#mr ostenfeld hilda
I love the fact that you can watch Hilda many times and discover new things each one. Just rewatched The Fifty Years Night and only now realized the (very obvious) contrast created by the the juxtaposition of Hilda, a character having to learn that her actions have consequences, and Peter Ostenfeld, a character who spent his life being haunted by how his lack of action had consequences. Idk I just think the balance between these two is neat
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thirdtidemouse · 10 months
hilda spoilers!!
the last bird parade we saw on screen kaisa might have gone to as well. but she would have spent it alone, likely avoiding tildy, trying to enjoy the lights and the music by herself. she might have stayed home altogether.
this year she gets to see tildy and mr ostenfeld, and david and hilda and frida. she might even meet hilda's mum, who knows. the point is she didn't go alone!! she went to the city festival and she saw friends looking for her!!
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kranagok0 · 6 months
Hilda, The horror in The Woods (2) AU: A new girl comes to town… and she's anxious.
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imagen de referencia, no la hice yo
All this is based on the point of view of the inhabitants of Trollberg initially when Hilda arrived in the city with her mother to see available apartments during the first points, from then on it will be seen if it developed.
*It was a normal day; The sun shines, the wind moves with grace and tranquility through the streets and meadows that were in Trollberg, and even the birds sang that typical song that they did without meaning to when communicating with each other. But that was all. And for some strange reason that atmosphere felt heavy. Nobody knew why.
*On that day, most people will say they saw a mother with her daughter, a small blue-haired girl, and a small animal next to the girl. Both the girl and the animal were very close to the mother, as if they were afraid and would try to seek shelter and protection from her. It was visually cute and adorable to watch, like those videos of baby kittens cooing and sleeping.
*The landlord of the apartment saw this little girl hugging a little white animal with horns, she was so small and her blue hair was something that, to be honest, was adorable. But there was something about her that, despite how she looked, felt like she emanated a very different water than what she let on. The landlord did not give it any importance and simply helped the girl's mother sign the papers to rent an apartment. He thought that things would be more interesting this way since Mr. Ostenfeld started receiving only magazines. The landlord never believed that things would escalate too quickly.
*All the children couldn't stop looking at that mysterious girl with blue hair. Some even couldn't help but see all her movements, which were careful and with a certain restlessness that made her look adorable.
*Frida felt something in her, more specifically in her chest, that place where her heart was. Seeing her there, so nervous about everything around her, made Frida's heart pound. She didn't know what that feeling was, but it felt good.
*David felt the opposite. He was paralyzed. He didn't know why, but something was wrong. That was not the posture of someone fragile and defenseless, he knew it perfectly because he was literally someone fragile and defenseless. While all the children looked at Hilda for her beauty and tenderness, David did not take his eyes off her for another reason: fear.
David was afraid. I was always afraid of everything, but this surpassed it. Your fear of the dark? I could deal with that with a light, but this girl was more present than the darkness whether with light or not.
The ghost under your bed? It was just an illusion now, this girl could be it.
The trolls? The walls kept them out, this girl was inside Trollberg.
*When an insect flew at high speed from David's head to any place far from that girl, David noticed that that girl looked at him. David didn't know when this happened, he never noticed the movement of her head turning in his direction. There were many more children around, all watching her and complimenting her hair in such a way that a normal person couldn't look anywhere. But I looked at him. Nobody else noticed it. It was as if that girl saw beyond her body, it was as if she looked into the depths of her soul.
The girl's mouth had a shape that implied her slight surprise with an 'oh'…. And then, she tilted her head and gave a slight happy smile. Everyone felt happy to see the girl's joy…. David felt panic. Somehow he knew that that girl had marked him like a hunter had marked his prey.
The only relief the boy had was when the bell rang. The boy took Frida's hand and took her to class as soon as he could. Fortunately, the girl was called by her mother and she also left. David had never seen them, so he hoped they were just visiting….
Still, David couldn't sleep that night, not the next… A certain bitch didn't like this.
From here on is when Hilda arrives to stay in Trollberg.
*The landlord was somewhat worried at the scene of a girl with a huge smile dragging a large ax while her fox deer moves happily and with great impatience. The girl's mother continued smiling when she saw her daughter so happy with her axe, she saw her as if she were a child playing with her favorite toy.
*Many of the neighbors saw the girl's mother carrying out many heavy things by herself. They were impressed by the strength the woman possessed and the ease with which she moved everything. He didn't even sweat a drop of sweat.
