#mr. frond x gayle
theangrypomeranian · 7 months
What about you?? What are your favorite obscure ships for Bob’s Burgers (though I know we’ve got a handful everyone can name lol)
(why are you calling me out like thaaaaaaaaaat rude! XD)
Barryl (Becky Krespe x Darryl): i know i keep repeating myself, but i really never meant to ship them. i threw them together in my fic for fun and they weren't even supposed to be canon. but then Katie said she shipped them because of my fic and it was like a switch got flipped in my brain. imo they would be perfect for each other, a good balance for each other's worst qualities. i am bound and determined to drag the whole fandom into this rare pair hell with me, i love them so much.
Hemita (Henry Haber x Susmita): it feels weird to call a ship that's canon obscure, but considering how little attention they get i think they count. i am such a sucker for nerds in love and they are just too cute together, i love how into each other they are. they'd totally be that one couple that dated all through high school without breaking up and then stay together for the rest of their lives.
Trickey (Trev x Mickey): so i've actually crack shipped these two for a LONG time but just kept forgetting to bring them up lol. i just think they'd be really cute together. Mickey is a doll to those he likes and Trev deserves someone nicer than Jimmy Pesto Sr. (I just cannot stand him lol).
Duncan x Sasha (they need a ship name): i saw exactly one fanart of them here on tumblr and was like "wait yeah that makes sense." they would be cute! the ultimate black cat x golden retriever couple.
Mr. Frond x Gayle: look...they were cute, okay? and i kind of love the idea of Mr. Frond marrying into the Belcher family, like how funny would that be??
TedMort (Teddy the handyman x Mort the mortician): this is another crack ship that i've held on to for awhile, but @keepyourhornson-spyro completely sold me on them. they would fit well together and i think they'd be interesting and cute together.
JJ x Will: @devilh0rnsinc mentioned this one and i think i actually gasped out loud. it would be so so interesting.
and then there's one more i'm keeping to myself until the Baby Steps sequel :3
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meaniezuchinni · 2 months
Six Sentence Sunday (thanks for the tag @burgerspeople )
"Just one more," Gayle said as she hugged a not so relaxed cat to her chest.
"My dear, I think eight cats is already enough between the two of us." Frond took a sip of his coffee, a grey tabby winding itself around his legs.
"Just oooone moore. We don't have one that is ours, togeeether," she crooned. She held out the cat under its armpits, legs dangling, right in front of Mr Fronds face.
"You know we'd never be able to settle on which of our houses it would live in."
"Fiiiine," Gayle released the uncomfortable cat with a pout. "But you're bringing me to this cat cafe every week, and if there's one that doesn't get adopted week after week, I can't promise I won't take it."
Uhhh, I'll tag a few people but don't feel obligated to participate! @babsvibes @goldendoodlerlockerlove @teddy-belcher @littleredruns
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unclefathersantateddy · 7 months
What's your favorite obscure ship for Bob’s?
Little King Trashmouth and his Husband Gary
Frond and Cassie (I like that we never met Cassie but she had sUch an impact on Frond)
Frond and Ambrose*
Frond and Gayle*
Gayle and Yap*
(*I am not opposed to this being a chaotic polycule)
Jericho, Varico & Pepperoni
Gene and that mf keyboard
Bob and the Butcher (Tony's ex)
Honestly the Butcher and Tony I hope they made it work
Bob and Lance (turkey)
Mr Stieblitz & Sasha's single aunt
Cotton Candy Dan and Sally the Snowcone Lady (this has the potential to be in the FM!au)
Mickey and The Nose (I just want a carnie duo tbh)
Felix Fischoeder and Fanny (really enjoy their subversive dynamic)
Finally I've been impartial on TedMort in the fanon, HOWEVER, I've been thinking about the Fresh Meat au recently and I like the idea of "morted". The same duo but plays with the FM!au dynamic subversion.
I.e. as Mort supplies the restaurant with Fresh Meat™, and Teddy is the store's main/only customer, they end up in a (subverted from canon) Toxic, Enabling relationship. Where Mort essentially uses Teddy's Pica to dispose of evidence/remains. But that's still in early development!
