, after all, the one and only ‘investment’ that I want to invest in forever. I must hold on tight.”
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puddingsdiary · 1 year
Sailing into the Unknown
Hi guys. I know I have been pretty quiet with my own works. Inspiration is a fickle thing 😅
The following AU story is inspired by this increadible fanart:
Please enjoy!
The harbor bustled with energy and movement. Sailors and dock workers hurried from one end to the other, loading and unloading the ships. Crates, barrels and sacks filled to the brim with all kinds of wares stacked at the pier or on carriages. 
Like an island within the stormy sea MC stood and gaped. Next to her was Kiki, best friend and future maid, as well as four huge trunks and a couple of smaller containers. Harboring all what was left from her old life.
MC looked up her new home for the next eight weeks, if not more, Souvenir, the biggest and fastest ship crossing the Atlantic.
MC knocked at her father's study.
"Come in!"
"You wanted to see me, father?"
"Ah… yes!" Putting the documents down he was just reading her father scrutinized her from head to toe. Satisfied with what he was seeing he slightly nodded.
"You remember Lucien?"
MC furrowed her brows searching in her memory for such a name. A man with brown hair styled with a bowl cut and strange unreadable eyes wearing a doctor's coat popped up.
"Professor Lucien from the University?"
"Yes. You'll marry him in spring next year."
"Marry him? I don't even know that man!" MC couldn't believe her ears.
"MC, I introduced him to you this summer and I know you talked with him for some time. That's more than enough."
She stared at her father in utter disbelief, her hands trembling.
"Yes you did, father. But talking to a man for a couple of minutes and knowing him enough to marry him are two totally different things."
"You're 22 now, other women your age are already settled with a family on their own." 
MC's father was not wrong, she was fairly old for not being married, and Professor Lucien wasn't too bad to look at, still MC had worked hard to be an asset in her father's merchant business aiming to inherit it one day. She highly doubted to be able to continue that path once married.
"I want to meet him!" Maybe if she talked to Lucien…
"That will be impossible in the short run. He resettled into the Caribbean shortly after your meeting."
"You're shipping me off not only into a life with a stranger but also into the unknown?"
"It's for your best."
"My best? My best would be staying by your side, leading the company!"
"I've indulged your antics long enough! As if you, a woman, could ever become a merchant, ha. Four weeks from now the Souvenir will take you down to Lucien. The passage is already paid. You may choose a maid to go with you. I have nothing more to say about the matter."
[Flashback end]
"MC? … MC!"
"What? Sorry, Kiki, I spaced out." 
"Thinking again about that discussion?" MC sighed, Kiki knew her well. 
"If it had been a discussion we wouldn't be standing here." As she said that a tall handsome man wearing all black except a red bandana walked over to them.
"That's me, yes."
"I'm Victor, captain of the Souvenir." 
And hell of a merchant. MC, as anybody with respective ties, knew the name Victor Li. She expected him to be way older.
"My ship, my rules. As long as you remember we will come along."
"Yes, Sir."
"Capt'n, not Sir."
"Oh, ok." MC tried to read his face but she couldn't see anything in this poker face. Just like the rumors said.
Victor turned towards the pile next to them.
"Your personal belongings?"
"Yes, Si …capt'n. I was told we can only bring one piece for each of us into the cabin."
"That's right. We're a merchant ship, not a luxury cruiser. Space is sparse"
"Of course. Then that would be those."  MC pointed at one of the big trunks and a smaller suitcase. Victor nodded, then waved two sailors over and gave them orders to load in her stuff. He himself lifted up the heavy trunk onto his right shoulder as if it weighed nothing and carried the suitcase with his left hand.
"Follow me." With large strides he got on board.
Kiki elbowed MC as soon as he turned his back to them.
"Doesn't he look good? And how strong he is!"
At the glimmer in the eyes of her best friend MC herself could only chuckle.
"I'm an engaged woman on her way to her future husband."
"That doesn't mean you can look at other dishes on the menu." Kiki wiggled her brows. "And at the end you'll know everyone on this ship better than this Lucien. It's just not fair."
No it wasn't but they couldn't change it.
Victor showed them their cabins, the smallest closet at home was bigger, and advised them to stay inside until they left the harbor, to not get in the crew's way.
The ship was in motion for some time when there was a knocking on her door.
"The capt'n wants to see you."
An older sailor stood in front of the cabin's door. As soon as MC and Kiki left the cabin he jogged up the stairs towards the deck. Not used to the swaying floor they had trouble following him.
Victor was talking to one of his crew when they arrived. When he saw the two women his brows shot up to vanish beneath his bangs.
"Not the usual getup." Victor was right. They still wore both the same coats but beneath MC as well as Kiki had changed their travel dresses into solid boots, pants and shirts.
"I think it might be disadvantageous running around a ship in a skirt and dress shoes."
A light smile grazed Victor's lips.
"So there is actually some brain behind your … eyes."
"Of course! And what's with that break?"
"What break?"
"You just said 'So there is actually some brain behind your … eyes.' This break."
"Nothing, just coincidence." MC would have bet his cheeks were slightly more flushed than before.
"Anyway, the rules I mentioned. You stay here on deck or the level of your cabin, anything else is taboo. You'll obey the orders of my men without questions. You can take your meals with the crew, if you're late you have to fix a meal for yourself. If there are any problems, come to me or my first mate Goldman." Victor indicated towards the man manning the helm.
"Question. With orders you mean any order?"
"I don't like what you're indicating." Victor narrowed his eyes in anger.
"And I don't like indicating it either. But as we're the only women on this ship for at least eight weeks. So you might understand my concern."
Even for a man like Victor with a reputation to out-wit anybody it was hard to argue against MC now.
"My men are all solid. But under the influence of alcohol you might get an invitation, handle it as you see fit. And as I said, if there's a problem, come to me. Otherwise I'm not going to babysit you."
Knowing that would be as best as it gets MC showed him a sincere smile.
"Thank you capt'n. Rest assured we can handle ourselves."
"We'll see." Victor wanted to walk away but stopped. "One more thing. You'll dine with me today, just this once." Leaving the two women behind Victor finally walked away giving out orders to his men.
Dinner was more pleasant than expected. Next to MC, Kiki and Victor Goldman attended. He entertained them with some interesting stories about their journeys. With Victor throwing in comments on how exaggerating Goldman pictured his captain or straightening facts here and there.
Inevitably the question on why MC was there came up.
"I was sold off to my future husband by my father like some crates of wool." She wanted to say it light hearted with a smile but failed miserably.
"You don't like him, your fiance?"
"I don't know, Goldman. I've met him only once. My conversations with each of you were longer." The wine served with dinner loosened MC's tongue. "How would you like to be removed from everything you know and thrown into a life with someone you don't know at a place you've never seen. I'd rather marry Victor and live on this ship forever and he has shown me nothing more than how overbearing and commanding he is."
Dead silence followed her eruption. Goldman looked at her with big eyes. Kiki pressed both hands on her mouth, her whole body shaking until she couldn't hold any longer and laughed out loud. And Victor was just being him, nothing showed on his poker face. Realizing what she said, MC's face went red and she made several attempts to excuse herself but nothing came out of her mouth. Victor's gaze never left MC and finally he asked the question that may change her life again.
"If you don't like the situation, why don't you change it?"
"Change it?"
"Yes, change it." Victor's expression clearly showed now annoyance. "This morning you said so brazenly that there is some brain inside your cute head. Use it! What else can you do for the next few weeks?" For a few seconds MC was dumbfounded but the meaning of Victor's words finally settled in.
"You're right! Thank you."
"Mm." Victor picked up his wine. "But marrying me is not an option." And hid a small smile behind it.
After two weeks they arrived at the Canary islands slightly ahead of time thanks to good winds. MC had more time to think than she ever thought but hadn't made much progress.
Currently she stood at the reeling and watched the hustle and bustle down at the pier.
The crew was busy unloading cargo and loading new ones as well as stocking supplies. Victor had apologized as he didn't allow MC and Kiki to leave the ship. He planned to continue the journey as soon as possible.
MC heard quiet footsteps coming towards her but didn't bother to turn, she knew it was Victor. That man moved like a cat.
After that dinner on their first day, contrary to Victor’s initial declaration, more followed but no one ever opened the topic of MC getting married, or not, again. Until now.
"Have you made any progress?" MC sighed.
"Besides deciding to sell most of my clothes and jewelry currently stored in the depths of this ship? Not really. I don't know where to start, always thought I'll take over father's business one day. Why else would he let me assist anyway?"
"Come with me." Victor grabbed her hand and left the ship.
"Wait, what are you doing? I thought we shouldn't leave the ship!"
Instead of an answer, Victor moved towards one of the heavy loaded transport carriages and exchanged a few words with the coachman in Spanish. He then dragged MC to its back and simply lifted her up, sat her on the edge before joining her.
"Are you at least telling me where we are going?"
"You'll see."
He was right, not long after they left the harbor the carriage stopped at a market. Even more busy and lively than the harbor and way more colorful. Those working the stalls shouted out their wares trying to get more customers than their neighbors. The scent of spices and fresh fruits lay heavy in the air.
MC looked left and right but Victor didn't leave her much time, dragging her through the crowd with her small hand tight in his. He aimed at a tavern with seats outside in the sun. As if on cue one table vacated as they arrived.
"Victor!" Before MC could ask again about his actions an older woman wearing an apron hurried over. She embraced Victor enthusiastically, pressing his body into her voluminous chest. MC could only gape. But soon MC found out she wouldn't be spared from a similar fierce hug.
"So, Victor, you finally found someone to heat up all that ice in your veins?"
""No. …"" Victor and MC denied at the same time, he calm as ever, MC with flushed cheeks.
"Hahaha. Just kidding." The woman winked at MC.
"Marcia, I'd like you to tell MC your story."
"Huh? I don't mind, but not on an empty stomach. Be right back."
Over a hearty salad with fresh garlic bread MC learned that Marcia was once in an even worse situation. 
Her father, a carpenter, married Marcia off to a customer when she was 17. Shortly after the wedding the husband sold everything they couldn't take with them, booked a passage on a merchant ship and within days she left everything she knew behind. Hadn't even time to say goodbye to her friends and family. 
On sea he changed drastically. Before he was demanding but still kind and gentle, now he had become accusatory and abusive.
One evening with too much rum and too little success with the cards, he staked a night with her to win everything back. Before her husband passed out from the alcohol he handed her over with the words 'That's all you wanted anyway.' 
The sailor didn't do anything except two things. He asked her if she wanted to continue that life and ordered her to sleep. 
Later the same sailor gave her some money and helped her to get off the ship when it anchored at the harbor. Marcia couldn't speak the language but the previous owner of the tavern gave her work, first to wash the dishes later on as waitress. When he grew ill only three years after she arrived, he gave her the tavern.
They walked back to the ship holding hands. When MC protested Victor just said he couldn't afford her getting lost. But if she was honest to herself, she didn't mind. It just felt right.
"Do you understand why I brought you here?"
"Not to help me escape, that's for sure." MC smiled happily at his sour expression.
"Dummy. I want you to know that …"
"I don't need a solid plan with all kinds of fail safes. Compared to Marcia I also have responsibility for Kiki so I can't just vanish with nothing more on me then my clothes. Oh, I have no doubt she would come with me if I decided to. Maybe I can get a certain merchant to give me a job."
"Pfft, what do you want to do on a ship?"
MC pouted at Victor giving him a slight jab into the ribs.
"Oh, come on. Have you forgotten, I'm a merchant's daughter. Of course I know there is more to Victor Li than just a ship."
"And how do you intend to prove your worth?" 
MC blocked his path just before Victor hit the plank leading on the ship.
"You'll see." Leaving him standing on the pier, MC returned to the ship where Kiki was already shouting, throwing back the same words he had given her earlier. 
"You're back! How could he just kidnap you like that!"
The first opportunity to show her worth came sooner than expected. Two days after they've left the islands Victor invited MC to dinner again. The sea became rough and Kiki felt ill from it. After the girl finally fell asleep MC went to Victor early with hope to have a conversation just to kill time.
The door to his cabin was open and inside she heard Victor and Goldman discussing business.
"Then why don't you cut him loose?"
The heads of the two men turned around.
"Sorry, the door was open and I couldn't help but hear you." Realizing her tongue was faster than her brain. MC apologized for the disruption.
"I'll come back later."
"Wait." Remembering their conversation in the harbor. Victor was curious what she thought with her suggestion. "Elaborate what you just said."
"Well, I don't know the whole deal but from what I just heard. Cutting that supplier loose will save you from more losses and may open alternative opportunities with his competitors. I get the impression he got too comfortable with your backing. This will also serve as a warning towards others."
Victor gave a few more information, asked questions. Until they finished their meal MC and Victor had moved on from the initial topic and were caught in a deeper discussion regarding sales and price adjustments. They didn't even realize when Goldman excused himself and left for the night.
"Now you're talking nonsense."
MC yawned.
Victor chuckled.
"I don't repeat myself. But it's late. We can continue next time. Go to sleep."
"I guess it is late. Good night, Victor."
Victor opened his door for her. 
"Sleep well, MC." And looked after her as she walked down the aisle towards her own bed.
