snowpark-daily · 2 months
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Day 274
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starcloudcat · 1 year
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My autism doesn't leave me alone
I called them "SnowPark"
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cosmic-nopedog · 3 years
I was thinking for the bee, Mr.Buzz
For the tall white one, Alexander
And the normal guy Ah just call him Ted
PRMGKLMDKFBKL just TED sld vm lovely lovely
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
A timeline in cuteness (My hero academia)
It had been a normal day at the local mall. Teenagers where loitering and hanging out, people where going and buying things they needed (and something that they didn't need) and Mothers were watching their young kids play in the play area while sipping coffee and shooting the shit.It was then that something that would make the rounds on YouTube, and go down in legends of the mall happened.A young Blond man, red faced, a red haired guy, holding his hand and leading the way.. And the red head was carrying a large white diaper bag and the blond was dressed like a toddler.blue denim jean short all's with a light yellow t-shirt on under, though some mothers seeing it and noting the budge in the butt and crotch area assumed (and they would be right) that it was more of a onesie/diaper shirt deal going on. White socks that poked out of power ranger themed light up sneakers finished the look, save for a black and red pacifier that was clipped to the blond's shirt, the clip colored and decorated to look like a little shark.They were heading towards the new photo studio in the mall, Perfect Memories, Clearly going to get some 'baby pictures' done.The little adventure had started in a way 19 months earlier, when Katsuki Bakugo and Ejiro Kirishima had decided to spice up their relationship. Katsuki despite his brash and vulgar attuide was a natural submissive, while Ejiro was a natural dominant.They had been pushing limits and testing things out.Katsuki loved being spanked though Ejiro preferred it be saved for just punishments, and Ejiro wanted to baby Katsuki which the blond had shot down hard.They had both comprised to try a extended chastity play, and while Ejiro could end it at any given time, Katsuki had made a video agreement to wear the tight pink device for as long as master wanted him to. That was Katsuki's mistake, he had assumed it would just be for a month tops, but instead found himself on his knees and pleasuring daddy while leaking.At the 5 month mark Katsuki, despite saying he'd never whine or beg, had broken down pleading and begging for a release. Ejiro had just smirked and started to lay out the terms.If widdle Katsuki wanted a nice deep prostate massage, he'd have to start wearing dino themed training undies, 24/7, no exceptions. that could earn a hour a week with Mr.buzz in his boy pussy. If he wanted daddy to give him a good and proper fucking, but with the cage still on, he'd have to wear and use a diaper, and use it fully.And if he wanted the cage off all together, at least for a hour or so, well, he'd have to REALLY earn that, via letting daddy dress him like the oversized toddler Ejiro knew he was, and let daddy get some baby pictures at a professional studio.Naturally Katsuki had told him where to go and how to get there, and held out for anther month before surrendering every pair of his boxers and getting 12 pairs of training undies with thick padding in the front and back while looking like a pair of briefs, and could be washed. So once a week after that Katsuki would spend a hour in a stockade, in just his training undies and a vibe (Mr. Buzz) in nice and deep as the poor submissive made good use of the padding in his undies.he couldn't cum though, all he did was leak and drip into the undies, but it at least helped with his swollen balls. Katsuki swore though that was as far as he was willing to go with it, till he walked in one day at the 8 month mark, after work and found his boyfriend and daddy dom making out with Izuku."oh hey sweetie, you know remember Izuku right? I ran into him the other day at the market." Ejiro asked, smirking as Katsuki just stood there in shock."I..I..""oh Heyyy Katsuki~ your 'daddy' has been telling me alll about the fun games you two have been playing, and showed me your cute widdle undies." Izuku said, smirking and winking. "Izuku here actually went on and became a full on superhero after school, unlike you and me, and I've been listening to his stories about what a big strong man he is and well, I hope you don't mind sweetheart but I DO have needs.and since your cute widdle dicky couldn't even do it for me before being locked up..." Ejiro trailed off and shrugged.Izuku smirked and then cupped the redhead's chin, and pulled him in for a nice long kiss, looking at Katsuki the whole time.Breaking the kiss off, Izuku stood up from the couch and tugged Ejiro to his