helloimmika · 8 years
Laichastory now on Instagram!
Complete fail on my attempt to blog more in 2017. Tomorrow is officially the first day of March and I barely published any content so far. 
I did however create a new public instagram account which I would like to share with you: www.instagram.com/laichastory. Please do follow if you like to see my travel adventures! I am and will be more active on my Instagram account. 
I’ll be posting photos from my recent trip to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, and will be slowly uploading photos from my Taiwan trip back in December, and sharing my life in Hong Kong. So stay tuned! :) 
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helloimmika · 8 years
NEW | #1: Aerial Yoga
In July (wow that’s over a month ago), I wrote a blog entry about trying something new every 2 weeks. Instead of blogging an entry every 2 weeks (which doesn’t appear realistic), I thought I would just write about the new activities I’ve tried at random frequencies.
The first thing that I tried in Hong Kong which was a HUGE step out of my comfort zone was Aerial Yoga. Prior to aerial yoga, I’ve never participated in any sports/activities which requires flexibility. Heck, I never even tried regular yoga. I first signed up for 1 class, and then decided to sign up for 4 more. The first class was the most difficult - I was pretty lost because everyone else seemed to regular yogis so they knew all the poses and their terms. The class was also taught in majority canto, so it was quite challenging trying to keep up with the instructions. I also went upside down on the hammock (ribbon, whichever you call it) on the first day, so my body was definitely so sore after. But despite all of the challenges, I really enjoyed Aerial Yoga! I noticed my flexibility improve with each class (my instructor did too), and it was cool learning all the different techniques/poses.
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Photo: Outdoor Yoga in Central 
In addition to aerial, I also decided to try regular yoga (because I should be learning the basics too). I found some outdoor yoga classes, so I bought my own yoga mat so I could participate in more yoga in the future. I learned that yoga is a lot harder than it seems. It requires strength and flexibility, both mentally and physically.  
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helloimmika · 12 years
I apologize for the lack of recently taken pictures, but I hope you are enjoying the daily update of pictures since the post hiatus! :D 
Hopefully I can go out and take more pictures this winter break!
Toodles for now,
Mika :) 
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helloimmika · 13 years
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Books at UW 
Hi guys,
As promised, i'm trying to upload more pictures daily hahaha. They are probably super slack-tastic and random but hey, I hope you still like them :).
This picture... mhmm, well, University of Waterloo represent. Showing off school pride by using a textbook that's not even mine. I'm just that cool.
MRPOD ; Water Water Water , LOO LOO LOO!
Camera ; Nokia 5800; no edits
Midterms soon... uh oh; Mika :) 
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