The rough sea morphed into a storm by the next day. Due to the fact that it was very late when she went to bed, MC overslept causing the sea sick  Kiki to burst into her cabin.
"MC, time to get up!"
"Victor…" MC was sleep talking.
"I can't believe it! I puke my dinner from last year and she is dreaming about Victor." Another wave hit the ship and Kiki slapped her hands to her mouth but unfortunately her stomach was already empty and despite every effort her body took, nothing came out. "Uoooh. Please stop it." Kiki shook MC's shoulder. "Come on, wake up. How can you sleep with that much movement?" Finally MC opened her eyes slowly.
"Kiki, what's wrong?"
"What's wrong!?" The next wave interrupted Kiki.
"Woha! I see. What time is it?" 
"I think it's almost noon."
"Noon!? Why didn't you wake me earlier?"
"I was too busy puking my meal from last year…" Kiki was shaken by several attempts of her body to vomit more during this short conversation.
"I want to die…"
"Nonsense, Kiki. Lay down, I'll go over to the kitchen and get you some tea and bread." MC got up and urged her friend to lay down, then dressed herself and went to the kitchen.
One of the sailors was cooking.
"Aye, Missy. Finally woke up? Haven't seen a landlubber who can sleep through that for a while."
"Thanks. I guess… Can I get some tea and bread for Kiki. She doesn't cope well."
Back at her cabin MC fed Kiki not only tea and bread, the cook gave her some broth from his lunch preparation.
"How are you feeling, now?"
"Surprisingly good. Ok, now, tell me about the dream."
"What dream?"
"Your dream about Victor!"
"I haven't dreamt about him!"
Kiki had way too much fun to let MC off the hook.
"Victor…" Kiki imitated the moan she had heard earlier. MC's cheeks became hot like actual flames.
"I-I didn't say that."
"Oh yes, you did. Exactly like this. And look, your cheeks are red like a tomato."
"Your eyes must be compromised from all that vomiting. My cheeks aren't red." MC wished to run, far away. Unfortunately as big as the ship was, to escape Kiki it wouldn't be big enough. Plus if she ran, others would hear and if she had learned something since she came on board, sailors liked to gossip. That would be mortifying. So she endured the teasing of her best friend. At least Kiki finally forgot to be sick.
Later both women helped where they could, mostly kitchen duty and offering dry or mostly dry towels to those who came under deck for a break. Until evening MC had seen everyone at least twice for a break, some warm tea and soup but never Victor. Worried that he might overwork himself she was currently arguing with Goldman.
"You aren't allowed on deck at this time, MC. It's too dangerous."
"If he doesn't want me to go up there then he should come down. If it's so dangerous out there, why doesn't he take a break? What if he slips because he is exhausted?" 
Before Goldman could answer Victor's deep voice came from behind MC.
"It's a matter of knowing your own limits."
"Victor…" MC was dumbstruck. Victor stood there, his shirt carelessly stuffed halfway into a pocket of his pants. He always wore his shirts only half closed, so she got a good estimation on what he might look like but actually seeing that well trained upper body in all its glory made her speechless.
"So what did I hear you want to break my rules?" Victor pulled her ruthlessly out of the daze. MC looked at his face and saw his fatigue.
"I thought about it, but I didn't, didn't I? If you can't take care of yourself, someone else needs to do it."
"And you think running out there like this will do it?"
"Threatening with it."
"Ha, you want to threaten me?" The warm atmosphere from last night's conversation wasn't anywhere, instead MC felt like Victor could freeze hell right now. "If you're so concerned about my wellbeing shouldn't you be offering a towel and some warm soup?" His voice was overly calm and so friendly even a dead person would know it's better to run, fast.
"Just a second." Before MC could run off Victor grabbed her arm.
"Bring those to my cabin." 
In his cabin, Victor threw the wet shirt on the floor and rubbed his hands over his face. The moment he heard MC saying that she will go on deck Victor had never felt more dread in his life before. He had to touch her just to make sure she was there.
MC came with a towel, soup and some tea.
"I'm sorry, really sorry. I didn't mean to anger you." Victor took the towel from her. After drying his upper body he sat on a chest, pulling his boots off his feet.
"Why? Why would you do something so obviously stupid? If you want to commit suicide, I won't stop you. But dare you use me as an excuse!"
"That's not…" At his accusation MC whirled around and saw that he was about to get rid of his pants. MC turned her back to him as fast as she could, the face red.
"I should come back later."
"Stay and answer my question. That's an order." There it was again, his domineering, overbearing style. With clenched fists to neither turn around and slap his face nor leave the room, MC took a few deep breaths.
"I do not want to commit suicide! Despite its ups and downs I like to live. I admit I didn't think properly. Seeing the fatigue growing in every man and knowing you had only little sleep, if any at all, because of me, I was worried sick. Telling myself you know what you're doing, that this is not your first storm did only help so much." She could feel his warmth behind her before his shadow threw itself over MC. Victor turned her towards him and pulled MC in a tight embrace.
"I'm sorry." Mumbling an apology, Victor buried his face into the crook of her neck.
"Why should you be sorry? I was the reckless one." MC may have never admitted towards Kiki but over the past days she dreamed about a situation like this and more. Now actually a dream come true, her heart was running a marathon and MC felt her cheeks burning. Yet she had never felt better.
"It's good that you see that but I made you worry enough to be reckless. So it's partly my fault."
"Are we good then?"
"We are good. But if you attempt to do something like this again, I'll throw you in the brig for the reminder of this journey."
"I'll keep that in mind." To MC's disappointment Victor let her go and sat at the table to eat his soup. He offered her the cup of tea, which she took.
"You're right this wasn't my first storm, actually it was a pretty mediocre one."
"Tell that Kiki." MC answered dryly. 
They talked a while longer about their experiences with storms. Of course MC's couldn't hold a candle against Victor's and his stories sent more then once shivers down her spine.
A week later they arrived at Kap Verde for their last stop in between.
Victor took MC to another market this time for her to actually enjoy. Holding her hand tight so she wouldn't run off he strolled after her when she went from one stall to another. Tasting unknown fruits like ananas and coconut or going into raptures over some good fabrics. When she found a dress like the women all around were wearing she haggled for herself with Victor only providing some translation service. 
When they returned in the evening the ship was quiet, most crew members went to one of the numerous pubs, Kiki convinced them to take her with them because she was curious what it would be like.
Those on guard greeted them and gave Victor a report on what happened during his absence. MC used the opportunity and changed into her new dress and accessories. When she returned on deck Victor was nowhere to see. The other men whistled and complimented her. She whirled around the deck laughing at the flattering comments. Still no Victor in sight, he must have gone into his cabin. MC walked towards the steps leading down when a shadow fell over her. Holding on to the rigging from where he had just descended with one hand, Victor grabbed MC by her waist and lifted her into his arm.
"Victor!?" MC giggled his name, over excited because of the compliments as well as the decision she had made over the course of the day.
"What do you think you're doing?" The low growl in his voice sent a pleasant shiver down her spine. Her arms tightly wrapped around his neck she boldly wrapped her legs around his waist without a second thought. Eyes locked onto his.
"I was looking for you."
"And why that?"
"I wanted to know your opinion."
"You just got plenty of opinions."
"They are nice but don't matter. Yours is the only one."
"If it's that important, let's make a deal. If you accept my terms regarding your payment for my opinion as they are, no negotiation possible, I'll tell you."
"Those are harsh conditions. What if I would have terms regarding my payment myself?"
"Take my offer or leave it."
"At least name your terms first!"
Victor smiled and said nothing for a few seconds.
"Stay with me."
"That's only one term."
"But the most crucial one."
"Do I have time to think?" Victor knew she was only playing with him, he could see the glint in her eyes.
"3 seconds from now. 1..2.."
"YES!" MC beamed the most beautiful smile Victor had ever seen. "I'll stay with you and don't care about any other terms." 
When Victor's lips met hers the world stopped turning. MC didn't hear the watchmen hoot at the sight of their captain passionately kissing his woman while still hanging in the rigging. Nothing was more important at that moment than Victor and the explosion of feelings his kiss produced within her body.
The engagement to Lucien, what's going to happen with Kiki? Problems they will solve, just not tonight.
"Sir, the representative from Li Trading is here."
"Send him in."
Before the assistant at the door could act he was pushed aside and MC, clad in a simple yet high quality dress, walked in.
"Good morning, father." It was 20 months ago when the man in front of her told her at exactly the same place that she had to sail into the unknown to marry a stranger. Now she was back with a couple surprises.
"How dare you, to walk in here like that after all you have done! Get out! I have an appointment."
With grace she sat down in the chair in front of the desk folding her hands on top of a leather briefcase.
"I know." She smiled at her father with her business smile. The man behind the desk looked at his daughter, the briefcase and back at her face, realization hitting him hard. With eyes wide open he couldn't help but ask.
"You are…?"
"Yes, I'm what your assistant just called the representative of Li Trading. Do you still want me to leave?" She held up a hand to prevent her father from speaking. "I might say if you sent me out without further ado, you won't get a second chance. I have full authority to negotiate buying your company. Whatever personal feelings I have won't matter, I'll guarantee my objectivity. Now it's your choice." MC and Victor had several discussions on the matter. During those she realized she had come to terms with what her father had done. So now she was confident to guarantee the necessary objectivity.
"Let's get this over with."
MC lay down a quill and handed her father a piece of paper.
"If you would confirm that everything is as discussed."
He read over the notes and nodded with a heavy sigh.
"Yes, that's all correct."
"Good. Tomorrow at 3pm, does that suit you to come over and sign the contract?"
"It does. I know the address."
Putting her tools and the notes back into the briefcase, MC stood up and held out her hand.
"It was a pleasure to do business with you."
He took it then looked at her with sad eyes.
"You've become a fearsome opponent." MC shook her head.
"I already was when you made me leave. You were simply unable to see it. Victor just gave me some fine tuning. See you tomorrow."
Goldman knocked and opened the door enough to stick his head through. A bit taken aback at the sight in front of him he didn't act immediately. The sight on its own wasn't new to him, he had three months to get used to walking into Victor's office and find MC sitting on his lap while holding their daughter. It was their way to get as much family time as possible while still being busy in charge of the company. The crib next to Victor's desk was another thing added to it. What was so surprising for Goldman was the fact they knew of the appointment and acted normally more professional.
"What is Goldman?"
"Sorry, capt'n, Mr Kiseki is here." When Victor retired from his post as Souvenir's captain Goldman followed him on land to stay as his assistant, he still called him captain and Victor didn't mind.
"Send him in."
The small bundle in MC's arm whined upon the loss of her father's attention. 
"Ssshh. Daddy has to work now." 
The man announced by Goldman walked in at that exact moment. He stopped as if thunderstruck at this overly intimate sight.
"Mr. Kiseki, welcome."
Goldman followed Mr. Kiseki and came in with some documents and didn't flinch as MC revealed their relationship. He knew she had met her father in business matter, but had missed the connection to today's appointment.
Being a well known businessman, MC's father had heard the news of Victor Li finally settling down and starting a family. But it was difficult to get details if Victor didn't want one to know them, so the details around his wife were sparse. The only thing known was that he became the father of a daughter. With disbelief he stared at his daughter.
MC slipped out of Victor's embrace and walked over to her father.
"Before we start with official matters. I'd like to introduce you to Abby, your granddaughter. Do you want to hold her?"
He was touched and didn't know what to say.
"Can I?"
"Sure." Gently handed MC her daughter to her father. "See Abby, that's your grandpa."
"You aren't angry any more?"
"No. When I arrived in Kingston I asked Lucien to dissolve the engagement. At that time I had already calmed down but after Lucien told me why you did what you did I got angry again because you hadn't told me. Now I'm just grateful." Her father didn't expect that. So he looked up from the small child in his arms to his daughter in front of him. 
"Grateful? After all I've done?"
"Yes, because otherwise I probably never would have met Victor the way I have." On that que Victor joined them, laying his hand around MC's waist. "When you sent me away all I cared about was becoming a successful businesswoman, starting a family wasn't important. Now I can do what I love together with the man I love. So yes, I'm grateful."
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banenaz · 2 years
Eyy MLQCtober time ehe
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This year the we put less prompts to have more time .
Rules same as last year, just use mlqctober2022 instead. You can ofc choose whatever prompt you want from last year's mlqctober2021 .
Big thx to @victor-otherboys for designing the post ehe (go check her art on instagram it's so freaking gorgeous)
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timelessduet · 1 year
For Victor: 4th Entry
Happy birthday to our grand miracle in life, Victor Li.
Sweet Serenity
How does one get rest? Most people get it by sleeping… some by doing what they are passionate about… and others by just being in the presence of their beloved.
What about Victor? How does LFG’s successful CEO find time to rest despite being known as probably the most workaholic person in Loveland City?
MC: Knock, knock. How is Mr. Victor doing?
Hearing the girl’s voice, Victor turned off the monitor with interview questions before turning his attention to her.
Victor: A certain dummy seems to be slacking off today. I believe she told me she’d do her best to be more productive as a New Year’s resolution. 
MC: I am being more productive, my dear CEO. I’ve been out and about these past few days and… is it wrong to miss you? 
She was teasing in her tone but Victor didn’t mind indulging her every once in a while.
