#mr petersons and sons and friends bits and parts limited
unreone-at-ponytown · 2 years
Lmao there's more of them
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sentientpaperbag · 2 years
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some blue girl sketches cuz idk if i’ve actually posted some stuff relating to the actual show lmao???
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myshredda · 1 year
Remember how Red was turned into Mr. Peterson of Peterson's and SONS and Friends Bits and Parts Limited? Where's the sons? Show me the sons! Dad Red confirmed?
The jobs episode is SUCH an interesting episode, not only because it was the first look back at the trio that we'd gotten since the cancelation of the original show (rip Wakey Wakey), but also because it was establishing the ideological themes for the channel 4 series!
Jobs has hands down my favorite message of all the new episodes, and I would say it's the one that most clearly projects that 'this is the twisted version of a children's educational puppet show' vibe that Becky and Joe are going for. Where shows like Sesame Street or Under the Umbrella Tree would paint these wonderful pictures of a life filled with endless possibility and the chance to get the job of your dreams, DHMIS tackles this topic in the more realistic way.
Being pigeonholed into a low-paying factory job with high-risk of personal injury, repetitive work, lack of personal fulfillment, and the eventual realization that you wasted the best years of your life at a company that would fire you the instant you've become an inconvenience to their bottom line (say: being old, or getting injured, or y'know, both) is the more likely outcome for children that watch these puppet shows, especially considering Sesame Street was created to connect with low income, inner city children. The system is rigged against kids like this from the moment they're born, and it's implemented and carried out generation over generation by those who either stumbled into wealth through unethical means or inherited it from relatives that built it through the exploitation of the working class.
So, where does Red morphing into Mr. Peterson fit into my mini-essay on the harsh realties of capitalism? I'm very happy you asked!!!
Red's character arc in the Jobs episode (or episode arc, whichever you prefer) is a representation of the people in life that are allowed to fail upward. Red doesn't have any specific skills that set him apart from Duck or Yellow that would constitute him being the best person to be 'the boss' (unless you count him looking like a Smart Boy in his outfit) Red quiet literally wanders into the head office and is given a job he's unqualified for, no questions asked. He's surrounded by yes-men in the form of the Fax Machine and the Bin who both idealize him due to his high position in the company and want to get close to him to ensure their standing potentially being uplifted by proximity to Red (ie: the Fax Machine's constant flirting)
Red himself is incredibly incredibly useless in his position (literally the only thing he does is tell people he doesn't work at the company over the phone, pee without washing his hands, and make empty speeches when needed) but he's able to keep that position for FORTY YEARS simply because he was in the right place at the right time. I believe the way he eventually adopts the moniker of "Mr. Peterson" is an example of how these big companies pretend to be 'family owned and operated' in an attempt to seem more relatable (such as Walmart and Disney, which are two megacorporation that operate under the family name of their founder) but in reality they're run by whichever CEO managed to fall into the position. There is no 'Mr. Peterson' or his 'Sons' or their 'Friends'. There's only a boss that managed to trip into a high-paying position and now parades around wearing the company name on his lanyard, factory employees that are overworked and exploited, staff members that leech off the higherups, or workers that attempt to break free from this mold and are punished by society for attempting to find a better life.
(Also my joke answer is Yellow is his son and Red is a DILF because of this.)
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poetic-crimelord · 2 years
I'm re-watching Jobs and I had some headcanons about the workers of Peterson's and sons and friends. Bits & Parts limited .
Every single one of them has some type of prothestic because of an accident, like either one arm, one leg, both legs, fingers or I don't know anything! That's why they say the “Sometimes I feel like the parts are making me”
Not a single one of them it's white or cis
Mr. Lunchman and the wet sign are dating
Trash and The Other Vending machine are either friends or dating
Yellows daughter gets gift by Mr. Peterson since she is always on the office and wants to be the same as her parents when older.
And that's it lol, I know it's kinda late but whatever, who cares
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