feet."Katsuki, would you be a good boy and start making something for supper? I have a feel your daddy is gonna be VERY hungry when I'm done with him. But you don't have to rush, it'll be at LEAST a hour." Izuku said, a smirk on his face."I..But..I..""Sweetie listen to Izuku please. there's a extra half hour of Mr. Buzz time in it for you." Ejiro said and blushed.he looked like a fucking school girl about to get fucked for the first time!"I...Yes daddy." Katsuki had said, then turned to go to the kitchen, face burning and leaking big time."Good boy~" Izuku said.After Izuku had supper with them (going as far as to cut up Katsuki's food for him) Katsuki was too horny to think strait. he wanted a ass fucking like he'd heard Ejiro getting and knew HOW to get it."I..uh..Daddy..""Look Katsuki, I know that caught you by surprise, and we hadn't talked about cucking really, it was a spur of the moment thing an-" Ejiro had started to said, rubbing the back of his head but then he was cut off by Katsuki."Where are the fucking diapers!? I need dick bad So I'll fucking load one up if you promise to fuck me like fucking Deku fucked you!" The blond whined."Heh..I see~ well first of all, Never call him Deku again. it's Izuku or Mr. Midoriya from now on. Secondly, I have them under the bed, so go and get one little guy." Ejiro said, then added. "But first, come give daddy a kiss on the cheek~"Katsuki nodded and had given his boyfriend the kiss, and it just felt so totally different from the hungry lip mashing that Izuku and Ejiro had done in front of him, it was more like a little boy kissing his parents goodnight.Sadly for Katsuki, after being taped in the thick puffy diaper, and waddling around in a t-shirt and the diaper so daddy could keep giving him bum checks, he hadn't been able to go uh-oh before bed.He'd just given daddy his good night blowjob, then crawled into bed and nuzzled him. Crinkling and squirming all night long and soaking the diaper over and over.It would take until the next morning, while Ejiro was getting dressed for his job for Katsuki to finally fill the seat of his diapers and he'd hated every second of it, but had been grinning and excited because it meant getting fucked.Only for daddy to tell him they didn't have time before he was due into work, and Katsuki would have to wait.Being told that he could get back into his dino undies, and being promised a nice and hard fucking after work, Ejiro had to rush out the door after kissing Katsuki's forehead, and telling him not to stay in his stinky diaper too long.10 seconds after their door closed, Katsuki had a cry baby fit that the whole block heard.Daddy had kept his word, even if he was less then impressed Katsuki hadn't taken the trash out after changing, and their apartment was semi filled with the boys stink. Katsuki saved himself a time out punishment when it turned out he had gone nose deaf to his own stink and blushed when daddy pointed it out.Sadly for the blond, even with the brutal prostate pounding he took from daddies cock, it still wasn't enough for a full on mind blowing orgasm and he was left whimpering and trying to beg for more as daddy pulled out."Sorry buddy, you know you have to earn them" Ejiro had said, and nodded to the pack of diapers. "Do you want daddy to diaper you again?""..Is..is Mr. Midoriya coming over today?" Katsuki asked, poking his fingers together, apparently not even realizing he hadn't even used Izuku's first name."Do you WANT him to come over?" Ejiro asked. "N-Not if I'm gonna be in a diapie.." again the well fucked boy was using terms and not even seeming to notice, and fuck if it didn't make Ejiro wanna just slid back in the boys destroyed hole."Well then no, he's not coming over. Lift your bum up for daddy~" Ejiro said, reaching for a new diaper.Katsuki naturally did as he was told.After that Diapers became a more and more regular thing around the house, though Katsuki made Ejiro promise NOT to tell Izuku about them and refused to wear when the bigger and stronger boy was over. Katsuki started learning how to cook all of Izuku's favorite meals for when he'd come over and was rewarded with getting to watch daddy and his boyfriend fuck.that was what Izuku started to called himself, Ejiro's boyfriend. Katsuki had gone to argue HE was daddies boyfriend and was met with chuckles and told he was too cute, and gotten a head pat. It was a year after first being locked in diapers, when Ejiro decided it was time for Katsuki to just wear his diapers full time around the house, though he could keep the dino undies for when he had to work. The blond had fought tooth and nail, trying to argue he didn't wanna wear all the time but.."Sweetie, lets be honest here, when's the last time you used the potty that Izuku wasn't over?" Ejiro asked."I..uh.." and Katsuki paused and thought about it, and as he did his cheeks turned crimson."Yeah, your basically wearing diapers ALL the time to get fucked anyways. I haven't even used Mr.buzz on