Victor: Mmm so you do admit that you’ve become a workaholic instead of working at a healthy pace. Who was the one who told me to get some rest more and not work like a horse?
MC: That’s… hmpp maybe this was a bad idea. Goldman told me you didn’t have anything on your schedule this afternoon so I decided to visit but… I’ll probably leave then.
Why does it seem like Goldman is becoming more of her secretary than mine? Victor silently thought before letting out a soft sigh.
Victor: And here I had already planned a bountiful dinner later this evening at Souvenir. Maybe I should just cancel that and have Goldman reschedule my meetings for today then.
He knew everything there is to know about this one girl and there is no question that she will always have a soft spot for food… specifically his cooking. MC stopped in her tracks and gave him a hopeful look.
MC: On second thought, I am an understanding girlfriend aside from being an amazing producer. I don’t mind the least waiting for you no matter how long it takes.
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MC: How I missed the great chef of Souvenir’s cooking! And of course, pudding.
Victor: The gluten is full again. I’m glad. 
Rest… Peace… Tranquility… Maybe it was when she eats everything he cooks happily despite claiming she needs to go on a strict diet. 
MC: I am not a gluten. The food is just too delicious. We should never deny blessings as the elder say, right? But Victor… 
There was a long pause before it was continued.
MC: Did you know a friend got in touch with me today? She’s from Loveland Business Magazine. 
Victor quietly listened to MC as she spoke already having an idea where the conversation was headed.
MC: She asked me if you don’t mind answering the question they gave you for an interview? If the question was a bit intrusive, they said you didn’t have to answer it. I wanted to know what the question was but my friend told me it was up to you if you’d share it with me. 
Victor: That friend of yours must be smart to not let you know. A dummy shouldn’t be too nosy. 
She was just too kind and oblivious sometimes. Victor knew people would try whatever they can to get close to him whatever means necessary even if it meant going through the people he loved her. But then, even if he worried, there was no doubt in his mind MC could handle herself. The trust they had for one another was built in this lifetime.
Victor: About the sample question… it has something to do with how one rests. 
MC: That question does suit a workaholic capitalistic tyrant such as yourself, CEO Victor. I’m sure the citizens of Loveland are also indeed curious about how you rest while handling a business empire.
MC can’t help but let out a small giggle. Even though she is coquettish at times, she spreads happiness and light into his days life.
Victor: Not going to ask me what my answer is?
MC: After knowing you for so long, I’m sure you’ll let me know if you want to. It’s fine I suppose. I’ll just have to buy the magazine to know. My friend and their magazine will have a boost in sales thanks to a certain greedy cat.
Victor: A dummy through and through. If there’s anyone who knows the answer to how I rest, that would be you.
Hearing this, the girl’s face reddened before thoughtlessly shifting the conversation to another topic. 
MC: CEO Victor is his own person. What I think may be different from yours. It’s always been that way but of course, not all the time. Anyway, he should really also stop asking me too much. After all, I still have a lot to learn from the most successful person in Loveland.
Victor: I believe I need to learn more from you on the aspect of birthday surprises that are not as subtle as to speak. Indeed there is still a lot of you to learn including the element of keeping surprises a secret. 
Victor was the one who had an upcoming birthday surprise but it seemed as though MC was the one left in shock. There really was nothing that the girl can hide from Victor. 
Gazing tenderly to MC’s flabbergasted form, Victor always knew the response to that question.
Rest could be obtained through various forms. Sleep, relaxation, hobbies, work, passion, travel, love… Every single person has their own kind of rest.
Looking back, there was a time where his rest still involved working himself to the bone. Maybe throwing in some hobbies from cooking, equestrian, and fencing. 
But for Victor now? Rest is a person. 
Rest is her. Her scent, her voice, her feelings, and her love.
The serenity in his life.
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[Author’s Note]: It’s been a long while since I’ve written stories for him. Although a day late, I wish my favorite mlqc guy a happy birthday. May our little Vic, MC, as well as all of you guys stay happy today and every day. 
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lunaekalenda · 2 years
valentine's day: set 1 -> mlqc
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a multi-fandom short headcanon set!
w: mention of alcohol, food, desires to be parents and marriage. TOO MUCH FLUFF CAUSE I'M ON MY VICTOR BRAINROT AGAIN I'M SORRY FOR YOU ALL
part one: victor
He looks again to the living room. And again. And one last time. He wants to make sure all the things are in place, all the candles are lighten up and all the artificial lights are turned off. He checks all the sunblinds and the curtains, making sure they're all away from the big windows, and letting you see the night sky. He checks then his phone. He has sent his personal chofer to pick you up and drive you home. Even when you two have been dating for a long time now, you still pass some nights on your apartment, even when he commonly asks you to sleep with him. He looks back again, but everything it's in place. Pudding is calmly sleeping on the couch and the champagne bottle is on a little table near the piano, on an ice cube.
Near his home's street, you're playing with the ring on your finger, waiting for the chofer to stop the car. You know Victor had probably give him strict orders of leaving you right in the door, so you won't ask. He quickly stops near the luxury apartment entrance, opening the door for you. Once you're alone on the elevator, you check yourself in the mirror. Look, hair, lips. You know how perfectionist Victor is and you want to give him a good impression, even after all this years. The elevator opens and you find him on the door, black jacket on top of a white shirt. He's also using black pants, and slippers, as the ones waiting for you on the entrance. His face turns softer as he sees you, and he lets you in making his body to a side. The low lights inside the big flat receive you, needing a couple seconds to adapt your eyes to the darkness. You can feel Victor's hands on your shoulders, softly taking away the coat you're wearing. While he leaves it on the wardrobe upstairs, you put your shoes on the entrance and the slippers on. Giving a headpat to Pudding as a greeting, you play with the bag's ribbons. You were so nervous about this specific Valentine's day. Victor didn't want you to buy anything or pay his dinner on his favorite restaurant. He wanted to thank you for all this time by his side, and he was stubborn about it. In any way, you made a little purchase on one of your last free days, and you're pretty nervous about his opinion on the gift. Victor appears again downstairs with a big blanket under his arm. He wasn't able to welcome the way he wanted yet, but he had to make sure one last thing it's well made. And that thing it's upstairs.
That's the reason why his arms feel way more tight and hot than usual, his presence more breathtaking as you can feel the intensity of his hug. You've missed him as well, during this week, the two of you had too many meetings and too much work, being incapable even to see each other for more than an hour. But, finally, you have time for yourselves. And Victor is determined to make you enjoy every single minute of it. The food smells delicious from the point the two of you are standing, tangled arms and smelling the other's scent without needing any words. Victor leaves a lovely kiss on your forehead as he parts.
"You look amazing." he whispers, his big hand still resting on your lower back. You blush a little, hand still gripped to his white shirt.
"You do too. You know how much I love to see you on shirts." You manage to joke, with your blushed cheeks hiding on his chest. He lets out a little laugh.
"Dummy." his voice is low and deep, as if he was sharing a secret only you were able to know. Victor guides you quietly towards the couch, where Pudding is still laying and he serves the two of you a little glass of champagne. He made sure to buy your favorite, that one that has a sweet flavor. You identify it as soon as your tongue touches the golden liquid. It's even impressive how he gets all the little details, all about the things you love and the things you hate. You take the bag, nervousness on your fingers.
"I-I got you something." You don't know why you're nervous. You've been dating him for years, and this isn't anything new for you. It's just the homemade little gift accompanying the clock you bought him. That little box with more than 300 little papers, all of them full of nice, love words for him. Because you know that he has hard times when he has to work away from home, or when he has to spend nights on his desk. So you want him to take that box and read some of those words. To remind him that you'll be for him once all of that ends. You want him to open that little box the last, likely when he's alone, because you don't know if your cheeks will bear all the blood turning them red. Victor takes a bag from behind the couch. He smiles.
"I also got something for you." He hands you the bag. Smiling, you look at him.
"You didn't need to.." he smiles wider.
"I insist, love." You take the bag quietly, getting the first box. It's more or less your hand's size. You open it under Victor's soft gaze, your boyfriend sitting on the couch, champagne glass on his hand and that pretty smile he only shows you. Inside the elegant package, there's a cute ring. It's not usual for Victor to buy jewerly, specially knowing that you usually don't use a lot of jewels. But this ring.... Even the way it shines is special, it has something different from all the others. You can notice it, a thin silver round piece, decorated with a big diamond on top. Inside the thin ring, there isn't more than a little sentence written in Victor's native language. "Thanks for being by my side." Are the words written. Your eyes start to water, as your breath starts to be irregular.
"There's nothing to thank..." you whisper, too weak to speak. "I like to be by your side." Victor's arms find your body, hugging you until your head is right above his heart.
"Dummy...." he says, stroking your hair while you admire the ring on your finger. "You've been too quick." he says, taking the ring away from your finger. Then, quietly, he cleans your tears sweetly, and takes your left hand, putting the ring on your ring finger. "The ring it's the most simple model ever, but I do hope the meaning behind it it's a bigger one." he clarifies his throat as you sit, ready to listen to him, clueless about what he has to say. "I've heard you talking about marriage lately. While I cook or when we're about to go to sleep. And about kids, a lot about kids. Family." It's being hard for him, hard to look at your illuminated eyes and resist the temptation to ask directly if you want to marry him and just kiss you until none of you feel your lips. But he has promised to himself that he'll make it right for you. He'll make it. "My life was resumed to work and sleep until you appeared. I wanted to make time to see you, to eat with you and sleep with you." Damn, it was harder than he expected. He forgot about the plan when he saw your teary eyes again and, taking your face between his hands, he looked directly in your eyes, thumbs taking away the tears. "Would you marry me?"
You couldn't react properly. Your brain was a mess, just happiness, surprise and love, all mixed up. Your lips found easily his, a silent confirmation of your desires to marry him. You nod quietly once your lips parted, a sweet confirmation to his words. You want to marry him, of course you want. To spend every single day by his side. Wake up near him, sleep between his arms, receive a kiss every morning. Cook for him and eat what he prepares for you. And maybe -maybe- form a family. A sweet family with a cute child whose eyes looked like yours and inheriting his hair from his dad. Victor's eyes are filled with love when he understands you're gonna marry him. Your soul is gonna be tangled with his, as his hands tangle with yours. He can't even wait. Buy with you the most beautiful clothes for the wedding, and choose together all the little details. Your gaze finds your bag on the side of the couch, and your mood changes a little, but he notices it. Now that he gave you such a present, you're even a little ashamed. He looks at the bag with interest, a smirk appearing.
"What do you have there, Miss Li?" hearing him calling you by his surname made something on you, as if a hundred butterflies had decided to camp on your tummy. You blush.
"It's nothing.... Just a silly present." you murmur. He kisses your forehead again.
"It won't be silly. You got something for me, and that makes me extremely happy." not convinced at all, you give him the first box. An elegant clock appears inside. Victor looks at you surprised.
"How did you know that i needed one?" he's always silent about his needs. He knows that if he says he needs part of the moon, you'll appear with it an hour later. He doesn't want to make you his servant. He wants to make you his, but that's for another time.
"I saw your clock when you take it off to sleep. It was almost broken on the sides, and it was difficult to adjust time. So I thought maybe you needed a new one, and I liked that..." Victor looks to the clock again. "D-do you.... like it?" you ask. Victor smiles.
"I love it, but, honey, wasn't it too expensive?" he asks. He doesn't want you to spend such a silly quantity of your money on him. You shake your head.
"It won't ever be enough for you." He smiles and kisses you as a thank you, and he sees something more in the bag. He could be the mature adult he is, and ignore that thing unless you say something about it, but curiosity wins.
"I have to open that too?" he asks. You blush a lot more and debate internally if you should give it to him or not.
"I-I guess.." he takes the jar slowly. It's full of little papers, all of them written in chinese. It took you a while to write them correctly, and you pray for them to be coherent. Victor opens one of them sweetly, trying not to break it, and reads.
"I'll be always for you." It hits him like a train. Those little papers are your feelings for him in the most pure way. He takes another one. "I believe in you, you can do it!"
Tears start to appear on the corners of his eyes, but he's too concentrated taking papers to notice it. Sweetly, you take them away while he reads one and other and other. "I love you". "You're doing great". "Please take a break... Come to see me!"
All the words he missed during his years working alone. The words he needed when he was drowning in papers and contracts. The words that he wanted to hear, while he receives a hug and a kiss. He has found them on you, on your clumsy and cute writing and the heart doodles around the pages. You, who always has open arms for him, to just breath and relax. Who let him cry on your chest for hours when it was too heavy.
It doesn't matter his broken clock or the champagne getting warm on the table. It doesn't matter anymore, because he only need you, with that beautiful smile and that warm lips he would kiss all day. He doesn't need more than you.
"Happy Valentine's day, love." he whispers, just millimeters away from your mouth. Pure joy lighting up his eyes.
"Happy Valentine's day, Victor." you whisper back, falling in love once again with the way he looks at you, and finally searching his lips with yours.
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ellie-winthrope · 2 years
Home Cooking - [Victor]
MC had volunteered to cook for dinner, while Victor prepared himself for the worst case scenario. How would this dinner for two turned out in the end?
Word Count: 2555 words
Constancy was a word that fitted Victor’s character, just like how spontaneity was part of the girl’s disposition.