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lawnmowereater · 1 year
The House Sitters (Calvin Fischoeder x Female Reader)
Tags: Reader is bob's sister, strangers to crushes, fluff
Authors Notes: This is my first fic so please be nice. You can request others if you want.
You walked into Bob's restaurant, your favorite ( and only brother). Today you were supposed to babysit the kids while Linda and Bob went on a vacation. If you could even call it that. They were going to spend the night at Gayles since she got dumped by Frond again. You opened the door and walked in. Everything looked normal. Except the tall, old (kinda hot) guy standing across from Bob. You froze in shock, who the fuck is this guy? Bob noticed you and your shocked face. "Oh hey y/n, this is our landlord, Mr Fischoeder." Mr Fischoeder turned to face you. His eyes widened ( or eye) and he turned to Bob. He whispered something to Bob that you couldn't understand. "Oh, that's my sister" Bob said. "She was supposed to watch the kids tonight." "Supposed to?" You asked. You were going to babysit tonight. Right? "The kids got in trouble at school so they are coming to help with Aunt Gayle." You chuckled, wondering how that was a punishment. But you didn't really care enough to ask. "But we were still wondering if you could house sit tonight?" You agreed and turned to Mr. Fischoeder, remembering that he was still there. "Hi! I don't think we've met?" you asked. Honestly talking to him face to face, he looked even hotter. "Ah.. um yes, I don't believe we have." He said as he put out his hand. You shook it and smiled. Then you turned back to bob. "I'll see you tonight then?" You said. "Sounds good." said Bob. You then turned around and left. You hoped your cheeks were flushed from meeting Mr. Fischoeder.
You arrived at Bobs house, key in hand. As soon as you were about to head in you heard a noise behind you. "It was y/n, right?" You turned immediately. It was Mr. Fischoeder in a... golf cart? You didn't ask. "Oh.. um yeah, it is." He got up and approached you. He was a lot taller then you remembered. "Your house sitting correct? May I join you?" You were taken back. Why would he want to join you? Maybe he didn't trust you, and you can see that. Bob's random sister staying the night in his property can seem suspicious I guess. You would've said no if you weren't so scared of this guy (and attracted). "Sure." You said as you unlocked the door. You walked up the stairs as he followed.
The house looked a lot smaller than you imagined. But it was homey, you liked it. "Go ahead and sit on the couch if you want, I was planning on making some snacks and watching a movie if you wanna join?" You said. He nodded and sat down. Noticably staring at you as you walked into the kitchen. Opening the cabinets, nothing looked good. So you just took some left over burgers from the fridge for you and Mr. Fischoeder. Bob wouldn't mind, right? You walked over and handed him a burger. "Thank you, Miss burger." You chuckled at his joke as you sat down and grabbed the remote. You flickered through channels until you found a movie that both of you liked. Settling down, you got comfy and took a bite of the burger. It was pretty good. You realized how comfy the couch was, and how tired you were. It would be rude to fall asleep though, right? You shrugged and kept watching the movie. Until you ended up drifting asleep. It wasn't like you could help it!
You woke up to an explosion on screen. It wasn't too loud, but loud enough to wake you. You noticed the half-eaten burger in your hand. And the weirdly comfortable pillow on your side. You glanced to your right. Oh shit! It was Mr. Fischoeder. You fell asleep on him! You immediately sat up. Causing a confused glance from him. "I-I'm so sorry Mr. Fischoeder! I didn't mean to fall asleep on you, I was just tired and-" you got cut off. "It's alright, no need to panic over it. I am hard to resist cuddling with." You looked up, obviously blushing. "Really?" you asked. "You aren't mad?" "No! You can go back to sleep if you want." He said. "Thanks, Mr. Fischoeder." "Please, call me Calvin." "Calvin" you corrected as you leaned back onto his shoulder. You closed your eyes and wished you could never leave this moment.
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fatgumtouille · 2 years
Bobs Burgers only having one episode that explores the Aunt Gayle x Mr Frond plot line is a tragedy
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