*The fox deer was undoubtedly a strange creature. It is common knowledge that fox deer are very rare beings to see and their nature is completely unknown. So no one noticed how strange it was that a fox deer would eat any bird that crossed its path and take it back to the apartment where the mother and daughter lived. They thought it was normal, as if it were a cat bringing birds to its owners as a sign of affection. Until one night, in the garbage containers, a bag breaks and shows the bones of said birds without meat or feathers, the strange thing here was that they had teeth marks that were not from the fox deer…. They were tooth marks from a human.
*At the festival that year for the great crow, everyone saw how the girl did some strange things. Talking to a crow was one of them. But what gave them a good scare was how the girl always carried an ax with her and was carrying it as if it were nothing on her back (some thought it was some kind of reference to the ancient Norse for today's parade). As if that weren't enough, the movements she made were the strangest they had ever seen, almost as if she were some kind of animal jumping across the roofs of houses. As bizarre as it may seem, she didn't make any noise, neither her steps nor her breathing were noticeable when she moved.
*When the great crow made an appearance, many noticed a small figure riding on it. David felt that horrible sensation again and immediately realized that that blue-haired girl was on top of the big crow (and somehow managed to find David at that height among all these people).
*At school everyone saw how Trevor was very nervous, some would say terrified, since the day of the parade he was very worried about something. All the time he looked left and right as if he were looking for someone, or as if he were trying to avoid someone. Every time he saw something blue he got scared, no one knew why.
Hilda had only warned him about what would happen to him if he didn't leave the big crow alone.
Frida falls in love at first sight.
David becomes a target at first sight.
Johana is very, very very strong.
Trevor is very, very very traumatized.
I think I'll dig deeper into making this little AU I have. It seems that they liked it, so who am I to deny them that.
Remember that your comments are welcome and I would like to hear all your opinions. With that said, I say goodbye for the moment. Until another
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pikablob · 1 year
Which would you say is worse, The Mountain King or The Fifty Year Night?
I went into this fully expecting to say The Fifty-Year Night. It's kind-of the poster child for the parts of Hilda I don't like; it's a microcosm of all the things Season 2 did wrong, it's the episode that's probably inspired more of my fics than any other (and that's not a good thing), and the one time I made a tier list of episodes, it earned its own tier below the normal 'worst'. On the other hand, The Mountain King does have some major bits I like. But I don't just want to say that without some actual thought, so I've decided on a criteria.
Basically, the worse storyline is the one I'd have to change the most in order to fix.
I've talked extensively about The Fifty-Year Night before, and I've also talked about fixing it before. I went into this in my post about fixing Season 2, but I'll go over it here, too, for people who haven't or don't want to read that post (which is completely okay). Fundamentally, I have 3 problems with this episode:
Johanna is unfair to Hilda, and the narrative blames Hilda for it.
The content of this episode is darker and more distressing than a Hilda episode should be.
The complexities of the time travel aren't really explained, and ultimately some things don't make sense.
I won't labour point 1, because I think it's self-explanatory and I've been over it before. Point 2 is really about all the genuinely awful death scenes in this episode, which are just too far for Hilda as a show. And point 3 is something I've seen brought up a few times - it's never actually explained how time worms or changing the past actually work, which leads to weird questions like "is the old future deleted, or does everyone get duplicated and a time worm eats the wrong future people?" - Tildy still being around implies it's the latter, but then the original Johanna is still around and the time worm ignores her - or "why does the enchantment apply to every copy of the magazine, but destroying only one of them stops it?"
For the first point, my solution is simply to gut this episode of any mother-daughter conflict. I actually did this in my Season 2 fix, even when keeping the Stone Forest; the core of this episode is the genuinely beautiful might-have-been of Mr. Ostenfeld and Tildy, and that doesn't rely on anything surrounding Johanna. For the other issues, there is a fix already written hiding in a very unusual place:
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Normally, I don't recommend the tie-in novels. They have a lot of issues, and this one is no exception. But weirdly, the version of Fifty-Year Night in this book does actually fix the issues I have with the time travel stuff.