you in a month." Ejiro pointed out. the realization that Katsuki had basically put himself in diapers if not 24/7, then 22/5 hit him like a ton of bricks and he started to tear up."Hey heyyy..It's OK sweetie. I think it's hella cute." Ejiro said and pulled the self trained diaper boy into his lap, kissing him on the cheek and cuddling him."I..But..If I wear all the time..Mr. Midoriya will-" Katsuki tried to argue, slipping into his baby tone of voice and fighting the urge to suck his thumb."oh Sweetheart.. You think he doesn't know you wear anyways? And before you have a fit, it's kinda hard to hit the poopie diaper smell from your bedroom."His bedroom. that was anther low point. With Izuku spending more and more nights over, Katsuki had been sleeping out on the couch till Ejiro and Izuku had surprised him by turning a storage room in the apartment into a mini bedroom. there was a bed, a waste basket, a night table and a lamp, and while cramped it worked."B-But if he knows.." Katsuki whined."then there's no reason for you NOT to wear. and uh..He's actually a little annoyed with me that I won't take pictures for him to see how cute you are in them. he's the one who got that current pack for you with the teddy bears." Ejiro said sheepishly, in truth the main reason he had been pushing for 24/7 wear was so Izuku would start fucking him hard again, instead of half assing it.He'd become a master of using his dick to get what he wanted."H-he did that?" Katsuki asked, feeling even more shame, though a small smile was on his face.the teddy bear diapers actually felt nicer and help up better then the drug store diapers they'd been using before, and while he still wasn't a fan of messing himself Katsuki liked how much more he could wet these, and rub the warm front against his cage."Yeah, said he wanted his darling little cuck to look adorable." Ejiro said and kissed the big babies cheek. "plus these hold up better for your naughty rub's." he added winking.Katsuki lost the battle not to suck on his thumb at that point, and Ejiro just kept giving him cuddles.When Izuku (or Mr.Midoriya as Katsuki addressed him as) came over that night, he was delighted when Katsuki opened the door, wearing a baby blue t-shirt that read 'Good boy in training ' and his teddy bear pampers."well now, don't YOU look cute~" Izuku said and patted Katsuki on the head with his free hand, having a shopping bag in the other."Yes sir Mr.Midoriya." Katsuki said, and despite the pouty tone, Izuku noticed the boy couldn't help but smile from the head pats.Katsuki stepped out of the way and Izuku walked in, seeing Ejiro at the kitchen table and working on some papers from work, te red head was a legal aid."I see your talk with our little guy went over well." he said, walking over and setting his bag on the table, and leaning down to kiss Ejiro."mmmhhmm~ Indeed. I just need five more minutes to finish this up though. you staying the night?""Of course. And something smells VERY good, what are you making us little guy?""Oh! I'm making your favorite Mr. Midoriya, Katsudon!" Katsuki beamed."oh my, somebodies spoiling me..and Katsuki buddy, I think we can drop the Mr. Midoriya thing. from now on just call me papa ok?" Izuku asked and smirked.Katsuki blushed badly, but meekly nodded. The blond waddled into the kitchen to check on supper and Izuku took a seat."He's really just too damn cute." Izuku said and took a seat next to his boyfriend."he really is. what's in the bag?" Ejiro asked, rushing to finish his paper work while also trying not to made a mistake."oh, that's a little something for after supper. I wanted to get a little something for both my boys." Izuku said and winked."..See now I wanna peek and see what it is." Ejiro said and smirked."Mmmhmm..and which one of you two is the toddler again?" After a big meal, the three were seated in the living room, Ejiro and Izuku on the couch and Katsuki on a blanket on the floor, though instead of facing the TV like normal he was turned towards them."so who wants their present first?" Izuku asked, and gave a semi warning look to Ejiro as the red head went to raise his hand. Smoothly the red head just kept his arm going and pout it around Izuku's shoulders."well I think after being such a good boy, Katsuki should go first." Ejiro said.Not even Katsuki was fooled and just giggled a little, though he covered his mouth."Very smooth." Izuku teased and then reached into the bag, pulling out a box wrapped in teddy bear wrapping paper. Here you go little guy, I hope this will help with your 'good boy training' though if you ask me, you're already one~"Katsuki grinned, reaching and taking the box and then like a little kid, eagerly ripped at the wrapping paper and opened the box.and froze and looked up, face going super red."Sooo what is it little guy?" Ejiro asked."I..I.." Katsuki whined and then held up a large cockfier. the mouth guard was a light baby blue, and the cock shaped nipple was a good 5 inches  and VERY thick and VERY life like."I heard about how much you've been on your thumb and well, Little boys have dirty hands. From now on when you wanna suck on something, you can suck on that." Izuku said with a chuckle.  "what do you think? It cost a pretty penny but I think your worth it~"Katsuki hadn't been able to say anything, and was just staring at the cockfier and while he looked horrible embarrassed, he was also licking his lips."Katsuki, Papa gave you a very nice present. what do we say?" Ejiro asked."it's ok, I know he's just a little touge tied. you can thank me latter buddy. go ahead and try it out."  Katsuki nodded, and started to raise the fat nipple to his lips, but then paused."uh... Thank you papa." he lisped out, having gone full baby tone again.then as daddy and papa watched, the big baby suckled on his cockfier and closed his eyes, rocking back and forth and his fingers wiggling."heh.. Guess I should give him his other present." Izuku said and reached in the bag again and pulled out a teddy bear that been custom made, and was wearing Izuku's hero costume.He leaned forward and handed it to the good boy in training and both daddies chuckled as Katsuki snatched it and hugged it to his chest.The big baby had honestly zoned out after that, and while he did open his eyes after a few, he more just turned and watched cartoon on the TV, having wet his diaper and gave himself naughty rubs with one hand, while hugging super teddy with the other.Between the sounds from the TV, and the sucking of his sucking, he could barely hear daddy and papa making out on the couch behind him, though he heard the unzipping of pants.He might a been willing to give up the riveting plot going on with paw patrol to watch that, but Papa told him to be a good boy and keep his back to them. Katsuki wasn't that shocked when a mere month later Izuku moved into the apartment, making it clear that his former sometimes nursery was now his permanent room.there was talk of getting a bigger apartment though, or maybe even renting a house since well, some of the neighbors were starting to complain about the smells coming from the apartment.it was a month or so after THAT that they had found a nice little house, it was only one story but it had enough rooms for Katsuki to have a proper nursery and, and this was the big selling point for Ejiro and Izuku: A yard for widdle Katsuki to go out and play.it was true that following his gift of a teddy bear, Katsuki had maybe started to collect some other toys, ranging from stuffies to action figures and even a few tub toys (he wasn't allowed to take a shower anymore, that was a adult privilege) But that didn't mean he liked the toy of being in the front yard in the double diapers he wore as a standard these days.It wasn't even for his humiliation or a decision that Izuku or Ejiro had made for kink reasons, it was more once Katsuki had given up on the possibly of using the potty his bowels and bladder had seemed to go into overdrive and even with his teddy bear diapies, he was leaking a lot more often.One small part of annoyance for poor widdle Katsuki in this adjustment was even though he was going poopie in his diapers like a champ, and wetting them, Daddy dialed back his butt fucking to just a mere 3 times a week.Though when he'd gone to have a fit over it papa had tugged him over his lap and well, given Katsuki something to cry about.Standing in the corner with a bar of soap in his mouth and his toasted buns on display while listening to daddy and papa make out, really hadn't helped the poor turned little when it came to the need he was experiencing.it had also shown him that despite his love of spankings, Papa could still make it a punishment.Come moving day Katsuki was a good little helper, wearing his good boy in training t-shirt and a pair of shorts over his diapers. they had even gone all out and gotten extra stuff unknown to the little guy, so when he carried the first box of his stuff he was greeted with the site of a crib and a changing table in his room, and turned around to see a smirking Daddy and papa."I..but..I wanted a big boy bed!" he squeaked out."And I wanna make sure you stay in bed in the morning till we're ready for you." Papa replied."Don't worry sweetie, we'll have a baby monitor on and we'll know if you need us." Daddy added."Now what do you say?" Papa asked."...Fank ku."Life in their new neighborhood wasn't exactly easy on little Katsuki.  