Whenever Victor thought he had gotten used to the girl’s random and silly antics, she would prove him wrong by surprising him in one way or another.
Just like this time.
“Victor, leave tonight’s dinner preparation to me!”
That was what she had declared over the phone when he called over to discuss their plans after work. He had no idea what had gotten her so pumped up to volunteer to do the cooking for that night.
Nevertheless, he did have an inkling of the girl’s cooking skill based on the homemade pudding that she had made last time for that celebrity, Kiro. Not to mention, that was just a dessert, which didn’t involve as much preparation as needed for a main course. Therefore, Victor’s response to her declaration had been instantaneous.
“Definitely not.”
As expected, her voice was filled with indignation at hearing his answer.
“But why?!”
To prevent unwanted accidents, to avert getting food poisoning, to avoid wasting food…There were plenty of similar reasons that came to his mind. However, Victor knew that if he were to tell her any of those reasons, she would certainly throw a tantrum and they would end up in an argument. Having not seen each other for the past few weeks, the last thing he wanted was to ruin this meeting with his bluntness.
Even so, that didn’t mean that he would yield on this matter.
“When was the last time you cooked?”
When the girl was about to answer, Victor had interrupted her by saying, “Instant foods don’t count.”
Following that, there was a pregnant silence on the other end of the call, which caused the corner of his lips to perk up unconsciously. He could picture vividly in his mind the current expression on the girl’s face as she was thinking up a retort to his words. With furrowed brows and a childish pout, she must be grumbling about him in her mind.
“I don’t have time to cook, that’s all!” was her retort after a minute of silence.
“Not even on the weekends?”
“I have to work on the proposals for LFG over the weekends…”
“Hmm, so I am the one to blame?”
At this moment, there was a sudden change in the girl’s tone as she spoke enthusiastically, “Anyway, I really feel like cooking today! So, you just have to sit back and look forward to tonight’s dinner!”
Knowing that she was trying to divert the topic, Victor chose to let her have her way. Even though he still felt uneasy about letting her cook, it would be pointless to try to change her mind now when she was already so determined and enthusiastic about it.
It was not that he was worried about starving or getting food poisoning that night. Even if the girl ended up making an inedible dinner, he could just cook up something simple with whatever ingredients that were available at the moment to make up for it. If that was not possible, they could just go out to any nearby restaurant for dinner.
Instead, what Victor was worried about the most was the girl, who was unused to working in the kitchen, hurting herself when cooking on her own. Still, he would never tell her that. He doubted that she was even aware of his concern for her. With a deep sigh, he replied reluctantly.
“Great! Then, see you later!”
After ending the call, Victor glanced at the time. There were at least three hours left before their dinner appointment, which was more than enough time for him to go through his last agenda of the day.
Nonetheless, after a moment of contemplation, the CEO of LFG had tapped on the button of the intercom phone on his desk. After a beeping tone, a flustered young male voice answered from the other end of the intercom.
“Goldman speaking.”
“Goldman, bring forward the company meeting that was supposed to be an hour later, inform the departments involved to be ready within fifteen minutes.”
“Noted, sir!”
After a resounding beep from the intercom, silence returned to Victor’s office.
With this, he should be able to finish up his work and meet up with the girl earlier.
Hopefully, nothing had happened by then.
After ending the call with Victor, she breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the cooking ingredients that she had laid out over the kitchen counters. The recipes of the two dishes that she had intended to make were stuck to the surface of the top cabinet for her to view them easily during the preparation process.
After spending the whole night scouring the internet for two dishes with the most straightforward recipes yesterday, she decided to take half-day off from work in order to fully focus on preparing today’s dinner.
The step-by-step instructions on the recipes seemed simple enough and she had brought the exact ingredients that were stated in the recipes at the market earlier. Nothing should go wrong if she followed the recipe completely.
It should be fine…I think.
Even though she had been insistent on personally preparing tonight’s dinner, she was doubting if she could pull it off well. It had certainly been a long time since the last time she had done any actual cooking, but it wouldn’t be fair for her to one-sidedly enjoy Victor’s cooking every time, to always be the one on the receiving end.
She didn’t remember when or where she had heard it, but there was a mention somewhere that cooking a meal for someone was a genuine expression of affection and gratitude towards the other party.
This made her think of all the times that Victor had cooked for her, either as a reward for completing her tasks well or on his own whim. Even though she was certain that he was busy with his own share of work as the CEO of LFG, he had never complained and would still make time to cook for her when she asked for Souvenir’s meals as her reward. As for herself, she had done nothing but ate her fill all these times, much to her belated embarrassment.
That was why, at least once, she wanted to let Victor have a taste of her cooking.
Please let this turn out well.
With that thought, she rolled up her sleeves and pumped herself up before starting with the preparations.
When Victor rang the doorbell of the girl’s apartment unit, there was thirty minutes left before the appointed time. Even though he had brought forward a meeting in order to leave the company earlier, something unexpected came up at the last minute and it had taken a longer time to resolve than he would have preferred.
Hence, as soon as he was done with that matter, he had headed straight to the girl’s place without even stopping by his home for a change of clothes.
Is everything okay?
Did she cut herself while prepping?
Did she burn down the kitchen?
Those thoughts were on his mind throughout his journey to the girl’s place. Even now, as he stood waiting before the closed door of the girl’s home, Victor wondered if he would be greeted by the sight of billowing black smoke and a strong burnt scent when the girl opened the door.
Fortunately, that scenario didn’t come true.
When the door was pulled aside, all it revealed was the girl wearing clean casual home attires and with her hair tied up into a ponytail, smiling nervously at the sight of him.
“Oh, why are you here so early?”
It was only after noticing that there hadn’t been any wounds on her hands or anywhere else visible that Victor was finally able to relax.
Of course, he would never admit this to her.
“To supervise the cooking progress of a certain dummy.”
The girl had instantly pouted when hearing the word “dummy”, but she didn’t say anything else. Instead, she stepped aside and welcomed him into her home.
Now that he thought about it, this was actually the first time he had visited her place, even though he had driven her back from work countless times in the past. Whenever they met up in the past, it had always been either at LFG, Souvenir or any other public places. In fact, the girl had even been to Victor’s place before, albeit rarely.
The moment Victor stepped foot into the apartment unit, it was evident that the place belonged to the girl. It wasn’t just because of the cute plush dolls that adorned the top of the shelves, the framed photographs of the girl’s youth that were hung on the wall or the pile of stacked-up papers and folders on the coffee table at the living room, but the place gave off a cozy and welcoming presence, much like its owner.
When he shifted his attention back towards the girl, she said, “Actually, I just finished preparing dinner a little while ago.”
Having arrived earlier than the appointed time, Victor didn’t expect dinner to be ready. Although he was impressed, the girl seemed uneasy when mentioning about the dinner.
Was it because the final outcome was worse than what she had intended? Since there wasn’t any burnt smell in the vicinity, Victor believed that the situation shouldn’t be too bad.
“Why don’t you take a seat over at the table,” the girl gestured towards an empty square table, “while I go and bring out the dishes.”
Before Victor could respond, the girl had already gone into the kitchen. Not one to sit and wait to be served, he went into the kitchen with the intention of taking out the tableware to help set up the table.
The first thing that caught his attention the moment he entered the kitchen was the sight of the messy kitchen counters that were littered with remnants of sliced vegetable ingredients and the piled-up cooking utensils in the kitchen sink. Despite the mess, the kitchen was actually in a better condition than he had expected.
Just when he had looked away from the mess, he locked eyes with the girl, who was on her way out while holding one dish in each hand. She instinctively looked away from him when meeting his gaze, which caused Victor to raise an eyebrow questioningly.
To Victor, she had done better than he expected. He even felt a little bad for having underestimated her culinary skill so much. For someone who rarely cooks, she actually managed to cook up two edible-looking dishes for dinner.
There was just one thing, though.
“So,” Victor looked at the two dishes in the girl’s hands, “It’s a vegetarian dinner tonight.”
With the two dishes being stir-fried Bok Choy and pan-fried sesame garlic tofu, there was certainly no meat being served at all. Hence, Victor had deemed it as a “vegetarian dinner”.
“At first, I intended to make pan-fried fish,” said the girl in a softer voice, “but I couldn’t find any fresh fish in the market today…So, I replaced it with a tofu dish.”
With a nervous chuckle, she then looked up to meet Victor’s gaze. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have been so stubborn about cooking dinner myself.”
Victor merely sighed.
“What’s there to apologize about?”
She mustn’t have expected him to say that as she stared at him with those bright brown eyes of hers. So, Victor elaborated further by saying, “After all, you had prepared dinner, as promised.”
He reached out and took the two plates from her hands.
“Let’s sit down and have dinner before the food gets colder.”
An awkward silence was hanging in the air throughout the entire dinner session. Unable to tell from Victor’s poker face whether he was displeased with the meal or not, the girl couldn’t help feeling so anxious that she couldn’t really taste what she was eating.
Although he had brushed off her apology in the kitchen, she was still worried that her cooking might be unpalatable for Victor, whose taste in food was much refined and cooking was far superior than her. It would be worse if he was forcing himself to eat this because the other option would be to starve himself.
Perhaps, she really shouldn’t have insisted on cooking when she wasn’t even good at it.
While she was mulling over her own thoughts, she didn’t realize that she had cleared her plate and it was at this moment that Victor decided to break the silence between them.
“The bok choy was slightly overcooked, which caused it to be less crunchy. As for the tofu, you should have left it on the pan a little longer for it to be crispier.”
Hearing his sudden comments on her cooking, the startled girl didn’t know what to say and just nodded fervently. At the same time, she also braced herself for any impending harsh critiques that would come from the owner and chef of Souvenir.
“Overall, it was a decent meal and a good effort for someone who only cooks once in a blue moon.”
The girl blinked her eyes once … and then twice.
Did she hear Victor correctly?
He was praising her, right?
As that realization sunk in, a bright grin gradually adorned her once grim face, as though she had received the highest acclamation in the world. After all, his words had meant that her efforts hadn’t been a waste and Victor wasn’t the kind of person who would easily praise others. However, before she could continue to relish in her sense of accomplishment, Victor had spoken.
“Now, can you tell me what exactly made you want to cook all of a sudden?”
The question caused the girl to stiffen for a moment. There wasn’t any reason to not answer Victor. So, she decided to be honest about it, in spite of the awkwardness that she was feeling in revealing the truth.
“Well, you have always been the one cooking for me, while all I did was just eat.”
Feeling her cheeks heating up, she looked down at her lap as she continued, “So, I thought I should do the same as well, you know, to show my gratitude.”
There was a moment of silence before she heard Victor’s voice.
She smiled as she already expected him to say that.
What she hadn’t expected was to look up to see Victor smiling gently at her.
To be honest, Victor hadn’t expected that to be the reason for the girl’s sudden enthusiasm in wanting to cook. After all, he had merely cooked for her because he wanted to and he had never expected anything else from her in return.
“That’s unnecessary. As long as you sincerely enjoy my cooking, that is all that I need as gratitude.”
After all, back in the past, it was that bright smile of a certain silly little girl at the first bite of his first attempt of a homemade pudding and her genuine exclamation of said pudding being delicious, that got him interested in cooking in the first place.
That was why, as long as his cooking could bring a certain dummy happiness and contentment, that would be rewarding enough for him.
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yourssinfullyquiche · 2 years
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Hello, all you beautiful people🥰 This fic is a smutty piece that I've had in my drafts for soooo long, so thank you for patiently waiting😊
Discover these two gorgeous men's weaknesses throughout this spicy headcanon💋
Gavin x You Victor x You
WC: 728
I hope this piece leaves you feeling hot....😈
Sides of his neck, ears, collarbones
We all know how sensitive he is with his neck wink wink (courtesy to Go See Him).
And I just feel he’s the type to be really sensitive with his ears because it always gets blushy blushy *DIES*.
You softly landed a kiss on his ear lobe, metal clinking against your tongue — that visible hue rapidly appearing.
You licked the outer shell of his ear and whispered sweet nothings causing the blush to spread from his ears to his cheeks.
Him, looking at you, pleading for you not to continue because he knows he’ll end up in a puddle of scorching mess.
Kissing the back of his ear, a faint sound escaped from him. Aww he’s trying so hard not to moan...Baby do you think I won’t make you.
You continued assaulting his ears by sucking, licking and kissing them, noting the soft hums of pleasure escaping from his lips.
You moved further down to the sides of his neck, leaving small smooches before giving a teasing suck to the soft flesh leaving a beautiful reddish-purple mark.
He wanted to stop you but his soft groan said otherwise.
You continued leaving small hickeys — ones that he will remember for days when looking into the mirror, ones that he’ll have a hard time concealing.
His choked groans slowly morphed into soft saccharine moans.
You reached his collarbones, ahhh so perfect, ready to be devoured by purplish marks.
Glancing at his face you noticed his dazed expression, face covered in vermillion hues, defeatingly smiling at your devilish expression.
You licked his collarbone, preparing the canvas to paint your myriads of reds before landing your plush lips against the stretched skin.
You took your time, lapping your tongue against his skin before sucking it hard — wanting to leave a large bruise there.
