#mr mei langang
viaheavensandorhells · 3 months
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...my way:
'Goodness [or even] the idea of Goodness, in reality, is a whole system of ideas and feelings It is this system that I maintain, perfectly uniform, perceived simultaneously in its entirety #wholeness - maintaining it without words, without images, in an antidiscursive conception, as a unique, simple entity. Maintaining it - to then, and finally, withdraw again to the world of words, to return ultimately (but retempered, made more conscious, remade, so to speak) to ordinary life'
#AldousHuxley #EyelessInGaza
pic by Mr. Mei Lanfang
via 梅兰芳先生为戏剧,奉献一生。为了能创演更好的戏剧作品,梅兰芳先生借鉴了不少古画。梅兰芳先生自己也画画,从中能更好的发现戏剧新元素,亦结交了不少文人画士,提高自己的艺术修养图片_水墨图片素材-花瓣网 (huaban.com)
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