For one it didn't take long for the other ids on the block to figure out he was the source of any stinky smells.aside from making use of his toys or swimming in the pool his daddies had set up in the backyard, Katsuki was mostly ignored by the older kids he wanted to play with, and in a weird way had started to look up to, being semi jealous of their boxers and being potty trained.that left the older and younger -ick- girls who loved to play house with him/tease him like crazy and of course play dates with the younger boys.He thought it was weird just how many little kids who were potty training came over to play with him, till he overheard one dad asking his son if he wanted to end up a oversized baby just like Katsuki.when Katsuki went to whine about this to Ejiro, it turned out that they were providing a service for a modest little fee to help scare kids into potty training."and since you got fired from your job after pooping your diapers and crying for daddy, we can use the income." Daddy added.more time flew by and it wasn't long before a wedding was in the works. Daddy and papa had fallen hard for each other and while it hurt that Ejiro had dumped him as a boyfriend, at this point Katsuki could hardly think of himself as a man.17 months in and his butt fucking's had dropped off to a once a month affair and Katsuki couldn't even tell when he was wet anymore. it was only the tell tale sign that let him know when he was poopie.Still with a wedding date set and coming up fast, it was Katsuki who struggled to think of a good wedding present for his daddies, though the nature of his current lifestyle meant he'd have to have one of them help him get the gift.Little Katsuki wasn't trusted with anymore then 10 dollars at a time, his weekly allowance, since he started to be really bad at losing his money while playing or older kids bullying him for it.Though the last time a 14 year old had tried that, he'd found himself facing the wrath of Izuku in full costume. Still as Katsuki laid on his tummy in the living room, sucking on a paci (his normal one, he out got the one that Papa had given him at bed time or during his monthly pounding) and using his crayons to fill in a coloring book, he thought long and hard about what to do.he was in Short or overall's with a diaper shirt most f the time now, just to help with the diaper sag and it helped keep some of the meaner kids from panting him when he came out to play, and he was kicking his sock covered feet.Daddy was on the couch, working on a laptop having managed to set up his job so he could work from home and gave him a look ever now and then, before finally closing the laptop."alright, I can smell the burning from here. what are you thinking about?" Daddy teased.Katsuki huffed at that, he had apparently gotten slightly dimmer and daddy and papa liked to tease when he thought too hard they could smell burning.He started to explain what he wanted to try and do, get a present for them but Ejiro just smirked and taped his own mouth.Katsuki was confused for a second, then realized he hadn't taken his paci out and blushed and tugged it free."Wanna try that again sweetie?" the red head asked."I wanna git you and papa something fer the wedding." Katsuki said, he always talked super babyishly for a few after taking out a paci or being bottle fed."Oh? Buddy we told you, just you being our ring boy is enough." "Nooo I hafa git you presents!" Katsuki whined."Heh, you make us LOTS of 'presents' so again yo-" Ejiro started."NOT THAT KIND! Look, I wanna do SOMETHING.. but I uh.. Need help." Katsuki said, and rubbed the back of his head."Setting it up, or paying for it?" Ejiro asked, realizing there wasn't gonna be any peace in the house till he agreed."Um.. Both. and uh.. Ok. this ISN'T just so i can go goo goo gaga..though that'll be nice.." Katsuki gulped a little, even as Daddy grinned.he knew what Katsuki was about to say."W-what if we got some professorial pictures done for you and papa? with um.. me in diapies?" Katsuki said, poking his fingers together."I think that would be VERY nice. and don't worry, you'll get to make lots of 'goo goo gaga's'" Daddy said and help out his arms.Katsuki giggled and crawled over (it was just faster) and snuggled into daddies arms.Finding a place willing to take the pictures had turned out to be trickier then expected, and it had taken the new studio opening up and being desperate for customers for it to work at all.But now, 18 months after first being locked up, Katsuki was ready to show what a good little guy he'd become.The staff were nice as they came in, and Daddy took care of most of the details while Katsuki talked with the young guy taking the pictures.He was interested in hearing about the family dynamic of the trio and gave LOTS of head pats to Katsuki so that when daddy was done and they were ready to start, he was totally relaxed.Maybe a bit TOO relaxed as before Katsuki could get into the first pose, he found himself popping a squat and starting to unload into the seat of his diapies.The photographer smirked, and took a few pictures while others were less then..pleased was the big baby fudged his huggies and a less then fresh smell filled the place."it's not so bad, I once shared a 1 bedroom apartment with four guys." the photographer commented."Oh yeah, we tried to avoid the cabbage baby food today just in case." Ejiro said."Smart."As the big baby finished destroying his diapers, he was blushing badly. he'd been planning on just being a widdle cutie, not