‘Aaahhhh’ a sweet subtle moan almost like a hard sigh escaped from him, his warm breaths coating your nose.
You pulled back to view a wine red mark blooming before leaning in to lick and kiss it to ease the pain.
His half-lidded eyes widened when you leaned in closer to suck at the same spot again.
An audible moan, released from the depths of his throat while you leave soothing kisses.
You, absolutely loving the colour now — a lighter magnum magenta shade.
Gavin was a mess and he made sure you were a mess too wink wonk.
Broad chest, nipples, lower abs
Victor’s broad chest is referenced A LOT in the game and for good reason. Cue Swim Date👀
A broad canvas means a mischievous painter is able to “paint” it with a plethora of reds and purples ahem ahem.
Dragging your wet muscle across his milky hue skin, you left sloppy kisses on his skin before sucking the sticky skin, going further and further — leaving a trail of blooming marks — down to meet the buds sticking up cutely.
Victor’s guttural groans filled your spacious room despite him protesting a second ago which only excited you more in your sneaky game.
Mr. CEO seems so classy and elegant, that I’m sure he has some things he would rather not disclose — some that he may not even know.
Lo and behold, you stumbled upon it in your quest.
As soon as you latched your tongue on one of his peach nipples, a sweet high-pitched moan dripped from his lips.
You halted your movements, momentarily surprised by the sudden revelation.
A stark difference to his usual demeanor during sex he was moaning and a loud one.
A pool of excitement bloomed from your core and you wanted to hear more of his dulcet moans.
You began playing with the raised buds — flicking it with your tongue before sucking it playfully; all the while your other hand’s pinching his other bud.
Victor’s gorgeous moans filled the spacious bedroom and his incarnadine cheeks were signs of pleasure.
You could feel his bulge meekly touching your inner thigh
His domineering aura was slowly crumbling under your velvet touch.
After giving his other nipple its due attention, you moved down to yet another playground — his lower toned abs.
Your manicured nails dragged languidly across those defined pecs, feeling rather confident when you eyed him.
Oh, he tried to rein in his dominance but with you cunningly kissing the exposed plane of skin below his navel, grinding against his hard bulge, he’d stopped trying.
You kept teasing him with kisses reaching lower and lower and lower...
A/N: Thank you for reading and welcome new subscribers!❤️ Trivia: Ixora is a flower that some may commonly refer to as “Jungle Flame” or “Flame of the Woods” due to its bright colours, especially red. It represents passion and enhanced sexuality (Google).
Delve into my world
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thedummysdummy · 6 months
Take These Memories
This takes place after the most recent events in the global server. So...spoilers kind of?
Mr. Mills looked down at the gleaming key in his hand, then back up to Victor with confusion clouding his gentle eyes. "Boss?"
Victor simply nodded before turning his head away, showing perhaps more emotion than he intended. "I don't need it anymore. Souvenir is yours to do with what you will. You have more than paid for it through the years."
What he didn't say was what was really on his mind.
I don't need it anymore. Souvenir has served its purpose.
I already found her and this time...she isn't coming back.
I can't take these memories.
Safely in his car, tears began to fall for what felt like the thousandth time.
And Victor made no move to wipe them away.
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darling-dummy-blogs · 5 months
A Birthday Surprise...?- Victor Li
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Cassandra tries to plan a birthday surprise with her daughter for her beloved husband while he is away on business the day of his birthday. Unaware of the fact that he ended up returning home earlier than she expected…
Word Count: 1.3k
It's been a while since I've posted haha.. I've taken a break from writing due to my personal life unfortunately
And recently, my account has been giving me issues in receiving messages with friends so I've been dealing with that lately as well
But those issues aside, of course, I had to post something for my favorite and beloved CEO~ How could I not!
Happy Birthday, My Love!, My Greatest Miracle, May this day fill you with happiness and contentment. I am forever grateful to you for being in my life. <3
Told in Cassandra's POV.
“Mommy, Mommy!” 
My four-year-old toddler squeals, scrambling into the kitchen where I was briefly tending to the cake propped on a cake stand. Looking down at my daughter, I smiled.
“Yes, my sweet girl? What is it?” 
“I finished wrapping Daddy’s gift! Look!” 
She beams excitedly, feeling quite proud of her work, she removes her tiny arms from behind her back, revealing the wrapped gift in question, wrapped up in crinkled wrapping paper topped with a slightly uneven and off-centered bow. Her wrapping skills were most definitely not the greatest but for a four-year-old, it seemed pretty up to par. I couldn’t help but let out a soft giggle at her attempt to wrap the gift she got for him. 
“It looks beautiful, baby. You did such a good job! Daddy will love it.” 
“Yay!” She bounced up and down cheerfully, her soft raven curls bouncing everywhere as she did so. 
“Go put your gift with the others in the living room, sweetie. Then you can help me with the  finishing touches to the cake.” I tell her with a smile, ruffling her hair with my free hand.
“Okay!” She dashed back to the living room whilst I continued decorating the last finishing touches of frosting.
For his birthday cake, I made a 3 layered vanilla cake, topped with a homemade buttercream frosting dyed a vibrant red and decorated with a white chocolate drip along the top. I then added a simple buttercream border to the bottom of the cake and as well as little dollops to the top of the cake. All Isa needed to do was add the sliced strawberries to those dollops and the cake would be complete.  
Isabella comes rushing back into the kitchen and right over to me. 
“I’m ready!” She beams, excitedly. She’s been so excited for his birthday all week, she could hardly contain herself. I couldn’t help but smile, lifting her up into my arms.
“Alright, you get to be the lucky one to finish decorating the cake. All you need to do is add these little strawberries to these little guys right here. Can you do that for Mommy?” 
She nods, “Yes!”
I handed her a strawberry slice, which she took happily, as I then leaned her closer to the cake so she could place it. She focused entirely on placing it carefully on the first dollop of buttercream, before repeating the same process with the others. 
“Good girl! You did a great job!” I said looking over her work before smiling at her, showering her cheek with kisses once she finished. 
Isa only giggled happily, wrapping her tiny arms around me, in a gentle hug.
“Come on now, let’s bring this cake to the living room. We have to go pick up Daddy soon from the airport,” I tell her, as I set her down. Isa nods as she heads back to the living room excitedly, only to see her father, Victor standing in the doorway of the living room looking at all the colorful decorations that were scattered throughout the living room–from various colors of balloons along the railing of the stairs, the streamers scattered throughout the room and along the wall, to a large and shiny ‘happy birthday’ banner hung up along the windows with a surprised expression on his face. 
When she noticed him, her face lit up with joy as she immediately ran over to him, 
“Daddy! You’re home!” She cheers happily, practically throwing herself into his arms. 
Victor’s expression changes from one of surprise to one of contentment as he lifts up his daughter into his arms, showering her in kisses. 
“Hello princess, I’ve missed you so much.” He smiled, as she hugged him tightly, giggling as she received several more kisses from him.
“I missed you too!”
Upon hearing his voice, I immediately left the kitchen, surprised that he was standing there in the living room and confused as to how he got home sooner than I expected him to. With the cake stand in my hand, I briefly set it down on the coffee table beside the gifts, as my mind questioned how he got home before we could leave to pick him up. I could have sworn I had more time…
When did his flight come in? How did he get home?? 
Trying to hide my confusion, I shake off the questions lingering in my head and walk over to greet him, smiling. 
“ Hi, my love! I didn’t know you’d be here already.. We were just about to go pick you up from the airport, why didn’t you let me know you landed?” 
Victor set down Isa, letting her go play with her toys whilst he pulled me into his arms, smiling with a chuckle, 
“There’s my beautiful wife, I did, but I did not get a response from you. So I had Goldman drive me back home instead. I did not expect to see all this when I came in though..”
“Well…Surprise..?” I laughed slightly, “I was planning to keep it as a surprise for when we got back home… but then you came home..” I pouted slightly, a little saddened that the surprise didn't go as planned.
He pulled me into a soft kiss, one I couldn't help but melt into, smiling once we pulled away. 
 “I was still surprised, my love. I can tell you both worked very hard on this. Thank you. I did have a feeling you'd plan something like this.” He chuckles. 
“Of course, I would! This is such an important day to me. I will always celebrate this day for as long as I am with you, my love. This day is the day you were born. Today, I get to show how much I love and appreciate you being in my life. How much you being alive has made my own life a much better place. How much I love celebrating you. This is the one day a year that will always be special to me, just like how you and Isabella are special to me. I love you. Happy Birthday.” I softly say, kissing him gently once more. 
Victor smiled against my lips, returning the kiss with one of his own, holding me close, a look of contentment and happiness could easily be seen on his face once we pulled away. This. This is exactly how I hoped he would react. 
“Thank you, sweetheart. I don't know how I got so lucky to have you and our precious little girl in our lives but I am so grateful. I love you both so much. Only you have made this day, what used to be so mundane and boring, so special and bright for me. I always look forward to whatever surprises you have in store for this day and no matter what, I will always look forward to celebrating my birthday as long as I have my special girls with me. Thank you for being in my life and for making me feel special.” 
I couldn’t help but smile so wide, proud and overjoyed, I pulled away from his embrace, taking hold of his hand. I led him over to the couch and had him sit down where his birthday cake and all his gifts both from me and Isabella were on the coffee table. Isa comes rushing over, climbing her way up onto the couch and onto Victor’s lap which he gladly accepted, holding her close in his arms, kissing the top of her head. 
I lit the candles on the cake, bringing the cake closer, while doing so I started singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to him. He smiled once I finished, with Isa happily clapping her hands. He leaned over, kissing my cheek. 
“Thank you, my love. Truly. This day turned out to be better than I could have ever expected.” 
“You’re welcome, my sweet. Here, make a wish and blow out the candles.” I smiled. 
He looked at the cake briefly, before looking at me and Isabella in his arms, smiling he gently took hold of my hand with his free one, lacing our fingers together.
“My wish…has already come true.”
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otonymous · 3 years
Lord Victor and I (MLQC Victor - NSFW)
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To my dear readers who are also part of the MLQC fandom:
I know it's been a crazy few days with everything that's happened recently. There is a lot to unpack here, and I know that this game is a refuge of sorts for many from the crazy events of the world.
That being said, I want to strive to continue to give you all a safe space here. As I've mentioned on my Patreon page, I am continuing to write (as it also enables me to make sense of things in addition to finding a place of calm), and it is my sincerest hope that you can lose yourselves in my work for even just a minute or two.
Hence, I hope you'll enjoy the following story. It would be the greatest honour for me if it puts even the tiniest smile on your face.
Sending you all much love and support 💕
- XOXO, Otonymous
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Description: Is love enough to overcome class differences?  A bittersweet, alternate universe (AU) story of secret love, lust and desire (READ: this is just an excuse for me to engage in shameless stable sex with Victor while cosplaying as a lord and his servant 😂)
Warnings: NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language & mature themes — reader discretion is advised.  Potential trigger warnings: mentions of death of a family member, very mild references to depressed mood, outdoor sex, slight exhibitionist overtones, flowery prose
Word Count: 3099 words (~16 mins of over-the-top, Harlequin-esque smut 😂)
Author’s Notes:
Something about this Victor karma makes me want to channel my favourite Victorian-era heroine and run through the moors in the middle of a giant rainstorm just to emerge at the front door of his manor in nothing but a white dress, completely transparent from the rain, of course LOL.  In other words, this story called for high drama and this is reflected in the language.  But please, do read on till the very end for a big surprise! 🤣 Much love to you all and hope you enjoy the read! ��
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Leather, soft as churned butter, belies the strength of the hands that hold you fast, gloved fingers anchoring into flesh like a hook upon prey.
Rain, a drummer’s march upon the roof of the stable, keeping pace with the rhythm of flesh on flesh, his hips beating relentlessly upon the curves of your bottom.
Breath, his and yours, intermingling in tufts of white clouds that dissipate as quickly as they are formed…
…as if they had never existed at all.
Just like you and him were to be nothing more to each other beyond the stables than a servant and the young master of the house.
Yes, beyond the stables where love nested in hidden corners, dark and damp; desiring to stretch towards the warmth of the sun but knowing that weeds are a blight upon the sight of a society fettered by rules and convention.
He had taught you to read and write, your lord did.  Amidst lamplight’s glow and the musty scent of ancient pages, he had instructed you in the library where servants had not the habit of frequenting that he would like you to address him as an intimate would, by name alone: Victor.
One by one, he wrote each letter; the neat cursive beautiful on grey slate like a painter’s brush on canvas.
How happy you had been that night, excitement thrilling in your heart like a caged bird, the flutter of its wings stirring to life feelings at the pit of your stomach that you knew you hadn’t the right to feel.  That, due to your station and lot in life, had and would continue to be denied to you.
But then he pressed the chalk to your hand — warm still with the encouraging touch of his — and it felt like he had placed the entirety of the world in the palm of yours.
V. I. C. T. O. R.
Your letters were shaky but never once did he laugh at you.  Nor did your lord ever utter an unkind word, not even when deserved such as the time you had, in your carelessness, shattered a vase while dusting the antiques.  Victor’s expression became withdrawn to see the porcelain in shards, those dark eyes seemingly dimmed by the remembrance of brighter times forever lost to him.  The vase had belonged to his mother, his kin most dear, who now rested beneath the watchful gaze of stone angels deep in the earth near the woods bordering the estate.