There's no child death, and the Ostenfelds all sort of 'glitch out' in a tonally-good creepy way before they get eaten, so they're not screaming etc. So that's already dealt with. But this version also does away with having the original Tildy show up at the end, and instead gives his role to the original Mr. Ostenfeld, who survives and has a geniune arc instead of being unceremoniously dumped halfway through; this gives him a much more meaningful ending, but also confirms that nobody from the original timeline is still around in the future, which clears up the time-travel confusion. He's actually pretty much the only adult Hilda forms a genuine connection with in the tie-ins (besides a minor character in The Great Parade.)
So, to fix The Fifty Year Night, I'd take that. I'd combine the genuine heartfelt emotion of the show version (which the novel does miss), with the softer and more sensible mechanics of the tie-in novel, and then just bypass the Hilda & Johanna stuff entirely. Honestly, it's not a huge script change to make it into something that would work with the tone and feeling of S1.
The Mountain King, on the other hand, is actually a tougher nut to crack. It does have a lot of stuff I like, and on the surface, it doesn't seem like its problems are much worse:
Trylla is genuinely unlikeable and her 'redemption' doesn't work.
Erik gets off too lightly (TBF this one is less important).
Again, some scenes are just too distressing for this series.
Frida and David's storyline is functionally irrelevant.
The problem is that fixing these to my standards would require substantial changes to the story. Point 1 (and really point 3) are central to the story; the whole thing is about a kidnapping, a genuinely unforgiveable act that only gets compounded (twice) later on, and yet we have to sympathise with the kidnapper. Likewise, point 4 exists because David and Frida aren't main characters in the graphic novels, so they weren't in the original version of this storyline at all (barring a brief appearance by Frida in The Stone Forest that provides Johanna with the motivation to be awful).
There is, I think, a way to fix The Mountain King, and turn it into the finale that the first two seasons deserved. But that way involves ripping out the entire main thrust of the plot. Because what I would do to fix it is remove the changeling stuff entirely, and turn David and Frida's story into the central one.
The Hilda movie should have been about Hilda and her friends actually working to stop Erik and the Safety Patrol from going to war with the trolls. It should have been about them starting a movement amongst the students; about them reaching out to all of the creatures they've met and befriended so far, to prove that they're not bad and to protect their homes; about them standing up for something, from the start, and showing the people of Trolberg that they don't need to be afraid of what's outside the walls.
I'd keep the climax the same - I'd probably have Hilda still tricked into freeing Trundle (he promises her he'll lead the trolls to peace or something similar) - but I'd only keep the David & Frida stuff beyond that. I'd rework Trylla entirely, into Hilda venturing into the Stone Forest to find that troll mum who helped her before in order to learn the truth and stop Trundle. And I'm sure the result would be amazing, but it would be pretty much unrecogniseable compared to the movie we actually got.
And that's why, honestly, as much as The Mountain King has more stuff I like in it, I'd say it's worse. Because to fix The Fifty-Year Night, I only need to tweak some things; to fix Mountain King, I need a sledgehammer.
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randomwords247 · 4 years
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This is basically what happened in The Fifty Year Night, right?
(plz dont take this too seriously its just a dumb joke)
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Tildy 10 16 and 23 pls. Im curious
Send a character and a number/several numbers, and i'll answer:
10. Describe the character in one sentence:
The grandma every young witch needs XD
16. A childhood headcanon:
Tildy caused quite a stir as a young witch. She was similar to Frida; studious and determined enough to make herself a prodigy, which threw a lot of her peers for a loop because her parents were perfectly ordinary. Her mother worked in a garment factory and her father was a doorman, and neither of them could get their heads around magic, but they were incredibly supportive of their child.
Most powerful witches, even today, come from long families where studies are encouraged from a young age and magic runs deep. So to have a complete outsider upset that was a pretty big deal at the time, and, some would argue, is the root cause of why Tildy has never gotten on with the witching establishment.