having a mushy booty."Katsuki, whats wrong?" Ejiro called over, and nudged for the photographer to get ready to take a picture.Katsuki looked over his shoulder, holding his nose and pointed with a finger to his drooping diaper butt."I went boom boom!" he whined, as the picture was taken."you sure did. but it's OK. we all know your just a big baby. you're gonna look SO cute." Ejiro called over. "Why don't you do the other pose you were gonna do for the pictures buddy?""I..I uh.. guess." Katsuki said.making sure he was well balanced, he bent over and braced himself with his hands on the floor, but peeked though his legs to look at daddy and the nice picture man, and flashed them a smile as his picture was snapped."oh! hang on!" He called and then fumbled with his paci, getting it in his mouth and waited for a second flash of the camera."VERY cute little man~" Daddy called over and Katsuki giggled then rolled over, squishing his diaper and making the smell get worse."Um..Um..I'm sorry..but can you change him?" One young lady asked, her eyes watering and she looked like she was fighting the urge to run away.Ejiro chuckled and nodded, even as Katsuki, having missed her request had moved onto the next pose and was On his back, hold his legs up and looking up for the next picture.which of course was taken."Ok buddy, little time out for a diapie change.""what, already?" Katsuki asked, raising a eyebrow. normally he's sit in his own soft serve for like, at least a good 20 minutes."Yeah, your a bit much for the staff to handle buddy." Ejiro said and winked."Hehehe Fear my all powerful STINK BUTT!" Katsuki giggled and clapped, which of course, picture taken.The big baby got up so daddy could undo the button on his short all's and then before laying down, and with the crotch snap of his onesie undone he turned around before sitting down."h! oh! look! Papa got me a new onesie and it's got a skunk on it cuz I'm a widdle stinker!" he said proudly.and you guessed it, picture taken.getting the poopie boy on his back, Ejiro opened up the diapers the diapers and one staffer ran out of the shop."it's actually not that bad." Ejiro commented. "you should of seen him after chilli cheese dog night."the staffers who were braving the smell chuckled at that, and Katsuki sucked on his paci and played with super teddy, which had been brought along just for this.the little guy got some chuckles as his cock lock was seen but thought they were giggling at him playing with super teddy so he hammed it it, grinning big time.Sadly no picture was taken THAT time since the studio was license for porn. As the diaper change was wrapping up, Katsuki was turned on his tummy so that Ejiro could sprinkled baby powder on his butt to help with a rash Katsuki had been starting to get. "Ok buddy we're almost done he-" Ejiro started to say when Katsuki let out a squeaky fart that sent a cloud of baby powder up in the air, and well, since his fronts had been covered the photographer had been going for a picture and manged to catch the moment on camera.After getting his diaper changed and getting redressed, Katsuki was a good little helper and carried his poopie diaper to the trash for daddy and then posed for a few more pictures.they then went to the food court for a little snack while the pictures were developed, going to the McDonald's and of course Katsuki got a happy meal.He was playing with the toy race car he'd gotten as the came back into the studio."well I have to say, this was the most interesting and adorable photo shoot I've even done." the photographer said and chuckle, handing over the book with the pictures in it to Ejiro.or at least that was the plan. what happened instead was Katsuki took it and started to flip though it, having stuffed the car in the diaper bag and giggled lots."Oh yeah! dis is good! great job!" Katsuki praised.Ejiro just smirked and rolled his eyes, and paid for the pictures as Katsuki hugged the album to his chest."So, If I need anymore pictures taken, can I come back?" Katsuki asked.Half the staff paled at that thought but the photographer, who was also the owner just smirked."Of course little guy." He said and ruffled Katsuki's hair.As the pair waled (well waddled in Katsuki's case) out of the mall Katsuki kept hugging the album to his chest.He really was lucky. some would argued he was semi tricked or forced into life as a little diaper boy, but honestly with how easily it had all happened, Katsuki himself had to admit deep down he had always been a little.'I'm  a super lucky little guy to have two awesome daddies.' he mentally gushed and nuzzled into daddy.The end
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Day 311
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Day 315
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Day 299
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Day 300
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Day 308
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