It was there, kneeling before her grave, that you had found him.  The lady had been gone but for a fortnight; the pain of her passing still fresh, settling upon the very walls of Loveland Manor like thick vines of ivy slowly stealing light from an unkempt house.  And you alone had spied the ghostly glow of lamplight moving through the moors like a lone spectre headed for home before it could be banished by the brilliance of the rising sun.
So throwing on a shawl, you crept quietly from your room, careful not to awaken Goldman keeping watch at the door.  He had been slouched over, slumbering in his seat, with Daisy - his devoted bloodhound - dozing at his feet.
The wind whipped as you made your way across the expanse of land.  You had prepared yourself for a reprimand, some stern comment for having traipsed out into the dark chill with nothing more than your nightclothes and a shawl about your shoulders, threadbare and worn at that.
What you had not been prepared for were the unshed tears that greeted you in ebony eyes, shimmering faintly in the light of the moon like dust of the fae in storybooks told to placate crying children.
He turned to look upon you, shock giving way to a melancholic tenderness in his expression that tugged on the cage in your chest.  You had felt it then, that familiar flutter; the bird that had taken refuge there growing agitated in its impatience to seek out more of the sight that pleased its owner’s eye like no other: the chiseled jaw, dark features — a handsomeness tempered by a Saturnian gravity that had already developed in Victor from a very young age.
“I feel adrift in a sea fathoms deep with no land in sight.  One by one, the stars are snuffed out like candles prior to the arrival of dawn, but for me, I fear the sun will never rise again.”
That sonorous voice resonated even in the open air, binding you to him with some unseen magic.  You dropped to your knees beside him, but barely felt the damp of the grass seeping through your nightgown.  No, at the time, the only thing you were sensible of was the pain that wracked your heart as it surely did his, though of different origins:  Victor grieved for the untimely death of his mother; you grieved to see him lost in darkness.
Long, tapered fingers reached towards the gravestone, tracing the freshly etched words, and you were reminded of those nights he had taught you your letters in the comforting warmth of his library.  How different it had felt then!  The unfamiliar sight of your lord thus laid low distilled from you a spirit, a courage you knew not you possessed until that very moment, when the desire to touch — to heal wounds invisible — bade you speak.
“Milord, if you would deem one such as myself of sufficient worth, let me be your anchor.”
The wind picked up then, a great gust tangling branches overhead and plucking silken petals from crimson roses that surrounded the grave.  Lord Victor gazed at you for so long that for a moment, you wondered if your words had been carried away by the errant breeze.  Perhaps it was for the better.  Who were you, lowly as your station was, to even think that you had anything to offer this man whom the Fates had blessed with abundance: charming looks, a discerning mind, good breeding and fortune?  It was a momentary folly, you were sure of it, borne of a lapse in judgment to see the young master suffering thus, a man who had shown you nothing but kindness and, if you had the great honour of doing so, you would gladly call a friend.
And in such self-deceit you would’ve persisted had Victor’s lips not sought yours.
Wings flapped, their flutters powerful; a final bidding of farewell before the bird finally escaped.  The happiness in your heart was such that it could no longer be caged; flooded by love, hope, desire, there was no room for anything else except the face of the man who visited you in dreams every night…
…the man who was embracing you in a kiss.
If this is indeed a dream, it would be of little consequence were I not to awaken, you thought to yourself, the idea sinking to the depths of your consciousness like a ship at sea, slowly surrendering to the waves.  Because the kiss was a force of nature all its own, Victor’s lips — warm and pliant — stealing the breath like one standing in awe before the presence of a great storm.  And like a vessel subject to the whims of nature, his touch was such that it turned your world topsy-turvy.
A line had been crossed.  You had been given hope to dream.
“You would bring me back to the land of the living?” Your lord’s voice was low when, with much reluctance, he finally pulled away to speak.  Turning your hand within the much larger grasp of his, shy fingers interlace.
“You have never left, milord.  I would not allow it.”
The words were bold, you knew, but every single one had the gravity of truth.  You could not bring yourself to lie under the watchful eyes of the moon, Diana draped in her silver finery high in the sky to shed gentle light upon a pair of star-crossed lovers.
“You would forgive my transgression?"  That dark gaze pierced with the intensity of an arrow, Victor seeking proof of even the tiniest shred of offence.
“Only if you would give it again.”
The air left your lungs when he pulled you to him once more.  In Lord Victor’s arms, you felt warmth like the ever-burning fire of a hearth.  It was ludicrous, of course, to think that you had found a home in your lord’s embrace.  But there, in the time and space between kisses that fell upon you like rain, you allowed yourself to revel in the fairytales that none but the most gullible of children believe.
For what else but a sweet fantasy could it be, the way Victor possessed you now? — skin to skin in the stables and struggling to bite back every moan lest you spook the horses in their stalls.  Every time there was even a hint of shuffling movement from without, Victor’s body would slow in yours as a precaution.  Thankfully, the alarm would always prove false.  Only the horses with their wide, dark eyes were there to witness to this act of forbidden love.
He had taken you from behind; pulled your skirts up, apron and all, to expose you to the thorough inspection of his eyes.  They shone to look upon you much like they had in the days when he tutored you in secret — tender gazes Victor would fix your way whenever he bade you read aloud from volumes he’d brought back with him from studies abroad; poetry and prose that wove tales of fervid love, intense longing and unceasing desire.
You loved receiving Victor’s praise, had thrown your efforts into self-study in whatever spare time you could muster to earn it.  And he, in turn, provided encouragement in the form of letters sent to you in the post while far from home, safe in the knowledge that none of the other servants could read it as most were illiterate.  Apart from you, only Goldman was capable of recognizing his letters, enough to know to whom a piece of mail was addressed but certainly not enough to decipher the words of affection Victor would painstakingly write out in his elegant hand.
“How is it that you captivate me more every time I see you?  Had I not the benefit of education, I would be inclined to call it the work of magick,” Victor says, body bent over yours as he whispers, his lips grazing the shell of your ear with every powerful thrust.  In this position, he slid in even deeper, the tip of his cock teasing at the limits of your cunt until you felt yourself twitch around his long, thick flesh, blowing out a shaky breath to try to accommodate him whole.
He spoke so matter-of-factly that what seemed like a phrase coined by silver-tongued men to tempt silly girls suddenly took on a reverence all its own.  It pleased you such that you could not help but turn your head back to catch his lips with yours, smiling into the kiss as you spread your legs wider still for him.  Victor rewards you with a groan that emanates from deep within his throat right before he offers you a taste of his tongue.
The early morning air — damp and heavy with rain — was cool on your skin; bare from the waist down, breasts spilling over your corset.  And yet, heat continued to course through your body, warmed as it was by a wanton satisfaction to know how closely your lord was examining your cunt.  You imagined your juices must’ve made a fine mess of his soft, leather gloves when he reached between your thighs to finger the swollen bud at the tip of your pussy, feeling the way your skin stretched thin around him each time he pushed in and pulled out.
Truth be told, you had already begun to dampen the moment you laid eyes on him.
Lord Victor had been out on a morning ride as was his custom when the skies opened up in a sudden downpour, prompting his early return to the stables just as you had sought shelter there from gathering wildflowers to accent the vases decorating the halls of the manor.
You had slipped in after him; quietly — as he hadn’t yet noticed your presence and you wished for the opportunity to bask in the sight of your master as he guided Pilot — his magnificent stallion — back to his stall.  Victor was the very picture of a gentleman, dark features proud and strong.  And yet, on this day, the elegance of his bearing was tempered by rain-soaked strands of ebony hair, lending him an almost feral air that made him seem as wild as the animals in the stable.
His wet clothing clung to him; damp riding breeches unveiling powerful musculature that ran down the length of those long legs, outlining the shape of his backside and, from the front, the bulk of his cock - intimidatingly large though it had yet to swell at all.  The vision drew an inadvertent sigh from your lips that made him whip around, sending droplets of water flying from the tails of his burgundy riding coat.
"I beg your pardon, milord.  I did not mean to alarm you.”
His eyes softened in recognition, their corners crinkling to match the tender smile forming on his lips.  “You’re here.  Goldman informed me this morning that you had already left for the market.”
“Not the market, Sir, but the gardens.  I was picking wildflowers when it began to rain.”  You indicated the woven basket on your arm, lush with blooms in bright colours that contrasted the grey skies above.  “I beg your pardon, milord.  I had unwittingly fallen asleep last night by the window before I could see your carriage pull up to the manor.  I trust your journey home was uneventful?”
Lord Victor moved in your direction and, standing toe to toe, plucked forget-me-nots from your basket between his gloved fingertips, carefully tucking the blue blossoms with their tiny rings of gold behind your ear.  “Uneventful, yes, but, in my impatience to see you, not nearly speedy enough.  I’m afraid to say that matters of the estate have taken me away for far too long, my love.  I see that you have already forgotten my name.”
Laughter bubbled up in your throat then, joy and lightness rising within your chest as you bit your lip and said in a coy whisper, “Victor.”
“Say it again.  Louder this time.”
“Victor, my Victor.  My only love—“
Arms wrapped tightly about your waist, Victor’s lips falling upon yours to swallow the last of your words with the greed of a man starved.  The basket fell from your hands; a rainbow of colours spilling onto the cold floor as if love alone had the power to make seeds bloom from stone.
“I’ve missed you dreadfully.  My true return lies not in stepping past the threshold to the manor, but in the moment I finally have you in my embrace again.”
Your lord pulled back, eyes drinking in the sight of you as they studied from face down.  Those irises darkened even further when they stopped mid-chest.  Following his gaze, you gasped to see that your clothing had turned transparent in the rain, leaving little to the imagination.
“Forgive me, love, for I fear that even one with infinitely more patience than I would lose all composure in your presence.”
So saying, he tore the front of your bodice wide, bothering not to remove his gloves as he hastened to take first one breast into his mouth then the other in turn.  The wet heat of lips and tongue banished the damp chill on your skin in an instant, and the horses raised curious heads in your direction to hear you moan, gentle fingers raking through your lover’s thick hair.
Every salacious lick, every teasing flick of his tongue hardened your nipples to a point even as you melted between the legs from the clever ministrations of his mouth.  That your lord had taken you in the stables was nothing new, but then the lovemaking had always been slow and gentle; a woollen blanket carefully arranged upon a soft pile of hay and atop that, your bodies writhing together in time and ecstasy.  Perhaps it was true what they said about the heart growing fonder with absence — this last trip had been Victor’s longest yet, and it seemed to return a man almost savage in his passion back to the fold of your embrace.
It excited you.
Sent a thrill down your spine to have Victor shed the veneer of the perfect gentleman and take what he wanted, especially when the object of his desire was you.  That much was obvious when you found yourself backed up against the wooden slats of a fence, your lover’s tumescent cock grinding in a slow rhythm on the mound of your cunt through your skirts, inhaling deeply with his face still buried between the flesh of your breasts.
It made you respond in kind, propriety giving way to lust when you found him through his breeches, hand smoothing over the taut outline as you admired the fullness of the part of him that gave you pleasure beyond compare.  How many nights had you lain awake in his absence, fingers moving nimbly between your legs as you imagined them to be Victor’s cock, poor substitute though they were?  But there was no longer a need to play pretend when you had the authentic article before you.
He entered you with ease, the head of his cock finding you slick as Victor sighed to slide between your tight folds.  You paid no mind to the flowers being trampled beneath your muddied boots as your lover began to move in earnest,  gloved hands holding fast to the curves of your hips as he picked up speed, filling you to the brim over and over again.  Every time he did, the wet sounds of your excitement would compete with the rain falling still upon the roof of the stables; the smells of your lovemaking intermingling with the scent of earth and hay.
And when, with a groan and much force of discipline, your lord finally pulled himself away to spill the creamy heat of his seed upon your buttocks, your lips pull into a secret smile, content to think yourself the happiest being in the world to be thus marked by your lover as his own.
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Ok, tell me the truth y'all: who saw that last bit coming?! 🤣🤣🤣 Y'all know I couldn't help myself LOL!  Thanks so much and hope you all enjoyed the read! 🥰 Check out more of my salacious shenanigans on my Patreon page!
"Lord Victor and I" is copyright 2021 Otonymous, all rights reserved. Originally posted on Patreon.
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lilsuzn · 3 years
MLQC Victor - NSFW abc headcanons (REMASTERED)
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice
Warnings: Explit sexual content (GN READER)
it's what I posted a while ago, but better - I changed some things, I deleted some thing and wrote new. I think it's much better now
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A = Aftercare (What they are after sex?)
Victor is a man that has his values straight
You are the most important part of his life (even if he sometimes struggles to shop it) and he will do anything for you… and only for you
Other people don’t matter. He only takes what he wants and leaves.
But you - his sweetest, dearest, little love… can ask anything and everything (well, almost - see N).