23. Future headcanon:
She ends up second-guessing herself, and reaches out to Mr. Ostenfeld after all. Without the magazine, he hasn't been able to stew quite as much, but he does still regret that night deeply and is happy to try again. They take things slow, and both become very good at keeping their significant other from thinking too much about what might-have-been :))
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fate-motif · 4 years
god this season of hilda has been so wild and so dark at the same time
hilda and the woodman narrowly avoided drowning and becoming cursed sea ghosts
david died, twice, and one of those times his own friends cut his head off because when they raised him from the dead, they put his head on backwards
victoria van gale has upgraded from 'kidnapped a child' to 'could have murdered an entire city'
multiple versions of hilda, mr. ostenfeld, tildy and alfur died in front of the originals, including a version of mr. ostenfeld and tildy that lived an entire life together and now had to give up all that
trevor, his mother and johanna were extremely close to being eaten alive by an ogress just because hilda and her friends were a little annoyed by their behavior
hilda almost consumed the souls of an entire corporation by accident because she didn't feed the tide mice enough bread for them to leave her alone
the whole undercurrent plotline of the new management of the safety patrol repeatedly not holding safety as a value but good press and being violent and cruel to people, animal and spirits alike all around, and still not being stopped by anyone
i don't want to repeat the entirety of the plot of the stone forest but that entire episode was dark as hell
like jesus christ
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mandareeboo · 3 years
I've been reminded about the Time Travel episode of Hilda and it just occurred to me that not only did Tildy not pursue a relationship with Hilda's neighbor after that whole thing. She knew who he was *way* beforehand and, instead of pursuing a relationship then, sent the guy a time travel magazine and then just kept sending time travel magazines to him.
I honestly don't think Tildy sent him all those magazines. I think she charmed that one magazine, either for Mr. Ostenfeld to find or for herself to look back on, and bc the magic was keyed on him he could do the same trick with others. Then he kept ordering them in bulk.
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randomwords247 · 3 years
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Gosh it’s weird seeing people in normal light instead of darkness, I kind of miss it
But heck yeahhhh! Its time to get going with the mysterious lady Mr Ostenfelds younger self fell in love with. This page I started early I had no reason to cut it so short other than I started procrastinating cuz I wanted to make it into a speedpaint. And because it was a harder one with the angles and the more difficult backgrounds as a result of angles, I procrastinated between times where I drew before I decided (when starting the lineart) that yeah no I’ll do that another day this one I need to focus on
Anyways uh hope you all like it! ^^’‘
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Top 5 saddest moments in the show?
1 - "Everything's changed, hasn't it?" (The Deerfox)
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The Deerfox is undeniably the saddest episode in Hilda, and that's a good thing. It's a beautiful episode, and at this point on my first viewing it had me convinced that Twig was gone for good. This isn't the only moment from this episode on the list, but this is the one that gets me the most because Hilda's right; everything from her childhood is gone, the valley itself changed by the giants, and she can never go back to that world she used to love. Her closest companion and last reminder of that life is gone, seemingly forever, and it breaks my heart every time even knowing that he's coming back. I cried a lot on my first watching of this episode, and I still tear up at this.
2 - Twig's Goodbye (The Deerfox)
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Again, I genuinely thought Twig was being written out here; maybe he would return in the movie, or sometime in season 3, but this really felt like a final goodbye. Up to this point the whole episode felt like a swan-song for one of the best relationships in the show, and having Hilda accept that Twig needed to make his own decision and go where his heart wanted was perfect. This is another moment that had me crying, and still puts a lump in my throat.
3 - Tildy & Ostenfeld's Sacrifice (The Fifty Year Night)
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I've been over before how I really don't like this episode, but I have to admit the relationship between Tildy and Mr. Ostenfeld is done perfectly. Hilda's not lying when she says they're clearly meant to be together; we've seen how they end up in a world without each other, and how much better their lives are together, so having them decide to sacrifice all of that and come to terms with their place in the timeline, for her sake, is a punch in the gut.
4 - "I'm sorry you ever moved here!" (The Ghost)
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This moment very nearly turned me against Frida. Hilda's greatest fear has always been rejection; throughout the first season especially she struggles with making friends and worries about fitting in, to the point where her worst fear is a manifestation of that. And then someone she considers her closest friend, who she's done everything she can to try and help, says that? You can pinpoint the moment Hilda's heart breaks, and although I still like her, I wish Frida had given a proper apology later because that was a really low point.
5 - "Just built wrong, I guess." (The Eternal Warriors)
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I'm not sure if this scene was meant to resonate as much as it does, but this line especially always gets me. I mainly relate to Hilda, I'll admit, but David's anxiety is something I understand too well and in this moment it really comes out. This is about more than just some scary stories; David's someone who's never really been comfortable in himself, I think, and his struggling to fit in on this trip just confirms his fears in his mind (this would also influence my headcanons regarding Lucy). I'm really glad this episode ends with Hilda and Frida acknowledging they like him for who he is, but this moment just gets to me.