You crave massages? He will buy the most luxurious oils on the market, might even take a course to perfect his skills to give you more pleasure
Want to take a bath? He will have a bathtub installed if he doesn’t have one already
Pillowtalk, kissing, snuggling, another round? No need to say it twice. He leaves to please you
When it comes to him, he likes to pull you close and tell you all the things he has no courage to say at any other time
Leave no space for misunderstanding in the department of his unconditional, boundless, eternal love and devotion for you
Tell you just how happy he is to have you and how everything is worthless in comparison to you
After he makes sure you’ve been pleasured throughly already, he will want to share a shower
And make no mistake - he will wash you. You can wash him too, if you want, but taking care of that pretty body of yours is his responsibility
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part is his waist
It wasn’t easy to get that V shaped body and he is extremely proud of this accomplishment…
Especially when he sees your hungry gaze roaming his torso up and down
And you… He couldn’t possibly choose one part
Beautiful legs, rounded butt, soft abdomen and that gorgeous, gorgeous smile
That would be your thighs when it comes to the sexual aspect
You have such a delicate skin there. So suckable. Kissable. More plush than any pillow could ever be
He feels so secure and at ease when they squeeze around his head as you ride his face.
The sound of his hips slapping against them - heavenly
Not much can make him calmer than your lovely, plump thighs
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
It should come (hihihi) as no surprise that he loves to spill inside
It’s so intimate… Bonding…
Doesn’t really like to cum onto you for reasons he himself doesn’t really understand
It just feels… somewhat degrading? And he doesn’t like it that way?
Then again cuming into your mouth is a strong YES. Maybe it’s because of how enthusiastically you take him in
How you collect all the spill from your chin and lick it off your fingers like it was some kind of delicious delicacy
That sight makes him hard all over again…
D = Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory - a dirty secret of theirs)
He has a folder of your photos on his computer
Some of them were taken with consent… Some without you realising…
Because you were in his bed sleeping in your naked glory… And he could only stop himself the first, like 20 (?) times
He sorts them by aesthetic and cuteness/sexiness
Jacks off to them when you’re not around
Most of them are very artistic. He tries his best to make them as good as the ones he was using before you… (see J)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He slept with a few girls in college, but he saw it only as ‘taking care of his sexual needs’ - no real feelings included
He had one dedicated booty call - a girl who fell in love with him despite him saying that he only only sees her for sex
That period really allowed him to explore his sexuality
So he knows what he likes and what to do, so his partner likes it too
F = Favorite position (This goes without saying)
Everything when he takes you from the back
He’s rather keen on yanking hair, slaping ass…
But when it comes to the person he loves - you, he likes to face each other during sex
He wants to kiss your face, neck and chest. Nuzzle his face into your abdomen while he’s going down from his height
Your legs thrown over his shoulders so he can slap his hips against your soft thighs
Or legs pressed to your sides, hands gripping your thighs
And he can’t even attempt to lie he doesn’t absolutely love when you sit on his lap… or get on top in general
Or when your thighs grip his head when you 69 on the couch while ‘watching’ a movie. Your lips sloppy around him as his tongue pleasures you with most precision and dedication
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
No goofy.
If they start to joke around, they get spanked. HARD.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Victor is a passionate swimmer, so most of his body is hairless
But he doesn’t shave his pubes. Finds it weird to be completely bare down there and the first time he had sex with a completly hairless girl, he was a bit taken aback with her baby like smoothness.
Only trims them with a ‘pubes razor’ which is his old razor that he doesn’t use for face anymore, because he got a better one from his aunt for Christmas
Carpet matches the drapes
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
No goofy.
Only love and eternal devotion.
He will caress and leave kisses all over your body. Keep you close in the warmest and most loving embrace
No dummies or idiots in bed. Only treasures and loves
Almost like he’s trying to make it up to you for his tendency to be so aloof on a daily basis
The sweet talk doesn’t stop there, but I already said everything about it in A
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
This man didn’t have time to waste on women when he was building his empire, so he naturally spend quite a lot of his life masturbating instead of having sex
He doesn’t really enjoy porn, though. It’s too cartoonish for him. He much prefers to look through lingerie commercials or nude photoshoots - the more artistic the better
After he reunites with you, he starts to feel all that pent up sex tension and starts to jack off almost every day
Thinking about you. Looking at photos of you. Carving you with every small bit of his being
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
First of all - seeing his partner being pleasured. Either by him or by a vibrating toy plugged into them or pressed against their sensitive spots. He doesn’t even pump himself watching. He’s way too consumed with the enticing sights
Double penetration. His huge dick in one whole, dildo in another… Just thinking about it gets him going
He can’t deny himself at least some manhandling (if you consent - obv). Although he doesn’t go full on dom every time (at least with you) he seems to be unable to deny himself some hair pulling and choking... Although he almost does it lovingly? Spanking and whipping will surely also happen from time to time. Can get very rough when jealous
Also a slight daddy kink. When he hears it slip past your lips in the form of a joke - he feels some strange tingling in his groin and it’s not a venereal disease
If you sit on his lap, make a cute, helpless expression and ask daddy to play with you… It just turns him into a primal animal with no self restraint
That he kinda always seems to be
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Where nobody can hear them
Or see them
Anywhere with a stable surface really, but he needs to know you will have full privacy
Would never agree for public sex
All the sweet sounds and expressions he makes you do are his and only his to experience
M = Motivation (What turns them on/gets them going)
Stress, irritation, anger, hurt… Sex is a great way for him to gat this weight of his chest since he doesn’t really like to think those negative feeligs through
Or any feelings, if we’re at it
A nice butt is also a motivation, especially when it’s attached to a fine pair of legs
But both of these factors aren’t a guarantee of a turn on and even if they have that impact on him, he still will most likely not act on it
What he really struggles to control is a real attraction that reaches what’s beyond physical
A beautiful, hardworking and open-minded person is something Victor finds hard to ignore
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do/turn offs)
No sharing
No blood play
No permanent marking
Nothing too forcefull or aggressive
No sex before assigning boundaries and exchanging preferences
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
As I already said In B, Victor is an oral lover
More into giving than receiving, but would never push his lover away
(you can always 69, right?)
The man is humming in pleasure as his tongue slides along your sex
Is more than willing to go for hours if only you let him
The more you moan the more intense his movements become
His main goal is to please
The secondary one is to be the best at yet another thing
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He has two base modes
One: I love you, my sweet creature - all about measured, unhurried but hard thrust. True, pure love-making
Two: Little girls don’t get a say in how daddy fucks them - you’re tearing up, sobbing, drooling and he gets even more turned on by it. Fucks harder and faster then you both believed possible. Years of engaging in sports come to show themselves
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He will participate when the occasion occurs
Might even initiate an occasion
But it’s not really sex for him. It’s a quickie
And when compared to the real love-making with you… it’s just meh
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
When it comes to taking risks, I believe I already made it clear that he isn’t too into that
If someone walked in you, it would be very upsetting for him
If you got accidentally hurt would break his heart
But experiment he would happily
New toys, new positions, new kinks… He will try anything once
Well, almost anything (see N)
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
We all have our better and worst days, and this man has a whole company to run. It’s only natural for him to be tired
So usually he won’t last for more than one round. Maybe 3 on weekends
But will last a while if he sets a slower pace (see P)
On vacations however, after a few days of rest his stamina will increase dramatically
Have you seen this guy’s torso? Exactly
He has some stamina to spare
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Not against, although he prefers to experiment with positions that to experiment with toys
Will probably never propose any, except when he knows his partner is into such things
If you do - Victor will do his research and find something exciting for you to enjoy
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He really is not patient enough for that
Doesn’t have time for it either
Why would he even want to? They’re unsatisfied = he’s unsatisfied (as I mentioned in K)
He sees no appeal in it. When he wants to fuck, he wants to fuck. No reason to beat around the bush
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Victor can be a bit more talkative than usual during the foreplay
Throughs some praise (a lot of it)
Tell you about his feelings (but not too much at that point)
About things that made him jealous…
A quiet Fuck may leave his lips when he enters you and when he’s about to come
In the middle of those two - he’s rather silent
Not much of a moaner
He grunts and growls a lot though. Can get a little bit loud from time
W = Wild card (A random headcanon for the character)
It was a sunny, autumn day. You were walking down the street. You’re fingers entwined. The sunlight was gracing your beautiful features so gorgeously… and he had already been yearning for so long
When you’ve finally reached the Souvenir’s door, the man is all worked up
Not that you could tell from his steely expression
But you sure got suspicious when he got all touchy feely out of the sudden
Not that you would ever mind - obviously
Feather light kisses on the nape of your neck and shoulders. Fingertips caressed your waist to then slide down to your hips. Then he reached for the hem of your dress…
“I love you…” he whispered in your ear
Goosebumps momentarily appeared on your skin as all the intense feelings he had been making you experience from the very day you saw him for the first time in his office travel down your spine in a form of a intense shiver
You wanted him. So bad. For so long.
And there was no hiding his feelings for you at that moment as you turned your head to face him
Soon after stomach was pressed against the kitchen counter. Your naked butt was all out on display for Victor to squeeze and spank as you squirmed and moaned under his touch
Victor didn’t take any unnecessary time to move his long, broad fingers down, to stroke your sensitive slit
He praised you for being so wet, so flushed, so eager for him
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
“I love you, too” you whispered to his ear as his arms pressed you as close to his body as possible, while you were still going back from your highs
And after that, from his lips slipped the words of the most sincere adoration… and true love
Words you would never expect to leave his beautiful, soft mouth
Matches the rest of the man
Long and thick
No curvature. Perfectly straight
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Rather average
Ha has periods when he doesn’t even think about it
And he has ones when he can’t stop thinking about it
However he doesn’t go too much either way
Z = Zzz… (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Remember what I said in S? Applies here as well
He’s a hardworking man
Simplu needs to work hard to keep his business growing and to keep his lover pleased
Then he just needs to get some rest. Don’t try to change his mind because he will
If he’s well rested however, he won’t let you sleep
Like, not a chance. You need to come at least five times. He doesn’t make the rules, sorry
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puddingsdiary · 1 year
We dare!
I know it was very quiet here for a while now. But recently I talked on discord with @perhaps-in-anotherdream about a scenario like the following and the thought won't leave me alone. So I brought it to virtual paper. Maybe I can hire her as my Muse? 😁
Just kidding, but I hope you like it even a little bit.
Without further Ado, everyone have fun!
Still a week to go until their long awaited vacation and MC already finished most of her work but Victor was still very busy. During the last year those two were so busy that there wasn't much time for a vacation, a weekend here and there, sometimes even in combination with a business trip. Fatigue had piled up until two months ago MC had a small weakness attack on a film set. Afterwards both of them decided it was time for a long vacation. Next week it's finally time for their 3 week leave to start. Victor had made the itinerary this time, saying that this trip's purpose was to recharge and relax, so all MC knew was that they would go to Paris first. Nevertheless MC couldn't wait for this final week to be over.
With a cup of coffee she went to the study to see if he had finished for the day when she heard him talking.
"We're doing fine. Thanks. What about you and uncle?"
Obviously his Aunt Alice had called. So MC entered hoping she could also talk to Aunt Alice.
"MC is also here, wait I'll put you on speaker." Victor put his mobile on the desktop and turned on the speaker as soon as he saw MC entering.
"Hello, Aunt Alice."
"My dear, you haven't called in a while."
"Uhm, yeah. I was very busy, you know. Your nephew is a demanding boss." Sticking out her tongue at Victor's frowned face, MC could hear Aunt Alice chuckle over the phone.
"Since I can talk to both of you… We've been asking us for a while now, and I'm sure you know that already, but still, you two have been engaged for so long now. When will you finally marry?"
MC didn't know what exactly to answer since Alice wasn’t wrong. Searching for help she looked at Victor while fidgeting with her engagement ring.
Victor sighed, he put his hand on hers.
"Aunt, we'll take the next step when we see it fit."
Now it was Aunt Alice's place to sigh.
"Don't wait too long, you two. Your father is longingly waiting for a grandchild."
MC blushed at this comment.
"Being married is not necessarily a prerequisite for becoming parents. Plus, I highly doubt it's father who waits longingly."
As if pouring oil into the fire, at Victor's counter her face became beet red.
"I know…"
"Sorry, Aunt, I have another call incoming and it's important. We'll call you when we're back or better, why don't we come to visit at the end of our vacation."
"Don't think I don't know you're dodging the topic. But ok. I see you when you come. Have a nice trip!"
The call ended with his Aunt laughing and Victor looked at a brooding MC.
"What's wrong?"
She shook her head. "No-Nothing."
"Are you bothered by her nagging?"
"That's not it."
"Why are we still waiting? We've been through the rituals twice already but always just for show. Was this enough for you?"
"Dummy." Victor pulled MC onto his lap, his arms tightly wrapped around her waist. "How could this ever be enough?" HIs voice became so soft, it nearly melted all her doubts.
"I don't know. We've been engaged for two years now. Yes, especially last year was hectic and very busy…" MC's voice became quiet further down the sentence, not sure how to actually word her feelings. Even without words he understood the girl perfectly. Victor brought his lips close to her ear.
"Then why don't we marry before heading to Paris?"
His breath tickled her skin, the low voice sending a pleasant shiver down the body. It took MC more than a second to realize what he actually said. Looking at Victor in disbelief MC asked for confirmation.
"You mean now?"
"Of course, you seem not really willing to wait any longer, not that I don't feel the same. Maybe I've just waited too long for you to be ready, not seeing that you are. You just said it, we’ve done all the rituals western as well as traditional. What’s left is signing the papers." It was obvious, Victor was dead serious.