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randomwords247 · 4 years
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Here it is!!! The first page!!! Gosh I’ve been so excited to share this since I finished it that I don’t understand how I managed to resist
So, since this is my first time properly doing a comic, and it’s the first page, things might be a lil clunky at first. I think for certain the next 2 pages are better, and I’m trying my best to try and improve as I go and make each page the best i can!!
the background for this was…. Painful haha. Gosh so many details, doing those magazines so many times over was painful. And they don’t get any easier to do from here on out XD but it’ll hopefully help me improve in general with backgrounds n speed!
So yeee! I hope you’ll enjoy the comic!!
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What are some underrated characters in your opinion?
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I'm just gonna make this one response - sorry apparently there's a keyboard shortcut to post??
1 - Adeline
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I really haven't seen that much about her, but I really love her enthusiasm!! And yes, I ship her with Alfur (she's my second favourite ship for him, after Johanna).
2 - Kelly
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We know that despite everything, she has a soft side; honestly, between my headcanons for marra recruitment in general and the fact her mom didn't know that was her favourite toy, I don't think she has a great relationship with her parents, either. I'd really like to see her get redeemed.
3 - Mr Ostenfeld
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I never see this guy talked about outside of the alternate timeline sacrifice, and I really want to see him explored more. I've had my own go at giving him some depth in the Runaway AU, and I need post-canon ship content of him and Tildy because to heck with them staying apart after that.
4 - Ms Hallgrim
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I really like that she comes round on Hilda at the end; having another authority figure who understands and accepts Hilda's differences is really neat, and I wish we'd see more of her.
5 - David's Family
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I just love their dynamic so much! They're unconditionally loving and supportive and it's adorable!
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randomwords247 · 4 years
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Page three time!! This is my favourite so far :D
So we're in the past now!! Time to get things kicking ;D
I'm really proud of how the pose of Hilda in the middle (where she's zoomin back into the past) turned out honestly, and the lighting too!! It came out a lot better than I thought it would
And goodness the background of the bottom panel - it took me a long time and it was mildly tedious because of all the details but gosh it was worth it I'm actually really proud of how it came out ^^''
Hope you like it!!!
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randomwords247 · 4 years
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Eyyy here’s the second page! Things are starting out and this is setting the stage for the rest of the pages (mostly probably) - While the first one was more of a brief overview/narration, this is more at normal pace and in their ‘present’/perspective.
So uh, hopefully it’s good!
I tried to bit a lil more diverse with the panelling - I don’t wanna be too boring nor too over the top/hard to follow, so its gonna take some time for me to find a good flow probably. but I think I’m getting the hang of it and drawing Hilda! :D
Also got to draw Alfur closer up in this one and can I just say I love drawing his poofy hair and his ears, theyre fun to emote with AJHSDHJDSA
So yee hope it’s alright!
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randomwords247 · 3 years
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Careful Hilda! You’re gonna break your cover!!!
Next pageee! A surprising run in with her past self - something Hilda wasn’t expecting for sure, but confusing and cool regardless! Also a lot of Ostenfelds making their way in slowly
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pikablob · 3 years
For the fanfic game a while back: Room For One More and #4 (A snippet from a ‘cut scene’ that takes place during the fic)
Send me one of my fics and a number and I will write you a little something in that fic's universe!
4. A snippet from a ‘cut scene’ that takes place during the fic
"What is it, dear?" Tildy asked softly. Peter looked up from his work; on his lap was the beginnings of something knitted, soft purple fabric spilling over his knees.
"It will be a jumper," he explained, holding it up so she could see. "I wanted to make something for Frida, sort of a late Sonstansil present, I s'ppose, to make up for how badly that all went for her."
There was sympathetic pain in his voice, a pain Tildy shared. She could still remember Frida's arrival all too well, how she'd come in on that freezing night and broken down about the family that disowned her. She shook her head, trying to keep herself in the present.
"That's a wonderful idea," she said instead. His eyes lit up at that.
"You really think so?" he asked. "It's just, I know she's a lot closer to you than to me, and I don't mind that, but I don't want 'er thinking that I don't care too."
"I'm sure she doesn't," Tildy reassured him, feeling all warm inside at his words, "but I know she'll appreciate the effort."
"Thanks, love," he said softly, in that old voice she loved so much.
She leaned across the side of the chair, their lips gently meeting for a moment; his beard brushed her face, and he tasted of warm tea and home. When they parted again he was smiling aknew, filled with fresh confidence.
"Now," she said fondly. "You'd best get back to work."
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