"Simply signing some papers isn’t what I thought about my wedding… And what about your family? We'd want them to be there." MC was not yet totally convinced right now.
"Dummy, of course we're holding a ceremony when we're back. You can have everything you want for our wedding ceremony."
The idea of eloping and coming back married finally took form in her head and a grin spread across MC's face.
"Yes! Let's do it!" MC threw her arms around his neck and planted a big kiss on his lips. Victor didn't intend to let her go easily and deepens the kiss. For an eternity there was only the touch of their lips against each other and tongues entwined in a sensual dance. The breath shared became thin and at the end they had to part to catch some air. While MC looked at Victor's slightly flushed face a thought crossed her mind.
"We have to tell your mum!"
"Even if we don't tell anyone, we need to tell your mum. We should visit her beforehand and tell her. We can get married in Èze as well, right?"
Her words created a lump in Victor's throat. For a split second he was speechless. Warmth spread from his fast beating heart. MC once said that he was a grand miracle but Victor was convinced that the true miracle sat on his lap right now. To think of how precious his mother was and still is to him at this moment. If possible Victor loved MC even more now.
*Cough* "You're right. I'll make the necessary arrangements first thing in the morning."
It was a nice sunny late spring day with a handful of small clouds sprinkling the sky. Victor strode towards his mother's grave. MC didn't speak, satisfied with walking next to him, her hand holding his. What they were going to do was very meaningful not only for Victor. She squeezed his hand lightly and he turned his gaze to her, the corners of his lips tugged up lightly.
As always when they were here, there was a hint of sadness deep down in his eyes, yet MC could clearly see how happy he was.
In front of his mother's grave Victor sat down, pulled MC onto his lap. His left arm was wrapped around her waist while the fingers of his right were entwined with hers. Just like he tended to do to calm MC down, her thumb drew circles slowly on Victor's skin.
"Hi, Mum." The voice was a bit hoarse and Victor cleared his throat before he spoke again.
"We're going to get married today and want you to be the first to know. It was quite the spontaneous idea to do it now, so please don't say anything to Dad. But don't worry. We'll celebrate with everyone when we're back home."
As if sending her blessing, the small cloud covering the sun for the last few minutes moved and the gras around the grave was bathed in sunlight.
"Look Victor! Your mum is telling you how happy she is for you." With a beaming smile MC looked up to him.
"Dummy, just coincidence that the cloud moved past the sun just now. But yes, Mum would be happy knowing you by my side." He placed a light kiss on her forehead and MC snuggled even closer, leaning her head on his shoulder. They stayed a little while talking about all the things that happened since their last visit.
Victor being efficient and very thorough was nothing new. Still MC questioned how he was able to make it happen, even in a rather small town like Èze you won't get a wedding date with the authorities within a week's notice.
After their visit at the cemetery Victor and MC returned to their hotel room. MC had one condition, even if not wearing a wedding dress at least she wanted to dress up nice and have a celebratory dinner afterwards.
“Are you ready?” Victor walked behind MC and looked at her in the mirror when she fixed the second earring to her ear, the pair he had gifted her the day of their first kiss.
"We need to go."
The dark blue dress flowed around her curves and the delicate silver threads weaved into the fabric blinked like little stars at every move. Victor thought of her as breathtakingly beautiful and she belonged to him. He couldn't resist and placed a kiss on that one spot in the crook of MC's neck normally hidden by her hair.
"If you continue like that, Victor, we'll miss our appointment and all my hard work to look beautiful is going to waste."
Still looking at MC in the mirror Victor's eyes made a promise that this is not the end here, sending a shiver down her spine. Nevertheless, he picked up her coat and helped MC inside.
"You're wrong. You're always beautiful." With those last words, he pulled MC towards the door.
The deed itself was done very quickly. As requested the official kept the ceremony to the minimum. So after both said their "I do." and exchanged the rings they just signed the official papers. Not even half an hour after entering they left the building as Mr and Mrs Li.
The remaining vacation passed in the blink of an eye. As promised before returning home Victor and MC visited his family. In doing so, they killed two birds with one stone. Not only would they break the big news, they also pick up Pudding who was taken care of by Victor's father. For the big news Victor invited everyone for dinner at his father's.
Right after everyone had finished and they had moved over to the living room Victor ask for their attention. MC next to him, he pulled her even closer, on arm around her waist.
"We've an announcement to make."
Seeing the pair standing there like that his aunts got sparkles of expectations in their eyes.
"I won't say any names but a few people here were friendly nagging about a wedding date for some time now." Victor clearly looked at both of his aunts. Both women decided to play the innocent lamb.
"Well, I have to admit, we already got married. ... Three weeks ago in Èze."
All of the family sitting there looked at them speechless. Aunt Alice was the first one to recover somewhat.
"How dare you to not share this huge event with your family. Victor, I really thought better of you." Disappointment was clearly written on her face and Aunt Grace nodded in support.
"Aunt Alice, you've already witnessed our wedding a few years ago."
"That's impossible. I won't forget something like that."
"The rehearsal for your anniversary, where Victor and I were your stand-ins?" MC helped out.
"Ah! See as you said it was the rehearsal for our anniversary. How can it be your wedding. What nonsense are you talking about?"
Victor shook his head.
"Yes it was your anniversary but I meant every word I said." Saying this he looked at MC who answered his gaze.
"And while I didn't realize back then I also meant what I said." She turned her head to look at the others and grinned brightly. "So technically you witnessed everything. We just never signed the papers. That's what we fixed in France."
Aunt Alice came up close and poked both their chests.
"You cheeky little bastards." Then turned towards her brother in law. "Don't you have anything to say?" It looked like she had no arguments left for the moment.
"What should I say? My son always had his own head." Victor's father shrugged his shoulders helplessly. "But I was kinda looking forward to stand in for your father and hand you over to my son." Within his eyes disappointment was fighting with pride, that they pulled off something like this.
MC smiled at him, happy he was willing to do this.
"You'll get your chance, Dad, when we're holding a proper ceremony later this year. I can call you Dad now, right?"
Victor's father laughed and walked over hugging his now daughter in law.
"Of course, you could have called me this way earlier." Afterwards he pulled Victor in a hug. "I'm so proud of you."
Aunt Alice threw her hands in the air helplessly at the scene in front of her.
"What should I do with you?"
This time it was Victor who took the initiative and hugged his aunt.
"Accept it and be happy for us."
"I am. But don't think I'll let you off that easily. I expect a proper ceremony, just so you know! And don't dare to make me wait till New Year's Eve just because it's still *this year*!"
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voltage-vixen · 3 years
A Sweet Stranding at Sea (NSFW)
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice
Pairing: Victor x MC (Female) This fic was for one of my contest winners, @babysukeyyyy.  I’m sorry this took me so long to write, but I really hope you enjoy it anyway! 💖 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Send us some assistance and call me back as soon as you get this, Goldman,” Victor barked as he hung up the phone and slammed it down onto the kitchenette counter.
“Victor?” MC called out from the other side of the room, wrapping the fabric of her shawl snuggly around the frame of her body. “Is everything going to be alright?”
“Of course it is, dummy,” Victor sighed, massaging away at his temples. “Unlike certain individuals that come to mind, I actually always have a backup plan in place.”
The motor of the yacht Victor rented for their seaside dinner on the water faulted dead halfway through the course of their journey. MC topped off their half-full glasses with some more champagne as Victor contacted his ever-faithful assistant. Sure enough, the one time when there was a true emergency, the evolver was unsuccessful in initiating contact with Goldman. Nevertheless, he was relieved to find that his dummy was casually sipping away at the special beverage he prepared especially for this trip. A faint tapping sound could be heard from under the table MC was sitting at, and a swift glance down revealed the swaying bob of her foot. His expression instantly darkened when he recognized the gesture as her nervous tick. Racking his brain for a way to distract MC, the lightbulb went off as Victor saw his opportunity with the goblet of alcohol in her hand.
“Knowing your luck, you’ll end up passing out drunk if you finish that glass,” the CEO chided, snatching the glass away from the tispy producer. “I’ll be taking that for now.”
“Hey, you don’t know that,” MC retorted, a slight slur rolling from her tongue. She reached out to steal back the cup, but the heel of her shoe twisted and snapped off, causing MC to tumble into the buff arms of the serious man.
“Oopsie,” she giggled while nestling her head deeper against the tautness of Victor’s chest.
Lightly digging her chin into him, MC upturned her head to ensure she was locked into Victor’s eyeline. Her hand suddenly slipped down the toned muscles of his abdomen and disappeared into the band of his pants. MC’s fingers curled around his excitement that had formed, giving him a firm pump in midst savoring the way his hips bucked against her.
“Idiot, shouldn’t you be lying down instead?” Victor’s breath hitched, cursing his body for responding to the allure of her caress. MC’s well-being was always his first and foremost concern, but damn could she rile a man up with her touch alone…
“Kiss me,” MC panted, inching closer to the part of Victor’s lips. “Let’s pretend that tonight we’re the only two in the world. Lose yourself in me.”
If there was one attribute Victor prided himself on, it was his manner of restraint. He owed his success today from his prior restraint in refraining from indulgences, be it personal or professional. Victor’s self-restraint was typically one longed for when they were trying to resist their favorite sweets when on a diet, but today the CEO’s habitual desire for the fruits of delayed gratification succumbed to the will of temptation. The pads of his fingers angled around the contour of MC’s waist, earning himself a compelling yelp from his lover when he slammed her down onto the counter.
Her tongue traced along her lips, flickering them in a wetness to ease herself into taking him. Victor’s breathing intensified into labored pants as he fumbled around to unhitch the belt fasted around his pants. While MC was amused at the rare sight of Victor in a state of disarray, she was also increasingly becoming hornier. She lifted her hips to tug the panties free from her body, tossing them onto the floor to join Victor’s pants, who stood before her completely naked. Dizzy from the combination of alcohol and buzz of anticipation from seeing a full-frontal nude Victor, MC whimpered and jumped into his arms. Their lips collided and their tongues danced while exploring the other’s mouth. Victor danced around the room until he collapsed on the couch.
He flipped MC over, leaving only the view of her fine ass in his sight. This position was embarrassing, but Victor’s tongue lapping at her folds soon melted away all her inhibitions. MC aligned the angle of his cock with the entrance of her mouth. Trailing her tongue down his length, each delicate stroke she delivered was tantalizing. Satisfied by the sound of Victor’s moans ringing sweetly out into the room, MC then claimed the full the heat of his passion. Her head bobbed in tune to the lewd sounds of her arousal dripping onto Victor’s lips. She held no shame for the way her body was reacting to him, and in fact MC even felt more encouraged to let her cries of pleasure be heard when his fingers pinched at her sex to grant her the friction she yearned for.
Victor grunted in appreciation at the vison of her magnificent behind waving in his face as his fingers carried on exploring the exquisite canvas of her curves. He was taking his time worshipping every glorious inch of her womanhood with that god-like tongue of his. Her sensuous mewls were becoming louder, indicating to the CEO she was close to finishing. His cock chose that moment to twitch, urging him to lose himself into MC’s heat. They had made love enough times prior to recognize the signs they were close to their limits, and tonight was no exception that they wanted to drown in the passion of the other.
His tongue drove deeper into MC, desperate to taste more of her sweet nectar. He tugged her waist closer, madly grunting when his cock finally surrendered to the sins of his pleasure. Victor reveled at the way her body quivered from the bliss that assaulted her in the most delightful of ways as his tongue provocatively licked away the glistening aftermath. MC’s moans were becoming less frequent, and her body began to sink into his. Now concerned MC was too tired, Victor ceased his intrusion and pulled MC up onto his chest, setting his chin onto her head.
MC nestled into the warmth of Victor’s embrace. The drumming of his heartbeat left her feeling soothed and safe. The restlessness from the prospect of being stranded at sea had vanished. As long as she was by Victor’s side, she could care less where they were at-she knew in her heart of hearts that everything would be simply fine. Her eyelids grew heavy. MC fluttered her eyelashes in a vain attempt to fight the drowsiness overcoming her, but in only a few mere seconds yielded into the peaceful world of dreams.
A faint smile formed on Victor’s face while he gazed at the woman lying serenely on him. The faint smell of alcohol lingered in her natural scent radiating from her body. He could tell by her heavy breathing that MC was out like a light and declined showing signs of waking up anytime soon. Careful not to disturb MC, Victor reached down to grab his phone from the pocket of his pants. A defenseless MC grumbled something incoherent about him moving, cuddling deeper into his possession. He gently pressed a kiss onto her temple to reassure her he was not leaving, and hurriedly typed out a text message to Goldman.  
Cancel the urgency in my last order, Goldman. Come rescue us tomorrow morning instead.
Powering his phone down, Victor tossed it aside and turned his attention onto a stray strand of MC’s hair that had fallen over her eyes. Brushing her hair to the side of her face, he tucked it behind MC’s ear. He found himself growing tired but couldn’t bear the thought taking his eyes off of MC, even for the slightest of moments. Stroking the side of MC’s cheek, Victor lost track of the time as he gazed upon the beautiful sleeping face of MC, failing to notice the rising sunlight creeping into the window of the yacht.
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